21:00:58 #startmeeting 21:00:58 Meeting started Wed Nov 18 21:00:58 2009 UTC. The chair is Hydroxide. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:58 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 21:01:03 #chair mrbeige 21:01:03 Current chairs: Hydroxide mrbeige 21:01:11 #topic dc9: final report 21:01:21 Hydroxide: it may be case sensitive 21:01:27 #chair MrBeige 21:01:27 Current chairs: Hydroxide MrBeige mrbeige 21:01:31 #unchair mrbeige 21:01:31 Current chairs: Hydroxide MrBeige 21:01:33 heh 21:01:42 #info we have a lot of final report stuff done 21:01:43 ok, as MrBeige said immediately before the meeting 21:01:46 yeah, that 21:01:47 http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf9/FinalReport 21:02:07 great 21:02:17 what else needs to get done? 21:02:47 hi gwolf 21:02:52 we just started 21:03:08 #info things needed: Open Day, localteam/venue, sponsorship, fundraising, video, talk team, networking (except wireless), budget numbers, credits 21:03:15 I'm close to having the final budget numbers 21:03:22 * gwolf waves quietly so as not to disturb 21:03:24 should be able to finish up in the next day or so 21:03:24 #info schultmc is close to having the final budget numbers 21:03:32 #info he'll finish within the next day or so 21:03:34 schultmc: great! 21:03:43 schultmc: do you have any approximate numbers now, or not yet? 21:03:44 maybe we don't need all of those topics before we are "done", but if we had all of those then there's not much else to do besides assemble 21:03:54 yes I have approximate numbers now 21:03:59 great, would be good to note those too 21:04:01 *: I can write some things. What parts should I write? 21:04:15 #info received 109,571 EUR 21:04:24 #info spent 56,446 EUR 21:04:31 #info numbers are approximate 21:04:32 wow! 21:04:34 that's quite a surplus 21:04:36 #info avail for dc10 53,125 EUR 21:04:43 yikes 21:04:50 MrBeige: ideally you could find out actual spent numbers for previous years, the previous reports showed a graph/table with *budget* figures worked out before debconf, rather than real costs 21:04:59 * jello whistles in appreciation 21:05:02 (and it'll probably be quite necessary, too ... dc10 will be expensive) 21:05:15 congratulations to money-in people :) 21:05:23 moray_: is that likely to be available somewhere easily ? 21:05:29 if we can keep the surplus going, we will, of course :) won't be an excuse not to fundraise 21:05:31 moray_: some of those are still outstanding 21:05:34 MrBeige: no, you'd need to ask people 21:05:39 #action see about getting actual spent numbers from previous conferences 21:05:40 #info 22,000 EUR outstanding 21:05:49 wow! 21:05:50 schultmc: is that included in the received or no? 21:06:00 schultmc: outstanding in what sense? 21:06:01 Hydroxide: included in the received 21:06:04 schultmc: ok 21:06:05 . 21:06:08 jello: hasn't actually been received 21:06:11 jello: that's money we are supposed to receive but haven't yet 21:06:11 ah 21:06:29 #info (outstanding == included in 'received' amount but not yet received) 21:06:30 ok 21:06:33 so accounts receivable 21:06:34 yep 21:06:39 ok 21:06:48 not awaiting proof before reimbursing 21:06:53 got it 21:06:55 can we divide up remaining final report tasks? we shouldn't spend too much time on this but it is quite important 21:07:04 I think the biggest barrier is finding someone to write the extra things, and getting them to think it's urgent now 21:07:09 yes 21:07:36 some time in december I should be able to write up the talk selection team piece 21:07:46 but I have some personal writing to do first, hence not immediately 21:08:12 anto/cek had said it might be some time before they could do it, maybe by the end of the year (which is a bit late to me) 21:08:13 Hydroxide: the report was deemed as urgent several months ago :-/ deferring it to "some point in December" is a big bummer :( 21:08:28 Hydroxide: if you make a list of topics, I'll ghostwrite it for you 21:08:41 gwolf: no, it was aimed to get everything done by around now and then assemble by the end of the year :) 21:08:46 MrBeige: ok, deal 21:08:53 MrBeige: I'll get you a list of topics within the next week 21:08:54 h01ger, video team: video team write-up ? 21:09:15 #action Hydroxide will get MrBeige a list of topics for talk selection team segment within the next week, and they'll work together to write it up 21:09:22 Ganneff, networking-team: ? 21:09:32 sgran: ^^ 21:09:48 who could get the formal dinner ? 21:10:05 fil said he probably couldn't 21:10:05 brb - 2min 21:10:37 I think we can probably dispense with the formal dinner one in the interest of declaring it done at some point... we definitely want fundraising and sponsorship team though 21:10:51 because this is for sponsors 21:11:03 I observed fundraising/sponsorship so I could write/ghostwrite something there, too 21:11:53 what topics are high-priority for us ? 21:12:04 anyone else? this meeting is mostly me+MrBeige right now... 21:12:05 back 21:12:16 fundriasing, sponsirship, 21:12:18 I'd say fundraising and sponsorship team sections are the most important 21:12:25 ack 21:12:32 Hydroxide: sponsorship team means "the team who decided who got sponsored"? 21:12:36 i.e. herb? 21:12:39 something localteam, to acknologe our strong local support, would be good. 21:12:44 gwolf: we should fix the terminology for the future, but yes 21:12:49 Hydroxide: I'm here, but not much to say on the report, especially since my mind is currently occupied trying to write a paper (during this very meeting I mean) 21:12:54 moray_: right 21:13:04 who was on herb team? 21:13:21 * gwolf was 21:13:24 * schultmc was 21:13:40 if anyone gets a outline of things you'd like something to say, I'll ghostwrite 21:13:54 heh. I hate to make you two do more work than you already are 21:13:59 Hydroxide: I have already done one of the sections 21:14:03 right, exactly 21:14:11 Hydroxide: it's not actually _that_ long once you start with it, i'll just do it on a train 21:14:12 But I can come up with some points 21:14:25 * dam asks on @debconf-video about some write-up 21:14:36 @ -> # 21:14:37 gwolf: ok, can you just send some bullet points to MrBeige for him to write up? 21:14:40 I just have to ask until after this Friday, as I'm really swamped 21:14:43 that's good 21:14:43 but yes, will do 21:14:50 #action MrBeige writes a introduction to the talks list that counts as the "talks" section 21:15:05 do you think an introduction to the full talks list, and the full talks list, is good enough for that ? 21:15:06 #action gwolf writes up the bullet points for Herb for MrBeige to ghostwrite 21:15:12 MrBeige: yes 21:15:42 MrBeige++ 21:16:00 writing/revising things like that is an ideal use of subway time 21:16:09 ok, what about fundraising ? 21:16:40 * dam recalls Sledge being very productive there 21:16:43 heh, that was largely sledge + anto 21:17:06 I have been working somewhat with anto re: Panama MiniDebConf 21:17:13 great 21:17:13 #action MrBeige re-pings anto/cek about getting a localteam writeup 21:17:20 So I can ask him 21:17:27 gwolf: oh, that's better... you should 21:17:28 #action gwolf will ask anto about that, and about fundraising 21:17:29 MrBeige: if you do it, even better 21:17:30 great 21:17:31 haha!!! 21:17:31 haha 21:17:35 hah 21:17:37 Ok, we both will :) 21:17:38 I'll do it 21:17:41 ok 21:17:42 both 21:17:42 so 21:17:45 #action gwolf and MrBeige will battle for not being forced to ask anto 21:17:50 :) 21:17:59 ok 21:18:04 (: 21:18:13 anything else on final report? we can probably skip the 'unpaid invoices' item with that nice summary 21:18:16 I won't battle, I'll just do 21:18:17 ok 21:18:24 maybe we can ask -discuss for remove video experience? 21:18:25 we're probably good 21:18:31 #agreed MrBeige is DebConf's yoda: "I won't battle, I'll just do" 21:18:32 *remote 21:18:41 ok 21:18:42 MrBeige: Ask anto to pester me re: my bullet points on herb :) 21:18:46 let's move on 21:18:56 wait 21:18:57 ok 21:18:59 waiting 21:19:04 should I set up a TeX build system like for DC7 and previous ? 21:19:17 I think the build system is up to whoever takes the role of assembler 21:19:17 I can just copy the style files and begin texifying 21:19:35 + try to add some extra prettyness for this year 21:19:38 if you want to, feel free. nobody will object :) 21:19:41 marga had also offered to do it in scribus 21:19:56 which has a lot more graphic effects 21:20:02 I think the relevant decision is who will put in the time - they can choose whichever (DFSG-free) tools they want 21:20:14 marga: do you think you'll have time to do it again ? 21:20:37 #action MrBeige marga discuss on the list formatting of final report 21:20:39 ok, done, we can move on 21:20:42 ok 21:20:48 #topic dc9: unpaid invoices 21:20:54 #info skipping this since it was addressed enough 21:21:01 #topic dc10: status report from local team 21:21:09 ok, MrBeige has some good news 21:21:51 #info reservations mabe about as good as they can get for now, beginning discussions abotu getting networking set up 21:22:01 poke me to get things mailed to the lists 21:22:15 yes, that means we actually have reserved venue and lodging rooms 21:22:24 (as good as can be done this far in advance, again) 21:22:29 w00t 21:22:36 edrz visited and checked out rooms from a video team standpoint 21:22:53 MrBeige: we reported on edrz's visit previously, I think... 21:23:17 so that's the gist of it, I don't think there's much more to discuss 21:23:21 <_hc> yeehaw 21:23:22 * edrz nods Hydroxide 21:23:23 besides poking me to send emails to the list 21:23:26 any other status report stuff? I don't think there's anything to mention on this 21:23:30 let's go on 21:23:35 cheers 21:23:38 #topic dc10: corporate sponsorship: levels 21:23:41 \o/ 21:23:42 hey folks 21:23:44 #info same status on this as last time 21:23:45 \o/ 21:23:50 sorry, late :-/ 21:23:57 g'evening sledge 21:24:02 Hydroxide: wait a second please then :) 21:24:03 Sledge: Hi! 21:24:08 Sledge: hi there :) 21:24:24 Sledge: some points ago we were wondering who could write up on the topic of the "money acquisition" team for DC9 21:24:27 Can you? 21:24:31 yup 21:24:36 fundraising, yes 21:24:38 already promised to, in fact 21:24:42 #action Sledge will write up the fundraising section of dc9 final report. 21:24:43 yay 21:24:44 great 21:24:46 thanks 21:24:51 just being crap and busy so far 21:24:52 #action MrBeige and gwolf won't pester anto 21:25:28 #action Hydroxide will follow up on the outstanding issue from the october meeting about setting the platinum sponsorship level 21:25:37 Sledge: it's ok, we all are 21:25:40 * Hydroxide sympathizes 21:26:05 anything else on levels beyond what was said last meeting? I still want it on the agenda until it's final... 21:26:32 .......movign on then 21:26:47 #topic dc10: corporate sponsorship: other offerings to/from sponsors 21:27:15 anything different from past years? we already got an offer of a free ad in one of the US Linux publications. (happy to say who in a non-logged medium) 21:27:30 nice 21:27:53 Hydroxide: did you recruit some more people for local sponsorship work yet? 21:28:15 moray_: not yet, no 21:28:21 (ideally ones who you can fool into carrying on after next year ;) 21:28:36 #info if we want an ad in the July issue of $US_Linux_Mag, artwork needs to be submitted end of April 21:28:59 #info $US_Linux_Mag also posted it on their events page 21:29:26 moray_: that might be good to work on at a localteam meeting, which we haven't done in a while... 21:29:49 ok, hearing no other thoughts on other offerings to/from sponsors, let's move on 21:29:57 #topic dc10: corporate sponsorship: sponsor pack 21:30:30 ok, we need to get cracking on the sponsor pack 21:30:38 how much does this need to be revised fom last year? 21:31:06 Hydroxide: What does (/should) the sponsorpack contain? Tshirt, something-like-proceedings, final-report..? 21:31:06 if the answer is "not much", I'm happy to take the lead with an end-of-2009 completion target 21:31:27 gwolf: what I mean by sponsor pack, I mean "brochure to advertise to sponsors" 21:31:38 gwolf: what you mean is "things to give to sponsors after the conference" 21:31:54 grah, naming similar things sucks 21:31:57 yeah 21:32:04 we could call it "sponsor brochure" 21:32:05 Hydroxide: sponsors or potential sponsors? 21:32:10 jello: potential, primarily 21:32:29 #agreed we'll call the "sponsor pack" a "sponsor brochure" instead to disambiguate 21:32:37 gwolf: fixed :) 21:32:47 #topic dc10: corporate sponsorship: sponsor brochure 21:32:51 Hydroxide: throw potential into the title? 21:33:07 this way it's clear what part of the process it belongs to 21:33:08 If anything, I guess than reviewing the levels 21:33:10 jello: that gets wordy, but can be done. anyway, any comments on how much revision this needs? 21:33:13 I think the other thing is the conference bag 21:33:21 that it just happens sponsors get an instance of each 21:33:26 or are meant to :/ 21:33:27 jello: once that's done, we'd need people to mail potential sponsors with the brochure and ask for sponsorship 21:33:34 moray_: that's usually after the conference, right? (and hard to do for dc9 given the thefts) 21:33:45 someone make a note to send it during the conference instead next time 21:33:52 yeah 21:33:53 Hydroxide: I can help you with the potential sponsor brochure, I breath corporate life these days 21:33:56 it always turns into a nightmare after 21:34:01 moray_: But I think the conference bag (for DC10) can wait until we have the content ready 21:34:09 <_hc> I can contribute to the sponsor brochure, if someone else leads it 21:34:11 #info conference bags for sponsors should be prepared and sent during the conference to avoid mishaps 21:34:14 great 21:34:16 (I realise this would require more postage, to send reports later) 21:34:40 #action pabloduboue will take the lead on the (potential) sponsor brochure and will collaborate with _hc and past orga/sponsorteam people as appropriate 21:34:50 thank you for volunteering! 21:35:07 pabloduboue, _hc: does end of 2009 for a completed .pdf sound reasonable? 21:35:21 Hydroxide: I'd say at the end of DebCamp if anything 21:35:31 not "just after" the conference or even during DC10 21:35:39 but as soon as the bags are ready 21:35:52 gwolf: ok, that can be discussed again later. 21:36:06 gwolf: I don't want to distract too much from the agenda - we're actually managing to stay on track :) 21:36:13 ok 21:36:32 Hydroxide: yes 21:36:47 #agreed target date for completed potential sponsor brochure .pdf: end of 2009 21:36:52 ok 21:37:04 #topic dc10: teams recomposition? (ensuring sufficient manpower on site) 21:37:18 Ok, that point was proposed by me 21:37:21 gwolf: this was your item. want to introduce it and lead it? 21:37:22 #chair gwolf 21:37:22 Current chairs: Hydroxide MrBeige gwolf 21:37:29 <_hc> Hydroxide: end of 2009 sounds reasonable to me 21:37:32 _hc: great 21:37:42 Thing is, talking with different people on core teams have so far stated they won't attend NYC, or might not 21:37:53 and OTOH, some teams naturally change year after year 21:38:04 <_hc> are there sponsor brochures from previous years available somewhere? 21:38:05 There are some teams that _need_ to have local workforce 21:38:12 _hc: yes, will show you later 21:38:16 Most preferably, even redundancy 21:38:38 * Hydroxide feels strongly that we should avoid single points of failure wherever possible in debconf's organizational structure 21:38:39 the obvious ones that spring to my mind are admin, video, press 21:38:50 ...fundraising 21:38:51 #action edrz will ping v-t regarding dc10 attendance 21:38:52 brb 21:38:57 edrz: great 21:39:17 edrz: I think toresbe is planning to come, no idea about Womble2, unsure about h01ger, etc... 21:39:22 ...But I don't really know what to _do_ in this regard :) Only at least find the list of vitally-local teams and the list of people in them 21:39:30 ...and get the holes filled 21:40:08 gwolf: sounds like a plan 21:40:12 so, what do you think? Any teams I am missing on? 21:40:15 press@debconf == just madduck right now, with some work having been done by bgupta and me 21:40:26 madduck is planning to come IIRC 21:40:35 bgupta and I will obviously be there 21:40:38 Hydroxide: i'll try to find out. also, i'm helping pycon.us a/v team and hoping to recruit some of them 21:40:41 edrz: great 21:40:48 some have expressed interest 21:40:53 edrz: wonderful! 21:40:55 Hydroxide: madduck has a very good English, but am unsure if he has the right links to US-based media 21:41:03 Or whether he is attending 21:41:24 i don't have any links to US media, but I do plan to attend 21:41:27 gwolf: last I heard directly from him he is planning to attend after all, and we already have a list of US-based media contacts that bgupta gathered. 21:41:32 i'd be happy to speak to any media representative 21:41:35 great 21:41:41 but it's hard to work on the media from afar 21:41:42 madduck: ok, good... Having you locally is great news FWIW 21:41:53 but I think we should add a US-based press member 21:42:04 for the general case, maybe think about a date some-time-before-debconf to mail people previously in teams and ask if they plan to come 21:42:06 Or at least be aware we need to find it (even if it is not _now_ 21:42:13 moray_: agree 21:42:19 #action Hydroxide will work with bgupta to ensure there is sufficient US-based representation on press team 21:42:35 #info edrz will also do some video-team recruiting at pycon.us - interest is already there 21:42:36 gwolf: for some people we can find out now, others won't have made plans yet 21:42:43 ...I am kinda worried about admin team 21:42:50 Hydroxide just confirming you have a good sense of what sufficient is? 21:42:53 gwolf: and asking people too aggressively might make them say no now when they'll actually give in and go to dc10 later 21:42:56 as last I heard, most of the team is not planning to attend 21:43:07 bgupta: we can discuss that later, yeah. doesn't need to take up time this meeting 21:43:13 kk 21:43:18 gwolf: i will try. but yes, i would appreciate if some local took over the press lead 21:43:27 bgupta, Hydroxide: fyi ^^ 21:43:30 my understanding is that Ganneff, mhy, and sgran are not going to attend, and h01ger has told us not to assume he will attend 21:43:33 madduck: noted 21:43:38 #info Press team is currently madduck only 21:43:49 ideally someone with a previous track record talking to press people, we've had trouble usually establishing contacts for a single event 21:43:53 #info madduck would appreciate if some local took over the press lead 21:44:16 Hydroxide and I met with the admin team at dc9 to learn about local admin tasks 21:44:21 about admin team… i wonder how much of the infrastructure needs to be local 21:44:27 #info 3 of 4 admin team people will not attend dc10; the 4th shouldn't be assumed to be attending 21:44:32 Hydroxide: Yes, and h01ger is usually tied up (and does a great job) on video team 21:44:36 it was awesome in past years, but possibly also a little overdone. no criticism 21:44:47 we need access and a local mirror 21:44:52 madduck: we will have a bit less this year since we can probably rely on some aspects of the columbia network. 21:44:53 madduck: We do need to be able to get any DB query locally on Penta 21:44:56 everything else, like penta, can be run from .de 21:45:18 penta isnt in .de 21:45:29 madduck: It s usually run remotely, and several people (me included) have read access to the D 21:45:32 to the DB 21:45:33 * Hydroxide greets Ganneff 21:45:34 gwolf: isn't it safe to assume that ssh works between columbia.edu and .de, and that we'd be able to deal with short downtimes? 21:46:08 or wherever penta is 21:46:09 back 21:46:12 madduck: But we might need to do some changes beyond my access... 21:46:24 madduck: there is still a 5 or 6 hour timezone difference between columbia.edu and europe where all of the admins live 21:46:28 Hydroxide: I know you were asking some weeks(?) ago regarding having some penta modifications... 21:46:43 Ganneff: o/ 21:46:44 madduck: so taking care of e.g. permission fixes is not that quick at some times of day 21:46:47 there will be one or two more debconf admins soonish, so whatever, they will attend 21:47:16 Hydroxide: i think we should just do registrations on paper, set up a flakey wireless, a slow local mirror with IO errors, redirect all DNS there, and concentrate on the social aspects. ;) 21:47:21 madduck: ;) 21:47:44 Ganneff: ok, that would be enough IMO 21:48:01 Ganneff: can you say who? 21:48:02 madduck: So you mean you would agree on holding DC10 on Oaxtepec? 21:48:10 * Hydroxide runs away from gwolf 21:48:12 edrz: when they are there. 21:48:13 :) 21:48:22 gwolf: did we have a local mirror??? 21:48:28 yes. 21:48:30 madduck: yes 21:48:37 Ganneff, mhy, sgran: how about a road trip from canada? ;) 21:48:42 no. 21:48:44 madduck: I had one in my room, at least... 21:49:02 afaik the custom rules arent too different. (slightly, but not all of it that i dislike) 21:49:11 Ganneff: you mean more will be added, but no one specific at this point? 21:50:03 Ganneff: I'd also be much more at ease having at least a timeframe for extra admins to be appointed 21:50:13 edrz: we do already know names, but havent yet talked with them nor given them access. 21:50:43 gwolf: soon. this weekend, i think will see the changes, including at least one old stepping back. 21:50:53 * gwolf cheers++ 21:51:02 Ganneff: I'm 90% sure to attend, so I could help with administration 21:51:21 #action admin team will have some addition(s) / removal(s) this weekend, sez Ganneff 21:51:24 Ganneff: thanks! 21:51:25 Ganneff: will these new people be able to handle all of our requests until the conference, taking the burden off of the current people ? 21:51:48 Ganneff: great. 21:52:02 MrBeige: they will have the rights to do so. if they actually want to/think they can is a different thing. 21:52:40 (ie. give them time to find their way through it all) 21:52:45 yeah, that's fine 21:52:52 great 21:53:01 anything else on this topic? great discussion 21:53:14 were there any other teams? 21:53:20 to be concerned about. 21:53:23 I value enthusiasm(sp) over exact abilities 21:53:45 edrz: I think most of the other teams will have people attending who are able to fill those roles 21:53:53 edrz: either past participants or new ones 21:54:06 * MrBeige would also like to point out pre-conference not-attending contributions 21:54:13 sure. just wondered if that was it from gwolf's view. 21:54:29 (making sure the teams have enough people with time before the actual date) 21:54:32 * Hydroxide reminds people we have 6 minutes left if we want to stay within an hour 21:54:44 ok 21:54:47 * gwolf says my point is officially over :) 21:54:50 ok :) 21:55:01 #topic: dc10: proposals re CfP and registration 21:55:16 anyone have thoughts about these that they want to bring up? 21:55:20 some already were made on-list 21:55:55 * MrBeige fine with doing the most we have personpower to accomplish 21:56:53 #action everyone read the proposals linked from today's agenda, comment on-list, and we can finalize at the december meeting 21:56:58 ok? 21:57:00 sound sgood 21:57:11 * gwolf agrees 21:57:15 if we have people willing to implement early things, then great 21:57:15 #topic Next meeting 21:57:19 k 21:57:24 if not, we shouldn't push too hard 21:57:33 Default would be December 16, 2100-2200 UTC 21:57:44 as per the 3rd-weds-of-month decided last month 21:57:48 does that work for everyone? 21:57:59 I think works for me 21:58:06 works for me most probably 21:58:08 ja 21:58:11 si 21:58:18 ok... decided! 21:58:29 #agreed next meeting will be December 16, 2009 21:00-22:00 UTC 21:58:34 thanks everyone for coming! 21:58:35 #endmeeting