===================== #debconf-team Meeting ===================== Meeting started by tumbleweed at 18:33:56 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2016/debconf-team.2016-06-01-18.33.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * LINK: http://deb.li/DC16meet1 (tumbleweed, 18:34:26) * sponsors (tumbleweed, 18:36:09) * ACTION: DLange to get fulfillment@ to alias to debconf-sponsors and/or be deleted (tumbleweed, 18:43:01) * logos on the website (tumbleweed, 18:43:19) * swag (tumbleweed, 18:47:46) * swag - t-shirts (tumbleweed, 18:47:52) * LINK: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debconf-data/dc16.git/plain/swag/tshirts-hoodies.pdf (tumbleweed, 18:48:19) * ACTION: indiebio to update her git and check zsd and takealot is on website (indiebio_, 18:48:44) * ACTION: azeem, indiebio follow up "cumulus and plathome have confirmed as bronze and could go up" (indiebio_, 18:50:29) * LINK: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debconf-data/dc16.git/tree/budget/budget.ledger#n227 (tumbleweed, 18:54:18) * AGREED: cotton shirts are the only option that fit the budget (tumbleweed, 19:10:30) * ACTION: indiebio to check with her sewing shop what the deal is with impromptu logo embroidery (tumbleweed, 19:18:25) * ACTION: decide on a hoodie plan (tumbleweed, 19:18:37) * bags (tumbleweed, 19:18:45) * ACTION: tamo to order bags. With teh 2nd liner (tumbleweed, 19:28:16) * statuses (tumbleweed, 19:28:23) * status - registration (tumbleweed, 19:35:47) * status - network, video (tumbleweed, 19:40:45) * status debian day (tumbleweed, 19:47:16) * sprints and schedule (tumbleweed, 20:00:38) * ACTION: indiebio and wendar to talk Open Day schedule (email) (indiebio_, 20:01:20) * ACTION: indiebio to follow up on ShowMeBox emails (indiebio_, 20:01:49) * ACTION: highvoltage to post a plan and announce sprint lists on the wiki (tumbleweed, 20:06:30) * welcome mail (tumbleweed, 20:06:47) * general announcements (tumbleweed, 20:07:50) * volunteers (tumbleweed, 20:09:02) * any othe rbusiness (tumbleweed, 20:12:06) Meeting ended at 20:13:41 UTC. Action Items ------------ * DLange to get fulfillment@ to alias to debconf-sponsors and/or be deleted * indiebio to update her git and check zsd and takealot is on website * azeem, indiebio follow up "cumulus and plathome have confirmed as bronze and could go up" * indiebio to check with her sewing shop what the deal is with impromptu logo embroidery * decide on a hoodie plan * tamo to order bags. With teh 2nd liner * indiebio and wendar to talk Open Day schedule (email) * indiebio to follow up on ShowMeBox emails * highvoltage to post a plan and announce sprint lists on the wiki Action Items, by person ----------------------- * DLange * DLange to get fulfillment@ to alias to debconf-sponsors and/or be deleted * highvoltage * highvoltage to post a plan and announce sprint lists on the wiki * tamo * tamo to order bags. With teh 2nd liner * wendar * indiebio and wendar to talk Open Day schedule (email) * **UNASSIGNED** * indiebio to update her git and check zsd and takealot is on website * azeem, indiebio follow up "cumulus and plathome have confirmed as bronze and could go up" * indiebio to check with her sewing shop what the deal is with impromptu logo embroidery * decide on a hoodie plan * indiebio to follow up on ShowMeBox emails People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * tumbleweed (207) * tamo (84) * nattie (64) * indiebio_ (61) * DLange (55) * moray_ (53) * wendar (39) * gwolf (30) * highvoltage (24) * Mithrandir (15) * azeem_ (10) * olasd (9) * mehdi (3) * MeetBot (2) * KGB-0 (1) * ginggs (1) * bremner (1) * paddatrapper (1) * juliank (1) * larjona (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot