20:01:46 #startmeeting 20:01:46 Meeting started Mon Oct 27 20:01:46 2014 UTC. The chair is marga. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:01:46 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 20:01:48 #link https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf15/Germany/Minutes/2014-10-27 20:01:50 Not many items in the agenda, so this may turn out to be a short meeting 20:01:53 #topic rollcall 20:01:53 let's keep the DC schedule in UTC only :) 20:01:59 <_rene_> moo 20:02:02 hierhier 20:02:02 Anyone that hasn't yet say hi, please do 20:02:07 Hello 20:02:08 hi 20:02:13 hi 20:02:15 hi 20:02:15 o/ 20:02:17 define 'hi' 20:02:18 Buenas noches 20:02:26 hi 20:02:38 #topic Status Updates - Verein 20:02:42 lo 20:02:46 RichiH, madduck: any good news? 20:02:52 no 20:03:00 no news are good news 20:03:11 . 20:03:15 no bad ones either 20:03:26 ok... Any ETA? 20:03:33 meat home in 5 20:03:40 i got a letter demanding more info, more paper, two copies of a questionnaire 20:03:43 me at 20:03:58 marga: a few weeks ago 20:04:04 i honestly don't know at this point 20:04:08 RichiH, alright 20:04:11 every time i think we are done... 20:04:14 ...we are not 20:04:30 #info We are basically done but they want more info 20:04:40 #topic Status Updates - DC14 Final Report 20:04:49 cpt_nemo, azeem: how's it looking? 20:05:09 not finished I believe 20:05:11 I'm still working on the layout. 20:05:48 The text is not really complete either: Bidprocess is empty. 20:05:53 cpt_nemo, do you need more people? 20:06:01 For layout: no. 20:06:03 I think that at this point whatever is not there needs to be dropped, no? 20:06:06 we can slash non-essential chapters 20:06:14 When is the deadline? 20:06:23 cpt_nemo: 31/10 20:06:25 And more important: Who is this report for? 20:06:49 I'm still somewhat confused about that. 20:07:00 cpt_nemo, it doesn't have ONE target audience 20:07:12 If it is intended for future sponsors, we need to streamline it a bit. 20:07:18 it's geared at the public in general, and past and prospective sponsors in particular e.g. 20:07:20 We do send it to all potential and past sponsors, as a testimony of what happens at DebConf 20:07:23 cpt_nemo: why? 20:07:38 But also attendees of past, current and future DebConf would normally find it interesting 20:07:45 For attendees it's fine. 20:07:57 why is it not fine for sponsors? 20:08:03 There is unexplained jargon ("hacklab")... 20:08:21 It should define more clearly what DebConf is and what Debian is. 20:08:40 I can make a proposal for that. 20:08:47 we probably don' t need to solve that for the report 20:09:00 Also, do you think we should add the list of talks? 20:09:24 hrm, we haven't done so in the past 20:09:32 azeem: Yes, we have. 20:09:35 we could link to a nice list on the web, if such a thing exists 20:09:37 did we? 20:09:46 Maybe only partially, but there were definitely lists of talks. 20:09:47 no, those were the proceedings 20:09:55 With one-sentence abstracts even. 20:10:04 right, the proceedings 20:10:07 I can create the list as well. 20:10:10 that's a different document 20:10:13 Nope, the report. 20:10:17 Just a sec... 20:10:36 well, I think it 20:10:38 No, I agree with cpt_nemo. In some reports we did list talk title, speaker and mini-abstract 20:10:39 Page 8 in the DebConf9 report. 20:10:40 it's not essential 20:10:41 * madduck in 20:10:43 Not the full proceedings 20:11:35 Then, we need pictures. 20:11:49 I have downloaded what is publically available, but I wasn't there. 20:12:04 cpt_nemo, pictures of somethign in particular? 20:12:06 So I'd need someone to tell me what is a picture of the venue, for instance. 20:12:21 For this, it should be possible to recruit someone on the mailing list 20:12:27 Alright. 20:12:49 the venue did not lend itself to being photographed a lot 20:12:49 #action cpt_nemo to send a message to debconf-team@ requesting a volunteer for selecting pictures 20:13:25 Regarding talk list, if it would add to the value of the report, we can do it, but we need a volunteer to assemble and layout the list 20:13:35 I can assemble the list. 20:13:42 well, is the layout finished? 20:13:50 Not really. 20:13:59 the talks section lists some highlights 20:14:05 and ana requested I'd add some more 20:14:05 Yes. 20:14:08 So, the idea was to publish the final report soon. Should be change the deadline? 20:14:11 azeem: ? 20:14:13 so I suggest we first augment that 20:14:19 maxy: some more highlights from the talks 20:14:25 ok, it might be enough to augment that 20:14:37 maxy: oh, I didn't get your line before 20:14:38 Were there talk tracks? 20:14:45 cpt_nemo, a bunch 20:14:51 cpt_nemo, you can see them in the schedule page 20:14:52 cpt_nemo: yes, and it's in the talks section, no? 20:14:54 OK. 20:14:58 I listed a few 20:15:11 https://summit.debconf.org/debconf14/ 20:15:15 so I think we shouldn't worry about a whole list right now 20:15:18 Was there a rationale for the tracks? 20:15:33 The talks team grouped the talks by similarity 20:15:33 why do you ask? 20:15:52 Because the conference will look better if the tracks weren't an accident 20:16:05 how would the reader know? 20:16:20 By us telling them. 20:16:33 I'm not sure we should discuss specific content right now 20:16:36 Why we think some topic is important. 20:16:37 we can do it after the meeting 20:16:37 OK. 20:16:41 Sure. 20:16:44 they were there in summit,and we used them to group talks 20:16:57 Ok, let's move on. 20:17:04 Please ask for help on the ML if you need to 20:17:12 OK.l 20:17:13 #topic Status Updates - Budget 20:17:22 madduck, any updates on this side? 20:17:37 madduck: related: did lucas and you continue off-list? 20:17:51 well, sort of 20:18:04 I've been keeping the budget updated as new sponsors jump on board 20:18:16 and I am happy to keep doing this until we have a reasonable conference 20:18:31 it's not necessary for every change IMO 20:18:39 i.e. right now, there is a base case which lists what a good conference would be, but we are nowhere near getting enough money for tat 20:18:53 what's the number for that? 20:18:54 and i occasionally update the worst case/status quo 20:19:30 * madduck checks 20:19:35 well, nm 20:19:48 Ok, I think that we probably don't need to keep track of this on the meeting, then 20:19:55 Unless there's something relevant to mention 20:20:28 #topic Status Updates - DayTrip / Conference Dinner 20:20:34 azeem: yeah, 150k short right now… but this means nothing. 20:21:01 manuel has quit... 20:21:05 Ganneff, are you around? 20:21:21 Ganneff wrote to the marketing people 20:21:23 Ganneff, had volunteered for contacting Heidelberg city regarding this, but I didn't hear any news. 20:21:39 and the reply was "sure we can help you but it'll cost you. we cannot sponsor" 20:21:48 Ganneff can't be here before 9:30, iirc 20:22:20 point being: we can use them as a service provider and we should ask them for ideas and quotes 20:22:21 Ok. What are we doing about this? 20:22:56 normally the dinner and trip can be organised much later; it's not urgent, except for contacting potential sponsors 20:23:24 moray_: or if all suitable venues are filled, and some are already 20:23:26 The point was that we might be unable to reserve places later on 20:23:28 conf dinner 20:23:34 day trip is easy to do in 6 months… 20:23:47 i have ideads re daytrip. i will be in south hessen around mid of december. 20:24:02 However, I don't consider this as important as other things... 20:24:06 i will try to have more details on daytrip ideas by then. 20:24:08 zobel: can you dump into wiki earlier? 20:24:08 madduck: But for the conf dinner we can always use the hostel and some special food. 20:24:17 RichiH: it already is in the wiki 20:24:17 so about conf dinner: correct me if I am wrong, but the people who agreed to do something on this have not and we have made no progress, right? 20:24:24 maxy: yes, yes we can 20:24:26 maxy: that's actually my preferred solution 20:24:32 less overhead 20:24:34 RichiH: like: 2 month ago. 20:24:41 zobel: ok, ta 20:24:41 madduck, "have not" is relative, but it's correct that we have made no progress 20:25:00 maxy: and in the end if will be a question of cost, I just would like to have the options and for that we have to keep moving. 20:25:14 marga: right, I was trying to stay purely factual. sorry. 20:25:53 So, we could just de-prioritize it right now and look back into it later, knowing that we will have less options 20:26:10 Well, Ganneff was going to contact Heidelberg marketing to get some possibilities. 20:26:20 Sorry 20:26:22 maxy: he did and they can probably help 20:26:32 this needs to be followed up 20:26:33 How many people do you expect at the conf dinner? 20:26:49 how about contacting the university about doing it in their old buildings in the old city? 20:26:53 cpt_nemo, as many as attendees which is an unknown number 20:26:53 that might be a good setting 20:27:24 azeem, in the cafeteria or what? 20:27:31 well, dunno 20:27:32 Unis are not usually a place to go out and eat. 20:27:55 azeem: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf15/Germany/ConfDinnerIdeas 20:27:55 hrm 20:28:14 they have some old building in the pedestrian zone where we walked. between the caffee and the busstop 20:28:15 Anyway, the problem we have right now is that we don't have an owner following up 20:28:29 cts: right 20:29:13 http://www.uni-heidelberg.de/institutions/rectorate/kum/events/index.html 20:29:21 but yeah, it might not be a good setting 20:29:28 this is not leading anywhere 20:29:45 Shall I mail the debconf15 mailing list looking for someone to be in charge of this? 20:30:08 please 20:30:11 marga: hopefully, we will have soon a team for that :) 20:30:14 promise them fame and fortune! 20:30:25 http://osm.org/go/0DwYu3jWt psychologisches institut. so they can keep us for treatment ;-) 20:30:30 #action Marga to try to get a new volunteer for leading this. 20:30:35 Tincho, a team for what exactly? 20:30:51 I'm going to skip a couple of status updates of people that are not here 20:31:04 marga: what is "this"? :) 20:31:05 #topic Status Updates - Website team 20:31:16 zobel, the conf dinner 20:31:28 So, Ganneff and madduck have made updates on push, which is great 20:31:34 marga: for coordinating with the local team all these things, like daytrip 20:31:44 marga: yes, but in the meetbot summary it will not help to have "this".... 20:32:05 Anything else about the website? Is there content there still missing? 20:32:06 zobel: there is a #topic too, but you are right. 20:32:19 marga: well, I think it's okay for now 20:32:27 it's from topic, it could have been better worded, I'll try to keep in mind for the future 20:32:46 but I also sense that we are not really using the website as we could/should yet while there is uncertainty about the future of summit and websites in general 20:32:56 Tincho, I don't think the lack of an extra team is the problem right now. 20:32:59 madduck, right. 20:33:08 _rene_ is 30 minutes idle 20:33:11 i.e. the whole team situation dragging on for so long puts us in a bit of a hiatus, specifically wrt summit 20:33:27 _rene_ and I made http://debconf15.debconf.org/payments.xhtml and this was the action item from last week 20:33:30 so nothing more to report. 20:33:33 Ok, I think it's fine anyway at this point 20:33:36 #topic Status Updates - Public relations 20:33:54 On a related subject, Laura said that she would do a pseudo-interview for the blog 20:33:58 anyone volunteers for this? 20:34:02 cool idea 20:34:27 i'll volunteer if noone else wants. 20:34:32 madduck: same 20:34:53 yeah, I was going to say the same :) 20:35:05 well then i'll retract and you two figure it out ;) 20:35:24 Maybe we can make it not-a-one-person interview 20:35:28 I'll follow up with Laura 20:35:39 oi 20:35:41 marga: if we do a group thing, we need a committed time & date 20:35:46 #action Marga to follow up with Laura about interview for the blog. 20:35:52 RichiH, agreed 20:35:54 else, it will rund into endless back & forth 20:35:58 #topic Status Updates - Drink prices 20:36:02 <_rene_> RichiH: I read it all though ;) 20:36:04 (even though the three of us are unlikely to) 20:36:16 madduck, were you able to discuss this with the hostel? 20:36:19 nothing done yet on drink prices, I was going to do this as part of negotiating the menu in general 20:36:25 _rene_: i meant in the context of website; but good to know :) 20:36:25 e.g. local produce etc. 20:36:32 madduck, timeline for this? 20:36:57 next meeting 20:37:14 #action madduck to discuss menu with the hostel in the next two weeks 20:37:16 #action madduck to approach youth hostel about menu/drinks/prices/etc. 20:37:19 oops ;) 20:37:26 #topic Status Updates - Honoring pro-bono advisor 20:37:32 done. 20:37:45 ok... Not sure why you left it there 20:37:45 pwc has also donated money and is now a bronze sponsor 20:37:52 #topic Fundraising 20:37:53 to report and summarise 20:38:06 We need more leads and more people working on fundraising 20:38:16 yeah, this (fundraising) is the next big thing 20:38:28 Yeah, we really need to focus on it 20:38:40 And we need to somehow get to contact more sponsors 20:39:09 I think it's fine for a small number of people to write to sponsors, but we need people to establish contact 20:39:13 generate leads 20:39:17 I've asked a fried at SAP for contacts, but did not get feedback yet. Is anybody else in contact with SAP? 20:39:25 give us names of people and why they might be interested 20:39:54 I'll info that 20:39:58 cts: tomorrow same time, we have a fundraising meeting, then we discuss individual sponsors, or you tell me in privmsg 20:40:22 #info it's fine for a small number of people to write to sponsors, but we need people to generate leads, give us names of people and why they might be interested 20:40:29 i think it's also time for a d-u-g mail and for everyone *EVERYONE* to reach out and seek leads. 20:40:47 #action marga to follow up on debconf15 mailing list 20:41:09 madduck, I thought you had already sent the mail to the german user group 20:41:11 I think this kind of topic is to be discussed in -sponsors 20:41:21 Tincho, we already discussed it 20:41:32 Tincho, we need to generate more leads and from the team itself we don't have enough 20:41:33 Tincho: everyone needs to provide leads. Actual work happens there. 20:41:54 has anyone tried those HP folks that were at DC14? 20:42:04 MeanderingCode: HP is covered 20:42:08 k 20:42:15 hello MeanderingCode 20:42:16 Right, this is for NEW sponsors, not recurring ones 20:42:32 well, unless you have fantastic ideas for intel and ibm 20:42:38 but this is to be discussed in 24 hours 20:42:46 Anyway, I don't think there's anything else to say, except that we really need this. 20:42:51 right 20:43:00 #topic DebConf teams 20:43:04 Tincho, your thing 20:43:28 So, I am not sure what you guys were expecting from this 20:43:29 * madduck set Tincho up for this, let's hope he managed to prepare as the chairs are meeting later… 20:43:40 as I said to madduck earlier, our meeting is in 1H17 20:43:50 Tincho: a timeline, status update, what to expect when. 20:44:07 but I can tell you that we have been listening to feedback, talking to the people who raised objections 20:44:10 I set aside time this week to work on summit, but I am afraid to touch summit because there is no summit team 20:44:18 just as an example 20:44:29 and trying to find an agreement 20:44:34 madduck: I totally understand that 20:44:38 we want this done asap 20:45:23 so I don't have a proper timeline, but as soon as we have a defined list, the next step is to start forming the teams, similarly to fundraising, but hopefully with less mistakes :) 20:46:04 i am just a bit conscious about the timeline because we want to open registrations in march… 20:46:14 and a lot needs to be done before we are ready for that 20:46:25 I know, but the problem is that we have very different schedules, and we can only meet on mondays at 22 UTC 20:46:55 Ok, is there any action that needs to be taken in this regard? 20:46:56 let's hope that you can soon find a solution then which doesn't depend on the chairs meeting. 20:47:03 marga: don't think so. 20:47:04 so, bottom line is: we're on this, we want this as fast as you want it 20:47:10 thanks Tincho for the update. 20:47:12 Ok, sounds good. 20:47:28 #topic Mailing list migration 20:47:35 This has been on the agenda for forever 20:47:43 But I'm not sure it helps 20:47:57 no 20:48:02 as you can see: lots 20:48:07 I think this is something that needs top-down decision 20:48:21 another one that should improve with teams in place :) 20:48:23 and someone to drive the migration who is not I 20:48:40 am i missing anything or is this something that can just be _done_ in 30minutes to 2 hours? 20:49:06 RichiH, it's more about the decision than the action, I think 20:49:33 well, and two different systems? 20:49:41 Tincho: can you just decide this, then? 20:49:54 (i may be naive here, but..) 20:50:43 maybe moving the lists to the more limited smartlist isn't the solution, but we should have a more resilient dc-admin team. Ganneff has been doing an amazing job all these years and still is, despite his current obligations, but it's still a bottleneck and one day it'll hurt us. 20:51:05 RichiH: we could, but I am not sure this is so urgent not to wait a bit more (until there is an infra team that just takes on the responsibility to do this and other related things) 20:51:08 so maybe the solution to all of it is to keep dc.o and to have a team doing the amdining 20:51:11 admining 20:51:29 that's my point, I would like that team to decide how are they going to do it from now on 20:51:32 anyway, also not something to decide for now, it's on the agenda because it was left over from the last two meetings, marga ;) 20:51:40 IMHO migration to d.o was already decided, so -sponsor team should decide and move 20:51:43 madduck, I know 20:52:06 cate: maybe the decision wasn't a good one. smartlist is not the most awesome for lists with specific requirements 20:52:10 cate: i thought that was the case as well 20:53:06 I'm not sure what to conclude of this 20:53:14 Will this be magically fixed with an infra team? 20:53:29 if it's the right team and all stake holders are happy… 20:53:29 not magically, but there will be somebody with the authority to do so 20:54:36 #agreed The decision will be at the hands of the soon-to-come infrastructure team 20:54:44 #topic Any Other Business? 20:54:53 * madduck raises hand on LPI @ DC15 20:54:55 First time since I'm charing: we have 6 extra minutes 20:55:01 madduck, go ahead 20:55:09 So I asked LPI e.V., the German branch of the Linux Professsional Institute, for support of DC15 and the reply was that they would offer discounted LPI exams. 20:55:20 Are we interested? 20:55:30 fwiw, they do that for most anything 20:55:32 how much discount? 20:55:36 not that's that a no, mind 20:55:36 This has been done in some past debconfs, I don't know with how much success... Does anybody recall? 20:55:36 yeah 20:55:52 it has been done at FOSDEM a lot as well I think 20:55:57 Yes 20:55:58 i remember them being free even at dc9 or so 20:56:02 azeem: for about a bazillion years, yes 20:56:15 anyway, are we interested in LPI exams? Then I can negotiate this harshly ;) 20:56:22 we don't have a lot of rooms for exams for > 5 or so people I'd say 20:56:24 I am personally not too keen I have to say 20:56:31 madduck: until when would we need to know? 20:56:37 I don't think the Debian part of the LPIC exams are worth the paper they are written on 20:56:45 and the main talk rooms wouldn't have tables 20:56:50 RichiH: a week? ASAP? 20:56:57 the main talk rooms are too valuable 20:56:58 imo 20:57:00 azeem, I think the room where we met during the kickoff meeting would be fine 20:57:26 if we need to rent another room just for them... 20:57:35 RichiH, we don't 20:57:38 proposal: I'll ask on debconf-discuss if there are people generally interested in taking those exams? 20:57:40 RichiH, we have the whole building 20:57:47 madduck, sounds good 20:58:05 #action madduck to ask on debconf-discuss if there are people insterested on a discounted LPI exam 20:58:15 Anything else? 20:58:17 marga: i thought we had an upper limit on rooms, but that may have been a different venue, then 20:58:20 or during debcamp 20:58:27 debcamp 20:58:28 RichiH, yes, during debcamp 20:58:36 marga: ascii art? 20:58:40 to fill the last 1.5 minutes? 20:58:52 We can end early if there's nothing else 20:58:56 ()() 20:58:57 Next meeting at the same time? 20:58:58 ('') 20:59:02 (__) 20:59:04 bunny 20:59:09 Sorry, I cut that off 20:59:10 marga: yes. 20:59:11 Some thought about guest speach? 20:59:17 Ok. 20:59:19 cate: ? 20:59:23 cate, that's talks team, I think. 20:59:24 marga: i shall exact revenge at the next opportunity 20:59:41 cate: guest speech as in invted speaker? 20:59:42 Ok, it's time, i'm closing 20:59:46 #endmeeting