===================== #debconf-team Meeting ===================== Meeting started by h01ger at 18:32:06 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2016/debconf-team.2016-02-17-18.32.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * discuss agenda (h01ger, 18:32:12) * LINK: https://www.mail-archive.com/debconf-team@lists.debconf.org/msg13610.html (gwolf, 18:37:31) * discuss agenda of the dc17 meeting (h01ger, 18:38:21) * bid status meeting (h01ger, 18:40:14) * Montreal team: summary (gwolf, 18:44:51) * ACTION: someone should remove UQAM from the montreal wiki venue options (h01ger, 18:50:41) * MTL team have ETS and Maisonneuve as the main potential venues (McGill as backup); would decide as to the preferred one with the team if bid is chosen (gwolf, 18:51:39) * an estimate for the ETS price is CAD$20k (details sent to the mailing list today) (gwolf, 18:52:50) * For Maisonneuve, between CAD$45 and 50K, depending on catering (gwolf, 18:53:43) * both venues have ~150 beds in-campus (gwolf, 18:59:37) * Prague team: summary (h01ger, 18:59:50) * Prague have secured a free venue with the dean of FIT CVUT (gwolf, 19:01:25) * Accomodation in hostels at ~€10-20 per night (gwolf, 19:03:46) * LINK: https://www.suz.cvut.cz/en/dormitories/pricelist ⇒ empty page (gwolf, 19:05:33) * Food cost estimates: ~€7.40 per person per day (CZK 200) (gwolf, 19:09:44) * General discussion (gwolf, 19:14:10) * question to committee members: decide now or FD (h01ger, 19:22:45) * next meeting (=decission meeting), when? (h01ger, 19:24:23) * shall we decide now? (h01ger, 19:33:22) * LINK: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf_Committee : hug, gwolf, h01ger, moray, RichiH, rafw, OdyX (OdyX, 19:34:15) * AGREED: fd (h01ger, 19:36:18) * decission meeting, when? (h01ger, 19:36:27) * ACTION: Everybody PLEASE FILL THE DUDLE as soon as OdyX posts it (gwolf, 19:42:32) * AGREED: OdyX will make an awesome dudle for the next meeting (h01ger, 19:43:02) * AGREED: the next meeting will decide the location (city) of dc17 (h01ger, 19:43:22) * AGREED: time to go for lunch (gwolf, 19:43:35) Meeting ended at 19:43:43 UTC. Action Items ------------ * someone should remove UQAM from the montreal wiki venue options * Everybody PLEASE FILL THE DUDLE as soon as OdyX posts it Action Items, by person ----------------------- * OdyX * Everybody PLEASE FILL THE DUDLE as soon as OdyX posts it * **UNASSIGNED** * someone should remove UQAM from the montreal wiki venue options People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * h01ger (142) * gwolf (115) * tvaz-mtl (37) * lavamind-mtl (36) * OdyX (35) * ondrej-prague (31) * RichiH (28) * marga (28) * Maulkin (19) * hug (18) * moray (10) * aviau-mtl (9) * tumbleweed (8) * tvaz (5) * nijel-prague (3) * indiebio (3) * MeetBot (3) * lavamind (3) * tamo_ (3) * ondrej (2) * pollo-mtl (2) * aviau (2) * highvoltage (2) * cyphermox (1) * foo-prague (1) * LeLutin (1) * pollo (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot