14:30:17 #startmeeting 14:30:17 Meeting started Thu Nov 30 14:30:17 2017 UTC. The chair is czchen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:30:17 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:30:29 #topic Roll call 14:30:33 0/ 14:30:38 Please say hi if you are in this meeting 14:30:39 o/ (but also in an IRL meeting) 14:30:40 hi 14:30:41 hi 14:30:42 OwO/ 14:30:43 hello for a while anyway 14:30:47 0/ 14:30:54 I'm here, but I'm also doing some sponsorship things, so ping me if I'm not replying 14:31:02 no problem. 14:31:27 Anyone else? 14:32:14 hi 14:32:18 o/ from Cape town 14:32:29 i'm more or less here, but pending tablet battery 14:32:43 ginggs and indiebio are here too 14:33:12 moo 14:33:59 #topic Submissions of DC19 candidatures 14:34:38 There was a bit of IRC traffic discussion last week. 14:34:59 Two teams communicating? 14:35:22 ttbomk it's down to curitiba and bratislava now. unless greece is still in the running? 14:36:20 Seems no one has heard from them. 14:36:34 from greece? 14:36:42 yes 14:36:42 in that case it's down to two, which is not unusual 14:37:11 * larjona waves, half here 14:37:17 hiya larjona 14:37:35 is anyone from either bid present? 14:38:53 Not sure if they knows the meeting time. Do we need to send the meeting schedule to them? 14:39:07 Would some kind of "ping all" be useful to get people's attention? 14:39:15 they should really be subscribed to debconf-team and see meeting times there 14:39:15 we already had a pingall 14:40:23 Looks like there are no one from either bit, go to next topic? 14:40:24 if we can't do this topic now, we can revisit it later 14:40:35 that's completely allowed 14:40:48 #topic Sponsorship 14:41:07 maybe a message to the list with specific subject about DebConf19 bids 14:41:08 * pollo has started prodding some sponsors 14:41:22 as I said, I'll do some, but not all of them 14:41:28 Too busy this week, will try to send some sponsorship emails next week. 14:41:40 I haven't updated it for a while, but trying to forward the sponsorship message through other channels, like Facebook (??) 14:42:00 why facebook? 14:42:17 also, have long-standing sponsors been contacted? 14:42:43 not yet 14:42:45 Not from me this week. Busy in paid job. 14:42:51 pollo contacted some including Canonical 14:42:58 For Moxa (my company), we will join CIP in 2018 and thus Moxa will sponsor debconf behind CIP. 14:43:09 (actually we have members from Canonical) 14:43:22 * Delib is ready to join sponsors team to help edit emails. 14:43:27 szlin: good, I just emailed CIP 14:43:49 Wow 14:44:55 pollo: The Linux foundation JP VP who is in charge of CIP visited our company last week. 14:45:11 If I have some time for sponsorship mail, I can just go through dc18/sponsors-list/* and send template mail right? 14:45:36 czchen: yup. It's always good to have a look at the dc17 entry before though 14:45:37 yes you can 14:45:42 I believe the person also went to DC17? 14:45:46 just don't if there is a personal contact or so 14:46:10 personal contact means "Debian-Contact" field? 14:46:53 I don't think so... Debian-Contact means the contact on Debian side i think 14:47:17 yeah, like the person in charge of dealing with that particualr sponsor, i would guess 14:48:00 Someone with some history is usually a good idea, when available. 14:48:10 best is to see the communication log in the dc17/ folder and judge by that 14:48:25 e.g. stay off Microsoft for example :) 14:48:26 Thanks for the tip 14:49:50 anything else in this topic? 14:50:00 .....!? 14:50:03 I will contact skymizer next week 14:50:16 Microsoft was a sponsor in DC17 and according to the activity in Taiwan I believe they will sponsor us this time... 14:50:43 doesn't speak about potential sponsors in pubic places 14:50:50 don't 14:51:03 ok 14:51:29 Some sponsors don't like it [especially if they cannot sponsor us] 14:52:03 ok 14:52:07 Should this be discussed in a different channel? 14:52:16 also, this isn't the time to talk about team internals 14:52:23 sponsor has own channel and own mailing list 14:53:05 So for sponsor, we shall discuss in #debconf-sponsors ? 14:53:13 Suggest topic questions to guide this conversation? 14:53:53 Specific question yes, here we can discuss general problems and status 14:55:18 I am requesting a good topic question? What should we discuss now here? 14:55:29 i am also going to IT month for discovering potential sponsors via public exhibition. 14:55:39 what's on the agenda? 14:55:56 "potentioan sponsors update" 14:56:05 Printed materials have been prepared. 14:56:11 and after that? 14:56:30 Also I am looking for someone to proofreading Chinese version of the brochure. 14:56:39 (after, or during the translation) 14:56:40 sticker and flyer are printed. 14:56:52 brochure & flyer translation 14:56:57 medicalwei[m]: proofread for content or chinese? 14:57:10 Chinese content. 14:57:35 Ganneff: are you volunteering your holdes Ehegespons? 14:57:39 language i can volunteer someone, actual data i cant 14:57:39 Also, we might need to change content for german target to taiwanes 14:57:44 nattie: si 14:57:56 medicalwei[m]: Just ping me when they are ready, I can help to proofread. 14:58:06 Ganneff: good idea 14:58:15 czchen: xiexie :) 14:58:25 medicalwei[m]: can ping here too, if you want. 14:58:48 I will post it in mailing list 14:59:08 anything else? 14:59:39 Seems like sponsorship team needs more help? 15:00:39 Delib: I think we can discuss about the details in another list, or after the meeting... because we are really making small progress ;_; 15:00:59 #topic Website update 15:01:27 ouch. 15:01:43 * medicalwei[m] forgot everything he # actioned on 15:02:02 medicalwei[m]: we can discuss after the meeting and get going on that 15:02:03 the host for debconf18.debconf.org is ready (has been for a while) but noone from local team has touched it or asked us to do anything about it so far 15:02:06 Need any help on we site? 15:02:38 s/we site/website/ 15:02:49 I can and should, but need direction. 15:03:04 Mainly about the timeline 15:03:09 czchen: first step is to take what we did for dc17.dc.o and have a look at the code 15:03:19 no. that step has been done 15:03:22 you can build the website locally easily enough 15:03:28 Also need chinese translation of the sponsorship page pull-requested by larjona 15:03:43 I mean, what's needed now is someone to make a debconf18 theme for wafer 15:03:59 the content from the landing site can be moved over easily enough 15:04:03 https://github.com/medicalwei/debconf18-landing/pull/2 15:04:18 Ah 15:05:02 I would like to help on that, though I am busy at the paid job and is working on the translation 15:05:02 Where is wafer source code? Really not a website guy, but can find some friends to help. 15:05:12 Do you have a deadline for the theme thing? 15:05:18 medicalwei[m]: yesterday 15:05:27 ................................................... 15:05:28 more seriously: as soon as possible 15:05:34 https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debconf-data/dc18.dc.o.git 15:05:55 thanks olasd, I'm deep in conversation right now, IRL 15:05:56 czchen: base wafer is in github, we have our extention in the debconf-data git 15:05:57 olasd: thanks 15:06:00 we (website folks) don't have any deadlines, you're the ones with deadlines 15:06:09 Not asking for myself, but again it seems a lot is expected of just a couple people. 15:06:28 That's why I was asking if more help is needed. 15:07:05 Delib: I think they manage it. The most difficult part is to provide content for them 15:07:08 Delib: you will eventually need to take a look at what questions should be asked for registration 15:07:23 I probably want to delegate the translation job to others for the website. 15:07:39 most of them will be the same, but you might need to have some specific ones regarding food + accomm 15:07:49 pollo, thanks for task lead. 15:07:54 i'll be looking at that soon 15:08:04 k. 15:08:23 we can figure out specifics between us 15:08:52 medicalwei[m], do you have people in mind for translation help? 15:09:21 http://l10n.tw/ ? 15:09:33 Delib: i am in a team doing l10n and that's it czchen 15:10:18 if they're good, then we can go with them 15:10:48 I'm not entirely sure what wafer supports i18n-wise 15:10:56 I think we can trust them. 15:10:57 (most likely answer is "nothing") 15:11:07 but we can figure it out along the way 15:11:16 can we #action someone to contact the l10n.tw people? 15:11:22 for website content 15:11:45 it has tried to support i18n, but there hasn't been any conference that needed it yet 15:11:54 czchen: since it wa your suggestion, could you? 15:11:55 so it's going to have all sorts of bugs and possible big problems 15:12:01 tumbleweed: cool 15:12:02 No problem. 15:12:06 I mean... I am at work doing translations to the brochure 15:12:09 tumbleweed: nothing better than a debconf to spot em all? :) 15:12:17 and I probably can't take the website theme thing 15:12:18 czchen: can you do a #action for it please? 15:12:20 #action czchen will contact l10n.tw people to do translation. 15:12:23 I'm somewhat sceptical of translating all the website 15:12:33 just translating the content pages is probably all we want 15:12:43 (nobody is going to want to translate all of the talk proposals, etc) 15:12:44 unless i ask others translating the brochure 15:12:46 I agree as well 15:12:51 I think registration should remain in English, but some page for sponsors and debian day... 15:13:06 cate: yeah, something like that 15:13:13 and how to get to the venue 15:13:26 Maybe just make another page in Chinese? 15:13:29 Lazy i18n but better than nothing 15:14:09 you dont need so much in chinese. the sponsors, debianday and info for local wannabe attendees/volunteers basically. 15:14:20 *nods* 15:14:49 Directions to venue would be good. 15:15:19 we don't really need to discuss minutiae just now, just a general overview of what needs doing 15:15:31 highest priority is making the website presentable 15:15:35 yes 15:15:45 because now we can't really regress from what's on dc18.dc.o today 15:16:29 How difficult is it to theme from a template? 15:16:39 So we shall update dc18.dc.o and make it online first? 15:16:41 ...(i think i should just see the code) 15:17:10 Yes, then consider how we can i18n it 15:17:30 Sorry to make the website too pretty 15:17:30 okay, I will see what can I do in this part 15:18:00 #action czchen will update dc18.dc.o to make it online. 15:18:06 anything else? 15:18:29 #topic DC17 Status Update 15:18:32 talk to olasd and me about the details on that 15:18:40 nothing to report on the dc17 side 15:18:43 no, not the dc17 details 15:18:55 :P 15:18:59 pollo: did you manage to get the money out of maisonneuve/do you have a plan? 15:19:04 report will happen... soon 15:19:05 I would be interested in the wafer theming too 15:19:09 olasd: they sent a check afaik 15:19:10 If I have to fix things. 15:19:21 pollo: cool 15:20:01 I'll poke people and try to hve a get together for Christmas and start working on the dc17 final report 15:20:47 anything else? 15:20:57 nope 15:21:00 I need to finalize bursary reimbursements now that the spi pipe is flowing again; I'll have a final poke tonight 15:21:38 #topic DSA Migration 15:22:08 Not sure what need to be discussed in this topic? 15:22:38 I can help setting up Kanboard on the new host 15:22:40 Is that already done? 15:22:41 DSA have started acting on the kanboard vm ticket 15:22:45 ooh hey andrewsh 15:22:48 and the chat notifications 15:22:54 and then they noticed that pollo wasn't a DD yet 15:22:57 so we tried to fix that 15:23:16 do you want to revisit the bids thing later under AOB? 15:23:45 (AOB?) 15:23:52 (any other business) 15:23:55 DSA is last item on agenda, so time for that discussion with andrewsh here. 15:24:28 So next topic will be "Submissions of DC19 candidatures" ? 15:25:02 we can do that, yes 15:25:19 okay 15:25:22 let's. anyone from curitiba around? 15:25:41 #topic Submissions of DC19 candidatures 15:26:21 andrewsh: the floor is yours. what's new? 15:26:33 the news. 15:26:40 the venue is very expensive, it seems 15:26:46 the people from curitiba I can identify have been idle for a week or more 15:26:55 and I'm not sure they'll be willing to give further discounts 15:27:09 as they already say the price they've given includes a 50% discount 15:27:18 I disagree with the "very expensive" assessment; expensive maybe, but definitely in our price range 15:27:19 let's just remind everyone of the bid process timeline? 15:27:37 47k € without food or accommodation 15:28:22 December 2017: formal bid submission 15:28:23 I've got alternative venues, but they aren't very accessible/usable and/or expensive as well or prices not yet known 15:28:29 Early 2018: location decision 15:28:33 from wiki 15:29:18 47k € above include "standard" electricity, AC and internet+wifi, basic security and cleaning 15:29:23 best is to have two offers and go to the better venue with the price of the other one 15:29:46 everything above "standard" is an extra we need to pay for and (importantly) notify them beforehand 15:30:03 so that they can get potential discounts from their providers 15:30:19 (normally extras on top of the utility packages are superexpensive) 15:30:22 it's probably a good idea to establish how much exactly they mean by "standard" 15:30:28 +1 15:30:34 "what a normal education process uses" 15:30:46 they can give more details in terms of kW×h 15:30:53 that would be useful 15:31:04 which I hope we won't exceed 15:31:35 as arguably normal education process involves more than 400 people with their laptops 15:32:24 any other news? 15:32:40 https://screenshots.firefox.com/rTmvyn9EeUTcpTJf/mail.google.com 15:32:53 (more detailed quote from them) 15:33:11 the left column in the room name/number 15:33:12 we should agree the submission deadling 15:33:18 deadline 15:33:27 * andrewsh notes a new word, deadling 15:33:59 heh 15:34:22 Have no idea about the submission deadline. Any date in December is okay? 15:34:28 any other news… the cafeteria does have a tiny kitchen in which they don't cook but only heat up pre-cooked meals 15:34:55 :( 15:34:58 if we use their services, it's ok to use, otherwise there won't be any extra space apart from the seating area to use for catering 15:35:35 the cafeteria's caterer cooks in the next building belonging to a different university, where they also have a branch 15:36:16 right 15:36:30 the venue itself would be accessible to us from 8am to ~some time after midnight 15:36:45 we should call a bid status meeting, and also establish the deadline 15:36:52 indeed 15:37:09 the 31st is a sunday; would that be acceptable to people as a deadline? 15:37:26 ack from myself 15:37:39 czchen: you're chair. what's your view? 15:38:02 Do we need to hold a meeting in deadline date? 15:38:15 no, it just needs to be submitted 15:38:26 okay, I think 31st is okay 15:38:26 but it's probaly a good idea to check people's progress before the deadline 15:38:51 is there a DC19 bid committee assembled yet? 15:39:33 nope 15:39:42 that should really be done post-haste 15:39:42 Maybe we can check the progress in next meeting? I think it will be Dec 14, or Dec 21. 15:39:48 not the 21st please 15:39:56 the DCC will make the decision (and I think as last year invite others to participate, too) 15:40:06 14th would be fine by me 15:40:33 we're not talking about making decisions yet, we're talking about checking bid status and establishing a timeline for the decision 15:40:46 So we will have another meeting in Dec 14, and we also will check the progress of DC19, is that rignt? 15:40:48 i have to go, battery running out 15:41:01 bye nattie 15:41:04 bye 15:41:05 ciao! 15:41:08 bye nattie 15:41:09 čau 15:41:15 bye 15:41:28 // 15:42:17 czchen: a meeting in 2 weeks sounds good 15:42:41 So next meeting in Dec 14, and will check the progress of DC19, any objection? 15:42:57 ack 15:42:58 not from me 15:42:58 we need to make sure that there is a bid committee and that members of it can be present thene 15:43:01 then* 15:43:38 on DC19 we tried to organise a debconf committee meeting last week, but it didn't quite happen 15:43:53 we need to have one to start the DC19 discussion process 15:44:15 s/DC19/…/ 15:44:24 how are the committees created if I may ask a noob question 15:44:31 znoteer: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2017/01/msg00003.html 15:44:32 oh, I'm misparsing that 15:44:50 <_rene_> andrewsh: ooc, what you outlined above, for what bid is that? 15:45:01 _rene_: Bratislava 15:45:05 olasd: thanks 15:45:17 <_rene_> k, guessed so, but wanted to go sure :) 15:45:30 znoteer: that's The DebConf Committee, usually the bid selection committee is wider than that 15:45:40 but formally now it's up to them to decide 15:46:11 ack 15:46:32 So when do we need bit selection committee? In Dec14 ? 15:47:35 if we want status updates from the bids then, yes, it'd be good to have a formed committee, and some members of it available to ask and answer questions with the bid teams 15:49:30 I think we should have the DCC call for the meeting(s) and invite people that want to participate in the discussion to join 15:49:43 yes 15:50:18 you can task me (or tumbleweed) and we'll take care of inviting for the meeting(s) 15:50:20 that's what I was trying to convey 15:50:37 that was difficult to understand then :D 15:51:41 Current plan is to have a meeting in Dec 14, and also check DC19 progress. So we need bid committee before that date. Is that okay for DCC? 15:53:04 yes, but I don't think we need the bid committee then 15:53:24 okay 15:54:19 #agreed next meeting in Dec 14 2017 14:30 UTC, and will check the progress of DC19. 15:54:28 Anything else? 15:55:32 #endmeeting