19:00:09 #startmeeting 19:00:19 hi all! 19:00:24 are we ready? 19:00:28 Yo. 19:00:32 Yo. 19:00:33 * schultmc waves 19:00:37 * edrz waves 19:00:43 * Sledge yawnds 19:00:44 sorry for the delay 19:00:46 * Sledge yawns 19:00:49 #topic Final Report status: Sections received so far 19:01:03 * h01ger hides 19:01:09 ok - we should start by addressing the dc9 final report. we've received the stats and numbers section from gwolf - still needs to be proofread 19:01:24 thanks much to him! are any other sections ready now? 19:01:41 assuming not... 19:01:42 I have the beginnings of the DPL section 19:01:55 #topic Final report status: Sections being worked on 19:01:57 but not *ready* 19:01:57 Sledge: great 19:02:13 Sledge: when will you likely be able to finish it? 19:02:24 * h01ger just refreshed vino+video in his todo list. worst case i'll write it in 2 weeks when i'm on a plane for 12h... 19:02:55 Hydroxide: probably this week 19:02:56 schultmc: want to give a status update on the dc9 budget stuff? basically what you /msg'ed me, except you're here this time ;) 19:03:00 Sledge: great 19:03:07 Sledge: will check with you next week, so beware! :) 19:03:30 dc8 travel reimbursements are done except for two people, one is in active communication with me 19:03:37 \o/ 19:03:40 #topic budget 19:03:46 dc9 reimbursements are nearly done (3-4 more to do) 19:03:57 aehm, are we dont with the report?? 19:04:00 h01ger: coming back to it 19:04:02 one outstanding sponsor payment is due at spi, 4-5 are due at ffis 19:04:03 ah 19:04:16 h01ger: it seemed to make sense to combine all the dc9 financial stuff 19:04:45 schultmc: and invoices outstanding? looks like just the wine + debian.ch reimbursements? 19:05:02 anto: schultmc paid the caterer invoice 19:05:09 what about local sponsor ?, comparex did pay?, cenatic? 19:05:10 * h01ger thinks it makes more sense not to jump between topics but i dont chair and i'm sure this meeting will be short anyhow :) 19:05:21 ok, great Hydroxide 19:05:33 * h01ger needs to request 700e still too. doing so now 19:05:38 Hydroxide: nothing outstanding besides those two that I remember 19:05:56 anto: cenatic and comparex both still need to pay 19:06:02 anto: cenatic to spi and comparex to ffis, I think 19:06:27 ok, i send both mails 19:06:31 anto: thanks 19:06:41 anto: and send h01ger the wine invoice too please :) 19:06:45 ok 19:06:56 h01ger: the wine arrive ? 19:07:17 anto, no see 19:07:17 ok, i dont have the wine invoice yet 19:07:19 e- 19:07:28 anto, will you get it before you leave europe? 19:07:29 also: schultmc said earlier that he's likely to have the budget reconciliation done by 2009-09-16 19:07:40 which will let us prepare the budget portion of the final report 19:07:54 anto, i was too busy/distracted this week to ask for the wine :-// i will do so tomorrow 19:08:01 i dont know, but my collage gonzalo can do it 19:08:02 sorry for the confusing ordering of the meeting... 19:08:24 reconciliation = summary/finished or something more formal? 19:08:43 h01ger: making sure income matches expenses, and seeing how much we spent / received in different categories 19:09:04 hm, "matches" was the wrong word, but you get the idea hopefully 19:09:05 so summary / review basically 19:09:08 yeah 19:09:21 anto, can you /msg me gonzalos phone number please? 19:09:28 ok. ready to go on? 19:09:33 ok, h01ger 19:09:44 #topic Final report: what else, and who else? http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf9/FinalReport 19:10:03 please - we have almost no sections to the final report. please take something and give a time estimate! :) 19:10:14 How big do you want personal impressions to be? 19:10:27 cheese+wine. network. talks. frontdesk. day trip.. 19:10:48 Noodles: we'll take what we can get ... it'd be nice to have a page or two total with at least 2-3 people included 19:10:51 Noodles: but that's ideal :) 19:10:52 we should ask bubulle for the cheese+wine report 19:11:14 bubulle: *poke* :) 19:11:23 Hydroxide: Well, I can write something I guess and hopefully you'll get enough to pick and choose the best ones. 19:11:36 Noodles: thanks much. by when do you think you'll have the time for that? 19:11:46 Is within the next week ok? 19:11:51 Noodles: great 19:12:14 who can do network? 19:12:21 Ganneff, sgran, zobel, weasel? 19:12:32 * Hydroxide waves in their general directions 19:12:37 h01ger: you're doing wine and video, yes? 19:12:43 yes 19:12:46 great 19:12:49 talks? 19:13:06 someone who attended them ;) 19:13:13 dam: can you write up something about the frontdesk? 19:13:46 Hydroxide: this is a question I am considring :) not sure, but I could try 19:14:03 dam: we can proofread for language, so don't worry about that. the content is more important 19:14:47 I am not sure how much (valuable) content I can produce either, but no big deal trying. sign me in 19:15:09 dam: wonderful, thanks. you were certainly there enough to know how it operated :) 19:15:17 daytrip/old-town visit? 19:15:56 Andrew McMillan enjoyed a lot the daytrip, so he would maybe like to help 19:15:58 fil: I think you're uniquely positioned to write about the formal dinner ;-) do you think you can? 19:16:15 karora: are you up for writing about the daytrip and old-town visit? 19:16:42 it's just after 07:00 where karora is, so he may still be waking up 19:16:54 ok 19:17:03 emails will be sent out to remind everyone, maybe even publicly :) 19:17:20 who can do the talks one? after that I think we got the big areas 19:17:42 something from the video team? they were in lots of talks 19:17:58 cek: mostly not focusing on the content though 19:18:03 s/someone/something 19:18:08 still, good idea 19:18:23 s/something/someone 19:19:10 anyone? or should we move on and figure this out via email? it does need to happen 19:19:31 emails sounds sensible to me. list email 19:19:36 ok 19:19:38 will do then 19:19:47 #topic What's left to do? 19:19:59 we addressed all the stated bullet points already, so we're at "???" 19:19:59 .oO( videos ) 19:20:12 #info videos still need to be finished 19:20:22 h01ger: can outsiders help? 19:20:23 we are slowly working on it. there was some postage fuckup and some recovering delaying progress.. 19:20:24 h01ger: who's working on that and what's the timeframe? 19:20:27 dam, no :( 19:20:34 Hydroxide, ben+me, when its ready 19:20:46 h01ger: could something at DC9 have been done to help now? 19:20:57 #info Womble2 (Ben Hutchings) and h01ger are working on it - done when it's ready 19:21:06 dam, yes. even more reviewing. postprocess kills 19:21:09 dam, yes. even more reviewing. postprocessing kills 19:21:32 * dam add to the finalreport wiki 19:21:35 *adds 19:21:35 is anything else that we haven't already mentioned remaining from dc9 19:21:37 dam: great, thanks 19:22:40 nothing else? will the videos + the financial stuff we discussed + final report finish out dc9? 19:22:47 what about sponsor bags / t-shirts? 19:23:09 i will deal whith local sponsor 19:23:24 sponsor bags depend on final report 19:23:24 are there sufficient sponsors bags/t-shirts available? 19:23:35 h01ger: do they? I guess they go together? 19:23:38 there are no sponsors bag 19:23:47 they dissapeared the last day... 19:23:59 :( :( :( 19:24:24 no t-shirts left either? 19:24:25 and the shirts? 19:24:41 Hydroxide, i ment: we cannot distribute the bags when we dont have the report 19:24:45 the security guard told us that when she arrived they were not there 19:25:05 the staff of the MT stole the t-shirt 19:25:32 i spoke about it whit Montaña 19:25:41 h01ger: ok. wow 19:25:49 (the wow was meant to be separate) 19:25:56 wow indeed 19:26:23 * dam finds 'wow' rather soft/mild/light 19:26:36 Final report + a bottle of wine should be enough 19:26:40 #info sponsor bags disappeared last day - t-shirts were stolen by venue staff - so nothing to send to sponsors except final report + wine 19:26:53 feck 19:27:04 that's really annoying 19:27:13 Sledge: quite 19:27:18 wine is probably a good alternative, though it probably means the logicstics are easiest done from _here_ :-/ :) 19:27:27 I'd even suggest seeing if we can get more Ts made up 19:27:46 not ideal, but the sponsors enjoy getting their gifts 19:27:48 sure 19:27:57 Sledge: can you follow up with gaby on that? 19:28:10 Sledge, can you ask gunnar via mail? or anybody else? 19:28:13 heh 19:28:16 Hydroxide: I guess so 19:28:39 #action sledge will follow up with gaby/gwolf on making new t-shirts 19:29:32 ok 19:29:37 anything else to discuss about dc9? 19:30:20 anything els we can give to sponsors? 19:30:44 we didn't have any news from FdS so we should suppossed that the 6000€ were enough 19:30:54 cek: about what? 19:31:03 how do you look, funding wise, overall? 19:31:22 about the amount we are supposed to pay for accomodation there 19:32:03 Cácere council is going to pay if it is less than 6000 € 19:35:33 are we done? 19:35:44 with 9 19:35:58 i think so :) 19:35:59 schultmc: can you chair momentarily? I have to fix a fire at work 19:36:06 cek, anto: thank you both much! 19:36:11 #chair schultmc 19:36:12 uw! 19:36:15 #chair h01ger 19:36:18 :) 19:36:18 Hydroxide: sure 19:36:23 sounds like we're done though 19:36:30 tons of chairs :-) 19:36:34 schultmc: there's the dc10 part, unless people want to schedule another meeting in the near future for that 19:36:35 oh wait, 10 19:36:44 schultmc: we do need to look forward at the next few months of tasks 19:36:56 thanks a lot everybody 19:36:57 * h01ger waves at stockholm 19:37:00 * MrBeige greets people if necessary 19:37:03 * h01ger bows to anto and cek 19:37:06 #chair MrBeige 19:37:09 many many chairs :) 19:37:12 * Hydroxide hugs anto and cek 19:37:18 * schultmc gives the floor to MrBeige 19:37:30 hugs for you too ;) 19:37:37 wait, i'm not ready to take the floor 19:37:44 my mind is too bent right now 19:37:51 let me look at the agenda 19:37:55 * edrz pulls up a chair 19:38:13 status update: 19:38:16 Hydroxide: think about autogestion DC10 not with wine but whit hamburg? 19:38:20 hehe 19:38:21 Hydroxide: Back 19:38:38 #topic DebConf10 status update 19:38:58 right now we are in meetings with CU housing trying to pin down a building and a time 19:39:29 final dates can be made as soon as a few key bits are in place - not necessarily requiring to wait until the end of october 19:39:35 (we *are* on the inside now) 19:39:54 I have a list of weeks that would work for the engineering school 19:40:00 so it's a matter of correlating those together 19:41:05 #info June 13-26, any two week period after July 4 19:41:36 housing is a more tricky optimization problem, I will report when I know more 19:41:51 however, I just heard that the bilding I was hoping for will be closed again 19:42:25 housing will have a meeting tomorrow and look into what would work for us. 19:42:38 more later, right now it's too hypotethical to say much more 19:42:43 tha'ts pretty much it 19:42:54 questions? 19:44:02 * dam admires the good in-advance organisation 19:44:13 MrBeige: hmmm 19:44:22 what's your preferred dates at this point? 19:44:23 it would be best if someone else would take over the "next steps" agenda items, though I guess i could do it 19:45:01 * h01ger also cheers those annoying dc10 people preparing their^wour conference since months! ;-) 19:45:14 Sledge: I am keeping impartial to dates, we (or at least I) will provide a list of the posibilities with the advantages and disadvantages 19:45:17 and then we can discuss 19:45:56 I can say the one june date has a conflict which isn't a showstopper, but might be best to avoid (another huge conference at columbia at the time, it would overlap with DebCamp and crowd us for space) 19:46:23 ok 19:46:53 and then I would say all else being equal (which it is for now), earlier in july is better 19:47:01 although overlap with debcamp wouldn't be a major issue, I'd expect - much smaller 19:47:04 but ok 19:47:26 because weather will be nice and cool instead of warm 19:47:30 I'm back now - fire extinguished 19:47:31 but yes, please finish this item 19:47:32 h01ger: thanks 19:47:45 Hydroxide: "fire extinguished" has a different meaning at my work 19:47:54 MrBeige: ok 19:48:07 Sledge: depends on space, I think it *could* be... it will be in the report 19:48:12 MrBeige: ack 19:48:19 is july really cooler than june? 19:48:23 they'll be useing our main auditorium and cafetira 19:48:28 june is cooler than july 19:48:38 but earlier july cooler than later july, is what i meant to say... 19:48:45 ah, ok :-) 19:48:46 MrBeige, actually i should have said: s/cheers/cheers loudly/ - i'm really impressed and happy about what i see... 19:48:49 :) 19:48:52 Hydroxide: hmmm, from what I understand, I'm expected to do a cheese&wine report? 19:49:04 * Sledge also nods h01ger - it's cool to see people oragnising early! 19:49:11 I'd be OK with that but there's one in DC8 report already 19:49:25 so basically, I am still in the "gather data" phase and am trying not to burden it with debating choices just yet 19:49:26 bubulle: so you'ce got one to plagiarise then :-) 19:49:27 bubulle, hi! than its easy for you :) 19:49:29 bubulle: feel free to copy from it, update if necessary, and paste :) 19:49:30 oh, sorry folks, I'm in the middle of a meeting 19:49:36 but there will be a "decide" phase 19:49:46 but be ready if it comes fast... 19:50:07 are people ok with local team deciding, or do people want another global meeting? for the dates 19:50:47 Hydroxide, yes. though i would suggest you release an RFC first, once you decided, and then finalize 2 weeks later or so 19:50:54 maybe suggest.. 19:50:59 not sure if thats sensible 19:51:24 * MrBeige thinks that from dates-proposed to dates-selected could be much less than two weeks 19:51:40 you probably know conflicting conf dates better then the rest, but maybe you forget/dont know about, whatever, european exam dates or such 19:52:07 but localteam should definitly decide the dates.. 19:52:31 my plan would be to email our "report" on posibilities, get email feedback on relative weights, use that to decide along with other irc feedback 19:52:47 (either is fine - no offense either way) 19:52:47 ?? 19:52:47 ok 19:52:47 well, moving on in the absence of a response 19:52:47 schultmc, MrBeige: any more status to give or should we start next steps? 19:52:57 Hydroxide: start next steps 19:53:13 sounds good to me, as you can probably guess from what i wrote before :) 19:53:30 ok :) (wow, that was weird, IRC got backlogged and then flushed the backlog all at once) 19:54:03 #topic next steps timeframe/people: pre-registration Penta hacking 19:54:44 ok, I think Torsten_W and MrBeige and I were the people who were planning to do some hacking to make changes like fixing the confusing attendee categories, and various other bugginess 19:55:05 can anyone give an update on when we'll be able to? (I don't want to get into a big flamewar here, but it should be addressed.) we were hoping to open registration in early january 19:55:18 and spend some of the next few months getting ready 19:56:06 wtf, I have weird lag 19:56:34 someone else please chair until this gets sorted out 19:57:17 so, penta stuff 19:57:26 better penta -> better attendee experieence; more power to you! 19:58:06 I think we are waiting for the dev system 19:58:14 yes 19:58:15 also, it would be good ot have an idea of what needs improvement 19:58:34 first thing would be upgrade to newer penta upstream (which is a big task itself) 19:58:35 weren't there tickets filed in some RT? 19:58:40 that may fix some of the UI bugs 19:58:56 h01ger: how did the video controller in penta work this year? anything in need of fixing for dc10? 19:59:24 yes, there are tickets in rt.debconf.org 19:59:49 * Ganneff has the /penta copied over to cletus. need to configure its apache and stuff and give out access to people. 19:59:56 also need to properly get the vcs done for it. 20:01:35 Ganneff: ok. any update about the timeframe before we move on to the next topic? 20:02:07 friday i get on it again. 20:02:12 ok, thanks 20:02:20 #topic Next steps timeframe/people: sponsor pack 20:02:50 when do people think this should be ready? hopefully we can start soliciting new sponsors later in 2009 once we know the dates... 20:02:57 edrz, we need to keep it (=its a patch not included upstream yet) and some minor details needs fixing / could see improvement 20:03:27 and is preparing this usually a local team thing or a global team thing? 20:03:29 but nothing really big, and nothing which cant be fixed once we have a proper test environment 20:03:57 Hydroxide: usually a mix 20:04:08 Hydroxide, sponsor pack should be done by locals because of photos and stuff, but based on last years. aquiring sponsors is totally mixed 20:04:09 it helps a lot to have local folks involved 20:04:16 * Sledge nods h01ger 20:11:03 so what, all silent? 20:11:34 the meeting seems to have stalled. 20:11:43 * MrBeige must go soon 20:11:43 bad chairs, all of em 20:11:46 I think Hydroxide is having technical issues? MrBeige, can you chair? 20:12:09 Whose job is it to work on teh sponsor pack ? 20:12:10 "Re-soliciting perennial sponsors" is mexz 20:12:17 next 20:12:34 h01ger: you should take over, I must go 20:12:47 but it sounds like these don't need to be done right now, and can possibly wait for the next meeting 20:12:52 MrBeige, i'd say its great/sensible if localteam prods it. as this is an requierement for getting sponsors and we want that early 20:13:04 topics left are: 20:13:07 Re-soliciting perennial sponsors 20:13:07 Soliciting new sponsors (esp. from NYC and the rest of US) 20:13:07 US, foreign, tech press 20:13:28 so shall we close the meeting here and now instead? 20:13:39 * MrBeige would second that 20:13:55 seconded 20:14:32 #topic We will continue this meeting later, stalled for now and not this-week urgent 20:14:38 #endmeeting