===================== #debconf-team Meeting ===================== Meeting started by dkg at 23:07:15 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2010/debconf-team.2010-05-26-23.07.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * What are the options for being less offical short of a BoF (dkg, 23:12:55) * What are the options for being less offical short of a BoF? (dkg, 23:12:57) * terminology: what do we call talks or BoFs that are not "accepted"? (dkg, 23:15:55) * AGREED: "accepted" and "rejected" will basically mean "will be pre-scheduled in a main room" and "will not be pre-scheduled in a main room" (dkg, 23:34:30) * LINK: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf10/Meetings#talks_team_meeting_Wednesday_2010-05-026_23:00UTC__.287pm_NYC_time.29 (micah, 23:35:10) * review process: relevance, actuality, acceptance (dkg, 23:35:23) * LINK: (dkg, 23:35:29) * LINK: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf10/Meetings#talks_team_meeting_Wednesday_2010-05-026_23:00UTC__.287pm_NYC_time.29 (dkg, 23:35:30) * LINK: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf10/Meetings#talks_team_meeting_Wednesday_2010-05-026_23:00UTC__.287pm_NYC_time.29 (dkg, 23:35:37) * AGREED: "actuality" should be interpreted as "speaker seems to know the topic and (as far as i know) is capable of presenting it" (dkg, 23:45:47) * review process: scoring calculation concerns (dkg, 23:48:02) * ACTION: dkg will look into a bugfix for penta scoring, in particular for "don't know" (dkg, 23:50:07) * review process -- what works well, what doesn't? (dkg, 23:52:43) * azeem suggests adding a section on http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Pentabarf about UI suggestions for improving the rating process (dkg, 23:57:04) * review process: disagreements? (dkg, 23:58:05) * ACTION: micah will write a note to debconf-team about his view of relevance (dkg, 00:01:43) * useful UI would highlight wide divergence (dkg, 00:03:15) * would be nice to have import/export and facilitate offline work (dkg, 00:04:07) * review: contacting people (dkg, 00:04:25) * when contacting a submitter, add a note on the rating tab about how you followed up, and cc talks@debconf (dkg, 00:06:21) * would be good to have a way to flag proposals as "pending followup" (dkg, 00:07:53) * for track-relevant talks, follow up with track coordinator (dkg, 00:09:04) * cut process: terminology (dkg, 00:09:37) * we are just going to say "pre-scheduled for a slot in the main rooms" (dkg, 00:10:11) * cut process: 72 talks overall? (dkg, 00:10:22) * proposal details can be changed at any time (dkg, 00:17:09) * no more d-d-a calls for late talk submissions, but personal contacts or outreach are fine and encouraged (dkg, 00:20:20) * cut process: evening/after-hours events (dkg, 00:20:49) * there are a reasonable number of evening/after-hours events. we can probably have one per evening. (dkg, 00:27:17) * ACTION: ask venue team about insurance issues (dkg, 00:29:06) * LINK: https://penta.debconf.org/penta/pentabarf/event/561 (dkg, 00:31:23) * LINK: https://penta.debconf.org/penta/pentabarf/event/561 (micah, 00:31:28) * AGREED: we do not want to accept events that incur additional insurance costs beyond what we're already paying to columbia (dkg, 00:32:20) * ACTION: micah will follow up with submitter of event 561 about insurance/etc (dkg, 00:34:07) * cut process: do we want to have a single all-conference event each day? (dkg, 00:34:30) * MrBeige points out that an all-conference plenary is logistically problematic (dkg, 00:42:50) * plenary could accomodate more with video-team-supported spillover in small room (dkg, 00:46:19) * ACTION: dkg will submit a wrapup event with track reportbacks, BSP prizes, bosnia presentation (dkg, 00:50:31) * ACTION: biella will suggest that mako submit a proposal (dkg, 01:02:46) * we are not agreed on whether we want a daily plenary (dkg, 01:03:33) * ACTION: dkg will re-open plenary question on debconf-team@ (dkg, 01:04:19) * cut process: how to notify people of a decision (dkg, 01:04:31) * mrbeige will write a script to notify of decisions once we have them (dkg, 01:10:02) * accept the top X, reject the bottom Y, and schedule a time to discuss the middle individually for 30-60s each (dkg, 01:10:29) * but someone draft the various texts to say on whiteboard (MrBeige, 01:10:36) * neeed followup should happen today or tomorrow (dkg, 01:15:41) * claim a talk for followup in the ratings tab, then follow up and cc talks@debconf.org (dkg, 01:17:36) * AGREED: claim a talk for followup in the ratings tab, then follow up and cc talks@debconf.org (dkg, 01:17:41) * AGREED: all should send a handful of followups for the needed talks in the next two days (dkg, 01:18:10) * particular talks: outstanding concerns (dkg, 01:19:07) * talks team folks should feel comfortable raising private concerns about individual talks on talks@debconf (dkg, 01:22:09) * tracks: quick review of existing tracks (dkg, 01:22:43) * AGREED: followup/outreach should specially target talks proposed for track inclusion (dkg, 01:31:12) * ACTION: DrDub_ will make a point of keeping the other track coordinators in the loop on how their talks are faring (dkg, 01:31:47) * ACTION: dkg will also make a point of keeping the other track coordinators in the loop on how their talks are faring (dkg, 01:32:05) * ACTION: azeem will follow up on science talks (dkg, 01:33:54) * ACTION: azeem will follow up on talks@debconf about science-on-debian (dkg, 01:38:50) * AGREED: if a pattern emerges, and a coordinator steps up, we can still put together a track (dkg, 01:42:57) * scheduling (dkg, 01:46:33) * the date on http://debconf10.debconf.org/dates.xhtml for "Publication date for official schedule" looks unrealistic (dkg, 01:48:08) * next steps (dkg, 01:49:39) * ACTION: dkg will follow up on debconf-team@ to see what the scheduling plan is (dkg, 01:50:15) * ACTION: DrDub_ will e-mail about followup meeting a week from now (probably on June 2nd (dkg, 01:55:36) Meeting ended at 01:56:15 UTC. Action Items ------------ * dkg will look into a bugfix for penta scoring, in particular for "don't know" * micah will write a note to debconf-team about his view of relevance * ask venue team about insurance issues * micah will follow up with submitter of event 561 about insurance/etc * dkg will submit a wrapup event with track reportbacks, BSP prizes, bosnia presentation * biella will suggest that mako submit a proposal * dkg will re-open plenary question on debconf-team@ * DrDub_ will make a point of keeping the other track coordinators in the loop on how their talks are faring * dkg will also make a point of keeping the other track coordinators in the loop on how their talks are faring * azeem will follow up on science talks * azeem will follow up on talks@debconf about science-on-debian * dkg will follow up on debconf-team@ to see what the scheduling plan is * DrDub_ will e-mail about followup meeting a week from now (probably on June 2nd Action Items, by person ----------------------- * azeem * azeem will follow up on science talks * azeem will follow up on talks@debconf about science-on-debian * biella * biella will suggest that mako submit a proposal * dkg * dkg will look into a bugfix for penta scoring, in particular for "don't know" * dkg will submit a wrapup event with track reportbacks, BSP prizes, bosnia presentation * dkg will re-open plenary question on debconf-team@ * dkg will also make a point of keeping the other track coordinators in the loop on how their talks are faring * dkg will follow up on debconf-team@ to see what the scheduling plan is * DrDub * DrDub_ will make a point of keeping the other track coordinators in the loop on how their talks are faring * DrDub_ will e-mail about followup meeting a week from now (probably on June 2nd * DrDub_ * DrDub_ will make a point of keeping the other track coordinators in the loop on how their talks are faring * DrDub_ will e-mail about followup meeting a week from now (probably on June 2nd * micah * micah will write a note to debconf-team about his view of relevance * micah will follow up with submitter of event 561 about insurance/etc * **UNASSIGNED** * ask venue team about insurance issues People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * dkg (363) * azeem (173) * micah (146) * DrDub_ (137) * DrDub (36) * MrBeige (32) * edrz (29) * gwolf (22) * biella_ (19) * biella (14) * jeremyb (5) * moray (4) * MeetBot (4) * blarson (4) * Clint (3) * sapphire (1) * azeem_ (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot