===================== #debconf-team Meeting ===================== Meeting started by darst at 18:59:53 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2011/debconf-team.2011-04-11-18.59.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * DC10 final report (darst, 19:02:32) * nothing new here, still waiting or DC9 numbers from FFIS so that I can give good budget data for DC10 (mainly about surpluses) (darst, 19:02:56) * ACTION: tiago creates a smaller DC10 final report pdf (current one is 36MB) (darst, 19:03:33) * Local updates - accommodation (darst, 19:03:42) * LINK: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf11/Documentation/Accommodation (h01ger, 19:04:42) * LINK: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf11/Accommodation (h01ger, 19:04:57) * if we reserve 300 rooms, and only use 300, then we only pay for 200 (darst, 19:11:33) * Local updates - food (darst, 19:12:15) * correction: if we reserve 300 rooms, and only use 200, then we only pay for 200 (darst, 19:12:54) * Breakfast at the hotels people sleep in, lunch and dinner in Bosna all together (darst, 19:14:06) * Local updates - venue (darst, 19:14:23) * Registration (darst, 19:18:50) * LINK: http://rkd.zgib.net/http/debconf/registration-data.txt has running registration data (darst, 19:19:14) * Talks (darst, 19:25:52) * CfP was sent. Anything else to do now? (darst, 19:26:02) * ACTION: gwolf relays questions from talks@, or finds someone to answer from that alias (darst, 19:28:14) * Fundraising (darst, 19:28:32) * ACTION: darst pings various people to find an head of team (darst, 19:31:57) * Budget (darst, 19:39:55) * can we get tshirts printed (and bought) for less than USD5 in bosnia? (h01ger, 19:40:08) * Cooperation with publicity team (darst, 19:50:35) * ACTION: darst adds a Press item to DebConf_Manual and updates from this thread (darst, 19:51:57) * DebConf12 dates (darst, 19:52:32) * Option A: DebCamp from Sun.1st/July to Sat.7/July ; DebConf from Sun.8/July to Sat.14/July (darst, 19:53:24) * AGREED: local team checks other confs, and decides. Can mail list for final choices/options (darst, 19:56:47) * Any other business / next meeting / who writes summary? (darst, 19:56:57) * ACTION: darst writes summary (darst, 19:57:09) * AGREED: next meeting in two weeks (darst, 20:00:35) Meeting ended at 20:00:36 UTC. Action Items ------------ * tiago creates a smaller DC10 final report pdf (current one is 36MB) * gwolf relays questions from talks@, or finds someone to answer from that alias * darst pings various people to find an head of team * darst adds a Press item to DebConf_Manual and updates from this thread * darst writes summary Action Items, by person ----------------------- * darst * darst pings various people to find an head of team * darst adds a Press item to DebConf_Manual and updates from this thread * darst writes summary * gwolf * gwolf relays questions from talks@, or finds someone to answer from that alias * **UNASSIGNED** * tiago creates a smaller DC10 final report pdf (current one is 36MB) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * darst (152) * AbsintheSyringe (105) * h01ger (90) * gwolf (34) * AbsintheSyringe2 (20) * zumbi (9) * leogg (5) * vanja (5) * MeetBot (4) * n0rman (2) * dam (1) * paulproteus (1) * mmgc84 (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot