18:35:30 #startmeeting 18:35:30 Meeting started Wed Jun 22 18:35:30 2016 UTC. The chair is tumbleweed. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:35:30 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:35:43 #info agenda https://titanpad.com/IT9MlCfg7p 18:35:43 Agenda: 18:35:47 or that 18:36:27 have people who had agenda items added them? 18:36:39 I have 18:37:00 what were they? :-) 18:38:25 I would like to help during DC16. Should I ask after the meeting, or is the meeting the right time to discuss this? Should I add a point? 18:38:30 beer, beer, money, beer :) 18:38:35 aviau: after the meeting 18:38:54 OK, let's get rolling 18:39:05 #topic roll call 18:39:06 o/ 18:39:08 o/ 18:39:11 \o 18:39:14 o/ 18:39:24 o/ 18:39:33 o/ 18:39:34 o/ 18:39:35 o/ 18:39:50 o/ 18:39:55 o/ 18:40:04 #topic debcamp opening 18:40:15 11am - meet in fuller - near the cabal room 18:40:24 highvoltage is sending / sent an annoucment 18:40:47 yes, that is correct 18:40:52 it is done 18:41:00 tumbleweed: what time should I be there? at 11 too? 18:41:03 o/ 18:41:06 superfly: whenever you want 18:41:09 looks good, are you the dedicated every day announcement sender, highvoltage? 18:41:10 already reached mailboxes 18:41:12 ifyou want to get in on the tour, before 11 :) 18:41:27 tamo_: when do we see you on campus? 18:41:31 tumbleweed: do you need a welcome sign? I can do an A1 one just for tomorrow 18:41:38 tumbleweed: when you need me 18:41:51 no, that's fine tamo 18:41:56 tamo_: no, nametags and shirts are the top priority 18:41:58 we can sort out signs here 18:42:00 indiebio: happy to be it if you're nominating 18:42:08 * fil waves from LHR 18:42:09 ohai, i am literallt on the plane 18:42:10 tumbleweed: ok sure 18:42:12 please continue with the T-Shirts, bags and the gazillion other things you have on your agenda already 18:42:21 so i will see you tomorrow 18:42:23 nattie: wanna chair :) 18:42:24 nattie: pff 18:42:24 DLange: all under control 18:42:25 nattie: have a good flight 18:42:37 But can be there tomorrow if you need help 18:42:40 tamo_: I save that line to copy & paste when we need it :D 18:42:43 heh. thanks all :) 18:42:46 you're good at it highvoltage :) 18:42:53 DLange: :) 18:42:55 sure 18:43:00 indiebio: thanks! 18:43:02 * indiebio looks forward to nattie's arrival! 18:43:08 we all do :) 18:43:15 #topic annoucements 18:43:44 I put this, but without larjona there is not much to do. 18:43:47 :) 18:43:59 and one local annoucnement it is in preparation 18:44:30 #topic online work 18:44:37 cate: volunteer stuff :) 18:44:51 and yes, we have billing work to do 18:44:59 which means I need to stop getting distracted for a few hours 18:45:17 define.tumbleweed(online)->"website" 18:45:21 what sort of work do you mean? 18:45:24 tumbleweed: I'm working on it. 18:45:46 online: remote. NOT(onsite) 18:46:29 :) 18:46:41 #topic beer at the tennis club 18:46:49 indiebio: really, I have no idea here 18:46:58 the guy at the tennis club is really keen for us to go there 18:47:02 it'll either take off as a place people hang out, or not 18:47:07 will he open for us, this weekend? 18:47:12 currently, the pub won't 18:47:21 do you think people will go? should we just try things out during DebCamp, OR do we want to actively discourage people to group them to UCT pub? 18:47:30 ah, I can ask him 18:47:44 they have a championship there, the courts are occupied 18:47:53 but I think the cafe will be open to all. 18:48:04 #action indiebio to ask tennis pub for weekend open 18:48:13 indiebio: if it becomes a place people go, then people will go 18:48:22 if the weather is miserable, I can imagine people not going there 18:48:23 to rephrase, we don't want to discourange people, that's cool 18:48:23 tumbleweed: pub is open on Sunday though 18:48:26 it's really hard to say what will happen... 18:48:37 tamo_: that's not what I remember him saying 18:48:47 ok, I'll play it by ear then, pack my crate of Black Label quarts and set up camp with the dogs there :D 18:49:04 then that item is done. 18:49:05 tumbleweed: Sat not, but Sunday is teh first of teh Pub catering 26th onwards 18:49:16 tumbleweed: lunch and dinner 18:50:00 indiebio: LGTM :) 18:50:06 and we can bring some king's blockhouse too :P 18:50:17 tamo_: oh, true 18:50:26 tumbleweed: :) 18:50:53 moving on? 18:51:04 #topic job faire 18:51:07 #action indiebio to deal with tennis pub about 'normal' (bottle & can) beers, drinks and food (toasted cheese sarmies nomnom) 18:51:22 Who is dealing with sponsors for job fair and swag shipping? 18:51:27 you 18:51:38 as wendar doesn't really have the time :) 18:51:43 but Allison didn't want me to email them. 18:51:58 I know. Hence I said that. 18:51:59 didn't she eventually back down on that? 18:52:18 she backed down on the date of the job fair, not on me not emailing them, I got no response there. 18:52:41 But OK, I'll do it then, I'll just add the swag address for shipping as well. 18:53:12 that's all on this point 18:53:28 yes, consider writing up in a etherpad so we can have a look and possibly improve things a bit before it goes out 18:53:34 #action indiebio to email sponsors about jobfair and swag shipping, assistance. 18:53:54 indiebio: what DLange said, please 18:54:03 OK, will do. 18:54:15 coolio 18:54:18 on the meeting titanpad, a bit further down 18:54:19 :) 18:54:42 #topic HP flash drives for install fest 18:54:49 another sponsorship team business item 18:54:59 indiebio: paste the link in -sponsors please when you feel its somewhat ready for input/review 18:55:12 will do DLange 18:55:25 We want to do a Linux/Debian installfest, but I didn't think through how to get the install onto the machiens 18:55:40 we can scramble for USB drives, but then ginggs said that HP gave some USB drives. 18:55:59 So I'm just asking if we can use some of them to transfer stuff, or should we go hustle? 18:56:18 I can give indiebio the details of the DD at HP who sent them to us, or I can ask them myself 18:56:47 wehave HP flash drives here already 18:57:05 I should see how easy it is to estimate how many arrived 18:57:10 we ask at HP whether we can use them for the install fest 18:57:25 DLange: yes 18:57:29 tumbleweed will get back the info to indiebio within two days max 18:57:52 ok, thanks 18:57:55 that's all on this point 18:57:57 ginggs: more than 10 which should be enough for the install fest 18:57:58 we can use 40, apparently 18:58:00 just been chatting to them 18:58:27 and the next point was just to show people the open weekend stuff, for interest. I don't need to say anything, per se. 18:58:33 fine. Then that's solved. Thanks to HPE. 18:59:00 #topic open weekend - https://debconf16.debconf.org/open-festival/ 18:59:18 tumbleweed: ^^ 18:59:35 thanks re the flash drives :) 19:00:18 indiebio: \o/ (re open festival page) 19:00:25 one thing 19:00:29 "official time is from 10:00 to 14:00" <- really? 19:00:34 if people want catered food for the open festival, and they aren't registered 19:00:43 wendar rescheduled it, so I will revise accordingly. 19:00:43 we need to know in advance 19:00:48 ideally 48hrs in advance 19:00:48 I though we'd do the afternoon as many people are still arriving on Sat. 19:01:02 indiebio: go ahead, but make sure you CC sponsors@debconf.org on any contact with sponsors 19:01:05 not a problem, will change that, DLange 19:01:14 wendar: noted. 19:01:45 tumbleweed: re food, because the food is not served right there, it shouldn't be an issue. if people ask, food is only for registered DebConf people, with badges. 19:01:54 indiebio: ack 19:03:09 indiebio: on saturday there isn't *that* much available 19:03:10 ah, I see it is still scheduled for the morning, we can make it afternoon. 19:03:11 but yeah 19:04:05 tumbleweed: yes, I'm still scheduling stuff, it's a bit of a tug having to send talks to people, we're still getting our ducks in a row 19:04:16 it is very informal, festive like, hey 19:04:24 I don't know what you are saying 19:04:47 I can't schedule talks on there directly, it goes to content team. which makes things slower 19:04:57 ah, right 19:05:22 if they are being slow, prod me, I can also do things 19:05:31 wendar will be here on saturday, I think 19:05:38 and I haven't really put thought in on where which talks need to be, and I'm working on the Cape Town pitch at the last minute model:) 19:05:48 it's been my hold up, I haven't sent her stuff 19:05:59 right, let's move on 19:06:09 #topic PROFIT 19:06:13 nope, loss 19:06:20 next topic 19:07:12 I don't think there is one? 19:07:30 #topic any other business 19:07:51 tumbleweed: did you get the pull-ups? 19:07:56 tamo_: nkukard and I misread that coffee invoice when we waved a "THAT SOUNDS GREAT" email 19:08:02 we thought the VAT line was the total price 19:08:13 tumbleweed: oh is it not? 19:08:18 :( , we have a budget of 2,8k and 10k +- 19:08:19 we're now thinking we may not be able to afford it 19:08:23 tumbleweed: I thought it was too let me look 19:09:34 tamo_: will you be onsite tomorrow? 19:09:37 we may have to look at alternatives, like we have a coffee machine ,we have hot water, we can get tea bags 19:10:05 after our budget crisis, we adjusted food budget down to the quotes and invoices we actually had, which obviously isn't actually R300 pp pd 19:10:06 (read: we'd be speedier if we can lock you up here somewhere and feed you well in exchange for your work :)) 19:10:07 DLange: yes I'll come in and work from UCT 19:10:11 great 19:10:33 * gwolf → lunch 19:10:34 o/ 19:10:40 DLange: cool, deal :) 19:11:19 tamo_: you asked about the poll-ups 19:11:22 pull-ups 19:11:27 honestly, no, not yet 19:11:30 tumbleweed: I don't undertsand his quote 19:11:52 phew 19:12:24 +1 pull-ups 19:12:47 tumbleweed: its says: total quote with vat: R32 250 19:13:12 my dictionary tell me that pull-ups are a kind of diaper 19:13:31 tumbleweed: sorry roll-ups possibly better 19:13:38 https://corelli.tumbleweed.org.za/stefanor/tmp/banner-options.pdf 19:13:41 it's also a kind of excercise. in this context, it's a big type of roll-up poster 19:14:08 ah. nice 19:14:42 tamo_: they are gorgeous 19:14:43 tumbleweed: thanks! There are two pages with options 19:15:39 tumbleweed: I prefer the first page, and we can have it with the Images of the penguins or without 19:15:53 penguins feel very appropriate in CT 19:16:15 highvoltage: yup Germany had badgers we have penguins ;) 19:16:59 tamo_: what will they cost? 19:17:22 tumbleweed: they ahve a special deal at the moment for R700 each they were R900 19:17:26 hmm. not really about badger in Germany (and I read that EU want to restrict badger on zoos) 19:17:51 tumbleweed: so they will give us the special deal 19:18:01 tamo_: I think that's OK 19:18:07 I must go to the airport and pick up olasd now 19:18:08 tumbleweed and highvoltage will no go and pickup olasd from the airport 19:18:19 (and most of our video gear) 19:18:20 700 is ok, can you get a quote so I can allocate in budget? 19:18:37 can I end the meeting? 19:18:44 #endmeeting