#debconf-team Meeting

Meeting started by pollo at 20:00:36 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. role call (pollo, 20:00:47)
  2. DC16 finances & final report (pollo, 20:04:41)
    1. ACTION: abdelq to review the DC16 final report (pollo, 20:07:07)
    2. DC16 finances almost complete, UCT should have been paid by now (lavamind, 20:11:16)

  3. Venue (pollo, 20:11:46)
  4. Website (pollo, 20:16:11)
    1. http://valessiobrito.com.br/dc17/ (pollo, 20:17:04)
    2. ACTION: pollo to poke Noel about stripe + wafer (pollo, 20:19:30)
    3. ACTION: pollo to move the wafer todo from gobby to kanboard (pollo, 20:20:39)
    4. ACTION: pollo to poke tumbleweed about wafer todo list (pollo, 20:20:51)

  5. Accommodation (pollo, 20:23:34)
  6. Fundraising (pollo, 20:25:16)
  7. Non-profit status (pollo, 20:31:34)
  8. Budget (pollo, 20:35:40)
  9. Conference program (pollo, 20:39:20)
    1. AGREED: for the conference dinner, we will try to do "a normal dinner ++" at the venue + fancy soirée at the top of the olympic tower after (pollo, 20:54:36)

  10. Catering (pollo, 20:57:58)
    1. AGREED: we will meet with Le Diner and get some more infos to be able to take a decision during the next meeting (pollo, 21:12:43)

  11. Next meeting (pollo, 21:13:08)
    1. AGREED: we'll hold our meetings on 14:00 UTC on mondays every other week (pollo, 21:17:46)
    2. next meeting: monday 14 nov 14:00 UTC (lavamind, 21:20:10)
    3. ACTION: pollo to write a meeting summary on the wiki + ML (pollo, 21:20:30)

  12. misc (pollo, 21:20:37)

Meeting ended at 21:21:23 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. abdelq to review the DC16 final report
  2. pollo to poke Noel about stripe + wafer
  3. pollo to move the wafer todo from gobby to kanboard
  4. pollo to poke tumbleweed about wafer todo list
  5. pollo to write a meeting summary on the wiki + ML

Action items, by person

  1. abdelq
    1. abdelq to review the DC16 final report
  2. pollo
    1. pollo to poke Noel about stripe + wafer
    2. pollo to move the wafer todo from gobby to kanboard
    3. pollo to poke tumbleweed about wafer todo list
    4. pollo to write a meeting summary on the wiki + ML
  3. tumbleweed
    1. pollo to poke tumbleweed about wafer todo list

People present (lines said)

  1. pollo (121)
  2. lavamind (109)
  3. tvaz (67)
  4. LeLutin (23)
  5. DLange (19)
  6. cate (12)
  7. abdelq (7)
  8. tumbleweed (4)
  9. madduck (3)
  10. highvoltage (3)
  11. ginggs (2)
  12. MeetBot (2)
  13. KanBot-0 (1)
  14. gxg (1)
  15. billux (1)
  16. bremner (1)
  17. h01ger (1)
  18. soli_ (1)
  19. larjona (1)

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