17:59:08 #startmeeting 17:59:08 Meeting started Mon Jul 13 17:59:08 2020 UTC. The chair is nattie. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:59:08 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:59:18 #link https://deb.li/dc20meet (Agenda) 17:59:28 #topic rollcall 17:59:38 you know what to do: holler if you're here 17:59:45 whoooooooooo 17:59:46 \o 17:59:46 howl 17:59:47 \o/ 18:00:49 #topic last week's action items 18:00:53 we didn't have any 18:01:08 o/ 18:01:14 well that's easy, then 18:01:14 #topic registration 18:01:15 O/ 18:01:28 Registration is open! 18:01:44 #link https://debconf20.debconf.org/register 18:01:47 The statistics are currently a little broken, but will be fixed soon: https://debconf20.debconf.org/register/statistics/ 18:02:18 registration process was super sleek, very nice 18:02:59 anything else on that? 18:03:01 tumbleweed: the bursary view misses the online bursary field (Todo :)) 18:03:02 We've realised that we were probably missing swag shipping details collection. But we can come back to that later under t-shirts 18:03:10 DLange: yeah 18:03:47 do we need an action on that, or are we aware? 18:04:26 #topic t-shirts 18:04:40 BTW, 158 complete registrations as of now 18:04:53 #undo 18:04:53 Removing item from minutes: 18:05:00 #info there are 158 registrations so far 18:05:03 #topic t-shirts 18:05:31 there's a t-shirt team, we're in #teamshirts, and we've been contacting various potential suppliers in order to find the best solution 18:05:35 \o/ 18:06:06 Printful would be our fallback, but we have another possible supplier who's looking very promising, and i've also asked Andrew for another quote with an estimate for shipping 18:06:36 other suppliers wouldn't have been able to do the shipping for us, so they're out of the running this time around 18:07:18 Sorry, I cannot join today's meeting :-( 18:07:27 So, you're expecting a variety of local printing groups? Maybe 1 to take the rest of the global load, or printful for that? 18:07:34 and yeah, we'll have to add a field for people to put a shipping address - it doesn't have to be their home address, but it has to be somewhere the shirt would actually reach them 18:07:52 ok 18:08:12 nb: most international shipping also needs the phone number of the recipient these days 18:08:20 (good that we ask that already :)) 18:08:28 it isn't required, though 18:08:33 i've reached out to the people i know of who are trying to organise shirts locally, so hopefully we'll come up with something between us 18:08:45 I suspect we'll need some t-shirt registration instructions 18:08:55 has anyone thought about customs? people should know they might have to pay for their free shirt 18:09:03 i.e. here's who we'll make shirts for (quite possibly not everyone who registers) 18:09:07 yeah, potential customs fees 18:09:18 this is why you should give us a phone number 18:09:20 etc. 18:09:28 yeah, we had fun looking at customs charges :-/ 18:10:34 typically there is a "gift" upper bound (~USD 20) 18:10:54 we should be below that for one T-Shirt and mask 18:10:59 that does require the shipper to label it as a gift, though 18:11:14 my experience in ZA was that t-shirt shipping companies would label it as a t-shirt, and customs would be charged 18:11:27 ack. And it is if DebConf pays for it. 18:11:47 ZA is special because of textile import duty 18:12:00 yeah 18:13:18 anything else on T-Shirts? 18:13:27 sub-topic: masks 18:13:43 From what I heard from nattie, you're lokoing at them, but they're a nice to have extra, rather than critical 18:14:19 yeah, from my perspective 18:14:54 thanks! 18:15:05 BTW from the budget section later, it looks like we're *well* in the black 18:15:16 that doesn't mean we want to spend hundreds of dollars on shirts 18:15:24 but it does mean there's headroom 18:15:55 is there much more to say on this for now, or shall we move on? 18:16:16 move on 18:16:20 #topic budget 18:16:30 ok, money mavens, your turn to shine 18:16:36 Updated the spreadsheet. Thanks for the update DLange 18:16:55 we're budgeting $16k in the black now 18:17:40 at some point, the t-shirt people will start racking up expenses 18:17:52 we should probably get a signed off budget from the DPL before then 18:17:59 or at least pre-approval for some amount of spending 18:18:27 ack. We need that or the TOs will rightfully say "nope". 18:18:37 So, shall we freeze it at this point? 18:18:47 nattie: any idea if the t-shirt numbers in there are sane? 18:18:54 just a moment 18:18:58 I guess once we know how many and how much each costs? 18:19:27 #link https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-team/public/data/dc20-online/-/tree/master/budget 18:19:33 tumbleweed: i will hopefully have a better idea within a few days, and will mention it then 18:19:49 for reference: we were budgeting $10 shirts, $5 masks, $7.5 shipping for 300 attendees 18:20:21 that sounds fairly reasonable; i'll say if the figures i get deviate significantly from that 18:20:46 so, any actions here? 18:20:57 or shall we leave this another week? 18:21:01 not that i'm aware of 18:21:06 we should know a lot more next week 18:21:21 how about bursaries? 18:21:59 we have no working web i/f yet 18:22:07 5 applications so far 18:22:16 DLange: bursaries doesn't have a web interface 18:22:18 that should be manageable :D 18:22:24 it's done through CSV APIs 18:22:43 tumbleweed: the admin view is missing the field, that's what I meant 18:22:54 (which probably need updating for the new bursary type) 18:23:25 fix the admin before the CSV. If the numbers stay low gwolf and me can do that just via the web i/f. 18:23:48 ok 18:24:02 I'm taking notes of pending stuff in the website FWIW 18:24:10 terceiro: excellent 18:24:25 i won't do an action item in that case 18:24:28 #topic videoteam 18:24:39 So, video team had a sprint this weekend 18:25:09 thanks terceiro 18:25:11 I don't think there's any write up from it, yet 18:25:26 But, we've been making progress on our video stack 18:25:51 Feeling pretty confident that it'll be a lot nicer than mdco's 18:26:15 we're expecting 1 track, at the moment 18:26:36 if the content team wants more (or a separately streamed bof room, for example), we can probably handle it 18:26:39 but we will need to talk :) 18:26:55 we had minimalistic planning for mdco's stack so I'd be very surprised if it doesn't end up nicer for the full DC :) 18:27:10 it was the MVP of stacks, yes :) 18:27:42 The team has been producing some guidance for speakers to prepare recorded talks 18:27:46 #link https://debconf-video-team.pages.debian.net/docs/advice_for_recording.html 18:27:49 1 track also simplifies things a lot I hope that the content team keeps it there 18:28:12 (maybe for a future online DC it might be better branching out there but probably not on the first one) 18:28:36 And there's a speakerdesk to help them out 18:28:50 IMO we should keep it to 1 track this time 18:28:58 yes 18:29:07 of course, the jitsi has an infinite number of rooms 18:29:08 (content hat on) 18:29:14 terceiro: hold on 18:29:15 so if people want to have an ad-hoc meeting about something, they can 18:29:24 content is next :) 18:29:25 but it won't be recorded or streamed outside of that room 18:29:54 That's all I have to say on video 18:30:02 #topic content 18:30:06 terceiro: now :) 18:30:19 the content hat on was wrt the number of tracks :) 18:30:31 but I can report on submission stats 18:30:32 maybe I'm too protective of jitsi resources but I'd prefer them even having meetings that fits outside of DebConf on meet.jit.si or jitsi.debian.social instead 18:30:34 i know, but i was so close to changing topics 18:30:59 Submission stats: 18:30:59 By track 18:31:00 -------------------------------------------------------------- 18:31:00 Introduction to Free Software & Debian 6 18:31:01 Packaging, policy, and Debian infrastructure 18 18:31:01 Systems administration, automation and orchestration 7 18:31:03 Cloud and containers 2 18:31:03 Security 1 18:31:07 Community, diversity, local outreach and social context 12 18:31:07 Internationalization, Localization and Accessibility 1 18:31:09 Embedded & Kernel 3 18:31:13 Debian Blends and Debian derived distributions 6 18:31:15 Debian in Arts & Science 3 18:31:17 Other 9 18:31:19 By type 18:31:21 -------------------------------------------------------------- 18:31:23 ... 18:31:25 By type 18:31:27 Long talk (45 minutes) 26 18:31:29 Short talk (20 minutes) 18 18:31:31 BoF (45 minutes) 22 18:31:33 Workshop (2h) 0 18:31:35 Sprint 2 18:31:37 Other 0 18:31:39 Event 0 18:31:45 #link https://debconf20.debconf.org/talks/statistics/ 18:32:08 I think we have enough reviews and should be able to publish accepted talks Soon(TM) 18:32:23 total 68 if my maths is correct 18:32:34 69 according to the stats 18:33:05 well, if you add all even numbers and get an odd one :D 18:33:25 the difference was the Other: 1 that was added after he collected those 18:33:29 (cheese & wine at home) 18:33:45 problem solved :) 18:34:12 #info we have 69 submissions 18:34:37 #info accepted talks should be published Real Soon Now 18:34:41 anything else? 18:35:24 #topic AOB 18:35:35 next meeting: same time, same channel, next week? 18:36:11 thanks for keeping it short 18:36:18 nattie: sounds good 18:36:27 #agreed next meeting 20 July 18:00 UTC 18:36:34 anything else? 18:36:54 going once, going twice... 18:36:57 #endmeeting