===================== #debconf-team Meeting ===================== Meeting started by pollo at 20:00:50 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2016/debconf-team.2016-08-25-20.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * role call (pollo, 20:00:56) * Content team (pollo, 20:03:28) * LINK: http://blog.debconf.org/blog/debconf17/2016-08-22_call_for_speakers.dc (tvaz, 20:03:56) * ACTION: tvaz to send the call for speakers on debconf ML (pollo, 20:05:24) * website team (pollo, 20:07:28) * Website repo: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/debconf-data/dc17.dc.o.git (tumbleweed, 20:08:35) * dev site: http://wafertest.debconf.org/ (tumbleweed, 20:08:56) * ACTION: LeLutin to make a simple sponsor landing page for Monday (pollo, 20:14:26) * the simple landing page will be done in wafer (pollo, 20:15:56) * ACTION: tumbleweed to setup dc17.debconf.org (tumbleweed, 20:16:00) * ACTION: tumbleweed to setup dc17.debconf.org (pollo, 20:16:07) * Fundraising team (pollo, 20:16:32) * LINK: ssh://git.debian.org/git/debconf-data/dc17.git (pollo, 20:17:27) * ACTION: pollo to find someone to proofread english & french versions of the brochure (pollo, 20:20:30) * ACTION: pollo to publish the final brochure & flyers pdf to media.debconf.org (pollo, 20:21:08) * ACTION: pollo to email Linux Magazine about a free ad to thank our DC17 sponsors after DC17 (pollo, 20:33:03) * ACTION: pollo to organise a fundraising meeting next week (pollo, 20:35:03) * Follow up on catering (pollo, 20:35:25) * LINK: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf17/Bids/Montreal#BUDGET_estimation_.28.7E300_debconfers_.2F_.7E60_debcampers.29 (lavamind, 20:36:51) * AGREED: 23CAD$/person/day is our baseline for catering budget (pollo, 20:43:30) * ACTION: tvaz to work on creating catering@debconf.org (pollo, 20:44:42) * Local non-profit (OSBL) constitution (pollo, 20:46:51) * ACTION: lavamind to create an OSBL for DC17 (pollo, 20:51:42) * Overview of September tasks (pollo, 20:54:58) * AGREED: swag research will be moved to october (pollo, 21:02:23) * ACTION: pollo to ping aviau again for Treasurer work (pollo, 21:04:32) * DC16 Final Report progress (pollo, 21:05:58) * ACTION: pollo to post the meeting notes on the wiki + send a mail on the ML (pollo, 21:10:55) * misc (pollo, 21:11:08) * be it noted that pollo took on almost all of the tasks (lavamind, 21:11:32) Meeting ended at 21:12:15 UTC. Action Items ------------ * tvaz to send the call for speakers on debconf ML * LeLutin to make a simple sponsor landing page for Monday * tumbleweed to setup dc17.debconf.org * tumbleweed to setup dc17.debconf.org * pollo to find someone to proofread english & french versions of the brochure * pollo to publish the final brochure & flyers pdf to media.debconf.org * pollo to email Linux Magazine about a free ad to thank our DC17 sponsors after DC17 * pollo to organise a fundraising meeting next week * tvaz to work on creating catering@debconf.org * lavamind to create an OSBL for DC17 * pollo to ping aviau again for Treasurer work * pollo to post the meeting notes on the wiki + send a mail on the ML Action Items, by person ----------------------- * lavamind * lavamind to create an OSBL for DC17 * LeLutin * LeLutin to make a simple sponsor landing page for Monday * pollo * pollo to find someone to proofread english & french versions of the brochure * pollo to publish the final brochure & flyers pdf to media.debconf.org * pollo to email Linux Magazine about a free ad to thank our DC17 sponsors after DC17 * pollo to organise a fundraising meeting next week * pollo to ping aviau again for Treasurer work * pollo to post the meeting notes on the wiki + send a mail on the ML * tumbleweed * tumbleweed to setup dc17.debconf.org * tumbleweed to setup dc17.debconf.org * tvaz * tvaz to send the call for speakers on debconf ML * tvaz to work on creating catering@debconf.org * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * pollo (122) * lavamind (98) * tvaz (44) * tumbleweed (38) * azeem (27) * Hydroxide (21) * tamo (19) * tassia (16) * LeLutin (15) * DLange (9) * bremner (6) * valessio (6) * MeetBot (2) * larjona (1) * highvoltage (1) * luca (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot