===================== #debconf-team Meeting ===================== Meeting started by Hydroxide at 17:00:45 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2010/debconf-team.2010-02-27-17.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * intro (Hydroxide, 17:00:54) * participants introduce themselves (#dc11-talk for chat) (Hydroxide, 17:02:52) * each team describes each topic from the priority list for their bid (Quito) (Hydroxide, 17:08:55) * LINK: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf11/Quito/BudgetDraft (bureado_UIO, 17:10:02) * priority list description (Munich) (#dc11-talk to chat) (Hydroxide, 17:23:26) * priority list description (Banja Luka) (#dc11-talk to chat) (Hydroxide, 17:27:30) * good points of the other bids (Quito) (#dc11-talk to chat) (Hydroxide, 17:33:50) * good points of the other bids, 10min max (Munich) (#dc11-talk to chat) (Hydroxide, 17:35:59) * good points of the other bids, 10min max (Banja Luka) (#dc11-talk to chat) (Hydroxide, 17:37:47) * weak points of own bid (Quito) (#dc11-talk to chat) (moray, 17:41:14) * weak points of own bid (Munich) (#dc11-talk to chat) (moray, 17:42:35) * weak points of own bid (Banja Luka) (#dc11-talk to chat) (moray, 17:43:45) * questions to Quito (chat in #dc11-talk) (moray, 17:49:04) * questions to Munich (chat in #dc11-talk) (moray, 17:56:23) * LINK: http://www.oanda.com/currency/converter/ (AbsintheSyringe_BiH, 18:03:04) * questions to Banja Luka (chat in #dc11-talk) (moray, 18:04:09) * general questions to bids (chat in #dc11-talk) (moray, 18:12:38) * Pause (moray, 18:29:42) * priority list evaluation (moray, 18:35:32) * priority list evaluation: 1. 'affordable' for both sponsors and attendees (moray, 18:37:56) * priority list evaluation: 2. strong, mature, experienced local team (moray, 18:48:07) * priority list evaluation: 3. good working spaces (Hydroxide, 18:52:17) * priority list evaluation: 4. excellent network connectivity (Hydroxide, 18:57:12) * priority list evaluation: 5. quality and quantity of food in close proximity (Hydroxide, 19:00:50) * LINK: http://wiki.debconf.org/upload/d/d7/Banski_dvor9.jpg (AbsintheSyringe_BiH, 19:02:13) * LINK: http://wiki.debconf.org/upload/8/85/Banski_dvor3.jpg (AbsintheSyringe_BiH, 19:02:19) * LINK: http://www.magicbeanquito.com/ (bureado_UIO, 19:04:08) * priority list evaluation: 6. suitable accommodation in close proximity (Hydroxide, 19:08:29) * priority list evaluation: 7. presentation facilities (Hydroxide, 19:23:03) * priority list evaluation: 8. travel logistics (Hydroxide, 19:25:53) * LINK: http://people.debian.org/~mbanck/muc-direktfluege-short-distance.png <- direct flight to Munich from Europe (azeem_MUC, 19:28:36) * LINK: http://people.debian.org/~mbanck/muc-direktfluege-long-distance.png <- direct flights to Munich from the rest of the world (azeem_MUC, 19:28:46) * priority list evaluation: 9. accessibility (Hydroxide, 19:40:30) * LINK: http://www.banjaluka.rs.ba/front/category/129/?left_mi=321 (AbsintheSyringe_BiH, 19:42:35) * priority list reevaluation: 1a. affordability - local costs (Hydroxide, 19:49:04) * priority list reevaluation: 1b. affordability - travel costs (Hydroxide, 19:57:10) * priority list reevaluation: 1c. affordability - sponsorship secured (Hydroxide, 20:18:52) * priority list rereevaluation: 1a. affordability - local team costs ignoring sponsorship secured (Hydroxide, 20:27:09) * decision! (Hydroxide, 20:31:21) * LINK: http://rogue.kaplowitz.org/~jimmy/dc11.txt (Hydroxide, 20:31:34) * LINK: http://rogue.kaplowitz.org/~jimmy/dc11.txt (Hydroxide, 20:36:23) * break until :45 (Hydroxide, 20:39:41) * decision, take 2 (Hydroxide, 20:46:42) * AGREED: Bosnia DC11 (Hydroxide, 21:00:37) Meeting ended at 21:00:40 UTC. Action Items ------------ Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * Hydroxide (329) * bureado_UIO (224) * AbsintheSyringe_BiH (189) * aba_MUC (173) * EnisDonKing_BiH (146) * moray (132) * azeem_MUC (131) * marga (79) * Clint (44) * h01ger (30) * Ganneff (5) * stockholm (5) * MeetBot (3) * dam (1) * madduck (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot