#debconf-team Meeting

Meeting started by nattie at 17:59:37 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. team roundtable (nattie, 17:59:53)
  2. team roundtable - Finance and Sponsorship status (nattie, 18:00:11)
  3. team roundtable - Registration (nattie, 18:03:07)
    1. https://penta.debconf.org/stats/only-reconfirmed/rooms-by-date-2.txt (cate, 18:07:03)

  4. team roundtable - talks (nattie, 18:10:09)
    1. AGREED: offer a free night from friday to saturday for those volunteers that can help with setup. (nattie, 18:10:54)
    2. #agreed offer a free night from friday to saturday for those volunteers that can help with setup. (h01ger, 18:11:10)
    3. https://penta.debconf.org/penta/schedule/dc13 (tiago, 18:12:56)
    4. AGREED: schedule will be announced shortly (nattie, 18:14:00)
    5. preliminary schedule is already up (nattie, 18:14:08)

  5. team roundtable - network (nattie, 18:14:26)
  6. team roundtable - network and servers (nattie, 18:14:39)
  7. team roundtable - video (nattie, 18:16:23)
    1. two rooms with video (nattie, 18:17:30)
    2. sound will also be good in these rooms (nattie, 18:17:51)

  8. team roundtable - bar (nattie, 18:19:06)
    1. heiserhorn sent an update about the bar to the -team list (nattie, 18:19:39)
    2. more bar volunteers are needed (nattie, 18:19:47)
    3. AGREED: call for bar volunteers to be combined with inventory/price announcement (nattie, 18:20:24)

  9. debian day (nattie, 18:22:14)
    1. AGREED: the proposed "debian day" even in neuchatel is cancelled (nattie, 18:28:48)
    2. AGREED: a new proposal for debian day is to combine talks and a celebration at le camp (nattie, 18:29:02)
    3. AGREED: debian day will be held friday 16 august, with a party in the evening possibly preceded by some talks (nattie, 18:41:40)

  10. banners (nattie, 18:41:48)
    1. AGREED: we will have 3 banners (nattie, 18:47:27)

  11. daytrip (nattie, 18:49:03)
  12. dishwashing and cleaning (nattie, 18:52:35)
    1. dishwashing contract is signed: 3 employees (nattie, 18:53:45)
    2. cleaning contract is not yet signed (nattie, 18:53:52)

  13. t-shirts (nattie, 18:54:26)
    1. t-shirts have been ordered (nattie, 18:55:43)
    2. t-shirts have been paid for (nattie, 18:56:16)
    3. AGREED: hug to be reimbursed for paying t-shirts from his own account (nattie, 18:57:04)

  14. participant info / faq (nattie, 18:57:47)
    1. AGREED: postponing FAQ to next week (nattie, 18:57:59)

  15. ideas for spending more money (nattie, 18:58:10)
  16. ideas for spending extra money (nattie, 18:58:21)
  17. AOB (nattie, 18:59:47)
    1. AGREED: let rafw discuss the frequency if that stays within the known and agreed costs (nattie, 19:00:59)
    2. AGREED: keep bar mark-up and income from bar low (nattie, 19:06:59)

Meeting ended at 19:09:34 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. nattie (133)
  2. h01ger (110)
  3. gaudenz (72)
  4. gwolf (36)
  5. cate (35)
  6. XTaran (34)
  7. moray_ (32)
  8. rafw (32)
  9. hug (30)
  10. tiago (22)
  11. gismo (12)
  12. heiserhorn (12)
  13. MeetBot (2)

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