16:00:41 #startmeeting 16:00:41 Meeting started Wed Feb 18 16:00:41 2015 UTC. The chair is h01ger. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:41 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:52 #chair intrigeri 16:00:52 Current chairs: h01ger intrigeri 16:00:57 #chair MoC 16:00:57 Current chairs: MoC h01ger intrigeri 16:01:04 #topic agenda 16:01:18 what topics do we have to discuss? 16:04:02 catching up.. I'll be here in 3-6 minutes. 16:04:09 moin h01ger 16:04:27 topics : done, todo, next meeting? 16:04:28 hi intrigeri! - cool 16:04:35 draft d-d-a post 16:04:43 MoC: so basically yes 16:04:52 +hi to you too! :) 16:05:08 just replied to the email threads I had unread on this topic. 16:05:50 and read https://wiki.debian.org/AppArmor/Progress#TODO 16:05:53 I'm ready. 16:06:07 no topic to add 16:06:26 #topic done 16:06:47 only one thing to say: \o/ (and i'll code review the script later today) 16:06:57 regarding "done" i wonder if there was a reply from planet maintainers and whether the post showed up 16:07:12 intrigeri: great for reviewing 16:07:12 h01ger: MoC said there was no reply. 16:07:32 and \o/ indeed. project progress continues to be impressive :) 16:07:47 h01ger: no reply, and the post never showed up 16:08:15 hm, /me will send a followup 16:08:24 h01ger: thanks 16:08:28 i was also considering doing a short blog post just linking to MoCs 16:08:43 h01ger: sure 16:08:46 good idea 16:09:27 intrigeri: about the code review. i have one problem with the script. i did not use the is module and so, when you run "python udd.py" it reads and creates a state text file in the same folder 16:09:29 ok, will do 16:09:34 but cron creates the file in my $HOME 16:10:03 so this part is a bit stupid and i did not research it further because it works for me 16:10:15 but maybe you have a hint 16:10:29 MoC: besides asking here, i think asking on #debian-qa is helpful in such cases. even better than #alioth (and IMO both channels are good) 16:10:44 I say let's just add a cmdline argument to the state file, and default to $HOME/.local/share/ (whatever xdg-compliant these days) if not passed? 16:10:45 #agreed h01ger will blog and link MoCs post so it shows up on planet 16:10:48 h01ger: about the cron job? or planet? 16:10:51 cron 16:11:10 (though intrigeris suggestions seems good enough here.) 16:11:13 h01ger: yes, i asked there for some details (#alioth) and friendly people helped me out :) 16:11:20 s#enough## 16:11:23 h01ger: but i'll ask for the other specific question too 16:11:24 :) 16:11:26 MoC: ah cool! 16:11:44 h01ger: they just helped me set up the cron job 16:11:56 which was a piece of cake once i knew how to do it 16:12:07 :) 16:12:27 ok, so, is there anything else for the DONE topic? 16:12:40 is there any documentation i still need to write? 16:12:49 i think yes: the migration documentation 16:13:00 nothing to add on the done topic. 16:13:11 #topic next steps 16:13:17 wait or no 16:13:25 wow, it works (1st time I tell MeetBot such a thing) 16:13:27 so migration documentation is next? :) 16:13:32 intrigeri: \o/ 16:14:10 intrigeri: your chance to use #agreed too ;) 16:14:26 (and #save to update the logs on meetbot.d.n immediatly) 16:14:28 hmmm 16:14:32 I would say: 16:15:16 (there are only 3 weeks left now, right?) 16:15:26 1. finish existing doc: Document branch name for contributing to upstream bzr repository on blog post / how to contribute to upstream doc 16:15:26 2. Contact package maintainers who already ship AppArmor profiles. 16:15:26 3. announce workflow on blog and debian-devel-announce 16:15:26 4. Import my upstream bugfixes on pidgin-prefs to the apparmor-profiles-extra package through Git 16:15:27 5. Document "Migrate a profile to the package that ships the confined application" on AppArmor/PackageMaintainers 16:15:43 anything after #3 can wait for post-OPW IMO. 16:16:03 and #702030? 16:16:04 intrigeri: in 4. "my" refers to you, intrigeri ? 16:16:09 no, me, h01ger 16:16:09 MoC: and maybe we can do #5 together some day with a real package. 16:16:21 intrigeri: that sounds good (#5) 16:16:22 h01ger: no, just pasting stuff MoC wrote on the progress page. 16:16:29 * h01ger nods 16:16:51 MoC: I say once #3 is done, switch to Debian#702030. the rest can wait. 16:17:00 sounds like a reasonable plan to me 16:17:24 +3 weeks sounds about right 16:17:35 MoC: just need to find a maintainer that'll be happy to take the profile. e.g. irssi, iirc rhonda was keen to take it. 16:17:50 intrigeri: ack 16:17:57 all ack. 16:18:05 * h01ger also thinks any documentation is more important than 702030 because that latter is rather longterm anyway and the former is priceless to have 16:18:12 yep 16:18:21 * intrigeri will be contacted as he already ships profiles in his packages :) 16:18:45 #agreed 1. finish existing doc: Document branch name for contributing to upstream bzr repository on blog post / how to contribute to upstream doc 16:18:51 #agreed 2. Contact package maintainers who already ship AppArmor profiles. 16:18:59 #agreed 3. announce workflow on blog and debian-devel-announce 16:19:17 #agreed 4. Import my upstream bugfixes on pidgin-prefs to the apparmor-profiles-extra package through Git 16:19:26 #agreed 5. Document "Migrate a profile to the package that ships the confined application" on AppArmor/PackageMaintainers 16:19:37 #agreed anything after #3 can wait for post-OPW 16:19:47 #agreed documentation is more important than 702030 because that latter is rather longterm anyway and the former is priceless to have 16:19:59 right? 16:20:25 great 16:20:53 so it's rather 1. finish existing doc, 2. contact pkg maints, 3. announce, 4. doc migration, 5. #702030 and 6. import pidgin-prefs, no? 16:21:08 taking into account "doc is more important than" 16:21:29 #agreed migration documentation can be based on work to be done together with intrigeri on a package (maybe irssi) 16:21:45 * h01ger agrees with intrigeri and would amend the #agreement 16:21:50 (and the cross-distro thing won't be covered yet, but that was a bonus optional bit of the project iirc) 16:21:51 intrigeri: yes, but the pidgin prefs thing will take may an hour 16:22:00 ok 16:22:23 anyway. we're on the same page. good. 16:22:30 h01ger: can you update the agreements then? 16:22:42 #agreed so it's rather 1. finish existing doc, 2. contact pkg maints, 3. announce, 4. doc migration, 5. #702030 and 6. import pidgin-prefs 16:22:56 #info < MoC> intrigeri: yes, but the pidgin prefs thing will take may an hour 16:23:04 #agreed ok :) 16:23:19 * h01ger nods the thing with being on the same page is good :) 16:23:27 oki 16:23:33 what else? 16:23:36 next topic? 16:23:40 party in 3 weeks? :) 16:23:43 hehe 16:23:46 #topic next meeting 16:24:08 maybe we can have a meeting in between? 16:24:12 wednesday the 4th of march, 1700 CET? 16:24:18 MoC: like when? 16:24:21 maybe earlier? 16:24:32 2nd of march 16:24:34 march? february? 16:24:47 2nd of march works for me. 16:24:49 i'd prefer the 1st, actually 16:24:53 but 2nd works 16:25:06 and you intrigeri? 16:25:10 1st is a sunday 16:25:18 1st works too. 16:25:44 ok why not 16:25:47 17h cet? 16:25:50 1st i'd like 1800 but 1700 would be fine too 16:25:59 go for 6pm CET then. 16:26:09 very ok with me 16:26:12 MoC: ? 16:26:18 6pm cet, ok 16:26:29 #agreed next meeting, sunday, march 1st, 2015, 1800 CET 16:26:36 #save 16:26:37 ok, done? 16:26:42 I think so. 16:26:42 yippieyay! 16:26:47 we're getting faster at this. 16:26:48 \o/ 16:26:48 :) 16:26:59 #endmeeting