18:00:02 #startmeeting https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/de/2025/MiniDebConfHamburg 18:00:02 Meeting started Mon Feb 17 18:00:02 2025 UTC. The chair is h01ger. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:02 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:18 topics for the agenda are: rolecall, budget, dpl approval, announcement & fcp, sponsors, talks, wafer, wiki, video, tshirts, daytrip, accom, next meeting, AOB 18:00:29 please tell if there's something missing 18:00:31 I'm here 18:00:39 oops, too early ;) 18:00:39 also please say hi or otherwise indicate your presence :) 18:00:40 hi 18:00:48 hi :) 18:00:58 :) 18:01:05 moin 18:01:43 hi 18:02:01 hi :) 18:02:40 moin. :) great that you're all here! 18:02:54 (please continue to say hi if you havent already :) 18:03:01 #topic rolecall 18:03:11 i think we can skip this topic for today 18:03:24 * h01ger checks last meetlog to be sure 18:03:50 https://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-hamburg/2025/debconf-hamburg.2025-02-03-18.00.html has no todo here 18:04:00 #topic budget 18:04:25 elbrus rightfully remarked that we have 6 days but only 4 days in the budget from dock europe 18:05:11 i guess we should probably add two half days seminarroom room for the 30th of april and the 5th of may 18:05:19 for accom i'm not so sure 18:05:36 the first, that's what I expect 18:05:43 and anyway, even without this i think we should discuss this budget with the dpl now and start looking for sponsors 18:05:52 for accom, you mean people stay less? 18:05:57 yes 18:06:08 last time most did but not all 18:06:11 people leave early, arrive early, dont show up 18:06:49 i dont mind rising numbers now and then lowering them later. your call :) 18:06:50 most people *currently* registered with a date are 30-4 to 5-5 18:07:07 how does that work with dock europe? do we only pay what we use? 18:07:09 lowering is easier than rising :) 18:07:38 dorle: no. we have reserved the whole gästeetage so they cannot rent otherwise, so we pay full 18:07:56 how many places are that? 18:08:04 i think we should put it in the budget then 18:08:06 and then they are usually nice and we find a solution that works 18:08:15 ack :) 18:08:48 elbrus: 34 18:08:53 says the wiki 18:08:56 elbrus: i just cant find the number right now but dorle is awesome 18:09:02 yes 18:10:40 elbrus: dorle: i'll bounce you the offer from dock europe and then you can update the budget as you see fit? (and we can continue disccussing this here outside the meeting probably, to finish this meeting in 1h) 18:10:48 perfect 18:11:11 ack :) 18:11:19 \o/ 18:11:28 #topic dpl approval 18:11:53 as said, i think we can go with this budget to the dpl, otoh, it also wont hurt to wait 2-3 more days and have it done properly. or? 18:12:06 I suggest the latter 18:12:30 how much confidence do we have in sponsors (I have no clue) 18:12:41 #info talking to the dpl will wait for updated budget 18:12:44 mail bounced 18:13:03 i'm fairly confident we'll find 5k. 10k with luck. azeem ? 18:15:19 #topic announcement, CFP & wafer 18:15:33 i've put these topics together as they depend on each other 18:15:50 https://berlin2024.mini.debconf.org/ 18:15:54 arg 18:15:54 elbrus: almost :) 18:16:05 elbrus: do you know how to update the content there yet? 18:16:09 https://hamburg2025.mini.debconf.org/ 18:16:11 yes 18:16:22 well, trivial stuff is just Markdown 18:16:31 but I'll figure it out if we need more 18:16:41 thanks for setting up the website 18:16:56 thanks passed on to terceiro 18:17:41 I guess we need a bit more content there for sponsors 18:17:52 i can work on the content part of that maybe after the meeting or latest on wednesday, tomorrow is rather unlikely. 18:18:03 I'll copy/paste and improve from the wiki; maybe tonight, otherwise later this week 18:18:14 we also need more content to send out the cfp. and we probably want dpl approvval before sending out the cfp too? 18:18:51 I think yes and yes 18:18:55 * h01ger nods 18:19:08 werdahias: where's your cfp draft? 18:19:23 #info we need a bit more content there for sponsors 18:19:34 #info we also need more content to send out the cfp. and we probably want dpl approvval before sending out the cfp too 18:19:48 #action werdahias where's your cfp draft? 18:20:05 & and obviously we want to announce SOON :) 18:20:15 next topic? :) 18:20:53 werdahias said they wouldn't attend 18:20:58 * h01ger nods 18:21:21 next I guess indeed 18:21:31 werdahias also belongs to those magicians who show up after being hilighted 18:21:36 :) 18:21:47 #topic sponsors 18:22:03 #info this also needs content on the wafer side 18:22:28 i guess/hope else azeem is ready to send out mails :) 18:23:04 #topic video 18:23:21 the video team is clearly aware as they provided us with the wafer side :) 18:23:57 sure, but does that imply they will be there? 18:24:10 no(t yet) 18:24:16 ack 18:24:43 just does it make sense to pester them further now when the rest is not ready? 18:24:50 "pester".. 18:25:30 I guess not 18:25:40 * h01ger left another note in their channel now 18:25:57 #topic thshirts 18:26:18 urbec: do you know deadlines for printing and sponsor logos yet? 18:26:55 they say, theri preference is 3 weeks before (+shipping time) 18:28:05 urbec: so april 1st? 18:28:39 yes, that was also my maths 18:28:45 cause then we will still need to put those logos in the design if we find a sponsor on march 32nd 18:29:13 #info deadline for sponsors to have their logos on the tshirts: april 1st 18:29:22 azeem: deadline for sponsors to have their logos on the tshirts: april 1st 18:29:43 urbec: and what was the url for your current years fashion line? 18:29:56 (i mean the designs :) 18:30:00 https://people.debian.org/~urbec/random-weirdness/minidebconf-hamburg-2025/minidebconfhh2025-morecamel-with-bit-nicer-bug-one-smiling-caterpilllar-bug-moved-up-caterpillar-back-to-middle.svg.png 18:30:08 more files in .. :) 18:30:12 thank you! 18:30:53 * h01ger thinks we (plural you) can pick the design outside the meeting :) also i'm happy with the designs! \o/ 18:32:13 #topic daytrip 18:33:06 #info we said we'll decide whether we have a daytrip once we know the results from the cfp. if we have many talks, we'll have talks on saturday and sunday, else we'll have talks on saturday only and daytrip on sundayu 18:33:21 my recollection too 18:33:28 :) 18:33:34 #topic accom 18:33:45 * h01ger doesnt think there is anything to discuss about accom now 18:33:52 ack 18:33:57 or maybe 18:34:20 no, the registration page has a column "want accom at dock europe" \o/ 18:34:42 #topic registrations 18:34:54 #info so far we have 25 registrations 18:35:13 i have not counted how many want accom (or how many are (un)confirmed) 18:35:28 I assume more will flow in after cfp 18:35:35 #info 18 want accom! wow 18:36:34 coolio! 18:36:41 #topic next meeting 18:36:51 * h01ger suggests in two weeks again, same time, day, place 18:37:14 works for me 18:37:31 I'll be skiing that week, I might or might not be able to make it 18:37:48 I am unsure if I can make it 18:38:37 maybe doodle another date? 18:38:53 or next monday? we should really send out the announcement and cfp then 18:39:09 s#then#soon# :) 18:39:14 works for me 18:39:39 :) 18:39:40 should work 18:39:41 next monday is better 18:41:19 #agreed next meeting in 7 days, same time, same place 18:41:35 #topic any other business? 18:41:50 * h01ger hopes he has not been to fast going through topics 18:41:59 it's fine 18:43:19 :) 18:45:10 thank you all! 18:45:14 #endmeeting