13:15:13 #startmeeting DC24 orga team meeting. Agenda: https://deb.li/dc24meet 13:15:13 Meeting started Tue Apr 16 13:15:13 2024 UTC. The chair is pwaring. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:15:13 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:15:16 #topic Roll call 13:15:20 as always, say hi if you're here 13:15:40 hi o/ 13:15:47 hi 13:16:09 o/ 13:16:15 Hi 13:16:50 \o/ 13:17:17 Hi 13:18:06 hi 13:18:22 hi 13:18:48 #topic Registration & CFP 13:18:53 registration and CfP are open! 13:18:58 \o/ 13:19:07 🎉 13:19:09 registration even works sometimes :-) 13:19:34 apparently lists.debian.org is to blame 13:19:38 Hello o/ 13:19:39 is there anything we need to say / discuss on these? 13:19:54 * tumbleweed hasn't looked into that 13:20:33 please do as much as your health allows. Health first please! 13:21:22 Does registration work without enabling mailing list. Checking mailing list and registration goes unresponsive. 13:21:43 pwaring: Hmm... maybe A/V review(2nd) budget? 13:21:47 yes, we could comment out that feature 13:21:54 's Date. 13:22:05 Giyeonbang[m]: budget is on the agenda 13:23:09 opening registration means its time for the bursaries team to activate 13:23:30 akashsanthosh[m]: You're probably still on the mailing list from last year anyway 13:23:50 utkarsh2102: you around? 13:24:25 Always 13:24:39 spritually :) 13:25:31 o/ 13:25:47 utkarsh2102: just the reminder start the bursaries team activation 13:26:06 Gotcha 13:26:08 I shall 13:26:54 ok, I think we can move on now then 13:26:57 #topic Accommodation 13:27:54 In last week our meeting, we discussed with some quotes of hotels 13:28:16 no updates after then 13:28:51 We still have the three guesthouse rooms, right? 13:29:12 yes, absolutely, we have three guesthouse rooms 13:30:06 after the registration stats appear meaningfully, we can discuss the hotel then i guess 13:30:55 #topic Sponsors & fundraising 13:31:25 is there anything to say on sponsors, or can we drop this from future meetings 13:32:43 don't drop it, we are significantly underfunded as of now 13:32:54 ok 13:32:56 we'd need a bit more activity esp. with local sponsor leads 13:34:49 Personally I think https://debconf24.debconf.org/sponsors/ needs much more whitespace around the logos and between the sections 13:34:56 it looks a bit like a mess 13:35:38 * weepingclown has been thinking for a while that the whole alignment is very much off 13:35:51 not sure who did the CSS this year, but $person please have a look 13:35:59 sponsor logos^ 13:36:10 DLange: I agreed. I just wanted to say that it was confusing because the logos overlapped. 13:36:38 phone view looks fine 13:37:03 shall we leave this as a work in progress then? I don't think we need to discuss in detail the layout of the page in the meeting 13:37:04 Maybe it was optimised for phone, and possibly shouldn't be? 13:37:15 Wait. No a bit going down... It is not 13:37:25 in my laptop, Roche and BFH is so close... 13:37:45 let's agree from Silver down it's a bit messy and needs clean up 13:37:50 I think we can discuss this outside the meeting 13:37:54 who can we action on this? 13:37:58 akashsanthosh[m]: in phone the paddings are random and the spacing is very very random 13:38:36 nattiemh[m]: I agreed. 13:38:50 Yes. I thought it was in respect to the tier. 13:38:51 yes, we'll leave it for the website team to look at 13:39:20 #action website team to review layout of sponsors page 13:39:35 #topic Invoices and payables 13:39:49 #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BePmZRFEk4nuM6Y3ZicsmW7qTPgP8szzxHdzt__7dJc 13:39:55 also, just as a minor admin point, please don't edit agenda items once we've started discussing them, it makes it a bit difficult to work out what's going on 13:40:02 continuing from the last meeting 13:40:59 tumbleweed: i didn't action due to i didn't make enough time last week, i will tell SPI this week about this 13:41:38 jmkim: Just a few days ago, video team decided to very few products are excluded from the quotation. (There is "almost" no change in amount) 13:41:47 the sheet is for payables for near to far future 13:43:25 very nice overview, jmkim. Thank you for that. 13:44:23 anything else we need to say on this? 13:44:31 giyeonbang: thanks, it sounds A/V equipments quoted pricing will be lower 13:44:42 \o/ 13:45:32 pwaring: nothing from me for now o/ 13:45:36 #topic Invoicing 13:45:38 jmkim: No... actually maybe not over 1 million KRW. :( 13:45:59 ok, anyway it seems we need to re-request the quotation later 13:46:47 (pwaring: is the topic now the budgeting? o/) 13:46:53 jmkim: pwaring: please, add action for remind? 13:47:24 for re-request the quotation in Audio 13:48:08 Giyeon bang: I think you can add the #action yourself, even 13:48:23 Oh, Good. 13:48:24 action can be added by non-chairs 13:49:19 yes, just #action name description 13:49:39 the only things restricted to chair are (I think) #topic and #endmeeting 13:51:21 #action Revision quotation Audio rental company, following recent A/V team meeting. 13:51:31 is there anything we need to say on budgeting beyond A/V? 13:51:45 Ah about budgeting, 13:51:46 * #action Revision quotation Audio rental company, following recent A/V team meeting. 13:51:50 #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k2pcSD5dEVl6PAJBLy6ApqyzkvQrj8SSQhroGQ9aykQ 13:52:12 continuing from the last meeting, we need to review together 13:53:02 no updates from last week yet, but seems some needs to be decreased 13:53:53 we can shape more precisely until next week meeting with more quotations we gather, i guess 13:54:30 ok 13:54:57 #topic DC25 13:55:16 is there anything to say on DC25? if not I'll remove it from future agendas until there's a need to re-add it back (nearer the time) 13:57:12 I'm OK. 13:57:50 I think it's good to keep track of what's happening in dc25 planning 13:58:05 but that's probably not much rgiht now 13:58:32 #topic Meeting schedule 13:58:46 next meeting will be 30th April (2 weeks), then 14th May 13:58:55 #topic AOB 13:58:59 anything else before we finish? 13:59:33 thanks for chairing! 14:00:04 not much i guess 14:00:13 Yes, fine. The rest will be discussed again by the local team. 14:00:28 ok, thank you for coming and see you in two weeks! 14:00:30 #endmeeting