13:16:03 #startmeeting DC24 orga team meeting. Agenda: https://deb.li/dc24meet 13:16:03 Meeting started Tue Apr 30 13:16:03 2024 UTC. The chair is pwaring. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:16:03 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:16:07 #topic Roll call 13:16:12 as always, say hi if you're here 13:16:18 o/ 13:16:36 hi 13:16:49 hi o/ 13:16:50 hi if you're here 13:16:53 Hi 13:16:58 o/ 13:17:11 hello 13:17:31 \o 13:18:07 O/ 13:18:32 hello 13:19:31 #topic Registration 13:20:18 registration is open, not sure if we have any stats on this yet? (there's usually a page somewhere but I can't find it) 13:20:39 https://debconf24.debconf.org/register/statistics/ 13:20:53 142 people fully registered so far 13:21:02 177 total accounts 13:21:28 177 people started the registration process 13:21:29 is that about right for this point in the process, or are we under/over 13:21:29 Oh, Busaries, Such wow... 13:21:56 In the stats page, I couldn't click the buttons, was it intended? 13:22:09 no, its broken 13:22:24 there's an MR to fix it, IIRC 13:22:26 #link https://debconf24.debconf.org/register/statistics/ 13:22:52 ah, merged even 13:22:54 Not working links 13:22:56 alrighty good to know 13:23:01 yeah, but for some other use of the same widget :) 13:23:24 😵‍💫 13:23:47 I'll cut a new wafer-debconf release and deploy it 13:24:02 Ctrl-U works 13:24:35 tumbleweed: thanks 13:24:40 is there anything else we need to say on registration? 13:24:41 I see some registration payments have been received, so that's all working 13:27:36 (crickets) 13:27:39 #topic Accommodation 13:28:38 No updates for now, we can discuss when we get registration shapes around mid May i guess 13:29:18 #topic Sponsors & fundraising 13:29:38 last time we agreed to review the layout of the sponsors page (actioned to website team) 13:29:49 #link https://debconf24.debconf.org/sponsors/ 13:32:16 Nice alt tags. :) 13:32:49 As for sponsorship, we have roughly raised 67% of the budget amount 13:33:08 well done 13:33:34 so encouraged to reach out if possible for potential leads 13:33:36 does that mean that we want to increase the bursary budget? 13:33:58 let the bursary team decide that? 13:34:19 OK 13:35:07 because review first and then see how much of a gap we have 13:35:09 Btw, just mentioning. I didn't knew that the bursary could only be updated to lower amounts. My bas 13:35:13 *bad 13:35:22 we also have another item for budgeting (next) 13:35:30 it can be raised still akashsanthosh[m] 13:35:41 you can only lower it *after* acceptance 13:35:50 before acceptance you can adjust it either way 13:35:54 err before bursaries close 13:36:00 I tried. 13:36:06 try harder 13:36:31 I raised mine after booking flights and that worked 13:37:04 do we have anything else to discuss specifically on sponsors? 13:37:05 akashsanthosh[m]: you are looking at debconf24, not 23? 13:37:09 are you sure you are on the DC24 and not DC23 website like some of your colleagues? 13:37:28 the statistics page is working now 13:38:01 No no I double checked. Lemme check again and update here later 13:38:01 quick fix 13:38:16 now please fix the sponsor spacing, tumbleweed 13:38:18 * tumbleweed closes dc23 registration :P 13:38:20 #topic Budgeting 13:38:29 #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k2pcSD5dEVl6PAJBLy6ApqyzkvQrj8SSQhroGQ9aykQ/ 13:39:59 we are about USD 35k over budget and as sahilister said earlier about USD72k short of meeting a black zero 13:40:42 we have some sponsor leads still but they will not close the gap unless we get some of the big conglomerates from South Korea in 13:41:09 from other confs I know about, sponsorship is a lot harder than it used to be (e.g. EMFCamp is struggling) 13:41:26 * weepingclown[m]1 is trying to catchup 13:42:05 we started late but thanks to sahilister we look quite good 13:43:13 the budget is a bit growing still (hotel, video rentals) but may reduce itself a bit based on attendance (which looks low currently, but we are early) 13:46:01 anything else we need to say on budget? 13:46:32 tumbleweed: is it good to reflect this version to budget.ledger? 13:47:10 yes, please 13:47:54 and after filing, should it be improved more? or request to DPL for approval? 13:48:06 let's try and get some team travel budgets 13:48:17 Alrighty o/ 13:48:18 can you ask each of the teams for a travel budget? 13:48:26 I mean, each one that we usually cover 13:48:41 AV is expensive :( 13:48:52 Yup, I will ask 13:50:51 #topic DebConf 25 13:50:58 is there anything to say about DC25 at the moment? 13:51:05 Oh.... Maybe Audio is near the lowest, but in Video, can decrease. 13:51:45 I will be recalculate. 13:53:07 #topic Meeting Schedule 13:53:32 next meetings will be 14th May and 28th May - once we're into June we might want to move to weekly meetings (or earlier if people think it's useful) 13:53:37 * tumbleweed had a quick check. Only 1 person registered for dc23 this year. And they registered for dc24 too 13:53:43 #topic AoB 13:53:46 anything else? 13:54:21 Is that me. No I dont think so 13:54:41 akashsanthosh[m]: no 13:54:51 but I can only see people who *completed* the registration 13:54:53 For me, just need to local team. 13:55:06 *Ask 13:55:15 ok, thank you for coming and see you in two weeks! 13:55:18 #endmeeting