16:58:52 <tobi> #startmeeting
16:58:52 <MeetBot> Meeting started Wed Jul 22 16:58:52 2020 UTC.  The chair is tobi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:58:52 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
16:58:59 <tobi> #topic role call
16:59:09 <nattie> holla the forest fairy
16:59:12 <tobi> you know it… say hi when you are here for the meeting
16:59:30 <jochensp> o/
16:59:37 <urbec> morning
17:00:59 <tobi> probably the weather is too nice today for meetings, I guess ;-)
17:01:11 <tobi> so let me update…
17:01:19 <tobi> #topic tobis update
17:01:26 <nattie> or people forgot it's an hour earlier this week
17:01:32 <tobi> maybe
17:01:47 <tobi> this is our change to keep the meeting short (and /me firing up the BBQ)
17:02:12 <tobi> so, local team decided on a cut-off date: August 16th
17:03:03 <tobi> I drafted also a mail for opening up registration (and some fairy corrected my mistakes). I'm planning to send that to debconf-announce tomorrow.
17:03:19 <tobi> (the drafted mail is copy+pasted to the agenda)
17:04:37 <tobi> the mail toward the sponsors is almost ready, currently also being cross-read
17:04:50 <tobi> plan is to send that mail some hours before to the sponsors before the mail to d-a
17:06:00 <azeem-mobile> hi
17:06:00 <tobi> until the cut-off date we plan to have some metrics for the decission…
17:06:51 <tobi> thats on that front. any remarks so far?
17:07:05 <MoepMan[m]> seems fine
17:07:44 <tobi> mmm.. gute frage.. ich habs aus gewohnheit in Englisch gepinselt
17:07:59 <tobi> EWRONGCHANNEL
17:08:35 <tobi> some update from the videoteam: we will need microphones. Either rent or oder them.
17:09:01 <tobi> I'll keep an eye on that topic…
17:09:54 <tobi> ok thats from me
17:11:28 <tobi> I've just pasted the mail-to-the-sponsors also to the agenda after some Bavarian-English-$things have been corrected.
17:12:10 <tobi> #topic other topics
17:12:13 <tobi> any other topiocs
17:12:17 <tobi> topics
17:14:06 <tobi> #topic next meeting
17:14:25 <tobi> should we meet again in 2 weeks?
17:15:31 <tobi> that would be August 5th. 17:00 UTC (19:00 CEST)
17:17:20 <tobi> silence… I think it is in 2 weeks then…
17:17:44 <tobi> if there is no more remarks, questions, whatever, we can close the meeting…
17:18:07 <nattie> two weeks sounds good
17:18:45 <tobi> ok. topic updated. then
17:18:47 <tobi> #endmeeting