14:01:09 #startmeeting 14:01:09 Meeting started Mon Jun 5 14:01:09 2017 UTC. The chair is pollo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:09 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:01:16 #topic Roll Call 14:01:21 o/ 14:01:27 please say hello if you are here for the meeting!" 14:01:30 Hi 14:01:33 hi 14:01:38 hello if you are here for the meeting!" 14:01:46 hi 14:01:47 meanwhile, please review the proposed agenda: http://deb.li/il9wc 14:03:21 lavamind: ? 14:03:22 O/ 14:03:30 hello 14:03:33 hey 14:03:42 o/ 14:04:06 everyone's ok with the agenda? 14:04:22 I have no time to update it. Dunno if czchen did. 14:04:29 * znoteer blushes cuz he hasn't read the agenda 14:04:30 In commute right now 14:04:49 we should perhaps discuss the volunteering system (or absence thereof) 14:05:03 in registration? 14:05:20 * pollo add a topic 14:05:51 apparently you have to allow cookies 14:06:24 Clint: where? 14:06:36 * highvoltage will be stuck in traffic soon but just popped in to say hold the DC16 final report topic until next week, will share news then 14:06:53 let's start then! 14:06:58 #topic Bursaries 14:07:26 pollo: to see the agenda 14:09:26 I need an exact budget before sending approbations 14:10:00 olasd: are you planning to overcommit at all? 14:10:08 don't tell me it's in git, there's nothing about food and accomm there 14:10:58 olasd: I think the logic was to grant everyone who asked for it food + accomm? 14:11:28 but I crunched the numbers a while ago, I can get them 14:11:31 then I need to know what our capacity is 14:12:12 pollo, afaik we've set a line for food+accomm as well. 14:12:15 olasd: accommodation capacity ? 14:12:47 mostly symbolic anyway (when score is < 1 of 5) 14:12:51 accounting for people who registered as self-paying, yes 14:13:26 so we can be sure we can grant all the requests we're granting 14:14:05 olasd: total food budget for bursaries is 22,600 CAD 14:14:12 150 ppl 14:14:14 (hello, I am here) 14:14:19 olasd: we have room for 90 people onsite, 80 people in single rooms and 9 in double rooms 14:14:59 hello 14:15:02 for onsite, it has not been determined which % goes to sponsored and not 14:16:11 I would attributed as many beds as possible to sponsored onsite, and bump self-paying folks who requested onsite to whatever rooms we have free at mcgill 14:16:11 with the current travel budget (and with 2k usd of overcommitting) we can accommodate requests for 29 of the top-ranked contributors and 6 of the top-ranked outreach recipients 14:16:40 #info > with the current travel budget (and with 2k usd of overcommitting) we can accommodate requests for 29 of the top-ranked contributors and 6 of the top-ranked outreach recipients 14:17:02 hum, that seems somewhat on the low end in terms of numbers 14:17:22 Hi, I'm late, sorry 14:17:44 it is; overcommitting by 20% / 6k USD gives us ten more contributors 14:17:48 I think we haven't looked closely at people's amounts. Last year we squeezed those a fair amount. 14:17:55 right, that 14:18:02 larjona: will talk about the wiki with you privately later. Need someone to help 14:18:24 the acceptance process is very clear that you should update your amount to match your expenses asap to allow further rounds to take place 14:19:01 olasd: yeah. Last year we "helped" people update their amount. Not sure if we want to do that again. 14:20:07 olasd: maybe we can discuss that after the meeting. 14:20:07 anyway, there's a team/budget decision to be taken on whether we can overcommit, and if so by how much 14:20:10 bremner, olasd I can volunteer in the team checking prices 14:20:10 yeah 14:20:13 also note that we are not loosing any money atm 14:20:27 if needed we could ask for some Debian money for travel and such 14:20:47 when the budget was approved, we had a ~40k USD deficit 14:20:49 20% overcommitting seems ok to me, based on past cancellations 14:21:13 (just a gut feeling) 14:21:17 olasd: so I get all the ratings have been done? 14:21:26 ah, obviously, yes 14:21:35 #info bursary ratings are done 14:21:46 we're ready to pull the trigger (once the website gets deployed) 14:22:11 olasd: do you need more precise numbers wrt to food+accomm capacity? 14:22:29 I can commit to give you something more clear today if needed 14:22:43 lavamind: 9 people in double rooms = 9 rooms or 3 rooms ? 14:22:58 olasd: sorry that was 9 double rooms 14:23:00 ok 14:23:08 so, no, we're good 14:23:54 also 10 hotel rooms with 2 double beds (capacity of 2 people minimum) 14:23:57 olasd: can we expect everything to be sent to attendees this week? 14:24:01 yes 14:24:21 #info people should know if their bursary request have been accepted this week 14:24:22 we ask that people confirm their travel grants within two weeks (for the first round) 14:24:39 #info we ask that people confirm their travel grants within two weeks (for the first round) 14:24:42 we'll make the deadline tighter for further rounds 14:24:48 20 minutes ;) 14:24:50 yeah 14:25:02 for food+accomm we should match the confirmation deadline 14:25:08 whatever that is now 14:25:14 july 1st 14:25:25 (and make sure people only have to click once for both) 14:26:18 anything else to add to this topic? 14:26:24 * fil sneaks in late 14:26:59 once the results are sent we should put something in our announce mails so that people go check their profile if they didn't get our mail 14:27:25 can we #agree to 20% overcommitment? 14:27:42 no problem with me 14:27:48 agreed 14:27:49 6k USD right? 14:27:55 pocket change 14:27:55 yeah 14:28:10 the total for that round is 38257.00 14:28:16 so, a bit more than 8k 14:28:30 oh, right, 20% on both contrib and diversity 14:28:33 s/round/rank; level; whatever/ 14:28:43 #agreed we'll bust the travel and diversity budget by 20% 14:28:55 next topic? 14:29:00 sgtm 14:29:12 do we do another round when cancellations get us below the original budget? 14:29:12 #topic Registration 14:29:17 sry 14:29:23 (bremner: yes) 14:29:27 ok. 14:29:33 until july 1st 14:29:44 well numbers have increased: 331 regs 14:29:55 somehow the t-shirt numbers have not... 14:30:27 I'm getting worried about the confirmation email 14:30:37 it should be sent very soon, since the deadline is july 1st 14:31:13 olasd: have you been able to talk to tumbleweed wrt to integrating the confirmation process and the bursary confirmation one? 14:31:36 no 14:32:08 pollo: July 1st deadline to submit the artwork files? As well as the sponsors' logos? 14:32:35 valessio: we are discussing registration / confirmation of attendance 14:32:36 valessio: no, that deadline is for people to confirm if they'll come to DebConf or not 14:32:50 ok 14:33:13 olasd: would it be terrible if the 2 were not integrated and people had to click 2 different things? 14:33:19 it's stupid 14:33:40 I know, we just can't wait 2 weeks for it to be done :( 14:33:45 stupid process is part of our heritage. 14:33:47 (but in my eyes, the whole confirmation thing is stupid) 14:33:59 we would probably miss many confirmation by people thinking they had done it 14:34:16 we could also decide to scrap confirmation? 14:34:59 live with the empty beds and uneaten food ? 14:35:16 and unclaimed t-shirts and swag 14:35:22 what happens to people who's bursaries have not been accepted, do we tell them to unregister if they can't pay? 14:36:19 do we have any indications of how good a test confimation is (i.e. how many people come despite not confirming, and vice versa)? 14:36:44 (from historic data) 14:37:32 I don,t think so, that would be too convenient 14:38:27 ok, let's keep the confirmation process then 14:38:38 we still need to implement online payment anyway -_-. 14:39:04 oh, the memories 14:39:04 lamby: do you have any idea how I can reach someone who has access to the Debian PayPal account informations? 14:39:29 been trying to reach SPI regarding that for a while now without any success 14:39:35 pollo: Hm,. 14:40:20 pollo: How much do you need? I know the address is debian-payments@spi-inc.org (nb. there is no "Debian Paypal", we have Trusted Organisations, etc. etc.) 14:40:32 (source: leader@ gets CC'd on all donations) 14:40:43 we need the api key at least 14:41:09 best would be if someone on the debconf team could have access tot the actual account to be sure everything is working 14:42:04 pollo, did you try schultmc ? 14:42:47 I have been trying to reach schultmc for another matter for weeks, without success 14:42:47 been writing to treasurer@rt.spi-inc.org 14:42:57 seems to be MIA 14:44:18 :( 14:44:23 this meeting has been running for 45 minutes and we're at the second agenda item 14:44:54 lamby: well if you look into it and point me toward the right person I would appreciate 14:44:56 I got a quick answer from him a few weeks ago regarding a paypal donation from a sponsor... anyway, that's part of dc orga chaos. 14:44:57 #info we are having difficulty reaching SPI treasury 14:45:08 next topic? 14:45:14 yes 14:45:21 #topic Volunteering system 14:45:29 we need a volunteering system and have not atm 14:45:30 abdelq: any update ? 14:45:34 s/not/none/ 14:45:53 abdelq: said he'd look into integrating the fosdem app 14:46:02 doesn't seemt o be around however 14:46:05 I know cate also worked on that app before 14:46:05 next topic 14:46:18 #topic Venue & Accommodation 14:46:48 I spoke to the venue manager this morning 14:47:00 the forms are ready, I'll pick them up wednesday morning 14:47:11 the authorisation forms for the alcohol permit 14:47:19 oh damn, I forgot to grab them last friday 14:47:53 about the accommodation, we'll get confirmation this week about our request to occupy all 18 rooms 14:48:30 I set up a meeting wednesday morning also to discuss infra with the IT dept head 14:48:36 pollo: (Please mail lamby@d.o cc'ing leader@d.o - thanks!) 14:49:03 what else 14:49:16 lavamind: if you could make a list of things you'll ask IT it would be nice 14:49:24 pollo: wiki, Infra page 14:49:38 that is the basis for discussion 14:50:03 if you see something is missing from there, please add it 14:50:17 I'll add the videoteam requests 14:50:28 our venue contact is out on vacation from June 22nd 14:50:46 on July 30th we are supposed to meet to start planning and setup 14:51:17 so, all debconf orga whos in town by that time, please plan accordingly 14:51:44 anything else? 14:51:46 meet at the venue with the manager 14:52:20 #info there will be a DebConf orga meeting July 30th at the venue, with the manager, to plan camp/conf setup 14:53:05 that's it for me 14:53:16 #topic Content 14:53:17 ah wait 14:53:28 -----_____------' 14:53:37 there is an expense coming up for the onsite cloth 14:53:52 whatever. 14:54:03 lavamind: what is the pb with that? 14:54:24 nothing, it was an #info 14:54:48 I don't think content has been able to move since they were waiting for bursaries 14:54:52 the cfp deadline was yesterday, but as there was no reminder, we (i.e. gwolf and I) decided to extend it by a week and send a reminder now; https://debconf17.debconf.org/cfp/ has been updated and I will send out the reminder later today if gwolf does not get to it 14:55:33 #info cfp deadline has been extended by a week, a mail wiil be sent to remind people of it 14:56:03 not much else I can say at this point 14:56:11 #topic Conference dinner 14:56:24 well 14:56:25 tvaz: have you had time to contact bands & such? 14:56:43 azeem: was that too fast? sorry 14:56:50 I can squeeze it in later 14:57:22 lavamind: I guess we still don't have any news from the Olympic Tower right? 14:58:16 pollo: it doesn't really matter at this point because we don't have any more details to provide them about our needs than last time 14:58:40 well knowing what kind of sound setup we can have would be nice 14:58:48 they aren't going to organise the even for us, we have to tell them 14:58:51 knowing if we need an alcohol permit too 14:59:02 do they have a stage? 14:59:10 pollo: that depends if/which bands are playing 14:59:13 yes they do 14:59:25 they have all that shit 14:59:34 lavamind: we need speakers and amps and microphones 14:59:42 they have that crap 14:59:56 having a technical sheet detailing it would be helpful 15:00:05 for the bands 15:00:32 we. don't. even. know. if. any. bands. are. playing. 15:00:52 anyway 15:01:07 the goal is to have some. first things they'll ask when we contact them is "what setup do you have" 15:02:22 #topic Artwork 15:02:36 I should send the order for t-shirts today 15:02:46 but first I wanted to review things with the team to be sure 15:03:22 we plan to order 375 attendee shirts, 51 staff and X videoteam (the same as last year, I still have to find X) 15:03:39 the distribution is on the agenda, based on the numbers from registration 15:04:00 these are the colors the shirts will have: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf17/Artwork#T-Shirt 15:04:15 front will look like this: https://share.riseup.net/#MMG6mGoOZAxnk1I07dZYrg 15:04:24 and the back like this: https://share.riseup.net/#4pgtgty00V8zG9dxiHeo73BxBA 15:04:37 DId you count DC18 attendees as volunteers? 15:05:07 can we hire someone to hunt down avinash bakka and explain forcefully our displeasure with his spamming the registration alias? 15:05:09 medicalwei: hmm, I don't think I did. If you could send me a list today with approximate size that's be nice 15:05:10 pollo: back link is corrupt 15:05:19 File not found or corrupt 15:05:34 for the back ^ 15:05:37 back: https://share.riseup.net/#yMKdVUxAUIxcdMODn5gqCw 15:05:55 pollo: i think X should be 50 as well, if not more 15:06:22 the bags we are getting are 100% mexican cotton, no bleached --- 44x37 cms and the handles of 64 cms approx. 3.5 USD/each 15:06:31 I plan to order 375 too 15:06:53 front will have our logo in 2 colors, back will be sponsors graphic in 1 color 15:07:04 h01ger: ack 15:07:50 does anyone has anything to add that I would have missed? 15:09:21 great 15:09:25 #topic videoteam 15:09:44 we narrowed down to three potential cameras to buy 15:09:51 I think we have a meeting soon 15:10:05 #topic DC18 status update 15:10:20 ocf.tw is now Trusted Organization 15:10:20 The meeting agenda has been updated 15:10:38 #info ocf.tw is now a Trusted Organization 15:10:41 \0/ 15:11:08 About OCF, we can have 7% operation fee if our donation receipt is >50M, 10% otherwise. 15:11:17 s/we/they 15:11:39 OCF can create a donation page for DC18 or The Debian Project, but they need to make clear to their donors what their donation will be targeted to. 15:11:43 Still under discuss, not finalize one. 15:12:07 50 million NTD? 15:12:16 They also warned us that government may charge 20% tax to transfer the money directly from OCF to foreign organizations. 15:12:28 ~ 1.5 million NTD 15:12:37 1.5M NTD 15:13:02 We also have some new LOGO submitted. 15:13:33 1 from Valessio, and another from me updated from original proposal 15:13:51 Tried to find other community member to help LOGO design. Might need some time to get their feedback. 15:14:09 I don't think it's urgent right now 15:14:19 hare1039: Do we have venue related update? 15:14:30 Nothing new from me 15:14:37 Also we could apply for travel fund from government and the deadline is end of this month 15:14:45 ...I mean promotion fund 15:15:19 But we need to do this via OCF. 15:16:18 Any other topic for DC18? 15:16:18 That's all. 15:16:29 #topic Misc 15:16:32 o/ 15:16:37 Back to Volunteering system. 15:16:38 larjona I need your help on wiki after the meeting. 15:16:45 I looked into it. Integrating the fosdem app should be feasible without much issues. 15:16:51 I will start working on it beginning June 23. 15:16:52 * fil presumes that the 20% applies to funds left over that would go to SPI? -- presumably that is a reason to have SPI loan money to OCF at the start, so that money coming back is at least partly a loan repayment? Perhaps one could make donations that go via SPI to also look like loans? 15:17:00 abdelq: great, thanks 15:17:31 azeem: you also wanted to add something in #content? 15:17:39 yeah 15:17:42 there's two things content got approached with I don't think we should handle: booths during open day and LPI certs 15:17:54 fil, this is the part we don't know yet for loaning money from SPI to OCF 15:18:00 not sure who is supposed to handle that, but I think local team or so? 15:18:03 I think booths during OD is a great idea 15:18:19 well, it was pertaining to that special deal for Purism 15:18:33 others also asked for it 15:18:33 but I thin content shouldn't handle that in general 15:18:52 I just want to make sure nobody is waiting for content to act on something here 15:19:17 misc: /me forgot to register up until last week (shame) 15:19:30 azeem: you mean content does not want to deal with OD in general or just booths? 15:20:24 I think what content could deal with is talks, but everything else (what else is planned?) should probably be handled by a distinct team 15:20:42 and/or some sponsor liaison team out of fundraising/local 15:20:57 we had this for DC15 and it was rather important IMO 15:21:10 lavamind: weren't you and tvaz taking care of OD? I can't remember who took that task 15:21:19 DC16 was a bit off for most companies, but I guess it might get important for DC17 again 15:21:42 pollo, that was (temporarily) me 15:21:55 I'll start making contacts and proposing ideas this week 15:21:59 BTW do we have any plans to get word out to potential OD attendees well in advance -- i.e. notices up on Uni. notice boards before everyone goes on holiday? 15:22:04 pollo: yep, I was fine with the booth, I don't know how we determined we had to prod content, I remember perhaps you were the one insisiting for it 15:22:40 fil: its too late, Uni and colleges already all out on vacation 15:22:50 pollo, booths during OD, you mean in the tower? 15:22:52 oh well 15:23:14 lavamind, tvaz: let's work on OD during our next in person meeting 15:23:14 fil: indeed 15:23:33 pollo, yes, there's no much hurry for that 15:23:44 tvaz: how is there no hurry for OD ? 15:23:47 but I'll check some bands and think about the format 15:23:55 we have done zero promotion of open day 15:24:04 oh you're talking about the dinner 15:24:10 oh shit 15:24:23 what's the OD thing you're talking about? 15:24:28 open day 15:24:29 Open Day 15:24:42 forget all I said then 15:24:45 Official Dinner 15:24:52 uhm, no 15:24:55 :) 15:24:55 heh 15:24:59 *g* 15:25:30 pollo: could you follow up with Purism please 15:25:36 lavamind: I still don't think having more than 1 month of notice helps for OD attendees 15:26:03 anyway, let's talk about this another time 15:26:06 #endmeeting