===================== #debconf-team Meeting ===================== Meeting started by madduck at 18:59:58 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2014/debconf-team.2014-10-06-18.59.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * role call (madduck, 19:00:03) * roll call (madduck, 19:00:51) * contract basics (madduck, 19:02:44) * ACTION: madduck to investigate the possibility of upping the #beds during debcamp (madduck, 19:10:00) * intro to budget.ods (madduck, 19:10:23) * ACTION: marga to gather historical occupancy data and sponsored attendees data (madduck, 19:20:57) * ACTION: cate to help marga with data collection (madduck, 19:21:56) * Occupancy: DebConf (madduck, 19:25:23) * Occupancy: DebCamp (madduck, 19:34:38) * Next steps for budget (madduck, 19:38:40) * ACTION: madduck to propose a more concrete budget by 2014-10-20 and send it to dc-team for preliminary sign-off (madduck, 19:42:19) * Expenses (madduck, 19:42:37) * AGREED: madduck proposes handling expenses with worst/base-case scenarios (madduck, 19:50:44) * ACTION: madduck proposes handling expenses with worst/base-case scenarios (madduck, 19:50:49) * Earmarking income (madduck, 19:51:03) Meeting ended at 20:12:37 UTC. Action Items ------------ * madduck to investigate the possibility of upping the #beds during debcamp * marga to gather historical occupancy data and sponsored attendees data * cate to help marga with data collection * madduck to propose a more concrete budget by 2014-10-20 and send it to dc-team for preliminary sign-off * madduck proposes handling expenses with worst/base-case scenarios Action Items, by person ----------------------- * cate * cate to help marga with data collection * madduck * madduck to investigate the possibility of upping the #beds during debcamp * madduck to propose a more concrete budget by 2014-10-20 and send it to dc-team for preliminary sign-off * madduck proposes handling expenses with worst/base-case scenarios * marga * marga to gather historical occupancy data and sponsored attendees data * cate to help marga with data collection * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * madduck (229) * marga (75) * moray (39) * cate (26) * gwolf (21) * RichiH___ (15) * hug (6) * RichiH (4) * maxy (4) * azeem (3) * MeetBot (2) * bremner (2) * cts (1) * vorlon (1) * AndroUser (1) * RichiH_unauth (1) * hvhaugwitz (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot