===================== #debconf-team Meeting ===================== Meeting started by Ganneff at 20:05:08 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2010/debconf-team.2010-12-07-20.05.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * News from meeting with Government (Ganneff, 20:05:15) * LINK: Status report how assigned tasks are coming along (website, sponsorship, etc) (Ganneff, 20:10:53) * ACTION: next govt. meeting on 20th december. AbsintheSyringe will report to the list after it (Ganneff, 20:30:55) * AGREED: the govt has agreed to pay for things like daytrip, dinner, etc (Ganneff, 20:31:29) * Status report how assigned tasks are coming along (website, sponsorship, etc) (Ganneff, 20:32:00) * vedran_omeragic wants to have the website stuff done by end of the week (Ganneff, 20:32:58) * AGREED: clint (probably) tackles sponsorship team at secnd half of december (Ganneff, 20:36:55) * sponsorship brochure (Ganneff, 20:37:21) * AGREED: change_ and AbsintheSyringe start with the sponsorship brochure (Ganneff, 20:41:07) * Send official invitations (Mark Shuttleworth, Richard Stallman etc ...) (Ganneff, 20:42:24) * AGREED: sending invitations a bad idea, mmmmmmmmmmmkay. no do. (Ganneff, 20:45:05) * Schedule for DC12 meetings/decision process (Ganneff, 20:45:15) * AGREED: dc12 bids til 31.12, then coordinate a decision meeting (if needed) somewhere beginning of 2011 (Ganneff, 20:47:21) * Any other business (Ganneff, 20:47:52) * AGREED: get a category media partners on the website (Ganneff, 20:53:19) * AGREED: make sure we get a recognization of long term sponsors in opening/closing session (Ganneff, 20:56:40) * noone knows whats up with dc10 report, maybe find out (Ganneff, 20:59:46) * next meeting (Ganneff, 21:00:03) * AGREED: next meeting is january 11th, 2000 UTC (Ganneff, 21:01:19) * ACTION: get a better agenda for next meeting (Ganneff, 21:01:55) Meeting ended at 21:01:58 UTC. Action Items ------------ * next govt. meeting on 20th december. AbsintheSyringe will report to the list after it * get a better agenda for next meeting Action Items, by person ----------------------- * AbsintheSyringe * next govt. meeting on 20th december. AbsintheSyringe will report to the list after it * **UNASSIGNED** * get a better agenda for next meeting People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * Ganneff (190) * AbsintheSyringe (183) * moray (55) * change_ (53) * bdale (49) * gwolf (32) * vedran_omeragic (10) * dstranatic (6) * dam (5) * Clint (5) * Lunacy (5) * darst (3) * gregoa (3) * MeetBot (2) * simonft (2) * jeremyb (2) * h01ger (1) * n0rman (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot