14:05:03 #startmeeting 14:05:03 Meeting started Fri May 10 14:05:03 2024 UTC. The chair is petn-randall. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:05:03 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:05:14 Whatever, lol 14:05:21 #topic roll call 14:05:29 Quick raise of hands who's there please 14:05:48 o/ 14:06:04 here 14:06:31 o/ 14:06:47 Hi 14:07:08 * werdahias waves 14:08:16 alright 14:08:24 #topic budget 14:09:32 #info The final budget was approved, including the spending for food. *However*, it's been strongly suggested that we stay within 10,000 EUR in expenses. 14:10:03 #info The approved budget is here: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/de/2024/MiniDebconfBerlin/Budget 14:11:31 There were also some implicit expectations on how much we spend that I wasn't aware of before, so I might not have made friends with that. :-/ 14:11:41 Anyways, any questions about the budget? 14:12:05 what does strongly suggested mean? 14:12:40 They will pay food expenses up until 12,600 EUR, but they won't be happy with me if we do. 14:13:14 I think the strongest critic (and I see that as totally valid) is that the food expense was finalized pretty late in the estimation cycle. 14:13:23 s/critic/criticism/ 14:13:31 But as always, ENOTIME 14:13:41 so we save on food expenses ? 14:14:18 Next topic is food, are there any question about budget that are not directly food related? 14:15:21 Alright, let's move on 14:15:34 #topic status update food 14:16:46 We'll order food on lunch every day, I'll prep some options for Tuesday to Thursday. 14:17:50 #info petn-randall will collect food wishes for Tuesday to Thursday and order said food for lunch. 14:18:35 #info Everyone will have to decide until 6 PM the day before what they want for lunch so we can order it in advance. 14:18:57 I'd ideally like to give this task to someone else for Friday onwards. 14:19:18 Friday is also daytrip, and I've discussed with 14:19:54 Friday is also daytrip, and I've discussed with my local Küfa that we can have food there on Friday 19:30. So that will be a cheap food option for Friday night. 14:20:39 #info friday 19:30 will be supper at Fincan (https://fincan.eu/) 14:21:11 Ideally we'll have BBQ in the evenings for the other days. 14:22:31 Would anyone like to organize the BBQ in the evenings? Tasks would include deputizing people, going shopping, and grilling until everyone is happy. :) 14:23:08 * werdahias could volunteer for grilling but only sat + sun 14:23:28 #info werdahias will be BBQ master on sat+sun 14:23:40 werdahias: Great! Your contribution is greatly appreciated. 14:23:55 is there a grill onsite ? 14:24:32 I think the biggest task is shopping food in the nearby grocery market, I'm sure there are enough people happy to flip some food on it. 14:24:45 werdahias: Yes, there's a meat grill and a vegan grill we can freely use. 14:25:12 #info There's a meat grill and a vegan grill we can freely use. 14:25:22 I'm sure there will be some people willing to help shopping 14:25:55 I'm sure you'll end up going there with 3-4 people, yes 14:26:21 I guess I'll find some volunteers via standup on the other days. 14:27:20 #action find more BBQ masters for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 14:27:32 Any more food questions? 14:28:01 alright, moving on 14:28:08 #topic content team status update 14:28:45 Can the content team give a quick update? Feel free to prefix it with "#info" so it shows up in the meeting minutes. 14:29:00 #info Content team is done with clearing talks 14:29:13 #info schedule mostly done 14:29:31 # info minor changes still happening 14:29:36 eh 14:29:45 #info Check your emails and let us know whether the schedule works for you. 14:29:58 #info minor changes can still happen 14:30:21 Cheers :) 14:30:54 Thanks for taking care of the talks, AFAICS the schedule is mostly set, and there's still time to move minor things around if needed. 14:31:09 petn-randall: btw when do you want to do your closing talk ? it's now on sunday after the last talk 14:31:22 werdahias: That's perfect for me. 14:31:25 despite what's in the wiki 14:31:27 ok 14:33:10 #topic av team status update 14:33:23 olasd: would you like to give a quick update? 14:34:28 Hmm. 14:34:36 I believe the latest info was: 14:35:03 #info av team is using on-site equipment, olasd does not need to rent a van and haul equipment cross country. 14:35:22 Would be nice to get an estimate how that affects the budget. 14:35:25 Moving on: 14:35:40 #topic opening times c-base 14:36:18 I've talked to cven about this, and he would like to open shop rather later than sooner. What time do people want to show up? 14:37:32 sat/sun latest 10, i'd guess 14:37:58 what time would cven prefere in general? 14:38:16 I've suggested 10 AM, which is a resonable compromise for the early birds that were at Debian Reunion Hamburg. cven however would like more 11 AM. 14:38:34 * urbec is late so fine (: 14:38:50 o/ 14:39:00 though first talk starts 10:30 on the weekend 14:39:17 Yeah, weekend we need to open comfortably before the first talk, 100% agreed. 14:39:19 Sorry, I am late to the party and „half online“ 14:39:26 hi rbott :) 14:39:58 I think in HH the hacklab usually filled by about nine thirty to ten-ish 14:40:25 So ten or even eleven would be a good start I guess 14:40:52 I'll push for 10 AM, hopefully we might find some more c-base volunteers who would be willing to open up earlier if needed. 14:41:05 But then again people were sleeping onsite which made that easier 14:41:07 when would they close? 14:41:21 #info c-base will open every day at 10 AM until the kick us out at night. 14:41:32 lol :P 14:42:04 urbec: Realistically around midnight, as the subways stop 12:30-01:00 AM during weekdays. 14:42:24 Oh that’s good to know 14:42:25 c-base members are night owls, so maybe even later. 14:42:54 But I'll leave latest midnight, so I get home with a reasonable speed. Night busses exist, but are 2x slower. 14:44:30 So 10 AM opening time, we can revisit the topic on the first in-person standup on Tuesday 3 PM local time. 14:45:25 So we'll open on Tuesday 10 AM, I'd be happy if people show up and lend a hand to set up the tables/chairs/switches so we can start hacking together. :) 14:46:26 #topic any other business 14:46:32 Any other questions? 14:47:09 Alright, let's conclude the meeting then. 14:47:17 #endmeeting