===================== #debconf-team Meeting ===================== Meeting started by nattie at 18:38:05 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2016/debconf-team.2016-04-20-18.38.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Budget (nattie, 18:40:58) * AGREED: ZAR 300k for diversity and outreach together, ZAR 300k for accommodation (nattie, 18:48:45) * ACTION: tamo to put together daytrip options (nattie, 18:51:40) * Content team status (nattie, 18:55:56) * AGREED: Daytrip is zero-budgeted for the moment (nattie, 18:56:13) * ACTION: wendar and indiebio to sort out open weekend track in wafer (nattie, 18:59:39) * 35 submissions so far (nattie, 18:59:59) * Job fair (nattie, 19:00:13) * job fair stand size is not a fixed size, venue dependent, but should be in line with sponsor amounts (indiebio, 19:02:15) * finger food is allowed, but needs to be safe, good practice stuff (indiebio, 19:02:34) * general requirements include Setup and teardown times, limiting Noise, having storeroom would be good, meeting spaces would be good, (indiebio, 19:03:27) * local and international sponsors may have different requirements, need to keep 'aim' of Debian in mind, job fair should not dilute this (indiebio, 19:03:49) * location for job fair should be where people move past naturally (on the way to talks for example) (DLange, 19:04:05) * ACTION: indiebio to bug ganneff to please put indiebio's email on the fulfillment@.. forwarder (indiebio, 19:04:15) * Catering / dining options (nattie, 19:05:13) * LINK: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Catering (indiebio, 19:05:46) * ACTION: indiebio and tamo to explore glasshouse (menzies) and molly blackburn hall for potential as eating space (indiebio, 19:08:15) * tamo has arranged a tasting with Fuller's caterers (nattie, 19:08:16) * Parking (nattie, 19:14:00) * is free parking is not available, people will need to buy day disks (nattie, 19:15:44) * correction: free parking may not be available, people may need to buy day disks (indiebio, 19:16:29) * Billing (nattie, 19:18:06) * we are ready for CMC to start billing (nattie, 19:18:43) * Network (nattie, 19:22:22) * AOB (nattie, 19:24:40) * ACTION: highvoltage will organize insurance for the AIMS computers lend to the video team (DLange, 19:29:21) * Network (nattie, 19:31:34) * Network (redux) (nattie, 19:31:42) * ACTION: RichiH to sort out network and mail venue by the weekend (nattie, 19:38:58) * ACTION: RichiH to coordinate with video team about servers, and organise obtaining and placing them (nattie, 19:41:37) * AOB redux (nattie, 19:41:58) Meeting ended at 19:46:20 UTC. Action Items ------------ * tamo to put together daytrip options * wendar and indiebio to sort out open weekend track in wafer * indiebio to bug ganneff to please put indiebio's email on the fulfillment@.. forwarder * indiebio and tamo to explore glasshouse (menzies) and molly blackburn hall for potential as eating space * highvoltage will organize insurance for the AIMS computers lend to the video team * RichiH to sort out network and mail venue by the weekend * RichiH to coordinate with video team about servers, and organise obtaining and placing them Action Items, by person ----------------------- * highvoltage * highvoltage will organize insurance for the AIMS computers lend to the video team * indiebio * wendar and indiebio to sort out open weekend track in wafer * indiebio to bug ganneff to please put indiebio's email on the fulfillment@.. forwarder * indiebio and tamo to explore glasshouse (menzies) and molly blackburn hall for potential as eating space * RichiH * RichiH to sort out network and mail venue by the weekend * RichiH to coordinate with video team about servers, and organise obtaining and placing them * tamo * tamo to put together daytrip options * indiebio and tamo to explore glasshouse (menzies) and molly blackburn hall for potential as eating space * wendar * wendar and indiebio to sort out open weekend track in wafer * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * nattie (94) * indiebio (65) * tumbleweed (63) * tamo (44) * DLange (36) * nkukard (33) * wendar (21) * RichiH (18) * cate (17) * highvoltage (17) * gwolf (16) * bremner (8) * mehdi (7) * larjona (4) * MeetBot (3) * superfly (2) * krait (2) * lavamind (2) * ginggs (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot