18:57:56 #startmeeting 18:57:56 Meeting started Mon Jul 7 18:57:56 2014 UTC. The chair is madduck. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:57:56 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:58:13 #topic who's here? 18:59:16 * madduck notes that meetbot's clock is off. 18:59:50 embarrassingly so 19:00:11 Auf gehts, Deutschland! Fiel Gluck im FIFA World Cup !!!!! =)))) 19:00:34 kinda 19:00:50 that's okay, the less questions, the faster I get to put the laptop down again ;) 19:02:01 hello 19:02:10 somewhat; from home. 19:02:31 rather from work. 19:02:33 Which feels like home 19:02:39 okay, well, there's no reason for a headcount, people should just ask… 19:02:44 * madduck cuddles harmoney 19:02:54 #topic quick summary by madduck 19:03:06 Basically: the contract is *almost* ready to be signed 19:03:13 there are two open questions: 19:03:32 * azeem is around 19:03:51 (a) they want 5€ to handle all payments for us (YAY), but they also want it for sponsored people (who don't pay). There is a reason for that (there is effort), and I am trying to get them down to 3€ for those. 19:04:13 (b) the contract says keys back at 10:00 on the last day. I am trying to soften that rule 19:04:21 Other than that it's all set 19:04:32 #link https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf15/Germany/HD_contract 19:04:43 im here 19:05:02 There is the open question about providing our own coffee (we don't have a sponsor for that yet, but…), but we can resolve that after signing. 19:05:03 Me too. 19:05:12 Generally, the venue has been extremely cool. 19:05:25 I assume payment means accommodations? So, lodging? Food and lodging? 19:05:31 And the contract gives us time to cancel without spending a cent until 16 weeks before the conf 19:05:35 harmoney: yes. 19:05:43 In addition 19:05:58 they also offered to collect voluntary registration fees 19:06:23 and we might also offer the possibility (instead, maybe) for people to pay for someone else, quasi as a replacement for the registration fee 19:06:37 i.e. they will handle all of that for us for 5€/person 19:06:42 which is great, IMHO… 19:07:24 if the average person stays 5 days, that's 3% "commission", but it means no conversion fees (for us), no credit card fees (for us), no running after people… 19:08:16 in general, I expect a lesser percentage for commission… but I am giving a conservative estimate… 19:08:49 The other thing to report on is Internet, and this seems all to be chugging along. Nothing definitive yet, but I am very confident we will work something out! 19:08:56 azeem: anything else? 19:09:05 not that I know of 19:09:05 on site payment or also online? 19:09:18 cate: on site. they do accept credit card. 19:09:48 and we can probably let people pay ahead of time too, if we want to handle the logistics. 19:09:53 I know we can, it's just effort… 19:10:05 #topic General questions 19:10:12 we had some difficult also for DC13. Not all people have credit card 19:10:25 they take debit card and cash as well. 19:10:41 so advance payment could simplify (they could "use" other peopel card) 19:11:06 [but it is only for a minority of people] 19:11:17 Well, say you pay online and we have the information in time, then we just file you as "paid" (i.e. "sponsored by yourself") and you don't pay. 19:11:40 don't pay on site I mean 19:12:55 bers and other stuffs could be put together on one final payment? 19:13:10 beers? and food at the bistro you mean? 19:13:15 yes 19:13:23 No, I do not think they will let us run a tab. 19:13:31 But we can have DC13 vouchers, surely. 19:14:00 or people just pay cash. This is completely between every person and the venue, i.e. no DebConf e.V. involvement 19:14:23 what are DC13 vouchers? 19:14:34 like buy 25 drinks at once and then strike them off 19:14:40 ah, right 19:14:47 or 10 19:15:07 much fun for the pseudo-money printer. :) 19:15:26 \#agreed OdyX handles the pseudo-money printer 19:16:12 the vouchers I have not topicalised, so this is not a guarantee, but it's in the "nice-to-have" category anyway 19:16:46 there's also some tax stuff to mention, let me quickly summarise that 19:16:52 #topic Tax implications 19:17:14 I am reasonably confident we'll be awarded non-profit/tax-exemption status 19:17:42 Regardless, VAT is still an issue, but thanks to PwC, we seem to have found a way to address this which will even *make* us money 19:17:52 I won't go into details… 19:17:54 anyway… 19:18:20 The main concerns of PwC are that we pay for things like conference ("fancy") dinner and day trip, or the C&W expenses (2,50 €/person) 19:18:38 mainly because those might well not be considered tax-exemptable 19:19:15 I've talked to conny about this a bit, and we think that it should be possible to find specific e.g. day-trip sponsors, who then pay directly, so it's not a showstopper IMHO 19:19:44 in any case nor C or W is payed by DebConf, but only logistics 19:20:08 [plastics mainly] 19:20:22 yeah, only the 2,50 € fee they want for giving us wine glasses and cleaning up, and providing fridge space, which I think is very reasonable. 19:20:41 cate: I expect to get glasses and plates, for a high-class C&W experience. 19:21:28 and these things were you spit out the wine after tasting, what are they called? 19:21:39 hehe 19:21:48 azeem: not at DebConf!! 19:21:50 \#agreed azeem is in charge of us spitting out the wine 19:21:58 nothing is to be lost 19:23:55 #topic General questions, take 2 19:24:09 anything else? 19:24:29 no 19:25:11 I have a question: 19:25:32 Basically, we can take in 2000€/month from now until December without *any* taxes on it. 19:25:54 And in fact, we have to take in one such payment ASAP 19:26:20 But the sponsorship brochure is in the works (ETA mid-July) 19:26:24 and DC14 is to happen 19:26:31 so we are not going to actually work on this yet 19:27:13 But does anyone have any ideas how to get 2000€ ASAP? E.g. is your employer looking to support with 2.000€ and certainly won't (and has not) consider(ed) DC14? 19:27:58 Let me explain a bit more… 19:28:19 I think it is more for local companies. But it is very early for them to pay 19:28:26 We can take in 35k € tax-free in 2014, and we have to take in >0 19:28:44 cate: yes, hence maybe someone who's willing to understand 19:28:53 the 35k are "pro-rata" 19:29:02 I seem to remember that DebConf has funds it can provide to seed a conference that just needs to be paid back. 19:29:06 so basically, we can't just take them in in December 19:29:10 Rather that *Debian* has funds. 19:29:18 harmoney: but those would be a donation, not income 19:29:43 We have to take in >0 in 2014 because otherwise they might have a problem us using this lovely VAT rule that gains us money. 19:30:07 which you can only use [in 2015] if you've made <35k turnover in the previous year [2014] 19:30:12 well, but "in 2014" and "ASAP" are different timescales 19:30:25 if we don't have any turnover in 2014, they might say we didn't start yet 19:30:55 azeem: yes, sorry; the ASAP comes from the fact that we can take in 2.000 without tax for every month, so every month that passes is *lost money*! ;) 19:31:39 so "in 2014" is required; "ASAP" is would-be-nice 19:32:32 heck, even "in 2014" is not required 19:32:56 maybe some local sponsor would like to pay early if their logo is on the website when it gets widely announced for the first time 19:33:05 it's worth about 7% of budget minus a little bit. 19:33:34 azeem: good idea. However, those sponsors I can think of for this are the ones who will maybe pay even more than 2k 19:33:52 i.e. credativ… 19:34:00 ;) 19:34:22 But that's why I am asking: if someone's employer wants this special placement, then… 19:34:26 maybe we can convince them to upgrade to a higher level later on, would that work tax-evasio^Wstrategy wise? 19:34:34 yes 19:34:38 we do not evade taxes 19:34:43 we really don't. 19:34:48 optimize like amazon 19:34:53 not even 19:35:03 we arent registered in luxemburg... 19:35:04 we make use of laws that exist to make it easier to start up 19:35:12 and we are starting up… 19:35:21 we could ask zigo for advice 19:35:36 Let's not get sidetracked 19:35:55 madduck: ok, so I think it makes sense to announce the website widely at/shortly after DC14 19:36:06 In the end, RichiH and Ganneff and I are liable for anything we do in terms of the law, so rest assured… 19:36:12 so we could try to talk to some companies whether they want to be on it by the time it's announced 19:36:44 azeem: yeah, local businesses, and we should think about some where we can ask without losing a later chance. 19:36:50 and possibly dc15 could ask the "sorry, too late" sponsors 19:37:09 cate: is there a list of those? 19:37:26 (i.e. sponsors that are somewhat closer affiliated with us e.g. through employees) 19:37:31 madduck: I think on the "nice" sponsor-table 19:38:02 ;) 19:39:27 So are there general reservations with us signing this contract, especially given that we can cancel until April 2015? 19:39:35 * madduck heads towards closing the meeting… 19:41:12 well, let's wait for another 5 minutes or so, then close it down if nobody answers. 19:41:15 we're around anyway 19:41:28 just not tomorrow night 19:42:04 also, we hope the team doesn't implode if Germany gets beaten by Argentina in the World Cup Finals 19:42:57 wait, Switzerland is not up for the final anymore ? 19:42:59 sh** 19:43:58 OdyX: to be fair, I've never seen such a good Swiss team before; but no. 19:44:15 it was coached by a german 19:44:24 like the USA team ;) 19:44:34 and the Cameroon team 19:44:44 ok, getting back on topic 19:44:49 any more questions?? 19:46:06 So we're going to go ahead with the contract. As azeem, we'll be available for questions anywhere you find us, and post-DC14, the -germany channel will go away anyway… 19:46:31 just like the debconf15-germany mailing list 19:46:33 oh wait... 19:46:59 point being: we'll mainly organise in the official forums 19:47:19 So I will close at :50:00 ;) 19:47:24 30 secs ;) 19:48:02 #endmeeting