===================== #debconf-team Meeting ===================== Meeting started by DLange at 18:00:04 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2020/debconf-team.2020-01-15-18.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * role call (DLange, 18:00:52) * Bid from India (DLange, 18:05:40) * LINK: https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/21/Bids/India (DLange, 18:07:09) * LINK: https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/21/Bids/India/CheckList (DLange, 18:07:17) * LINK: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kochi#Climate (gwolf, 18:10:01) * ACTION: share a map pin-pointing the places for conference halls, hacklabs and accommodation (DLange, 18:14:24) * At least 10 team members very familiar with Kochi, have organized events (gwolf, 18:19:26) * We will probably split between hotels for accomodation, but venue would be in a single hotel (gwolf, 18:20:02) * Team suggests conference to be in Sep-Dec, due to better weather (gwolf, 18:20:38) * Hacklab might need to be at a different hotel (500m distance) (gwolf, 18:21:44) * venue costs is per person, with a minimum of 40% of the capacity (terceiro, 18:24:19) * ACTION: check at least two hacklabs in one hotel (DLange, 18:24:19) * ACTION: check for alcohol license (not required but nice for noisy hacklab) (DLange, 18:24:41) * Bid from Kosovo (gwolf, 18:29:53) * alcohol is not a problem, we usually have it at every conference *smirk* (DLange, 18:33:17) * €50 dorm cost per person per 2 weeks (DLange, 18:38:46) * team is sure to be available (DLange, 18:42:14) * we may have found a future project member :) (DLange, 18:46:10) * the bid is the most non-diverse we have. Only women :) (DLange, 18:47:12) * ACTION: add cost totals on the checklist section (DLange, 18:48:28) * LINK: https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/21/Bids/Kosovo (DLange, 18:51:12) * ACTION: add larger talk room alternatives to the bid page (DLange, 18:59:36) * if people dont mind that distance, we have alternatives and I will add them, but the main auditoriums would be the ones I mentioned and sent pictures of (DLange, 19:02:02) * Bid from Portugal (DLange, 19:05:20) * Omnivores are well covered, for vegans we have one dish a day in the main restaurant and specialized veggie places inside the venue (DLange, 19:10:43) * continuation of DC20 bid, new people joined the team (DLange, 19:15:40) * ACTION: re-check free availability of venue with new Head of University (DLange, 19:19:44) * hotels are willing to commit rooms to us (but not at much of a discount) (tumbleweed, 19:23:40) * 7 people from the IT department commited to the core team, plus some students (gwolf, 19:28:10) * July and August are holidays, few students will be at the unviersity (gwolf, 19:28:29) * wrap up (DLange, 19:31:53) * DC21 bid review meeting #2 (probably final review meeting) on Jan 30, 18:00 UTC (DLange, 19:36:47) Meeting ended at 19:37:02 UTC. Action Items ------------ * share a map pin-pointing the places for conference halls, hacklabs and accommodation * check at least two hacklabs in one hotel * check for alcohol license (not required but nice for noisy hacklab) * add cost totals on the checklist section * add larger talk room alternatives to the bid page * re-check free availability of venue with new Head of University Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * share a map pin-pointing the places for conference halls, hacklabs and accommodation * check at least two hacklabs in one hotel * check for alcohol license (not required but nice for noisy hacklab) * add cost totals on the checklist section * add larger talk room alternatives to the bid page * re-check free availability of venue with new Head of University People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * DLange (117) * enkelenaH (56) * gwolf (51) * calhariz (27) * tumbleweed (22) * srud[m]1 (17) * azeem (13) * PiratePraveen[m] (10) * terceiro (10) * filiperfernandes (8) * indiebio_ (8) * rajudev[m] (7) * nattie (6) * MeetBot (6) * gregoa (4) * akhvar (3) * anisa (3) * anisa1 (2) * h01ger (2) * paddatrapper (1) * tzafrir (1) * cate (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot