=================================== #debconf-team: debconf team meeting =================================== Meeting started by moray at 20:00:05 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2012/debconf-team.2012-11-22-20.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * hello (moray, 20:00:16) * LINK: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Meetings/20121122 <- Agenda is there. (OdyX, 20:02:12) * Agenda: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Meetings/20121122 (OdyX, 20:02:22) * Le Camp (moray, 20:02:27) * le camp, contract status (h01ger, 20:09:22) * contract signature: who, how, when (h01ger, 20:43:44) * Not signing the contract as it is, at least until everybody is convince. (gwolf, 20:44:09) * we mostly agree that 1 partial-week + 1 full week is our ideal world's solution. (OdyX, 20:56:58) * This is getting long… (OdyX, 21:22:27) * C is dead (h01ger, 21:34:36) * AGREED: C is dead. (gwolf, 21:34:43) * going in circles. coming to an end, maybe? (h01ger, 21:45:48) * debconf1.debconf.org has ipv6. (OdyX, 21:52:35) * AGREED: HUG! (gwolf, 21:58:28) * AGREED: hug will try to negotiate a shorter contract, with the possibility of smaller-scale rental for DebCamp (gwolf, 21:58:48) * we need a debconf13 association board meeting formally (XTaran, 22:12:12) * [gwolf] meeting seems to be about to finish - With many issues still to talk (XTaran, 22:13:01) * AGREED: consensus for the LeCamp final negotiation is: Sign one week if possible; if not negotiate the best deal you can for the DebCamp week. If only two weeks is agreeable, last-resort is a phone call with DebConf chairs. (gwolf, 22:17:37) Meeting ended at 22:17:42 UTC. Action Items ------------ Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * h01ger (243) * gwolf (174) * OdyX (116) * hug (77) * moray (71) * pocock (45) * XTaran (40) * Y_Plentyn (34) * gaudenz (21) * gismo (19) * fil (17) * ana (16) * FBI (16) * heiserhorn (11) * darst (6) * rafw (3) * MeetBot (3) * gaudroid (2) * Ganneff (2) * mikam (2) * n0rman (1) * kevinmoilar (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot