===================== #debconf-team Meeting ===================== Meeting started by medicalwei at 14:30:22 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2018/debconf-team.2018-05-03-14.30.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Roll call (medicalwei, 14:30:38) * Open Day (medicalwei, 14:32:50) * Andrew Lee is looking for more talks and found several speakers (medicalwei, 14:33:17) * ACTION: AndrewLee (and others to push him) to have a Open Day schedule (medicalwei, 14:33:34) * Venue (medicalwei, 14:35:00) * We are waiting for the room number assignment for Engineering Building 3. (medicalwei, 14:36:05) * NCTU has confirmed we can use conference rooms during weekend. (czchen, 14:36:32) * Room usage is in https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-team/public/data/dc18/blob/master/venue/NCTU.md (czchen, 14:38:02) * Insurance (medicalwei, 14:38:46) * LINK: https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-team/public/data/dc18/blob/master/insurance/insurance.md (medicalwei, 14:38:55) * We will sign the insurance once the details of the insurance is settled down. (medicalwei, 14:41:49) * ACTION: czchen will check bus insurance for day trip. (czchen, 14:45:27) * Registration (medicalwei, 14:46:11) * PLEASE, ANYONE HERE SHOULD BE REGISTERED. WE HAVE UNREGISTERED LOCAL TEAM MEMBERS. (medicalwei, 14:48:23) * Fundraising (medicalwei, 14:51:54) * ACTION: medicalwei, to push olasd, to put NCHC logo on to the website. (medicalwei, 14:53:06) * MEET TAIWAN, and probably most of the governmental funds, require us to give them list of attendees (medicalwei, 14:54:03) * list of attendees should include name, country of origin, company, occupation, email and phone numbers (medicalwei, 14:54:28) * ACTION: medicalwei to check if we need to comply with GDPR (medicalwei, 14:54:46) * szlin with 4cat is spreading press releases. (medicalwei, 14:57:58) * Budgeting (medicalwei, 14:58:42) * medicalwei is still in the discussion with lamby on the budget approval (medicalwei, 14:59:22) * currently medicalwei estimated for 300-360 attendees in the budget (medicalwei, 14:59:49) * DPL requests for comments from previous DC organizers to check the estimation of 300-360 attendees. (medicalwei, 14:59:55) * Swags (medicalwei, 15:02:06) * Badges printing-on-demand is going to be integrated with wafer by olasd (medicalwei, 15:02:35) * Waiting for budget approval to buy badge sleeves and bands, and waiting for final list of sponsors for t-shirts and bags (medicalwei, 15:03:14) * bag design template is at https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-team/public/data/dc18/tree/master/artworks (medicalwei, 15:03:40) * ACTION: people with pending sponsors to mention t-shirt deadlines (medicalwei, 15:04:30) * ACTION: medicalwei to survey in-building navigations from the badge (medicalwei, 15:06:45) * Child Care (medicalwei, 15:06:57) * we have 4 childcare requests right now (medicalwei, 15:08:17) * ACTION: someone to give gavin information about childcare requests since DebCamp (medicalwei, 15:09:27) * We assume no childcare is needed during DebCamp (medicalwei, 15:11:10) * there will be a childcare sign up page for day trip in the wiki (medicalwei, 15:13:15) * gavin needs age distribution of the children (medicalwei, 15:13:34) * Video team (medicalwei, 15:14:29) * Wait for budget approval then we can start hiring equipment. (medicalwei, 15:14:37) * Catering (medicalwei, 15:16:39) * medicalwei is syncing with 4cat about the budgets on foods (medicalwei, 15:17:45) * ACTION: someone should ask nctu people how easy/hard it is for halal foods on site... (medicalwei, 15:19:06) * Day Trip (medicalwei, 15:20:11) * we will reserve the bus on 6/1 for the 8/1 day trip (medicalwei, 15:22:25) * Miscellaneous (medicalwei, 15:24:23) * LINK: https://hackmd.io/c/SJNqV3wqf/https%3A%2F%2Fhackmd.io%2Fs%2FSJlH_s23M Local team meeting log (medicalwei, 15:24:31) * ACTION: medicalwei to send global team meeting notifications and meeting minutes every time we have meeting (medicalwei, 15:27:09) * AGREED: Next global team meeting time is scheduled at 2018-05-10 14:30 UTC (medicalwei, 15:29:26) Meeting ended at 15:30:05 UTC. Action Items ------------ * AndrewLee (and others to push him) to have a Open Day schedule * czchen will check bus insurance for day trip. * medicalwei, to push olasd, to put NCHC logo on to the website. * medicalwei to check if we need to comply with GDPR * people with pending sponsors to mention t-shirt deadlines * medicalwei to survey in-building navigations from the badge * someone to give gavin information about childcare requests since DebCamp * someone should ask nctu people how easy/hard it is for halal foods on site... * medicalwei to send global team meeting notifications and meeting minutes every time we have meeting Action Items, by person ----------------------- * czchen * czchen will check bus insurance for day trip. * gavin * someone to give gavin information about childcare requests since DebCamp * medicalwei * medicalwei, to push olasd, to put NCHC logo on to the website. * medicalwei to check if we need to comply with GDPR * medicalwei to survey in-building navigations from the badge * medicalwei to send global team meeting notifications and meeting minutes every time we have meeting * **UNASSIGNED** * AndrewLee (and others to push him) to have a Open Day schedule * people with pending sponsors to mention t-shirt deadlines * someone should ask nctu people how easy/hard it is for halal foods on site... People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * medicalwei (115) * czchen (22) * jidanni (18) * gavin (14) * DLange (10) * szlin (8) * gwolf (5) * MeetBot (4) * paulliu (4) * znoteer_ (2) * azeem (1) * lenharo (1) * samueloph (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot