19:01:16 #startmeeting 19:01:16 Meeting started Fri Feb 13 19:01:16 2015 UTC. The chair is marga. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:16 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:01:26 . 19:01:33 #chairs moray marga 19:01:48 #chair moray 19:01:48 Current chairs: marga moray 19:01:56 https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Meetings#DC16_decision_meeting_agenda 19:02:13 That's the agenda that we intend to use 19:02:58 cyphermox_mtl and I will be speakers for Montréal, as last time 19:03:06 We will go through the different points in the priority checklist and each of the member of the committee shall voice their opinion. 19:03:13 pollo_mtl, cyphermox_mtl said lavamind_mtl and you. 19:03:30 Everyon that is around, please say hello, so that you know you are there. 19:03:36 marga: oh, damn, sorry, it's true 19:03:37 hello ! 19:03:37 o/ 19:03:43 miau 19:03:43 hola! 19:03:46 hola 19:03:47 hola 19:03:47 #topic Introductions 19:03:51 salut 19:03:54 (sorry about that) 19:04:01 hi 19:04:04 hi 19:04:05 hi! 19:04:08 Any offtopic discussion should be done in #debconf-discuss 19:04:10 I'm here! :) 19:04:14 hi 19:04:24 hi 19:04:29 o/ 19:04:40 hi 19:04:42 . 19:04:49 I will only set the channel to moderated if it's needed. 19:05:08 howzit! 19:05:52 So, the bids have sent their updates. Unfortunately they were a bit last minute, so hard for us to analyze. 19:06:30 marga: Setting moderated now may be useful to prevent mistakes when people turn up half-way through. 19:06:31 I'll give 4 minutes (i.e. until :10) to write here any important updates that you want the committee members to take into account. 19:06:54 After that, we start going through the priority list 19:07:21 (please reload the page if you already loaded it, as it includes a bunch of useful comments) 19:07:58 * h01ger wouldnt mind a summary here 19:08:00 reminder of link: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Bids/Cape_Town/Status#Since_the_first_meeting [which hasn't changed since I posted it to the list] 19:08:32 oh, I forgot to mention in the status update, that child care has been confirmed, at UCT 19:09:03 out status update is here: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Bids/Montreal/Status 19:09:14 the only things that are to add is that we got clearer dates 19:09:40 we were recommended June 19-30 or July 18-26 19:09:43 pollo_mtl: do you have a link to your updated venue/security and food prices you mentioned in the update? 19:09:48 pollo_mtl: as in more restricted dates? or how are they clearer? 19:10:01 I don't think dates are relevant for this meeting 19:10:06 s/restricted/specific/ 19:10:19 So, please let's not discuss that now. 19:10:20 marga: if they are unchangable, i think they are 19:10:21 security - https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Bids/Montreal/Venues/McGill#How_much_does_it_cost_to_rent_these_facilities.3F 19:10:34 they are not unchangeable 19:10:37 recommended times from our accomodation, this is the time where they are the least busy 19:10:42 that's all 19:10:52 marga: we had this debconf13 where place and time could not be changed and the local team argued we should have known as it was clear in the meeting... 19:10:53 h01ger, nope. We've always gone with whatever was available. Not relevant, please let's not discuss that. 19:11:07 #topic Priority list 19:11:09 pollo_mtl: sorry, how much is 22750CAD$ en USD? EUR? 19:11:31 16012.19 Euro 19:11:39 18238.52 US Dollar 19:11:46 Alright, let's start going throu the priority list now. 19:11:47 n0rman_: yeah, but as said previously, it can chnage quite a bit 19:12:00 #topic affordable for both sponsors and attendees [including venue and travel costs] 19:12:01 hi! 19:12:08 I'm here too 19:12:11 hug: food - https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Bids/Montreal/Venues/McGill#How_much_are_the_meals_per_person_per_day.3F 19:12:28 pollo_mtl, ok, thanks. Please let us move on now. 19:12:48 pollo_mtl: thx 19:12:59 So, this is for committee members to evaluate 19:13:16 Please go ahead and express a succint opinion on this point. 19:13:23 This is about total costs -- venue plus food plus accommodation plus travel etc. 19:13:28 pollo_mtl: so the venue price is unchanged, correct? 19:13:39 has anybody made a quick budget with the current prices? 19:13:56 hug: it changed a bit, but not much. Mainly because we decided to rent more rooms 19:14:08 IMO we will see great variation here... One bid is much cheaper to *be at*, while much more expensive to get to, and the other one almost opposite :( 19:14:12 Tincho, not as far as I know. 19:14:13 Tincho: http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debconf-data/bid-capetown.git/tree/venue_info/debconf16_cost_comparison.ods 19:14:14 roughly 50k CAD for venue/security, I'd say 19:14:15 Tincho: To me it seems like the sum cost for sponsors plus attendees will be lower for MTL because of half the people getting cheaper travel. 19:14:18 venue + food cost of mtl are 17.800 EUR more expensive than .za, i am still looking for sleeping cost 19:14:36 Tincho: I don't think that the variations in venue costs between the two bids are big compared to the difference I see in travel costs. 19:14:48 My opinion: although flights to CPT are more expensive for people from North America, they are the same for people from the rest of the world. Everything else is cheaper in CPT. 19:14:59 * h01ger thinks we shouldnt weight unsponsored travel costs - those are not conference costs after all 19:15:06 should weight less 19:15:15 even if we are just a few of us, but travalling from latin america is very expensive as well 19:15:36 h01ger, they are not conference costs, but they affect who gets there. 19:15:37 h01ger: Right, although it will impact people willing to travel (even paying themselves) 19:15:42 moray: ok, good to know. I thought the venue costs were much higher 19:15:45 (assuming 300 people in the above) 19:15:46 h01ger: I expect it would be a smaller conf in ZA 19:15:54 marga: yes I agree 19:16:01 gwolf: yes, that's likely 19:16:15 h01ger: to the extent that it impacts turnout, unsponsored travel costs matter 19:16:18 gwolf: i agree. same as in .ni... 19:16:30 gwolf: yeah, but that is not a positive aspect :) 19:16:33 same as in all of Latin American confs so far 19:16:46 if that is the point, we should always stick with europe / US 19:16:47 h01ger, from what I looked at, flight prices for Europe are less expensive for CPT than for .ni 19:17:04 My point of view is that there's a slight advantage to CPT in this case 19:17:07 going away from the center will always be expensive 19:17:25 tassia: we can decide whatever we want, but we shouldn't just *ignore* the travel costs 19:17:28 average accomodation price in mtl is 2 eur per person and night higher so assuming 300 people, the total difference is 18500 eur for venue, food, accom with 300 people 19:17:40 tumbleweed_cpt: that spreadsheet is way too complex to read now :) 19:17:47 * h01ger agrees with marga 19:17:53 indeed, having the venue for free and the cheap price for food is at advantage 19:18:06 rmayorga: surely. 19:18:23 moray, I acknoledge it, I just think that venue + food costs could balance 19:18:25 well, cost-wise CPT is on the cheaper side IMO. food 8EUR vs 20CAD, venue free vs 50k CAD, accomodation probably about the same.. 19:18:28 Tnx. Can the rest please try to state weather they see a slight/medium/large advantage for one of the teams, or a tie? 19:18:29 that being said, travel will be more expensive and i also expect a slightly smaller DC in .za than in .ca 19:18:36 rmayorga: also accomodation looks cheaper than MTL 19:18:40 We don't want to discuss every penny 19:18:41 marga: is there a useful reason to come up with a simple "ahead" for one, versus separating these two questions? 19:18:53 n0rman_: on average: €2 cheaper 19:18:58 marga: e.g. "CPT ahead on venue costs, MTL on costs to attendees" 19:18:59 I agree on slight + for cpt 19:19:12 marga: e.g. "CPT ahead on venue costs, MTL on costs to attendees/travel sponsorship" 19:19:15 * RichiH_ctte also sees a slight advantage for cpt 19:19:16 moray, well, it's been historically one point :). 19:19:32 \me sees a tie 19:19:45 marga: well, the alternative is that I go on arguing that you are wrong to ignore the large extra travel costs :) 19:19:48 do we note this down now or go through it later? 19:19:51 I feel it to be slightly advantageous to CPT, iff European travel costs are similar to both destinations 19:19:56 * h01ger thinks its a medium advantage as money is a huge burdon 19:19:58 IMO 50k CAD is a lot, we never had such an expensive venue 19:20:11 I hope it would be cheaper after some negotiations 19:20:12 gwolf: except 2016 is meant to be an "Americas" year 19:20:31 vorlon: Not a strict rule FWIW 19:20:36 vorlon: we have always said so 19:20:44 Alright, let's just split it as I think there's basically a consensus of the split: strong advantage for CPT regarding venue+accom, medium advantage for MTL regarding travel? 19:20:45 vorlon: In any case, it would be an "out of Europe" year :) 19:20:50 vorlon: i think the scheme is switching continents, not america nor europe every two years 19:21:10 marga: if we split up the two points, i can agree to your call for consensus 19:21:11 hug: 50k CAD for venue? I'm seeing 27572 CAD$ for venue, am I seeing in the wrong place? 19:21:12 The scheme is not written in stone and it's really not now the moment to discuss it. 19:21:17 n0rman_: security 19:21:25 n0rman_: i just realized that hug inclded security 19:21:28 which we must 19:21:34 Can we try to agree on this point and move on to the next? 19:21:36 marga: the travel point is "strong" to me, it's a big cost to have so few people in cheap reach of the venue 19:21:41 gwolf: whether or not it's a rule, the travel costs from the Americas weight more for me than travel costs from Europe 19:21:48 but yes, I think we should agree we agree on the status, if not exact words 19:21:49 ...And how many flight tickets would 50K buy us? That's IIRC more than our usual travel budget 19:22:03 hug: RichiH_ctte right so es 27572 + 22750? that's really expensive...... 19:22:04 vorlon: OK, fair point. Also to me personally. 19:22:09 gwolf: ~50 from europe 19:22:12 * Tincho just checking flights from dublin on this july and the difference is 900 vs 1800 USD 19:22:21 gwolf: normally we have a significant number of people who can get cheap fligths 19:22:22 marga: i think you should summarize some state of how we see this and move to the next, yes 19:22:23 vorlon: and we have quite a big mass of developers in North America. 19:22:26 gwolf: we wouldn't really in this case 19:22:34 the discussion is getting meta.. 19:22:37 Tincho: can you tell us which one was 900? 19:22:45 rmayorga: MTL 19:22:50 #agreed advantage to CPT regarding venue+accom, advantage to MTL regarding travel 19:22:56 there are cheaper flights to CPT, but they take 24 hours 19:23:00 marga: please also note the 50k CAD venue costs, which is about half-1/3 of our typicial budget 19:23:01 Tincho: if that's the case, then there's *not* a price parity between both 19:23:03 marga, did we agree? 19:23:04 marga: thx 19:23:09 Sorry, that was wrong 19:23:12 #topic strong, mature, experienced local team 19:23:37 So, I think both bids are weak here 19:23:38 IMO both teams are strong and experienced. 19:23:43 tassia: not necessarily an agreement, but we were starting to re-state each their own points 19:23:45 hug: Really? Out of *locals*? 19:23:58 They are both very unexperienced 19:24:03 marga: use "rough agreement" instead of "we agree" ;-) 19:24:04 gwolf, marga , ok, I hadn't see the split 19:24:06 i think cpt has the stronger team, but mtl has the stronger _local_ team 19:24:07 (regarding DebCOnf) 19:24:31 what makes for strong here? having run a debconf in the past? 19:24:34 I feel this point advantageous towards CPT. 19:24:35 just to be clear, we had no outside (out of Mtl) help in building this bid 19:24:54 gwolf: Because of the outside mentors, or something else? 19:24:57 * h01ger thinks physical location of the whole team is a red herring 19:24:58 well they both have some experience and have some previous debconf team members. which IMO is enough 19:25:11 h01ger, red herring? 19:25:16 I think on mtl, it will depend on how many lpeople from local team will decide to work on it, probabaly this will change if they get the venue or not 19:25:22 tassia: hint in the wrong direction 19:25:25 moray: because of more people involved in the bid that have had experience in DebConf, both as attendees and as organizers (i.e. wendar) 19:25:42 tassia: I guess I should not be counting you+tiago as local team, right? 19:25:44 we won't end up with a one-man-show in either bid 19:25:53 gwolf: ok -- I think madduck/wendar were calling themselves mentors recently 19:25:54 h01ger: for me is a very difficult thing, because we always had remote people helping in various degrees, and you know that better than anybody :) 19:26:13 I think "experienced" here has always meant whether the team has experience within DebConf organization itself, and all its idiosyncracies 19:26:25 wendar and tumbleweed_cpt have both said that they would be there in advance. 19:26:41 yes, I don't think experience in other kinds of events is so useful for debconf 19:26:48 moray: IIRC wendar had stated she'd go "station" at CPT for a couple of months before the conference... I'm counting her as part of the team, not as mentor. But I might be mistaken 19:26:48 if MTL wins, you can count me as a mentor, but I can't commit to orga team 19:26:53 There's a bunch of experienced people in Montreal, but only Tiago was involved in the bid, and as a mentor. 19:26:55 gwolf, ^ 19:27:18 mentors help in the case that the bid team doesn't have this experience; there's still the question of whether the people making the decisions on the ground for the local team understand DebConf 19:27:37 vorlon: that also depends on how involved "mentors" are 19:27:38 Please let's not discuss each point to death 19:27:39 i.e., if we're reliant on mentors, there needs to be a good relationship with those mentors 19:27:41 I think wendar and tumbleweed_cpt are more involved then just mentors 19:27:47 marga++ 19:27:54 My opinion is that there's a slight advantage for CPT here. 19:27:56 FWIW both tiago` and wendar count themselves as localteam for both bids 19:28:01 can we all give a short indication of what we think? 19:28:03 anybody else upping the ante? :) 19:28:12 marga: agreed 19:28:18 I also want indiebio_cpt to get to DC15, to get more experience with DebConf 19:28:21 * RichiH_ctte sees a slight advantage for cpt 19:28:26 me thinks the topic is misleading. the local team also needs to be global, as in work inside the debconf team... 19:28:37 (what i said on #-discuss basically) 19:28:44 I see an advantage to cpt here 19:28:51 * Tincho is expecting the local team to become global tomorrow 19:28:54 tumbleweed_cpt: that is the way to go, normally people from DebConf+1 should attend to DC and get involved 19:29:18 * h01ger cheers tiago` and wendar being part of both bids localteams - actually i would like to hear their recommendations ;-) 19:29:23 but maybe this is a misperception because the mentoring on mtl has been behind the scenes? 19:29:28 Does anyone disagree with (slight) advantage to CPT? 19:29:41 marga: For me I think either can work; the non-localness of key people in CPT worries me a bit 19:29:55 I see advantage to cpt 19:30:02 But with continued enthusiasm it shouldn't be a problem 19:30:31 next 'opic then? 19:30:38 the amount of work that they've done to the bid preparation show that they can get things done 19:30:41 #agreed slight advantage to CPT 19:30:45 I see CPT being better organised, but I am not sure how to evaluate because of the non-localness 19:30:52 #topic good working spaces [hacklabs, discussion rooms etc.] 19:31:12 for me there is tie here, both venues looks very good 19:31:18 I'd set a tie on this, having seen only few photos... Both bids look like they can exceed what we need from a venue 19:31:19 I think both are ok in this sense 19:31:22 same 19:31:23 Yes 19:31:28 tie for me 19:31:28 yes, great venues 19:31:29 #agreed Tie 19:31:38 #topic excellent network connectivity 19:31:46 marga: give a few seconds so people can talk :) 19:32:04 I may have looked at the CPT venue more closely than the MTL one because I was in Cape Town last week ;P but I agree that this looks like a tie 19:32:29 marga: what happened to 3 minutes per topic? 19:32:34 I think it will also be a tie in the end. I know there's a bit of missing details yet on MTL on this, but seeing the infrastructure of the venue, I doubt there'll be a real difference 19:32:41 vorlon, we spent way too much on the first too 19:32:57 ...In CPT we have the network administrator on our side, which is a plus ;-) But I wouldn't decide just on that basis 19:32:58 I think there won't be an issue with network connectivity with both venues 19:33:00 here looks like we have an advantage for CPT since they have the IT person from UCT as local-team 19:33:04 and therefore you're changing topics before all members of the committee have had a chance to respond 19:33:05 i suspect both venues will have adequate network speed 19:33:08 I'd say tie 19:33:17 can we include here how we will work with the network admin staffs on the venue ? 19:33:25 amount of ipv4 space is unclear, but i have more levarage with afrinic than with arin 19:33:30 rmayorga: what do you mean? 19:33:39 if its a cpt advantage it's slight: I expect both venues to have great connectivities 19:33:42 RichiH_ctte: I don't think ipv4 space is really a concern 19:33:45 ipv4 space in CPT is apparently a complete non-problem 19:33:50 I think it's a tie 19:33:51 wifi is impossible to tell at this point; but i suspect CPT would be more OK with us pulling cable 19:33:53 they're unis after all, so they should be sorted 19:33:54 no real need to hand over public ips 19:33:57 RichiH_ctte: i think debconf needs 5 ip addresses at max, we can also work with 3 19:33:58 anyway, tie 19:33:59 otoh, CPT has shitty access controls 19:34:00 I agree it's a tie 19:34:02 (v4) 19:34:11 Tincho: willingness to help us on the network setup(ie having our own ssid, etc) 19:34:14 UCT has a /16 and some /24s - there are lots of IPs around 19:34:19 * h01ger also agrees it a tie, probably 19:34:23 h01ger, Tincho: i am a networker. we will have enough ip space :) 19:34:30 #agreed tie 19:34:31 :) 19:34:42 #topic quality and quantity of food and drink in close proximity [including cafes etc. for off-site discussions] 19:35:27 I think mtl has a clear advantage here 19:35:28 IMO, mtl is strong on this point 19:35:33 Yeah 19:35:36 this depends on the venue choice in CPT. the central location of the MTL venue is probably in advantage here 19:35:44 The advantage would be smaller in the second CPT venue 19:35:49 CPT is much better than I initially thought, but still 19:35:55 yes, but we shouldn't assume the backup venue 19:35:58 I think we could focus on a single venue 19:36:02 as it's listed as backup, so let's say mtl 19:36:03 UCT does have restuarants and pubs in walking distance 19:36:05 I mean versus the second CPT venue, but yes, we shouldn't assume that one. 19:36:10 I guess we need to convice the CPT team to switch to the backup venue :) 19:36:11 lets discuss using UCT only 19:36:22 hug: then we lose the price advantage 19:36:23 hug: In other aspects I think they made the right preference 19:36:34 hug: backup venue isnt free, am I right? 19:36:37 tumbleweed_cpt: yeah, but they are all >15m away, right? 19:36:42 this isn't actually clear to me from the mtl bid page what outside food is available and at what distance - do we assume food's available because it's downtown? 19:36:45 >15m absolutely :) 19:36:48 i suspect the quality/level of interest speaks for CPT; everythign else speaks for MTL 19:36:51 if m = metre 19:36:52 .oO( sounds like medium advantage for MTL ) 19:37:00 I have never been to CPT, but I've been to McGill. And its location WRT bars and restaurants is hard to beat 19:37:01 about 15 min walk, I think 19:37:06 so yah, + for mtl 19:37:11 tumbleweed_cpt: min, sorry :) 19:37:15 n0rman_: tumbleweed_cpt correct, it depends on the costs and it would reduce the price advantage to MTL 19:37:23 Alright, agreed advantage for MTL? 19:37:28 agreed 19:37:29 aye 19:37:30 vorlon, yes, downtown MTL has many options 19:37:31 yes 19:37:31 yup 19:37:34 yes 19:37:35 #agreed Advantage to MTL 19:37:46 #topic suitable accommodation in close proximity 19:38:35 Both have the accom very close. I think CPT is slightly better for non-fancy attendees as it's "in campus", whereas MTL is slightly better for fancy attendees. 19:38:48 for CPT, IIRC most of the of-venue facier accommodation requires a taxi/car 19:38:53 this is for sponored accom, right? 19:38:58 Tincho: not necessarily 19:39:00 Tincho, both 19:39:03 ah 19:39:14 because non-sponsored seems a bit tricky for CPT 19:39:16 marga: agreed 19:39:19 rmayorga: there is a *lot* fo on-venue accom 19:39:20 Tincho, also, consider self-paying staying-with-sponsored people. 19:39:21 ...I care more about sponsored (or lets say "common") accomodation 19:39:28 i find it hard to care for people who need/want fancy 19:39:31 rmayorga: you'd probably want a car for the off-venue accom, but it isn't required 19:39:35 Tincho: well, if by that you mean "hotels", yes 19:39:38 (i.e. people paying for their accom but staying at the dorms get the same advantages) 19:39:39 there is a hotel in walking distance 19:39:41 tumbleweed_cpt: yes, agree, but I mean fancier as hotels 19:39:42 Few people stay in hotels 19:39:43 Tincho: why is non sponsored tricky for CPT? 19:39:50 RichiH_ctte: I don't mind too much about "fancy", but some people have specific preferences 19:39:51 Tincho, not everyone that isn't sponsored wants fancy hotels. 19:39:53 and serveral fancy guest houses (nicer than hotels) 19:39:54 vorlon: yeah, hotels is the word :) 19:39:57 but it seems non-sponsored private accom would be possible at CPT via the "guest house" option 19:39:58 I had the impression, that there's a sponsored option nearby, and that self-paying was the problem am I wrong? 19:40:01 people on fancy hotels wouldn 19:40:12 moray: unless they are medical, i find it similarly hard to care 19:40:13 And I guess that if people agree to have the small little luxury of a hotel, they can pay a daily taxi without too much thought 19:40:14 wouldn't mind paying for a cab 19:40:28 gwolf: precisely 19:40:29 we dont have a significant number of people wanting "fancy" hotels. (not really fancy, but not youth hostel) 19:40:32 but if you are fancy enough to stay in a 5 stars hotel, renting a car shouldn't be a problem 19:40:33 right; I don't think "hotel" is a requirement 19:40:36 no, I think we need to understand that people might want to pay for a room on their own 19:40:37 RichiH_ctte: I'm thinking things like "rooms set up for families", that our accommodation normally doesn't do that well 19:40:40 I think this point has a slight advantage for CPT 19:40:40 gwolf: me neither, as taxi prices seem cheap in CPT 19:40:41 I don't think that is unreasonable 19:40:46 the requirement AIUI is private accom w/ private bath 19:40:55 yeah, that is not fancy 19:41:02 I think we can do that within UCT residences 19:41:03 it is basic accommodation for many people 19:41:15 s#we dont have a significant #we do have a significant# - sigh 19:41:47 tumbleweed_cpt: which one would that be? 19:41:53 food there is a lot that cpt can do great, but was not investigated https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Bids/Cape_Town/Venues/UCT_ChemEng#Accommodation 19:41:58 ok, so we agree on cpt and move on, people seem to be saying? 19:42:04 Alright, so, for people wanting to stay at a private room, there are options in both. For people wanting a bit more fancy, they will need to take a cab in CPT, but we probably don't care. 19:42:27 Tincho: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Bids/Cape_Town/Venues/UCT_ChemEng#Accommodation glenres (used to be a hotel) and all africa house 19:42:29 I'm not sure I see advantage to either side for this, it seems both are adequate 19:42:30 call for opinion? 19:42:35 * h01ger thinks this is slight advantage to MTL 19:42:43 In MTL the accom is "in the city" and probably more spread around, but also more variety. 19:42:46 though maybe its tie 19:42:46 about tied, with slight advantage for CPT 19:42:49 For me, this is a tie. 19:43:07 ok for tie as well 19:43:07 if I were to pick I'd say slight advantage CPT based on housing costs 19:43:20 vorlon: costs were in the earlier point 19:43:21 slight +CPT for me 19:43:25 tumbleweed_cpt: how many people can they host? 19:43:26 slight advantage for CPT, cost/benefit 19:43:31 I think CPT is cheaper from the prices I saw... 19:43:34 moray: too bad I'm saying it anyway 19:43:37 Alright, I'll do a split agreed 19:43:39 [1] cpt, [2] tie, [3] mtl, [4] further discussion :) 19:43:44 And these are up to date 2015, by the way 19:43:52 #agreed half on tie / half on slight CPT 19:44:02 :) 19:44:05 marga: some were also +MTL 19:44:06 #topic presentation facilities [talk spaces, not just AV equipment; including suitability for video team] 19:44:06 cpt seems cheaper, but not sure on the distances and all that 19:44:15 I didn't follow 19:44:21 Tincho: apparently 138 students in glen. dunot' know about all africa house 19:44:22 marga: moray: please #save too 19:44:30 #save 19:44:33 thanks 19:44:40 Tincho: ah, 42 bedrooms 19:44:49 tumbleweed_cpt: ah, completely misread, I thought it was <10 bedrooms :) 19:44:57 Please discuss on #debconf-discuss 19:45:05 presentation: both look fine; tie for me 19:45:15 has anyone looked at this deeply from a video team perspective? 19:45:21 same here, not sure how to evaluate if it is suitable for the video team 19:45:24 I'd rather defer to the experts 19:45:37 vorlon: well, I do wear a video team hate 19:45:40 hat 19:45:47 h01ger, tiago`, tumbleweed_cpt: You have been videoteam guys 19:45:48 but I've only looked at the cape town side 19:45:50 ...? 19:45:53 rooms which are suited for talks are suited for video 19:45:58 and obviously, everything we've looked at is suitable 19:46:01 tumbleweed_cpt: tiago`can mention in -discuss, I'll relay 19:46:04 too many talk rooms are a concern 19:46:07 h01ger: unless you're not allowed to run cables? 19:46:21 tumbleweed_cpt: so we'd have both cities covered :) 19:46:23 (which was a last-minute dust-up at DC14) 19:46:27 vorlon: or if they have big windows behind the speakers, for example 19:46:28 vorlon: yeah. 19:46:53 tiago`: both are fine to me (for video) 19:46:58 Can we agree on a tie, or does anyone see an advantage for either team? 19:47:01 tiago`: sorry for the brevity :) 19:47:06 tie 19:47:09 tiago`: but i can't see any blocker here 19:47:09 this seems a tie to me 19:47:10 ok for tie 19:47:12 tie it is. 19:47:15 #agreed tie 19:47:29 #topic travel logistics [including usefulness of nearby airports, and typical travel times for attendees] 19:47:48 so I think CPT is not out of bounds for what we've had in the past 19:48:02 especially compared with Extremadura and Bosnia, where air travel was only part of the story 19:48:15 but I do think MTL has the advantage here 19:48:18 both are ok, advantage for MTL 19:48:25 vorlon: I think it's fine considered for individuals, but with an advantage for MTL considering everyone together 19:48:26 Oh, Bosnia. A four day, three continent trip to get there :-| 19:48:27 vorlon: right. advantage for mtl, but cpt is not the most extreme we've gone :) 19:48:30 bosnia had a multi-hour bus ride. CPT would be 10 mins, and we've got very reasonable prices for a shuttle running every 15 mins 19:48:34 Agreed, CPT is ok, but there's a clear advantage for MTL for the majority of our attendees. 19:48:51 agree, is easy to travel to MTL 19:48:55 I don't see an advantage for MTL, at least from europe, cost is about the same.. 19:48:56 MLT ++ 19:49:01 Right, if trave time includes the flight itself, MTL wins clearly 19:49:06 hug: cost may be similar, but travel time is higher 19:49:13 hug: time on the airports, etc 19:49:14 hug: the flihts are much longer 19:49:18 hug: but it's abour nearby airports, travel times... 19:49:21 airports and on flight 19:49:24 which contributes to the costs on people's bodies to sit in the tin can for so long 19:49:25 if it's only airport→venue, they'd be evaluated much more similar 19:49:26 hug: we also have a lot from the Americas, etc., whereas for MTL a large proportion of people are close to it 19:50:00 Can we agree on this? 19:50:07 marga: I agree with your summary 19:50:08 FWIW, I'd expect a large mass of North-East USA people to just travel by land to MTL 19:50:11 hug was the only dissenting voice, so please ack 19:50:31 * h01ger thinks this is an advantage to MTL. (though not more as CPT also is connected well.. and the venue is close to a very central airport) 19:50:32 both are ok, advantage for MTL 19:50:51 MTL+ 19:51:00 yeah, both ok... 19:51:05 both ok, yes 19:51:07 #agreed Both are ok, advantage for MTL for the majority of our attendees. 19:51:16 #topic accessibility [including for wheelchair users and for blind people] 19:51:40 MTL nearer for americas, CPT nearer for attendees from europe 19:51:53 hug: no, CPT is not nearer 19:51:56 hug: don't underestimate changing hemisphere :) :) 19:52:03 can we move on? 19:52:06 11h vs 14h from ZRH :) 19:52:13 Anyone has anything to say regarding accessibilty? 19:52:27 accessibility: about the same, modulo the hill in CPT -- all in all, i can't judge that though 19:52:30 which IMO is about the smae 19:52:31 same 19:52:34 tie? 19:52:38 tie? 19:52:43 bowtie 19:52:46 tie 19:52:52 both seem ok 19:53:09 yes looks like a tie to me 19:53:22 (yes) 19:53:26 I don't really know. The hill sounds tricky... 19:53:34 marga: hm, tell me more about it? 19:53:50 The university is on a steep hill, which makes things harder for wheelchairs, but there is a shuttle provided by the student disability services that will be available to us 19:53:51 marga: yeah, but I don't really know how much it affects 19:54:07 so, UCT is up against the mountain, and buildings are at significantly different levels 19:54:10 #info [20:53] < tiago`> not sure if it's the right time, but please take not that mtl bid agrees that CPT should have won on networking 19:54:12 Well, there were some descriptions that made me think it was kind complicated. It's hard to know without having been there and experienced it. 19:54:16 shuttles are never a great idea.. 19:54:16 2-3 stories difference between neighbouring bulidigs is normal 19:54:19 I have no idea on this, according to wiki page looks like both venues are fine on this 19:54:37 but you can usually find al evel route to an elevator in a lower building 19:54:42 (if going downhill) 19:54:55 Tincho: what's the concern with shuttles? 19:54:58 tumbleweed_cpt: is it possible to move in a wheelchair around? 19:55:05 * h01ger is more worried about "unnoticed" hills and similar things, like main talk room having these fancy extra three stairs... 19:55:06 Tincho: absolutely 19:55:10 ok, so not a pure tie then from the clarification? 19:55:15 vorlon: depending on them for everyday stuff, I think that is not a workable thing, is it? 19:55:15 please be aware that McGill is not exactly on level grounds either 19:55:35 the talk rooms in CPT are all in a newly-build, accessible building 19:55:40 tumbleweed_cpt: if they can be navigated in a wheelchair, I don't see a problem 19:55:43 no three-extra-stair problem 19:55:45 * h01ger thinks its a tie cause both are modern universities with similar accom 19:55:52 Ok. Let's go with tie then. 19:55:54 * gwolf stays with tie 19:55:56 #agreed tie 19:55:59 * Tincho too 19:56:00 #save 19:56:09 as a summary 19:56:10 20:23:05 <@marga> #agreed advantage to CPT regarding venue+accom, advantage to MTL regarding travel 19:56:10 20:30:55 <@marga> #agreed slight advantage to CPT 19:56:10 20:31:43 <@marga> #agreed Tie 19:56:10 20:34:45 <@marga> #agreed tie 19:56:10 20:37:50 <@marga> #agreed Advantage to MTL 19:56:12 20:44:07 <@marga> #agreed half on tie / half on slight CPT 19:56:12 20:47:30 <@marga> #agreed tie 19:56:13 20:51:21 <@marga> #agreed Both are ok, advantage for MTL for the majority of our attendees. 19:56:13 20:56:11 <@marga> #agreed tie 19:56:24 spammer 19:56:33 http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2015/debconf-team.2015-02-13-19.01.html has the same and more info 19:56:52 so by the numbers, I don't think that rules out either bid ;) 19:56:55 * gwolf sighs for lists that, weighted correctly or not, can point to staying at a tie :( 19:57:02 gwolf: no big surprise 19:57:07 gwolf: both bids clearly seem "good enough" 19:57:10 So, as a first cutoff... Both bids: Congratulations for a great job! :) 19:57:15 woot 19:57:16 congrats to both teams for mounting credible bids and making the ctte's job harder 19:57:19 moray: yes, we've been getting better at this 19:57:20 :) 19:57:28 :P 19:57:30 but it does not translate to an easier job deciding :) 19:57:32 aye. i think both bids are well developed 19:57:40 Alright, let's do now the "each team has 10 minutes to respond" 19:57:47 We'll start at :00 19:57:52 marga: #topic ? 19:57:55 as its a tie i'd like to point out what tiago said: that MTL thinks CPT won networking 19:58:15 h01ger: ack on that information 19:58:16 but more importantly, i dont think all topics should be weighted eually 19:58:30 Let's do first CPT, then MTL 19:58:43 the first ones used to have more weight 19:58:44 (the prio list is sorted downwards. less up, less important) 19:58:53 h01ger, exactly 19:59:14 [20:58] < tiago`> | h01ger, could you forward that: networking at mtl's venue is totally fine, but so far they didn't get anyone willing to help them in a kind way as CPT did 19:59:30 * h01ger will try not to forward more from tiago` ;-) 19:59:36 h01ger: I'm not sure that's exactly true -- e.g. bad accessibility would be a killer 19:59:37 I'll de-moderate if people behave :) 19:59:40 surely? 19:59:51 #topic CPT comments to the committee impressions 19:59:56 tiago: ok, but that sounds like a "nice to have" rather than big difference 20:00:27 I think that was a fair evaluation of the bids 20:00:33 moray: less important items can still be a deal-breaker if they are not fulfilled at all; if there is no way to sleep or eat in 100 km around... 20:00:34 moray: we have more people wanting to attend DebConf bringing children than we do wanting to attend in wheelchairs... 20:00:40 moray: "less important" doesnt mean "not important" 20:01:09 but yah, let's shut up, move to -discuss, and leave the channel to CPT 20:01:28 I'm a bit worry on the Exchange Control mentioned on the wiki and on-list 20:01:40 vorlon: people can leave their children behind (at least technically) but people in wheelchairs usually cant 20:01:45 I don't exactly have a whole lot to say in response to this discussion 20:02:14 I think the weaker areas in our bid could be made strong, with a bit of expense 20:02:23 e.g. shuttle busses to the airport make the public transport problem moot 20:02:28 (and to dinner, of course) 20:02:43 did we ever manage to successfully shuttle people to/from airports? 20:02:44 Actually, the weaker areas are getting there, and the shops in close proximity... 20:03:01 running our own pub on the campus (there's a nice tennis club building, just above the proposed venue) might solve some of the food and drink distance problems, too 20:03:07 I don't think you can fix either with extra money 20:03:19 shops are in close proximity 20:03:24 15 mins walk isn't that far 20:03:31 Tincho: certainly 20:03:35 shuttles might work for single day events but not daily. 20:03:42 both Mexico and Nicaragua 20:03:49 Tincho: in .ni we did it, hotel shuttle worked fine 20:03:56 h01ger: at <€1k per day for a shuttle, it's not that expensive 20:04:01 tumbleweed_cpt: depends for whom 20:04:06 sure 20:04:10 I don't remember how I got to ni. in mx I took a bus on my own 20:04:15 tumbleweed_cpt: affortable doesnt include "useful" 20:04:20 vorlon: in Mexico we did? Don't remember that.. 20:04:27 we feel that the bid decision has been fair and reflecting well on both teams 20:04:35 in .ar we did for a few people, but it was messy 20:04:38 we set up people to help guide arrivals 20:04:39 gwolf: there was a bus service? I thought it was organized :-) 20:04:45 anyway, off topic 20:04:50 vorlon: I was too distressed to even remember :) 20:04:55 In Bosnia we had 20:04:56 anyway :) 20:05:02 but we also feel that we have a really strong team, and was wll organised, which counts towards creating an impression for our future involvement 20:05:21 Thanks. Let's move on to MTL, then 20:05:25 vorlon: in Mexico we went to bus station together to reach the venue 20:05:30 I'm not done yet. 20:05:30 vorlon: not organised by the conference 20:05:31 #topic MTL comments to committe impressions 20:05:33 Sorry! 20:05:38 #topic CPT comments to the committee impressions 20:05:53 gwolf: in mexico we have local team helping people to catch the bus, they wait on the airport when most of the people arrive 20:05:54 14:11 <@marga> Thanks. Let's move on to MTL, then 20:05:59 bbasically, if we have to host it at a later stage, we will be ok with that, but we would really like to host it in 2016 for various reasons 20:06:04 (mine being largely personal) 20:06:26 let's stop discussing mexico maybe? :) 20:06:27 I've also made some big changes to make sure I have free time available both this year and next year for Debconf 16 20:06:34 Ppl, please discuss the variety of shuttles that we've had in the -discuss channel. 20:06:35 (even changed jobs in part for that) 20:06:36 and hosting DebConf on a new continent we feel is really important 20:06:57 so would also appreciate a 2016 bit but would be 100% willing to get involved again in a future bid otherwise 20:07:12 ++ 20:07:53 indiebio_cpt: i dont understand why we should care about your personal situation? 20:08:06 this is true, hence it's in brackets. 20:08:08 indiebio_cpt: does that mean that if you drop out for whatever reasons, the bid is in danger? 20:08:10 Thanks, that's great to hear 20:08:21 absolutely not 20:08:26 so why 2016? 20:08:27 earlier just suits me better 20:08:30 h01ger: nah, our whole team is 100% committed, that's one thing you can count on 20:08:39 h01ger: the bid is certainly stronger if we have indiebio_cpt and she has free time, she's been incredibly active 20:09:02 I am developing my career to incorporate hacking and open source into bioprocess control and analysis, and 2016 will fit in with the plan. 20:09:05 * h01ger nods, glad to hear 20:09:16 later wil mess with the plan 20:09:25 EOF 20:09:32 #topic CPT comments to the committee impressions 20:09:38 debconf always messes with lives ;) 20:09:39 MTL? 20:09:45 #topic MTL comments to committe impressions 20:09:50 ... Sorry for the mess :) 20:10:11 didnt we also have that topic already? 20:10:19 our team also thinks that the evaluation was fair, although as tiago mentioned we feel CPT is slight + for networking 20:10:25 No, I thought they were done early. My fault 20:10:31 we know that McGill has fine infra 20:10:59 however the bureaucracy is a little unnerving, although if chosen we would definately work very hard on this front 20:11:31 hopefull they would warm up to DebConf of course 20:11:40 at this point this is hypothetical 20:11:41 lavamind_mtl: in other university setups we finally found a good contact, but rarely had it at the bid stage 20:11:48 for network topics 20:11:57 ...So, anything to comment on? 20:12:03 one thing I want to ask MTL about costs: is there a chance to rethink the huge security costs? (like, night hacklab or something) 20:12:13 it is really expensive as it is 20:12:17 Tincho: nope, union fees 20:12:29 pollo_mtl: no, I mean moving somewhere else for the night 20:12:34 like dc7 20:12:37 can we just find a rave to crash with our computers as the night hacklab 20:12:40 if our bid is chosen we would not only work on the weak pint for Mcgill (including costs) but we would also work on backup solutions which are somewhat lacking 20:13:06 Tincho: oh, I don't think we even thought about that 20:13:25 and lastly, our team is committed to presenting a 2017 bid if not chosen 20:13:26 Tincho: I had found some options for 24/7 hacklabs but unfortunately a way off of the venue 20:13:37 * h01ger really prefers no out of venue locations for night hacking 20:13:52 h01ger: yeah, but I wondered if the option was considered or not 20:13:55 for social reasons, including including the video team in social activities (and let them work too) 20:13:56 h01ger: I guess it would, hypothetically, be worth looking at as a backup option 20:14:00 not only us but many in the Mtl community feel that Mtl should get a DebConf in the coming years 20:14:03 h01ger: if budget was lacking for the security 20:14:08 h01ger, I guess everyone prefers, but if it doubles our venue costs, it's something to consider 20:14:19 lavamind_mtl: is this a hard committment? 20:14:24 * h01ger notes he used the word "prefer"... "affortable" is more important 20:14:30 but please not that security cost can vary greatly. You all seem to consider the 'worst' scenario 20:14:35 RichiH_ctte: I can't speak for eveyone in the team but it is for me and pollo_mtl 20:14:58 RichiH_ctte: what is your "commitment" question about? 20:15:08 we already have a free venu option for 2017... 20:15:13 moray: 21:13:40 <+lavamind_mtl> and lastly, our team is committed to presenting a 2017 bid if not chosen 20:15:51 right 20:15:52 lavamind_mtl: Oh? 20:16:03 I find it hard to put much weight on commitments for 2017 20:16:06 people's lives change 20:16:09 lavamind_mtl: care to explain as to why by 2017 it will be a free venue? 20:16:14 Yeah, let's not discuss 2017 here. 20:16:23 +1 20:16:26 gwolf: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Bids/Montreal#Venues_which_fell_through 20:16:29 so CPT in 2016 and MTL in 2017 and we skip next years bid process? as the release team did with stretch and buster! \o/ 20:16:38 ++ 20:16:39 20:16:40 :) 20:16:42 * gwolf takes note, thanks 20:16:43 h01ger, hehehe 20:16:58 h01ger: where would the fun be in that ;) 20:16:59 Alright, anything else from Montreal's team? 20:17:07 I also expect we will have some European bids for 2017 20:17:19 (i'd think that might be unfair for other 2017 bids, but... we could shrug that ;) 20:17:20 cambridge keeps promising one 20:17:22 (but who knows, it's too far off) 20:17:25 Please 20:17:30 Do not discuss DC17 now 20:17:36 focus!! 20:17:37 Anything else from MTL? 20:17:38 marga: that is all from the Mtl team 20:17:50 #topic Consensus building 20:18:59 overall, i am leaning towards CPT (and i fully intend to buy a round or three for the MTL team to force them to follow through with another bid for 2017) 20:18:59 So, according to our list, points in favor of CPT: affordable venue+board, slightly more experienced local team, slightly more network issues resolved, slightly better accommodation infrastructure 20:19:20 * h01ger would hope we agree that bringing debconf to new continents and cultures is a unspoken plus, breaking the (what appears as) tie rather clearly 20:19:21 * gwolf repeats RichiH_ctte line 20:19:27 Points in favor of MTL: affordable travel, closer and more varied food in close proximity, travel logistics 20:20:18 I think we have two strong bids, but I don't think it's acceptable for Debconf to pay 50k CAD just for the venue. Which will mean less money available for travel sponsorship and food/accomodation. 20:20:33 yes, definitely a niceness to bring debconf to a new place, especially on such a strong bid 20:21:03 the venue cost in MTL is too high, i agree with hug. 20:21:14 (it's harder when we want to do it, but there seems to be risks like in past years) 20:21:33 CPT is clearly a worse choice in terms of travel for the Americas. But we've talked for a long time about having other locations besides the America/Europe rotation, and the only way to do that is by disrupting the rotation at some point 20:21:56 considering MTL is saying that they are willing to run again, and they want to run again with a cheaper venue, it seems that we can vote CPT for 2016, and recommend that they run next year? 20:21:56 does the ctte agree that if we do .za for 2016, we should prefer Americas again for 2017? 20:22:08 I don't see why that follows, no 20:22:11 (which would be fair since we didn't get "americas" in '16, I believe) 20:22:24 the new location is a strong plus; the venue cost is a problem, but I think it is something that could be worked.. I don't think I can vote either way 20:22:25 And even if on the side-channel we're discussing that DC17 should not be weighed into DC16's decision, I think that if we can have the Maisonneuve offer for DC17, we would have a *great* point for MTL17 20:22:33 (of course without excluding future bids and decisions) 20:22:35 moray: what doesn't follow? 20:22:36 actually given the list of strong points of each bid (and not just the summary) i think CPT actually is the stronger bid. MTL is definitly also "strong", aka very good + totally suitable and great as well. (and we have been bitten by both in the past...;) 20:22:38 vorlon: No, for DC17 the starting point would be "avoid Africa" 20:22:48 vorlon: that we would go to Americas, rather than "not southern Africa" 20:22:51 I think that if we do CPT in 16, we can do anywhere in the northern hemisphere in 17 20:23:37 right 20:23:38 same 20:23:43 we won't decide now for the 2 coming years 20:23:48 Indeed 20:23:57 vorlon: i'd think we go into "three continent rotation" (by default) then: after .za it will (or should) be europe again, then the americas, then hopefully africa again... 20:23:59 there is not a rule about having DC one year in Americas and other year in Europe, it's something that is happening but not a rule.. am I right? 20:24:01 ...If we get an *incredible* and *incredibly cheap* venue anywhere in the North hemisphere, it would compete with MTL17 — but I think MTL17 would win hands-down (hypothetically of cours) 20:24:12 moray, gwolf: that implies we might have no DebConf in the Americas for 4 years 20:24:21 h01ger: why would Europe be both before and after Africa in the rotation? 20:24:29 vorlon: Well, yes. That's what happens given enough continents in the world 20:24:32 n0rman_: "switching continents" is the rule afaik.. 20:24:35 * gregoa thinks the potentially free venue in 2017 shouldn't be held against MTL in 2016 20:24:40 There is no rule 20:24:43 There never was 20:24:43 let's discuss future years after this decision? 20:24:46 Yes 20:24:50 vorlon: ups. only because i f*cked up and skipped dc15 :) 20:24:56 tassia: nope; this weighs into how I vote 20:24:58 i think the points about 17 are unfair to be discussed now 20:25:03 h01ger: ah, heh 20:25:06 Agreed 20:25:22 agree on Tincho's 20:25:23 me no gramar now 20:25:28 vorlon, there has never been a strict rule 20:25:43 and we won't define it now 20:25:45 Do we have a decision? 20:25:48 again, can we move dc17 to -discuss or after this meeting? 20:25:49 tassia: which is why I'm raising this for *discussion* in the committee, as it influences my vote 20:25:50 so... consenus on CPT then? rough consensus maybe? :) 20:26:06 there shouldn't be a fixed rule. maybe there's a bid from japan next year, who knows :) 20:26:08 not sure 20:26:12 can all ctte members state on one line what they prefer? 20:26:22 I think the general feeling is that both bids are very strong, but there is a sum of slight advantages to CPT, including the fact that it would be a new continent. 20:26:24 this would make counting less error-prone 20:26:33 * RichiH_ctte votes CPT 20:26:41 * gwolf inclines for CPT 20:26:58 * h01ger dont think we should/need vote 20:27:29 * hug thinks both are strong bids, but I don't feel comfortable paying such a huge amount just for the venue in MTL. I vote CPT. 20:27:30 * ultrt_ cpt 20:27:32 * Tincho has different reasons to prefer each 20:28:27 * marga cpt 20:28:37 * tassia prefers not to vote 20:28:51 n0rman_: you should vote 20:29:02 * n0rman_ cpt 20:29:05 I think I'd prefer not to vote unless a chair casting vote is needed 20:29:05 oops wrong windows 20:29:15 cate: but you it worked 20:29:22 vorlon, ? 20:29:22 you make it* 20:29:29 rmayorga: cate :) 20:29:39 we should find consensus, not vote 20:29:45 its something else... 20:29:56 h01ger: but it seems we *did* find consensus 20:29:59 I think we have rough consensus 20:30:00 I thnk the consensus has basically been found 20:30:03 the request was, "what they prefer" 20:30:06 well, many people prefer cpt, it seems 20:30:11 we didn't make this a full-vote 20:30:14 anyhow, another thing what i think should be: the continent rule should be: "switch continents, prefer continents which havent seen a debconf for the longest time" 20:30:33 h01ger: Yes. And I'd add that line of yours as a #info / #agree 20:30:34 h01ger: so antarctica next? 20:30:38 and frame it in gold letters. 20:30:48 * h01ger wonders what the MTL and CPT bids think 20:30:49 marga: i agree 20:30:50 (I don't think it quite works, although I agree with the intention behind it) 20:31:01 marga: given the amount of chatter, it seems quite clear 20:31:17 obviously I'm biased towards my own bid 20:31:20 Anyway, I have to leave (just as I said) by 14:30 localtime, which is in 4 minutes... So... 20:31:23 gwolf: the one from #discuss which should go to slashdot? ;) 20:31:26 (even though a little bit scared) 20:31:29 Can we say we have reached a decision? 20:31:44 we used to include the bids in the decision 20:31:45 gwolf: funny, I thought Saudi Arabia was the only country on solar time 20:31:58 I think I can say the Mtl team looks forward in meeting you all in Germany and/or SA :) 20:32:00 gwolf: so i would prefer to hear them, even if that means, you might leave before we decide 20:32:23 I think there is a consensus here for CPT 20:32:37 lavamind_mtl, maybe in a mini-debconf? 20:32:40 mtl, anything to say here? 20:32:55 h01ger: MTL already seemed to say they (strangely) prefer to bid for 2017 than have 2016, and CPT don't seem likely to suddenly withdraw, so... 20:32:59 OK. We are still in a meetng, and I'm not supposed to cheer yet. But thanks a lot for one of the *best* bid selection meetings I can remember 20:33:02 And see you 'round! 20:33:07 * gwolf hugs world 20:33:11 tassia: yes mini-debconf has been brouhg tup in our team and we would be enthusiastic to host one 20:33:14 bye gunnar! 20:33:19 glad to be part of it, frustrations and all :) 20:33:20 * h01ger hugs gwolf 20:33:53 well...? 20:34:07 fwiw, #debian-quebec is already talking about a mini-dc instead of dc16, about dc17, and beer 20:34:10 well, "beer" 20:34:11 #agreed Cape Town to host DebConf16 20:34:17 \o/ 20:34:22 \o/ 20:34:30 Congratulations CPT!! 20:34:31 MTL team: thank you! 20:34:31 gg cpt 20:34:32 thank you everyone, we hope to have a great debconf in 2016 20:34:38 Thank you to both bids to the work done 20:34:38 \o/ 20:34:43 * h01ger cheers the MTL bid, please keep on and do debconf! 20:34:46 thanks MTL team, great bid 20:34:52 wow, did she just resign? :) 20:34:53 MTL: looking forward for your '17 bid! 20:34:54 I would also add that this meeting was very enjoyable 20:35:05 she has an early bedtime 20:35:10 thank you all, our next bid will certainly be much stronger 20:35:11 * h01ger thanks marga for great chairing 20:35:14 lavamind_mtl: you promised a bid for 17, we will remember that! 20:35:21 :) 20:35:28 Tincho: who resigned? 20:35:39 congratulations cpt! 20:35:40 [20:34:53] * indiebio_cpt se ha marchado (Quit: Page closed) 20:35:41 Tincho: DebConf17/Montreal will be up in munites ;) 20:35:48 minutes* 20:35:50 lavamind_mtl: good :) 20:35:55 marga: endmeeting? 20:36:07 thanks to all involved. It's been one of the best decision meetings in a long time 20:36:09 lavamind_mtl: *g* 20:36:10 I'll go as well, good night!! :) 20:36:15 Sure, I was just waiting to capture the last messages 20:36:35 she'll be back :) 20:36:40 #endmeeting