12:58:06 <pwaring> #startmeeting DebConf 24 orga team meeting. Agenda: https://deb.li/dc24meet
12:58:06 <MeetBot> Meeting started Tue Jan 23 12:58:06 2024 UTC.  The chair is pwaring. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
12:58:06 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
12:58:10 <pwaring> #topic Roll Call
12:58:17 <pwaring> as always, please announce your presence
12:58:18 <youngbin[m]1> o/
12:58:23 * nattie summons the bread products
12:58:31 <jmkim> o/
12:58:39 <tumbleweed> o/
12:58:44 <changwoo[m]> hi
12:59:26 <DLange> \o/
12:59:36 <santiago> \o
12:59:44 <EnkelenaH[m]> hi
12:59:47 <santiago> the bread products!?
12:59:57 <nattie> santiago: the rolls (les petits pains)
13:00:13 <gwolf> o/
13:00:17 <santiago> nattie, coming!
13:00:52 <pwaring> #topic DC23: Outstanding reimbursements
13:00:53 * nattie can only stay about 40 minutes today
13:01:13 <pwaring> last time we agreed that we would give people a final reminder about reimbursements, with 1 month deadline
13:01:24 <pwaring> (for DC23 orga)
13:01:52 <tumbleweed> sorry, haven't done anything here yet
13:02:02 <pwaring> np, we can leave it for next time
13:02:14 <pwaring> #topic DC24: Budget
13:02:22 <pwaring> #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k2pcSD5dEVl6PAJBLy6ApqyzkvQrj8SSQhroGQ9aykQ
13:02:44 <jmkim> budgets, still discussing in local team
13:02:53 <jmkim> for swags and promotions
13:03:10 <tumbleweed> OK. You don't need to have exact numbers, it's just a budget and can be changed later
13:03:23 <jmkim> I guess, we can wrap up in this week
13:03:27 <tumbleweed> so if it looks like the big changes are mostly over, we should start preparing a formal budget for the DPL to approve
13:04:23 <pwaring> shall we say send to DPL by next meeting (6th Feb)?
13:04:45 <jmkim> Ok, jmkim will start prepare the formal budget with ledger from this week
13:05:31 <pwaring> great
13:05:49 <pwaring> fwiw, we have tweaked the budget post-approval, it's not like that has never happened before :)
13:06:06 <tumbleweed> we almost always change it after approval
13:06:08 <pwaring> #agreed Budget to be sent to DPL for approval by 6th Feb
13:06:19 * jmkim will let here to review before send to DPL
13:06:41 <pwaring> #topic DC24: Website
13:06:56 <pwaring> #link https://debconf24.debconf.org/
13:06:59 <pwaring> the website is up!
13:07:09 <youngbin[m]1> 🎉
13:07:12 <gwolf> \o/
13:07:13 <nattie> yay, wobsite!
13:07:18 <jmkim> \o/
13:07:37 <GyeongtaekKim[m]1> 👍
13:07:38 <tumbleweed> excellent!
13:07:45 <pwaring> is there anything we need to discuss about the website at this point? (it will be a work in progress of course)
13:07:58 * gwolf smiles at tumbleweed cheering at $self
13:08:09 <tumbleweed> gwolf: I did nothing, I promise!
13:08:13 <santiago> hehe
13:08:14 <nattie> it's still very early days with the website, i see
13:08:19 <nattie> but it's there, and that's grand
13:08:40 <youngbin[m]1> i'll try to put some rough visa info on my free time :)
13:08:55 <tumbleweed> important-dates are probably one of the early things to nail down
13:09:09 <pwaring> yes, important dates and visas are usually what people ask for early on
13:09:10 <tumbleweed> and then we sholud start making sure that the registration form has what we need
13:09:22 <nattie> some of the important-dates page still has stuff leftover from DC23
13:09:22 <tumbleweed> that includes needing prices for meals and accommodation
13:09:36 <DLange> FYI website already has the correct sponsor tiers in USD and KRW (Korean Won) at:
13:09:41 <DLange> #link https://debconf24.debconf.org/sponsors/become-a-sponsor/
13:10:09 <pwaring> ok, let's leave it as a work in progress and we can look again at the next meeting
13:10:23 <pwaring> #topic DC24: Teams
13:10:51 <jmkim> Utkarsh and bursary team will lead the bursaries
13:10:52 <pwaring> #link https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/24/TeamRoles
13:11:22 <jmkim> Content team will newly have some people from local: Junsang, Seongsoo, Minseong
13:11:30 <gwolf> Perfect!
13:11:42 <santiago> \O/
13:11:42 <youngbin[m]1> sounds good :)
13:11:53 <pwaring> excellent
13:11:59 <pwaring> anything else we need to discuss / update on teams?
13:12:10 <jmkim> Those people joined to #debconf-content and will join future videoconferences in that channel
13:13:23 <pwaring> #topic DC24: Site visit
13:13:36 <pwaring> I've moved this up as some site visit people have to leave the meeting early
13:14:01 <pwaring> is there anything we need to say about it at this point?
13:14:20 <jmkim> nattie and srud will visit 12-18 Feb,
13:14:29 <nattie> plans are still being formed
13:15:05 <pwaring> ok
13:15:14 <pwaring> #topic DC24: Sponsors
13:15:26 <pwaring> as mentioned previously, the website already has a sponsors page! \o/
13:16:09 <jmkim> I am going to meet some officers in city hall and discuss about the debconf24 tomorrow,
13:16:19 <gwolf> awesome
13:16:43 <jmkim> I hope to get some funds from them
13:17:11 <DLange> any contribution counts :)
13:18:26 <pwaring> #topic DC24: Fundraising flyer and brochure
13:19:11 <pwaring> #link https://www.overleaf.com/read/yzqxmnxpsjrz
13:19:49 <pwaring> looks like this is coming along - is there anything specific we need to discuss or is it a work in progress?
13:20:12 <jmkim> It is still work in progress
13:20:43 <pwaring> ok
13:20:54 <pwaring> #topic DC24: Promotion campaign
13:23:34 <jmkim> we discussed the promotion budget in the local team, and did not decide the things to pay yet
13:24:00 <nattie> could we have a general idea of the kind of things being discussed?
13:25:13 <tumbleweed> usually some local promotion is a good idea, but we don't want to spend a lot of money o nit
13:25:14 <jmkim> last meeting we discussed, the people who go to FOSSASIA or FOSDEM can open the booth for dc24 promotion in the conference
13:25:42 <gwolf> Right, that's completely in line IMO
13:25:55 <gwolf> FOSSASIA looks like a very promising venue for regional promotion
13:26:00 <nattie> stickers at the Debian stand at FOSDEM maybe?
13:26:22 <youngbin[m]1> Stickers and some promo flyers?
13:26:28 <gwolf> FOSDEM is very very soon, right? We cannot expect to have more than some rushed stickers or flyers
13:27:01 <nattie> we could get that locally produced if necessary
13:27:09 <nattie> but that's detail that can be discussed outside the meeting
13:27:33 * weepingclown peeks after coming late
13:28:12 <gwolf> Naturally, locally produced, or brought in the bag of an attendee that can spare the time (+ a small amount of money?) to print them
13:28:18 <gwolf> but it's in... One week?
13:28:45 <pwaring> FOSDEM is a week on Saturday (03/02-04/02)
13:28:51 <pwaring> so ~10 days
13:31:15 <nattie> i'll put out some feelers about where they could be produced if needed
13:31:27 <nattie> otherwise FOSSASIA is probably a better bet anyway
13:32:11 <pwaring> anything else we need to say about promotion at thuis point?
13:33:33 <pwaring> #topic DC25
13:34:10 <gwolf> Well, we need to get the ball rolling for next year :-)
13:34:21 <pwaring> #link https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/25/Bids/
13:34:29 <pwaring> not sure how much we can discuss at this point?
13:34:39 <pwaring> there are 3 bids on the wiki
13:34:47 <gwolf> We had discussed in the Committee we'd do a second meeting for the known bids, but we should anyway call for other bidders
13:35:11 <gwolf> ... no real movement has happened since the meeting where we decided on Busan
13:35:19 <gwolf> So... Lets not sleep on our laurels :-)
13:35:49 <gwolf> I added the point, and I can be actioned to kick the committee into calling for bids and following through
13:36:19 <pwaring> #action gwolf + committee to call for DC25 bids and follow up
13:36:43 <pwaring> #topic Meeting schedule
13:36:51 <pwaring> next meeting with be 6th February, same time (13:00 UTC)
13:36:55 <pwaring> then 20th February
13:37:04 <nattie> excellent!
13:37:07 <pwaring> we're not at the point yet where we move to weekly
13:37:09 <pwaring> #topic AOB
13:37:14 <pwaring> anything else that we need to discuss?
13:37:16 <gwolf> OK. I will most likely not be available for next meeting (will be on a vacation watching a big waterfall)
13:38:03 <santiago> just to point out that, according to https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/24/Timeline, DC24 will be the longest DebConf ever
13:38:21 <gwolf> santiago: the longest DebConf *so far* 😉
13:38:34 <santiago> I stand corrected
13:40:48 <pwaring> ok, thank you all for coming and see you in 2 weeks!
13:40:49 <pwaring> #endmeeting