19:00:36 #startmeeting 19:00:36 Meeting started Tue Jun 28 19:00:36 2011 UTC. The chair is nattie. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:36 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:48 #topic Debian Day 19:01:02 hmmmmm, no aroundthfur 19:01:07 * nattie shuffles 19:01:13 reorder? 19:01:14 #topic registration team 19:01:19 darst: all yours 19:01:33 #info currently 272 people reconfirmed, 191 requesting rooms 19:01:46 #info on order of 60 people at debcamp 19:02:07 #info out of 483 market "attend" 19:02:13 we are handling problems 19:02:22 we need to send out more reminders for reconfirm + payment 19:02:25 any questions? 19:02:58 question: what's the most amusing thing registration@ has been asked? ;) 19:03:16 "can i share a french bed with..." 19:03:21 (no, not really) 19:03:41 hmm, I can't think of anything off the top of my head 19:03:49 darst: that's quite good, we are close to usual attendance levels 19:04:06 gwolf: yes, despite scary Zagreb travel etc. 19:04:07 nattie: can a French share a bed with... 19:04:44 totally 19:04:51 #topic talks team 19:05:07 i have to confess upfront that i still haven't requested proceedings submissions 19:05:12 but will do that shortly 19:05:37 #action nattie to get her butt in gear and request proceedings submissions ASAP 19:05:53 there seems to be some confusion about what rooms it is ok to pre-schedule events in 19:06:06 dkg: No, we have agreed to schedule only in the two talk rooms 19:06:23 the confusion i recall was whether it was ok to schedule in both rooms 19:06:38 no, i think it was two versus three 19:06:39 tassia: are you ok with us scheduling in both talk rooms? 19:06:42 ...This week we had some interesting/useful conversations regarding how to manage the scheduling and the tracks 19:06:45 and two was the agreement 19:06:55 nattie: that's what i'd like the agreement to be :) 19:06:58 dkg, this was mainly to avoid ahving two "top" talks at the same time 19:07:02 we are still likely to set up a third room that can be used later, but we need to see what actually works 19:07:07 dkg: Yes, we (I?) had originally prefered not to schedule in parallel "top" talks 19:07:18 but it seems we will only end up scheduling "top" talks 19:07:39 this is exactly the confusion i'm talking about 19:07:54 so... This week the tracks got assigned, and most of the other timeslots occupied - there is still some job to do in this regard (and thus you still see some holes in the schedule) 19:07:57 keep talking, folks, maybe the localteam will show up in the interim 19:08:00 dkg: I still don't see confusion among the people doing the scheduling :) 19:08:16 i guess i'm not doing the scheduling then, which is OK by me. 19:08:20 dkg: are *you* confused/worried about something? 19:08:27 tassia prepared a mail on Thursday to request people to confirm, and with which we will be able to present a schedule soon™ 19:08:32 dkg: so far you've merely suggested other people were confused 19:08:52 it looked to me like there was disagreement about what would happen 19:08:55 dkg: I don't think we are so confused by now ;-) This week's meeting helped us set many things straight 19:09:00 ok, good :) 19:09:16 so how many talks will be pre-scheduled this year? 19:09:24 ...This week, I expect us to finish the timeslots allotting 19:09:28 dkg: close to 70 19:09:57 and send the confirmation mails to the accepted authors 19:09:57 O 19:09:58 OK 19:10:01 great 19:10:12 after that, it will basically be filling up whenever one opens up 19:10:37 presumably we can't remove non-attend talks usefully until Monday? 19:10:37 Of course, we _will_ have some things to deal with (i.e. people being scheduled requesting a day change) which are not precisely trivial ;-) But should be workable 19:10:44 #info about 70 events will be pre-scheduled this year, with confirmation mails to their authors. they will be scheduled in two rooms. 19:10:55 moray: huh? 19:11:04 #info other events will fill in the rest of the schedule as it opens up 19:11:05 gwolf: confirmation deadline 19:11:19 oh! i'll really-try to do it before then 19:11:22 if the speaker(s) of an event are not reconfirmed, we can un-schedule their talk 19:11:27 gwolf: other way round :) 19:11:29 ok 19:11:39 sounds harder/harsher 19:11:50 gwolf: i.e. it might be better to wait until Monday so you know who is really coming 19:11:53 if they end up coming and paying for their stay, they should not be penalized by dropping the talk 19:12:19 otoh, some people might need to be sure that their talk is accepted to be able to come 19:12:21 gwolf: we asked *everyone* to confirm if they plan to come 19:12:22 I would prefer waiting a bit more before dropping the talks 19:12:46 gwolf, we can wait until de reconfirmation deadline 19:12:47 dkg: sure, I agree acceptance should go out first in fact 19:12:54 dkg: I'm thinking about scheduling here 19:13:06 (sorry if I was confusing) 19:13:15 moray: I think there are some mutual deadlocks between all of them 19:13:18 but if we didn't send it yet, we cannot set the deadline too sgort 19:13:26 some people need A before B, some B before A 19:13:34 tassia: you should send the acceptances I think 19:13:50 isn't the talks confirmation deadline the same as the attendance reconfirmation deadline? 19:13:51 but it might be better to then wait a few days before doing scheduling, so you don't have to change it all later 19:13:59 moray: yes, we wanted to send them on Thursday, but I asked tassia to hold as we needed some info on the space used by the tracks 19:14:09 (and this week I haven't been able to look at DebConf stuff) 19:14:15 gwolf: given that we have a nice clean way to deal with a pre-scheduled talk whos speaker decides they can't make it 19:14:16 gwolf, do we still need any info? 19:14:23 it seems like we should approve talks publicly first 19:14:26 and it might be better to send out *acceptance* immediately but not yet the "rejection" type mails 19:14:26 tassia: we are set :) 19:14:39 gwolf, I can help you with that tonight 19:14:43 tassia: if you can, could you start filling the schedule with the top-rated unscheduled talks? 19:14:45 perfect! 19:14:48 as you'll pull in more talks if there are many other speakers who won't come 19:14:57 tassia: i was just wondering - can your acceptance mail include a little paragraph about the proceedings? 19:14:58 gwolf, ok, I'll do that 19:15:06 sure 19:15:11 moray: of course. Or we can at least send out a general post saying "this is the preliminary schedule, but your talk can still bubble up" 19:15:16 that cuts out an extra step of work 19:15:33 nattie: of course! Please add it to tassia's proposed mail 19:15:40 nattie, can you add it? 19:15:42 nattie, http://whiteboard.debian.net/6aaa57.wb 19:16:06 gwolf: great 19:16:19 tassia: two seconds 19:16:29 FWIW, does anybody know how to make the schedule public? 19:16:34 vedran_omeragic: hi. any idea where aroundthfur or Adnan may be? 19:16:44 Ganneff: ↑ I think "anybody" is a one-element set including you. 19:16:48 gwolf: yes on that "rejection" wording -- point out also that lots of non-scheduled things happen at debconf, and encourage people to Just Do Their Thing too, even if we couldn't pre-schedule it. 19:16:55 yeah 19:17:06 gwolf, I'd rather wait a little bit before making it public 19:17:07 especially as we likely *will* have an extra room 19:17:12 dkg: it should not even be a rejection :) 19:17:18 I'm just not confident enough in my memories of room sizes for us to make it now 19:17:29 hi, sorry for being late, last week of exams, as for aroundthfur he's still in library and won't make it 19:17:37 yes, i was using the term from moray's earlier note -- it should not be labeled "rejection" at all. 19:17:48 tassia: ok, first mail all of the accepted authors, then wait some days, then producing the public schedule (with some of them already dropping)? 19:17:53 dkg: right, I put quotes as I know it's not the right term 19:17:56 he did tell me to sey he'll be sending Dday schedule on Saturdaz 19:18:17 lack-of-selection-as-featured-talk or whatever 19:18:28 vedran_omeragic: ok. Please remind him to tag _NOW_ all the Debian-Day related talks in Pentabarf 19:18:43 otherwise, we cannot know if he chose them, and we will schedule them for regular DebConf! 19:18:52 so, before tonight please! 19:18:59 ok, I'll text him right away 19:19:08 gwolf: I think it's already 'tonight' in Bosnia :) 19:19:17 #action tassia to send acceptance mail to pre-scheduled speakers tonight 19:19:18 moray: so before tonight anyway! ;-) 19:19:26 anything else on talks? 19:19:33 * gwolf has no further items 19:19:42 #topic debian day 19:19:54 #action aroundthfur to send Debian Day schedule on Saturday 19:19:59 #topic local team report 19:20:03 folks? 19:20:12 nothing new 19:20:22 is there any way we can get direct contact with the hotels ? 19:20:23 actually, do we know what's happening with t-shirts? 19:20:23 yep 19:20:35 darst, yes, if there's need 19:20:35 darst first, that's more urgent 19:20:52 nattie, nothing, printing will get postponed for a bit more 19:20:57 AbsintheSyringe: how do we expect to finalise stuff with the hotels? 19:21:06 AbsintheSyringe: once we have the numbers of people, what happens? 19:21:08 micah: perfect timing, you just missed the talks team bit 19:21:10 well done 19:21:11 moray, what excatly? 19:21:17 nattie: :D 19:21:18 moray, you give it to me, and I'll fwded to them 19:21:19 AbsintheSyringe: \o/ 19:21:29 and can we get an exact cost structure of rooms for special cases of people wanting non-sponsored accom with us? 19:21:45 AbsintheSyringe, can we email it to them directly? 19:21:54 darst, yep 19:22:02 if they can read/write english... 19:22:13 it is getting to the point we shouldn't have to go through you for everything 19:22:24 can you mail their contact information to registration@debconf.org ? 19:22:55 and perhaps write a mail introducing us, saying "if you have any questions, ask registration@debconf.org and they will be your contact" ? 19:23:34 AbsintheSyringe: please cc that introductory mail to registration too 19:24:06 AbsintheSyringe: and the data on http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf11/Accommodation is still correct, before they start allocating rooms? 19:24:09 yes, I hope that nattie and/or norman and/or ana will become the primary contacts for hotel related stuff 19:24:24 darst: you're totally just using me 19:24:35 guys 19:24:43 we need to provide them with room numbers before anything 19:24:50 that should be no1 19:24:57 AbsintheSyringe: we have certain special cases that we have to deal with 19:25:04 then room allocation we'll go with our help 19:25:16 nattie, I know 19:25:17 can we ignore the special cases for 5 minutes? 19:25:27 AbsintheSyringe: we need some room allocation to know *how many rooms* 19:25:48 as it's different numbers if there's 1/2/3 people in rooms 19:26:11 AbsintheSyringe: but I think it will be far easier if you leave registration@ interact directly with the hotel 19:26:23 they will have all the needed data, and they won't have to triangulate the information 19:26:48 ok, I'll talk to diva people and hotels regarding this as well see what they thing 19:27:02 AbsintheSyringe: on Monday we have (much more accurately) numbers of people 19:27:03 why "what they think"? 19:27:12 moray, good, thanks 19:27:13 diva peolpe because it is diva officially making the booking ? 19:27:32 AbsintheSyringe: but "numbers of people" is not "numbers of rooms", which is what I guess they want 19:27:45 AbsintheSyringe: can't the hotel people be told, "norman/ana/nattie are the people that will officially tell you the details"? 19:27:49 moray, exactly 19:27:55 gwolf, yes 19:28:23 * gwolf has to leave 19:28:28 I gotta leave as well 19:28:35 but I'll catch up as soon as I return 19:28:38 Tuesday schedule is not working out for me 19:28:41 AbsintheSyringe: two seconds 19:28:42 so on to my wheels o/ 19:28:44 can you introduce us ASAP, and we will mail them and sort out how to communicate numbers and so on ? 19:28:52 AbsintheSyringe: do we know where vanja is? since he seems to be a bit MIA 19:29:11 (isn't he in charge of t-shirts?) 19:29:27 nattie, no idea, could send him an sms, saw he unsubscribed from list as well, thought he was changing emails or something 19:29:38 yeah, his mail bounced recently 19:29:49 sms sounds useful then 19:29:52 nattie, yes he is, but even in worst case scenario we can get a replacement 19:29:59 have backup options for almost anything 19:30:03 k I'll sms him 19:30:08 do let me know what's up on that front then 19:30:15 are we done with rooms for the moment? 19:30:37 special cases remain, but I don't think that needs to be worked out now 19:30:54 I think that was partly darst worrying that we shouldn't just tell people "book with the hotel" ever 19:31:00 right, we should work out special cases directly... once we get the email 19:31:36 #info room information provided to hotels early next week 19:31:36 on the question of local activity, I know that more generally a lot of the local team volunteers are still finishing university exams 19:31:53 but that should stop about the same time as the confirmation deadline 19:31:56 #info registration@ will work with hotels on stuff 19:32:16 #action AbsintheSyringe introduces hotels to registration@ alias and reg@ will follow up 19:32:20 * zobel becomes online 19:32:37 do you need me for anything else I gotta go 19:32:39 * n0rman here 19:32:44 AbsintheSyringe: go ahead 19:32:52 nattie, tnx, bai 19:33:18 #topic AOB 19:33:20 anything else? 19:33:50 crickets, tumbleweeds... 19:33:59 #endmeeting