#debconf-team: DebConf meeting

Meeting started by moray at 18:12:53 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Internet/Connectivity (moray, 18:13:04)
    1. Still waiting for responses from ISPs (moray, 18:14:40)

  2. Sponsorship (outgoing) team (moray, 18:15:03)
    1. The sponsorships (outgoing) team is in charge of all types of sponsorships: food, accommodation and travel (xamanu, 18:20:28)
    2. The team should have its first meeting soon (moray, 18:29:25)

  3. Sponsorship (incoming) (moray, 18:29:39)
    1. re: sponsorship team: gwolf or fitoria should be on it, as they have penta access. ask them nicely ;) (h01ger, 18:38:50)
    2. AGREED: Small sponsors should (optionally) get listed on a special page of the website -- no links, just names (moray, 18:46:13)
    3. AGREED: donors.xhtml (moray, 18:47:32)
    4. cate will cater prof+corp attendees and make sure they get invoices and generally feel welcome ;) (h01ger, 19:08:41)

  4. AOB (moray, 19:09:42)
  5. GSOC students sponsoring (moray, 19:10:23)
    1. http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/soc-coordination/2012-May/001245.html (gaudenz, 19:11:46)

  6. Food team status (moray, 19:21:10)
  7. AOB (moray, 19:24:41)
    1. we (locals) need to find out out to block+hotels now (h01ger, 19:33:18)
    2. "block" = book (moray, 19:33:40)
    3. = reserve (moray, 19:33:59)

Meeting ended at 19:37:01 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. moray (115)
  2. h01ger (68)
  3. n0rman (65)
  4. gaudenz (32)
  5. xamanu (18)
  6. cate (15)
  7. darst (9)
  8. mangodrosa (4)
  9. FBI (4)
  10. MeetBot (2)
  11. bremner (1)

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