===================== #debconf-team Meeting ===================== Meeting started by gaudenz at 18:00:48 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2013/debconf-team.2013-05-07-18.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * DC12 final report (gaudenz, 18:02:04) * ACTION: wendar and vorlon coordinate who does the english review of the budgeting part. Then release the final report for DC12 (gaudenz, 18:06:29) * Team roundtable (gaudenz, 18:06:42) * ACTION: gwolf and bremner to first ping last years herb team and then eventually ask for help on-list (gaudenz, 18:18:02) * ACTION: norman, cate, rafw, Y_Plentyn, alfusainey.jallow, darst, nattie should put their names in https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Teams/Front_Desk#Registration_team_.28pre-conference.29 (gaudenz, 18:28:20) * cate volunteers to be on the scheduling team (gwolf, 18:29:24) * tassia + tiago (+tille by mail) on the talks team (gwolf, 18:29:33) * (and gwolf on both, if it was not obvious ;-) ) (gwolf, 18:29:46) * gaudenz volunteers for talks rating (gaudenz, 18:29:48) * AGREED: DebianDay, Daytrip, Bar are mostly local things, but big changes and budget changes need to go through the global team. (gaudenz, 18:41:14) * DebCamp (gaudenz, 18:41:23) * already 59 people express interest in DebCamp (gaudenz, 18:45:41) * hug is in negotiation with le camp. (gaudenz, 18:47:51) * Registration status (gaudenz, 18:48:29) * ACTION: Ganneff to put the numbers about the communal accomodation survey into munin graphs. (gaudenz, 18:57:38) * AGREED: after the sponsored registartion deadline the remaining rooms are distributed on a first-come first-served basis. (gaudenz, 19:12:15) * AGREED: We extend the sponsored registration deadline to Sunday 19th May. (gaudenz, 19:30:03) * ACTION: gaudenz to draft the announcement about the registration deadline (gaudenz, 19:33:33) Meeting ended at 19:33:37 UTC. Action Items ------------ * wendar and vorlon coordinate who does the english review of the budgeting part. Then release the final report for DC12 * gwolf and bremner to first ping last years herb team and then eventually ask for help on-list * norman, cate, rafw, Y_Plentyn, alfusainey.jallow, darst, nattie should put their names in https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Teams/Front_Desk#Registration_team_.28pre-conference.29 * Ganneff to put the numbers about the communal accomodation survey into munin graphs. * gaudenz to draft the announcement about the registration deadline Action Items, by person ----------------------- * bremner * gwolf and bremner to first ping last years herb team and then eventually ask for help on-list * cate * norman, cate, rafw, Y_Plentyn, alfusainey.jallow, darst, nattie should put their names in https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Teams/Front_Desk#Registration_team_.28pre-conference.29 * Ganneff * Ganneff to put the numbers about the communal accomodation survey into munin graphs. * gaudenz * gaudenz to draft the announcement about the registration deadline * gwolf * gwolf and bremner to first ping last years herb team and then eventually ask for help on-list * nattie * norman, cate, rafw, Y_Plentyn, alfusainey.jallow, darst, nattie should put their names in https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Teams/Front_Desk#Registration_team_.28pre-conference.29 * wendar * wendar and vorlon coordinate who does the english review of the budgeting part. Then release the final report for DC12 * Y_Plentyn * norman, cate, rafw, Y_Plentyn, alfusainey.jallow, darst, nattie should put their names in https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Teams/Front_Desk#Registration_team_.28pre-conference.29 * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * gaudenz (163) * h01ger (80) * gwolf (79) * cate (55) * XTaran (39) * nattie (22) * Ganneff (19) * Y_Plentyn (7) * bremner (6) * wendar (6) * n0rman (4) * lazyb0y (4) * heiserhorn (3) * tiago_ (3) * MeetBot (2) * aw_ (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot