17:59:01 <tobi> #startmeeting
17:59:01 <MeetBot> Meeting started Wed Mar  4 17:59:01 2020 UTC.  The chair is tobi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
17:59:01 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
17:59:14 <tobi> #topic rolecall
17:59:19 <tobi> you know the drill…
17:59:26 <nattie> i'm heeeeeeeeeeeere
18:00:02 <tobi> or don't you?
18:00:21 <tobi> (hint: say hi when you are here for the meeting)
18:00:54 <MoepMan[m]> hi
18:01:53 <tobi> petn-randall: have we lost you?
18:02:24 <tobi> #topic Update from tobi
18:02:57 <tobi> So, some thing we have managed to do…
18:03:24 <tobi> we've now got the "we will sponsor" from B1 and Univention. Both doing Gold.
18:04:00 <tobi> Next step is to send them the invoices (most of the other sponsors have been already invoiced)
18:04:39 <petn-randall> nope
18:04:43 <petn-randall> sorry, I'm here.
18:05:40 <petn-randall> tobi: Good to hear about the sponsors! \o/
18:06:08 <tobi> On other news, we had a local team meeting on Monday with HelloWorld (with contacts to the Wikimedia). There is strong interest from their side to join MiniDebConf… Details are to be figured out still, the meeting was kind of get in touch status. (We will follow up there)
18:07:00 <tobi> petn-randall: I might have a sponsor you, for Berlin next year…
18:07:07 <petn-randall> nice :)
18:07:25 <tobi> They didn't want to do it this year, but they said "make sure to contact us next year for Berlin"…
18:09:02 <tobi> I'm currently working on the Budget list, to get it approved from our DPL. Our forecasted income-side is now 5 digit :)
18:09:43 <petn-randall> sweet!
18:10:06 <tobi> indeed, that makes me sleep much better.
18:10:58 <tobi> as said, next step is to get the budet approved
18:11:25 <tobi> I've just pasted my draft budget on the pad.
18:11:43 <tobi> if you want to take a look and let me know if there is something missing…
18:12:46 <tobi> Also, I'm in touch with the venue to actually book the venue (it is reserved, but now we need to "book" it)
18:13:13 <tobi>18:13:42 <tobi> I guess thats it from me…
18:13:47 * petn-randall still checking.
18:14:30 <tobi> there is no hurry for checking the budget, but it won't hurt to have an extra pair of eyes on it…
18:14:44 <petn-randall> I'm trying to find the URL from last year's budget.
18:14:59 <tobi> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/de/2019/MiniDebConfHamburg/Budget
18:15:04 * petn-randall has migrated to a new  firefox profile.
18:16:24 <tobi> ahja, t-shirts: we are getting now samples to be able to judge quality of the shirt itself.
18:17:17 <tobi> nattie: cfp. Would it be ok to announce the cfp early April? I guess that won't make much competion for you.
18:17:38 <nattie> that's almost half a year in advance
18:17:45 <tobi> but as Bordeaux has the cfp out…
18:18:01 <nattie> yeah, i suppose so
18:18:08 <tobi> and they are 2 weeks after Regensburg
18:19:21 <tobi> #info we are aiming for the cfp in April
18:20:44 <petn-randall> thanks
18:20:54 <tobi> ok, I guess that would be the end of my report.
18:21:33 <petn-randall> Sorry, back after a small timeout.
18:21:49 <petn-randall> Does the video team budget include anything rented local?
18:22:34 <nattie> concretely, what are we likely to have to rent locally?
18:22:36 <tobi> at the momen I suppose we will fly in the VT personal transport service (olasd)…
18:22:37 <nattie> mics, i guess?
18:22:50 <tobi> and then we won't need to rent anything.
18:23:09 <tobi> nattie: have all the mics be stolen?
18:23:17 <nattie> let's not assume he's going to do anything without his explicit say-so, though!
18:23:26 <petn-randall> We had a couple of things rented locally last two years, I'd expect there might be something similar this year.
18:23:33 <nattie> (i mean, yes, he's on this chan, but still)
18:23:44 <tobi> if olasd is not comming, the 1000€ is the shipping fee (HH was this amount)
18:24:31 <olasd> (I haven't got plans that far in the future, sorry)
18:24:49 <petn-randall> Ok, if olasd says so I don't expect much more needed for the VT.
18:24:50 <tobi> the room has a PA and mics. so that wont be the problem. but we will need the cameras, opsis etc…
18:24:57 <nattie> olasd: we've a contingency plan anyway, in case you can't make it
18:25:18 <olasd> the working assumption is that the video team microphones will be replaced by the point regensburg comes around (hopefully way earlier than that)
18:25:33 <olasd> (from the video team side, I mean)
18:25:43 <petn-randall> sounds good.
18:25:47 <olasd> whether you need them or not is another matter, ofc
18:26:54 <tobi> we still need to figure that out. the system in the room is quite "integrated" for lesseons, but I did not checked further.
18:27:22 <olasd> there's still plenty of time to figure that out :)
18:27:23 <tobi> olasd: we need one pulbic IP, right. Would be one IPV6 good enough?
18:27:35 <tobi> IOW, do we need IPV4
18:28:01 <olasd> for miniconfs, we just need to be able to push to a machine on the internet (we don't pull streams from the venue)
18:28:27 <tobi> ok, that makes is probably much easier if we do not need an public IP
18:28:47 <olasd> yeah, it shouldn't be needed
18:29:42 <tobi> yeah, we currently also talking with the Rechenzentrum (IT dept of the OTH) about the conference network.
18:30:25 <tobi> good. I guess I'm out of words now…
18:31:13 <tobi> #info  olasd> for miniconfs, we just need to be able to push to a machine on the internet (we don't pull streams from the venue)
18:32:04 <mfeilner> Hi tobi
18:32:19 <tobi> Hi mfeilner
18:32:21 <nattie> mfeilner: got any interesting gossip?
18:32:23 <mfeilner> I am on train thru offline oberpfalz
18:32:35 <mfeilner> Hi nattie! Sure!
18:32:42 <mfeilner> How far can i go here?
18:33:06 <nattie> if it's relevant to the conf, go as far as you dare!
18:33:12 <tobi> just dont make the channel blush
18:33:37 <mfeilner> Nonono i wont go as far as i dare. I have a reputation to loose.... :-)
18:34:25 <mfeilner> Still finding my way into this android irc client
18:34:25 <tobi> #topic mfeilners gossip of the day
18:34:38 <tobi> ;-)
18:34:39 <nattie> Klatsch und Tratsch!
18:34:53 <mfeilner> Well. Collabora 4.2 tomorrow maybe... :-) i dont know
18:35:04 <mfeilner> Or the lets encrypt chaos?
18:35:08 <tobi> cool, keep us posted
18:35:23 <mfeilner> Or that german govs move frpm twitter to mastodon?
18:35:33 <mfeilner> So many cool things.
18:35:35 <mfeilner> But
18:35:36 <mfeilner> But
18:35:52 <mfeilner> But the most interesting one...
18:36:03 <mfeilner> I have vacation tomorrow! Yeehaw
18:36:08 <tobi> hehe
18:36:10 <nattie> good on ya!
18:36:10 <mfeilner> :-p
18:37:51 <nattie> any more gossip?
18:38:06 <mfeilner> Hmmm...
18:38:28 <nattie> or should we carry on with the meeting?
18:38:41 <tobi> I guess we basically stretching it already
18:38:50 <tobi> should we ask the audience?
18:39:00 <mfeilner> Did u start early?
18:39:00 <tobi> if they have something on their ming?
18:39:29 <mfeilner> Oh sorry - i was heading for 8 ... I am so sorry. /Ashamed....
18:39:31 * nattie would like to remind everybody that the overnight train from Brussels to Vienna stops in RBG
18:39:48 <MoepMan[m]> just want to drop this: if you need any supprt from the friendly local hackerspace: just ask ;)
18:40:17 <tobi> MoepMan[m]: yes, we have already some ideas ;-)
18:40:22 <mfeilner> Univention also asked me this week if a hackathon would be a good idea.
18:40:22 * nattie likes friendly local hackerspaces!
18:40:36 <mfeilner> If the community would like that?
18:40:53 <nattie> mfeilner: hackathon like a bug squashing party?
18:40:59 <mfeilner> Yep
18:41:10 <nattie> it certainly couldn't hurt!
18:41:11 <tobi> Debian bug squasing party?
18:41:27 <mfeilner> They want their debian based product to be improved.
18:41:58 <mfeilner> They have been sponsoring debconf and sponsor us here, no matter what we decide about the hackathon.
18:41:59 <tobi> we should get in touch with them. And the BSP does not need to be on the MDC…
18:42:04 <tobi> (as hint)
18:42:31 <mfeilner> Www.univention.de
18:42:34 <mfeilner> Define "we" - i can forward my contacts
18:43:08 <tobi> but maybe I'm too fast… do you have details on their view of a hackathon? During MDC? Seperate=
18:43:20 * mfeilner still is embarassed for exploding into the meeting...
18:43:40 <mfeilner> I can ask or make contact or invite, just tell me what youd like.
18:44:35 <mfeilner> "their view of a hackathon"  good point.
18:44:43 <tobi> mfeilner: https://wiki.debian.org/BSP
18:44:50 <mfeilner> I guess similar to the mediawiki thing...
18:44:55 <tobi> background info what a BSP is for Debian
18:45:15 <mfeilner> Cool
18:46:16 <nattie> anything else on the agenda?
18:46:24 <tobi> not from me.
18:46:41 <nattie> let's finish the meeting?  we can carry on talking afterwards
18:46:52 <tobi> yep.
18:46:55 <tobi> any last words?
18:47:24 <nattie> es ist vollbracht?
18:47:29 <tobi> #endmeeting