12:57:25 #startmeeting DebConf 24 orga team meeting. Agenda: https://deb.li/dc24meet 12:57:25 Meeting started Tue Mar 19 12:57:25 2024 UTC. The chair is pwaring. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:57:25 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 12:57:28 #topic Roll call 12:57:32 o/ 12:57:35 as always, say hi if you're here 12:57:43 o/ 12:57:50 hi if you're here 12:58:07 hi! 12:58:07 hi 12:58:40 o/ 13:00:10 o/ 13:00:44 #topic DC23: Outstanding reimbursements 13:01:04 hi 13:01:12 * tumbleweed sent a mail with reminders to collect outstanding reimbursements 13:01:16 Hi 13:01:32 tumbleweed: great, I'll take it off for future meetings then 13:01:37 gave 10 April 2024. as the deadline 13:01:56 people with outstanding requests will now get automated weekly emails from the system, too 13:02:08 we found out that a few of the outstanding reimbursements had actually already been reimbursed 13:02:19 either outside the system or ahead of time (and therefore also outside the system) 13:02:32 that's it on that topic 13:02:44 oh, one person got over-reimbursed, waiting on SPI to decide how to handle that 13:03:04 #topic DC24: Registration 13:03:47 last time we agreed to update the website and open registration 13:04:10 the people testing on wafertest found issues 13:04:37 There are some outstanding in-discussion MRs in dc24 websites 13:05:06 #link https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-team/public/websites/dc24/-/merge_requests/ 13:05:54 And on debconf-wafer, can this be implemented for the registration: 13:06:00 https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-team/public/websites/wafer-debconf/-/issues/45 13:06:17 s/debconf-wafer/wafer-debconf/ 13:07:49 this form will be needed for the korean government sponsors programmes (which the local team applied on Feb and still waiting for the result) 13:08:16 yeah, we can add that 13:08:46 do we want the non-consent option? 13:08:53 o/ 13:09:02 as in ... you have to consent if you attend? 13:09:24 because we saw in India that the team forwarded the Visa info regardless 13:10:21 we were just thinking of adding a sentence to the first page of registration saying your information may be shared with government sponsnors 13:10:24 (last year) 13:10:45 * jmkim looking for changwoo 13:12:24 I guess if people do not very afraid about "their infos will be shared to gov", then adding a sentence to the first page is the best for us 13:12:53 presumably most people will have their info shared anyway when they apply for a visa? 13:13:06 yes. And even if they are afraid, we've breached their trust once, I would prefer us to not mis-promise again 13:13:29 I remember the purpose of gathering the info is estimating "how many real oversea people" are attending, not fake 13:13:38 if we put something on the first page, would that be the simplest solutiomn 13:13:58 given that we want to open registration ASAP 13:14:23 seems like adding check-box requires some more time to be applied? 13:14:29 okay, I (and changwoo) will submit the issue again for the first page text .. 13:14:40 great 13:14:48 is there anything blocking the other requests being merged? 13:15:12 I think there were some decisions pending on meals 13:15:51 the comments in the PR #14 seem conclusive 13:16:03 there seems to be a decision, it's more of a case of how do we set that up in wafer 13:16:12 (only 10 hours ago, so people may not have seen it yet) 13:16:14 tumbleweed we decided today but have some doubts about the websites settings.py, so I asked MR #14 13:16:25 OK 13:16:37 thanky \o/ 13:16:47 #link https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-team/public/websites/dc24/-/merge_requests/14/diffs 13:17:03 (for the benefit of people reading the minutes) 13:17:15 other MRs are improving the pages, which can be applied just after opened the registration I guess 13:17:53 or that :o) 13:18:54 okay, can we say we'll get the text added to the first page and then launch once we've ironed out any bugs? 13:19:57 pwaring +1 13:20:19 currently dc24 websites (and data) repo issues menu is not available, 13:21:08 let's use it for reportbug 13:21:46 ah, let's fix that 13:21:49 can someone open those? (i do not have permission) 13:21:56 \o/ 13:22:21 issues enabled for the dc24 website 13:22:27 on the topic of website, are the accounts from previous year(s) still there? Because signing in with sso this time gave me username {name}1 13:22:31 weepingclown: no 13:22:58 every year is a separate website 13:23:36 tumbleweed: but it says user with same username already exists when I try to remove the 1 in edits 13:24:46 I hope I haven't created two ac this years as well, let's move on from that :P 13:24:59 weepingclown: did you maybe sign-up by email? 13:25:02 is there anything else we need to cover on registration 13:26:52 I think someone reported a bug, too 13:26:58 IIRC some crash in the registration form 13:28:58 okay, let's give people a couple of days to test/report bugs then? 13:29:11 tumbleweed: "and got an "Internal server error" at step-7" from backlog before the meeting 13:30:25 hi 13:32:01 ah, I found it 13:33:08 I'm going to move us on now as we've got a few more items to go through 13:33:12 #topic DC24: Accommodation 13:33:38 the datepickers are broken too 13:33:40 Sry, too late to join? 13:33:49 About gathering the rooms for families or couples grouped by different genders, 13:33:58 last week, firstly, I requested quotation from some good-quality hotels nearby the gwangalli beach, and all the responses are quite expensive, even though the group discount was applied 13:33:58 tumbleweed: I was just about to mention that 13:34:10 This week I am going to get the quotations from lower quality hotels (motels) 13:34:23 However, I heard, the reason of the expensive cost were not only their quality or location, but our dc24 period is in "peak season" middle of the summer vacation (July - Aug) 13:35:17 Anyway I will get quotations from the motels, I will start the discussion after then 13:36:12 anything else on accommodation at this point? 13:36:26 this is all the updates regarding to the accommodation for now 13:37:11 #topic DC24: Sponsors & fundraising 13:39:10 do we have anything to update on sponsors? 13:39:22 enabled issues for dc24 data too 13:39:26 (thankfully, I can see a lot of sponsor logos in our websites, many thanks to the fundraising team) 13:40:28 tumbleweed good good 13:40:47 #topic DC24: Call for Wiki review 13:40:49 #link https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/24/TouristGuide 13:41:15 as it's a wiki, we can leave people to edit/make comments outside of the meeting, unless there's something we need to discuss now 13:42:19 #topic DC24: Audio/Visual 13:42:30 * jmkim looking for Giyeonbang[m] 13:43:10 Giyeon bang: you have anything to discuss or request for some feedbacks? 13:44:50 The discussion started in the chat room #debconf-video, but has past DebConf ever used speakers in a small room before? 13:45:01 it's nice to have speakers in all the rooms 13:45:10 if there are speakers, then people know to use the microphone 13:45:23 if it's only for the recording, people forget 13:45:32 (they forget anyway, but having speakers helps) 13:45:47 >> Unlike this room, the other two rooms didn't need to rent an amplifier. 13:46:18 also, if anyone wants to play a video, or have a remote attendee on a jitsi call, we need speakers 13:46:32 I mean remote participant 13:47:59 In room 3-BoF is much smaller than other two room. (main hall, somin hall) / and not accessible existing equipment. 13:50:46 shall we continue this discussion in #debconf-video? 13:51:07 yes let's do that if there's no immediate decision to be made 13:51:19 #topic DC25 13:51:39 the only thing to say on this (unless gwolf wants to interject) is that DC25 will be in Brest and this has been officially announced 13:51:41 Yes. 13:51:57 (Brest in France, in case there is another Brest) 13:52:42 #topic Meeting schedule 13:52:50 the next meetings will be: 2nd April, 16th April 13:53:09 same time of 13:00 UTC, but that will be an hour earlier in some places due to clocks moving forward 13:53:43 #topic AOB 13:53:47 anything else that we need to cover? 13:53:48 there is another Brest, in Belarus. Please, take the good train ;-) 13:54:19 there are several more, in different countries. but only one brest in france, it seems. :) 13:54:49 there's also "3232 Brest', which is an asteroid. 13:55:06 Seems good. A/V topics are continued in other channel. 13:55:29 ok, thank you all for coming and see you in two weeks! 13:55:31 #endmeeting