Meeting started by moray at 20:02 UTC
20:02:19 Topic: dc9 meeting: 1. sponsorpack
20:06:23 Topic: 2. debconf8 final report
20:13:50 Topic: 3. sponsor status
20:25:43 AGREED moray sponsorship meeting next Monday, people to work as they can before that...
20:27:52 Topic: 4. budget status
20:31:23 Topic: 5. local legal entity
20:37:08 Topic: 6. local team updates
20:47:18 INFO cek We need to know the technical requirements (switches, PCs, cameras, etc.)
20:48:25 Topic: registration/penta
20:49:20 LINK h01ger is from last year
20:53:21 ACTION moray Kinnison to start looking at schedule / poke people for room and video information
20:59:59 INFO h01ger visa requests should be directed to antorecio via email
21:01:31 Topic: RFH
21:02:59 Topic: next meeting
21:07:04 ACTION moray next meeting two weeks' time, 19 UTC
21:07:29 Topic: aob - accessibility
Meeting ended at 21:15.

People Present:
  1. moray
  2. h01ger
  3. Sledge
  4. antorecio
  5. cek
  6. Tincho
  7. angasule
  8. marga
  9. bgupta
  10. Hydroxide
  11. Kinnison
  12. Kitty_
  13. gwolf
  14. schultmc
  15. Ganneff

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