===================== #debconf-team Meeting ===================== Meeting started by terceiro at 21:58:50 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2018/debconf-team.2018-11-05-21.58.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * roll call (terceiro, 21:58:59) * https://deb.li/dc19meet (tumbleweed, 22:00:05) * Review #action's from previous metting (terceiro, 22:01:25) * in contract: children up to 7 don't pay. older children pay full. (terceiro, 22:02:28) * "drop one-room-person price from contract since we won't use" didn't really apply to us (terceiro, 22:05:09) * ACTION: samueloph will lead the review of the timeline in the wiki (terceiro, 22:08:41) * LINK: https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-team/public/data/dc19/issues?label_name%5B%5D=Publicity (lenharo, 22:10:18) * ACTION: terceiro will ellaborate a proposal for tools to be used in the DC19 organization and send it to the ML (terceiro, 22:15:06) * Brief report from the local team sprint Oct 23-26 (terceiro, 22:19:18) * LINK: https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/19/Meetings/Sprint201810English (jova2, 22:20:21) * Sponsorship (terceiro, 22:23:51) * pending: Finish brochures & flyers (en, pt_br) (terceiro, 22:32:48) * pending: Send initial sponsoring request to leads (terceiro, 22:32:59) * pending: fix https://debconf19.debconf.org/sponsors/become-a-sponsor/ (terceiro, 22:33:20) * ACTION: samueloph update website wrt sponsorship (terceiro, 22:37:30) * ACTION: samueloph update brochure (replace Martin Michlmayr's quote with Taylor's) (terceiro, 22:38:04) * LINK: https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/19/TeamRoles phls seems to be the team lead (DLange, 22:44:15) * ACTION: terceiro to organize a sponsorship sprint on IRC after materials are ready (terceiro, 22:50:04) * wiki.debconf.org going static (terceiro, 22:51:06) * "Reminder: wiki.debconf.org (hopefully) gets statified end of November, banner-style redirect to wiki.debian.org" (terceiro, 22:51:10) * Any other business (terceiro, 22:56:54) * AGREED: next meeting: Monday December 3rd, 22:00 UTC (terceiro, 22:58:52) * AGREED: in general: meetings on 1st Monday of every month until monthly is not frequent enough (terceiro, 23:00:00) Meeting ended at 23:01:57 UTC. Action Items ------------ * samueloph will lead the review of the timeline in the wiki * terceiro will ellaborate a proposal for tools to be used in the DC19 organization and send it to the ML * samueloph update website wrt sponsorship * samueloph update brochure (replace Martin Michlmayr's quote with Taylor's) * terceiro to organize a sponsorship sprint on IRC after materials are ready Action Items, by person ----------------------- * samueloph * samueloph will lead the review of the timeline in the wiki * samueloph update website wrt sponsorship * samueloph update brochure (replace Martin Michlmayr's quote with Taylor's) * terceiro * terceiro will ellaborate a proposal for tools to be used in the DC19 organization and send it to the ML * terceiro to organize a sponsorship sprint on IRC after materials are ready * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * terceiro (96) * DLange (37) * samueloph (20) * nattie (14) * phls (13) * lenharo (8) * tumbleweed (4) * MeetBot (3) * siqueira (3) * jova2 (3) * adrianacc (2) * olasd (2) * pollo (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot