21:00:07 #startmeeting 21:00:07 Meeting started Wed Mar 17 21:00:07 2010 UTC. The chair is Hydroxide. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:07 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:12 hello everyone! 21:00:19 #chair MrBeige 21:00:19 Current chairs: Hydroxide MrBeige 21:00:25 hi 21:00:32 hi 21:00:35 hello 21:00:36 let's finish off DC9 and DC11 stuff quickly, then discuss various important DC10 topics 21:00:41 #topic DC9: final report press release 21:00:53 where do we stand on this? 21:01:16 #info thanks to marga for assembling a wonderful finished report based on everyone's work - now let's tell people about it! 21:01:18 * MrBeige didn't know we usually did one but I can prepare it based on past years 21:01:24 great 21:01:42 hrm, $paidjob is interfering 21:01:45 any suggestion on what it should be like, if different from last years ? 21:01:46 MrBeige: can you lead for a bit? 21:01:51 Hydroxide: i'll try 21:01:52 ok 21:01:58 ok 21:02:12 anyone hove suggestions on the press release? should we do it? 21:02:25 I think we should do it 21:02:36 doesn't need to be very long, the report is worth sharing 21:02:39 meeting anyone? 21:02:40 #agreed MrBeige writes up press release and seands to -team for approval/sending 21:02:41 we should as before 21:02:41 :) 21:02:57 #topic Sending sponsor bags to DC9 sponsors 21:03:11 DrDub_: what do you need help with ? What can we do? 21:03:18 I am still missing the address from Intel 21:03:29 I'm going to call it off on Intel 21:03:34 and proceed 21:03:53 I'll order the reports on-line to be delivered at Biella and I'll mail it when I'm back from vacation in a week 21:04:02 you've asked everyone on the team for if they know? 21:04:08 h01ger can start sending the wine bottles 21:04:21 do we know who was our contact w/intel? 21:04:22 yup, I have been sending e-mails to sponsors@debconf 21:04:33 Sulamita something 21:04:37 All I know is an e-mail address for an intel contact 21:04:38 I can look it up 21:04:45 they're outside the US iirc 21:05:22 Ah, can't find it right now 21:05:26 #action h01ger starts sending wine, DrDub_ mails other things to DC9 sponsors 21:05:31 but that'd be it 21:05:52 #help need contacts at Intel to send dc9 sponsor stuff 21:05:52 lesson learned: fundraising goes both years 21:05:55 * h01ger waves - will do 21:06:07 I'd like to invite DC11 -localteam to join in fundraising for this year 21:06:08 DrDub_: anything else you need our help with ? 21:06:25 that's a good idea 21:06:31 info: 17:05 < DrDub_> lesson learned: fundraising goes both years 21:06:36 DrDub_: sulamita is in london, uk, AFAIK, and she blogs at http://sulamita.net/ 21:06:41 DrDub_, how do you suggest we proceed with that? 21:06:56 it should be OK. I asked moray to write a letter for the sponsors, but I think I can manage myself. I'll use dkg font ;-) 21:07:16 #info to try to make DC organization better overall, DrDub_ invites DC11 team to help with fundraising - same goes for many other DC yearly tasks 21:07:29 sapphire: DC11? I'll send an e-mail to you guys, do you have a mailing list set-up? 21:07:38 #topic any remaining DC9 business ? 21:07:48 DrDub, we do, debconf11-bosnia I think 21:07:51 can we close DC9 after the above action items are done ? 21:08:00 yes 21:08:08 schultmc_: are we still waiting on some payments ? 21:08:41 sapphire: debconf11-bosnia@debconf.org? 21:08:58 i don't see a dc11 list here: http://lists.debconf.org/mailman/listinfo 21:09:10 DrDub, debconf11-bosnia@lists.debconf.net 21:09:13 MrBeige: I believe all payments have been received - I need to verify that but I can't think of any outstanding payments off hand 21:09:23 #agreed DC9 is closed, as far as the majority organizers are concerned 21:09:27 thanks to everyone. yay! 21:09:34 #topic DC11 location selection press release 21:09:50 so historically this has happenned soon after the selection, and it's been several weeks already 21:10:05 we have something basically ready to go here: 21:10:07 http://whiteboard.debian.net/dc11announce_70693a.wb 21:10:13 based on past years 21:10:26 but - there were concerns that that release tries to do too many things 21:10:40 istr someone suggesting the final report for dc9 being mentioned in the same press release as this. 21:11:11 --> does someone want to revise it? If not, we will leave it to press people to send it out (or should we send to -announce?) 21:11:14 edrz: good point. 21:11:23 yes, we should do it separately 21:11:25 should we add "DC9 final report is done" to the same mail ? 21:11:56 I would tend to agree that that's a separate thing and should go separately 21:12:00 just read it, it looks very good, I don't think it tries to do too many things 21:12:14 although I don't agree with $word2 from Jimmy 21:12:25 #action Hydroxide fills in metavariables in his quote in the press relase 21:12:28 heh 21:12:43 haha 21:12:56 #action MrBeige prods someone to get the DC11 release sent 21:13:09 AbsintheSyringe: would you want to move the dc11 team list to debconf.org? 21:13:31 edrz, yes 21:13:38 #topic DC10 registration status 21:13:50 is there anything to be said here that shouldn't be mailed to -team? 21:14:00 that is, is there anything that needs to be decided? 21:14:03 AbsintheSyringe: please e-mail admin@debconf.org and we'll get that setup for you 21:14:07 or help with? 21:14:21 (hi -- sorry, late) 21:14:23 schultmc, on it, tnx 21:14:44 #info dc11 list should move to lists.debconf.org 21:14:47 #topic CFP status 21:15:01 so, the localteam has done a large amount of stuff about this 21:15:06 but I don't know how much the global team knows 21:15:26 * Hydroxide returns and starts to read scrollback 21:15:28 but it's not the goal of this meeting to have that all spelled out while we listen 21:15:40 I think it should be communicated by emails 21:15:47 better done on the list, yes 21:15:56 who has questions to localteam, or does localteam have questions for global ? 21:16:37 #link localteam meeting notes: http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20100315.130457.357b1c2a.en.html 21:17:23 as I mentioned on IRC earlier, while it's good to have local people do lots on this, make sure you don't end up being the only ones doing it 21:17:29 otherwise we'll have a problem next year 21:17:29 there was a timeline spelled out in the bottom of that message that perhaps most people didn't see 21:17:48 it would be worth actively seeking out some of the people involved before and/or who might help again next year 21:18:00 in case all the NYC people are too burnt out to run it again next time... 21:18:05 * Hydroxide is caught up now 21:18:12 the public pieces of the timeline are on the website now 21:18:18 #info See the timeline that localteam decided, that is now on http://debconf10.debconf.org/dates.xhtml . Global team should give us any feedback they have 21:18:43 we can revisit communication issues later on in the meeting 21:18:44 http://debconf10.debconf.org/dates.xhtml 21:18:46 oh 21:18:47 (and perhaps should) 21:18:48 moray: yeah, read the backlog, we started reaching out to DC11 team 21:19:02 DrDub_: well, it's not just DC11 locals 21:19:05 #info responding to a timeline-related question from pre-meeting: the 11am checkout time is a columbia housing checkout time, not a carryover from previous years. (also unrelated to the venue buildings) 21:19:20 #topic What else needs to get done soon ? 21:19:25 AbsintheSyringe: are you and your team subscribed to dc10 team list? 21:19:37 actuall, no 21:19:38 edrz, no 21:19:41 edrz, I am 21:19:50 #topic localteam meeting summary, and local/global communication 21:19:54 edrz, team no 21:20:08 would be perhaps good. as one piece of adressing moray's concern 21:20:24 http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20100315.130457.357b1c2a.en.html 21:20:41 http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20100315.130457.357b1c2a.en.html contains a summary of local team meeting from last Saturday 21:20:44 edrz: there's a much easier global-local merge when we're in an English-speaking country 21:20:57 edrz, done subscribing 21:21:06 edrz: I doubt most of the DC11 locals will be so comfortable reviewing papers etc. 21:21:11 sure. 21:21:14 unfortunantly that summary is kind of long and hard for me to follow even though I wrote it 21:21:18 so guise, topic at hand 21:21:26 mailing list subscriptions can be worked on post-meeting 21:21:32 sorry 21:21:37 yes, that's minutes, but a summary might be useful :) 21:21:52 not necessarily in this case now 21:21:55 wow, indentions were lost there 21:22:06 but for future times, to increase the number of people likely to read it 21:22:09 see attachment version 21:23:05 again, I'm not really concerned that things will go wrong because of being 'done locally', though perhaps you might miss a few bits of the built-up wisdom along with avoiding the built-up inertia 21:23:07 edrz, just invited all other dc11 team members to join to dc10 team 21:23:11 list 21:23:26 but as a non-local person I'm also worried about keeping healthy teams for future years :) 21:23:46 * Hydroxide agrees, especially since he doesn't speak Bosnian and can't therefore act as too much of a localteam person on dc11 21:23:57 #link minutes with indents: http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/attach/1@20100314.012430.91590a57.attach 21:24:02 moray: well, I'm planning to stick around for next year ;-) 21:24:21 Hydroxide, english? 21:24:22 #info Local team discussed: Talks (deciding how they would do talks selection and all), Sponsorship/Fundraising (some about how sponsorship of attendees will be done,) Day trip ideas 21:24:27 * DrDub_ acknowledges his Bosnian is non-existent ;-) 21:24:30 DrDub_: I hope you all will, but I can't judge that until we see how burnt out you are by the end of DC10 21:24:33 do we have anyone on teh talks team here? 21:24:50 AbsintheSyringe: was referring to localteam. anyway we shouldn't continue this tangent now 21:24:53 guise 21:24:56 we are getting distracted 21:24:58 Hydroxide, k 21:24:59 MrBeige: that's my point 21:25:08 DrDub_: the ideal would be to, actively, keep a few of the 'global' people involved who just haven't got involved again this year yet 21:25:26 DrDub_: and, in parallel, to get a few non-NYC people involved a little for the first time 21:25:37 read to be very involved in future years, rather than get bored this time 21:25:38 is there anything more to do here? I said the main points of what teh local team discussed, but they should elabroate on the lists, not here 21:26:12 * Hydroxide suggests we move on 21:26:18 due to the silence 21:26:25 what should we say about communication? Should talks/sponsorship discussion be "strongly encouraged" to be on -team mailing list ? 21:27:11 I guess not 21:27:18 beyond what was said above 21:27:25 * edrz thinks some it should. 21:27:34 there was a long discussion earlier today 21:27:43 about the next topics in the agenda 21:27:48 MrBeige: again, less of a clear list separation with an English-speaking venue 21:28:00 MrBeige: but I'd err towards having too much on -team rather than too much on -localteam 21:28:09 moray: AOL 21:28:37 #topic What else needs to get done, that isn't in progress already? 21:28:53 * Hydroxide pulled away for $paidjob stuff again 21:29:07 it says "fundraising efforts for governmental sources" - that was discussed some at the localteam meeting. 21:29:10 anything more to discuss now? 21:29:19 I haven't had time (I was late to get here), but I can suggest looking at minutes for the meetings the equivalent time in previous years 21:29:28 * schultmc_ has a status update on some currently in progress stuff 21:29:32 to get ideas of what should be sorted out by a particular stage 21:29:37 #action MrBeige calls a columbia-area meeting of people to work on venue stuff 21:30:00 schultmc_: should it be mailed to -team instead? 21:30:12 MrBeige: sure 21:30:14 #info edrz is coordinating with videoteam to get the remaining gear to the US 21:30:15 #action MrBeige mails columbia faculty sponsors with updates 21:30:52 #topic Attendee sponsorship decision 21:30:56 +s 21:31:05 there was a lot said about this earlier today 21:31:28 * DrDub_ is back, reading backlog 21:31:33 would someone care to summarise? 21:31:46 should we present the options so that we get feedback on them? 21:31:53 who can summarize (I can't) 21:32:31 MrBeige: yes, that stuff was discussed in -localteam, so I'm fine 21:32:52 it started when moray noticed the short time between april 15(sponsored registration) and april 17th(proposed sponsorship decision date) 21:32:53 MrBeige: I added to the agenda before the the -localteam meeting 21:32:55 I'll propose someone summarize the options to -team@, and then get feedback there, before making a decision at a future IRC meeting 21:33:08 ... 21:33:27 back 21:33:33 since we don't have enough preparation now to discuss it very efficiently 21:33:34 . 21:33:36 edrz: ? 21:33:41 MrBeige: we don't have enough time to wait a month on this 21:33:42 what are the main questions? 21:33:45 MrBeige: since that's roughly at the deadline 21:33:49 "What process will we use?" 21:34:00 i think we need to discuss it now 21:34:07 ok, Hydroxide, you lead 21:34:17 since the dates in question fall before the next global team meeting. 21:34:24 heh, ok 21:34:24 or someone summarize what needs to be decided and the options 21:34:35 the idea was not to do all the decisions on April 17 21:34:50 * MrBeige notes that next meeting could be in two or three weeks like past meetings 21:35:21 the idea was to have a first meeting to do the most obvious people, just to get the process underway. but I agree that if we decide to meet in 2 weeks (beginning to make sense more than the last time we did that), discussing on -team first makes sense 21:35:30 MrBeige: the minimum to decide is: how to decide who will make the sponsorship decisions 21:35:32 since many good points were raised earlier today on IRC 21:35:33 i see. i thought we still on a once per month schedule. 21:36:00 edrz: once a month isn't going to fly for that much longer as the tasks get more numerous and the required timelines get more compressed 21:36:10 option 1) Like last year, get 10 DDs in a meeting ranking peolpe, cutoff from higher ranks, all-or-nothing 21:36:11 agreed 21:36:27 * schultmc_ has been on the travel sponsorship team the past two years and wouldn't mind continuing on the team 21:36:57 fwiw, last year's ranking in penta made a marathon decision meeting unnecessary 21:37:00 MrBeige: I don't want to summarise the earlier discussion as I said too much of it myself, but it included the point it probably shouldn't be primarily 'local' people who are those making the decisions, nor indeed just the most-involved 'global' people 21:37:13 who here would like to a) lead discussion (or -team or here) about how to do sponsorship decisions b) lead sponsorship team ? 21:37:22 schultmc_: are you free enough for that? 21:37:27 b) will have a fun job :) 21:37:41 * Hydroxide proposes that schultmc_ gather a sponsorship team of mostly non-orga and mostly non-NYC DDs 21:37:48 MrBeige: I was b) last year - I could probably do it again 21:37:52 all around the world dds 21:37:55 Hydroxide: good suggestion 21:37:56 schultmc_: great. thanks! 21:38:05 #action schultmc_ will gather a sponsorship team of mostly non-orga and mostly non-NYC DDs 21:38:16 #info (team should include people from all around the world) 21:38:32 thus why I said above, we should decide how he decides who 21:38:37 not just 'his friends', obviously :) 21:38:38 should someone else lead a discussion about how to improve the sponsorship process ? schultmc_, or would someon elese like to? 21:38:41 agreed that team will decide how to proceed based on past experiences, published deadlines, common sense, and other thoughts 21:38:44 #agreed that team will decide how to proceed based on past experiences, published deadlines, common sense, and other thoughts 21:38:49 moray: you're assuming I have friends ;) 21:39:01 schultmc_: maybe a mail to d-d-a to gather that team might be advisable 21:39:10 Hydroxide: well, if you want a decision soonish, I wouldn't task the committee themselves with deciding what they're to do 21:39:13 heh 21:39:21 moray: you'd prefer to herd the debconf orga cats to do it? :) 21:39:28 meow 21:39:39 ok, sorry if that comment derailed us. 21:39:46 but, yes, meow. 21:39:51 Hydroxide: I'd say either repeat last year's procedure, or discuss changes to it, but don't wait for collecting people and briefing them on the past/present/future 21:39:51 I like the the d-d-a idea 21:39:57 just ask people and then random sample 21:40:05 can't beat uniform distributions 21:40:19 d-d-a will get you many people not knowing much. or not even being dds. :) 21:40:28 * Ganneff experience with ftp*. why dont dds volunteer? :) 21:40:43 #info sponsorship team should strongly consider toward reusing last year's process, with minor tweaks if desired 21:40:55 s/toward // 21:40:56 yeah, and it is the issue you want to have a uniform representation of different sites 21:40:59 DrDub_: for this committee you actually want people who know 'enough' other Debian contributors 21:41:12 moray: agreed 21:41:17 DrDub_: there's not much point in getting 'typical' Debian people who don't know any of the other names! 21:41:30 #info maybe the gpg web of trust can help find which DDs know enough other DDs 21:41:33 ok 21:41:43 so what is it that happens on April 17th? 21:41:46 can we let schultmc_ proceed with the advice we've all given him and move on? 21:41:51 ok 21:42:00 there was also a discussion of: cutoff and 100% of requestion amount abave that? or fractional sponsorship? 21:42:01 edrz: not mandatorily anything, since we haven't guaranteed anyone a response on that 21:42:05 edrz: on that date 21:42:11 Hydroxide: well, procedurally it seems a bit open ended, but I can cope if there's discussion outside the meeting another time 21:42:12 edrz: but it's a nice target if the team wants to use it 21:42:13 Hydroxide: oh, that's a lovely task, I can do that if you guys want 21:42:15 #info schultmc will proceed with advice given to him from the local/global team 21:42:22 DrDub_: cool :) 21:42:41 so it sounds like we have delegated to schultmc_ 21:42:45 which is an ideal outcome 21:42:47 #agreed schultmc_ will give a status update at least several days before the next meeting via email to -team 21:42:52 (unless people object) 21:42:57 ok, great 21:43:04 and he can develop the procedures 21:43:05 yay 21:43:18 speaking of next meeting... 21:43:23 #topic Next meeting 21:43:32 2 weeks? 21:43:38 (yes, I would suggest getting the procedure ready, then maybe you *can* have the main decision meeting already at that date) 21:43:48 that makes it march 31st 21:43:55 *would make it. 21:44:01 edrz: woo, we narrowly miss the european start of summer time 21:44:08 does that seem reasonable to everyone? 21:44:15 silence means you agree :) 21:44:22 same time of day in UTC 21:44:23 if it's at the same time I have to leave before 1h into the meeting 21:44:38 but that needen't be a problem 21:44:39 or 3 weeks = April 7th 21:44:44 Hydroxide: 'miss'? it would be after it 21:45:04 moray: doesn't the EU start summer time in april? march 31st != april 21:45:09 march 31 is better for me than april 7 fwiw 21:45:30 Hydroxide: never that I knew of 21:45:35 2000 UTC is also better than 2100 21:45:44 Hydroxide: last Sunday in March 21:45:49 April 7 sound nice, and 2000 UTC is nicer too 21:46:12 2 weeks sounds better than 3 21:46:15 oh, so 2000 UTC is the same time locally next month in the EU as 2100 this time 21:46:31 great. I propose March 31 2000 UTC 21:46:46 since we have enough things to warrant the increased frequency now 21:46:53 wouldn't miss it for the world :) 21:46:54 sounds good 21:46:55 if not, the meeting will be short, which is fine :) 21:46:58 yes :) 21:47:03 ok, great 21:47:17 #agreed Next meeting 31 March 20:00 UTC 21:47:19 thanks everyone, sorry I was late :) 21:47:22 Thanks all for coming! 21:47:23 #endmeeting