13:00:10 #startmeeting DC24 orga team meeting. Agenda: https://deb.li/dc24meet 13:00:10 Meeting started Tue May 28 13:00:10 2024 UTC. The chair is pwaring. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:10 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:00:13 #topic Roll call 13:00:17 as always, say hi if you're here 13:00:40 o/ 13:00:43 O/ 13:00:51 \o 13:00:55 o/ 13:01:03 \o 13:03:06 #topic Registration 13:03:08 https://debconf24.debconf.org/register/statistics/ 13:03:35 290 fully registered out of 328 13:04:51 Hoi 13:05:20 o/ 13:05:35 is thre anything specific we need to say about registration at this point? 13:07:19 registration team seems to be busy activating (from mailing list traffic) 13:09:01 I suspect that's all 13:09:46 #topic Accommodation 13:10:02 On June 7th, we need to let the dorm office to know roughly, how many rooms we should acquire 13:10:43 I imagine that will partly come down to bursaries 13:11:06 (Hi. On from phone in a car, probably horribly behind) 13:11:25 so, we should try to decide on whether we increase budget for a second round of bursaries, ASAP 13:11:36 and then we can calculate roughly how many rooms that increase would provide 13:12:09 \o 13:12:12 utkarsh2102 send an email that bursary results will be announced by EOD tomorrow 13:12:17 #link https://lists.debian.org/debconf-team/2024/05/msg00011.html 13:12:21 nattiemh[m]: we'll probably also need some kind of preliminary room layout. I mean, just in terms of how many of the people going into dorms need single rooms 13:12:26 then we should have better data 13:13:14 We will look at that soon 13:13:35 jmkim: it will take some time to get people to accept their bursaries 13:13:45 and some more time to get people who didn't get a bursary to cancel their registration 13:13:50 so we're going to have to do some guessing 13:14:54 tumbleweed: ack, I guess current stats + enough (20~30 rooms) buffer will work? 13:15:19 probably something like that. I assume we can still adjust up/down a little if we have to 13:15:44 Just for notify to the dorm, i think for now we cannot accurately decide until the June 7th 13:15:58 Yup 13:15:58 yes 13:16:11 but we'll have to start planning how to decide :) 13:17:13 brb 13:19:32 o/ 13:19:50 anything else on accommodation, or should we leave an update until the next meeting (which will be a couple of days before 7th)? 13:19:54 we may need bursary results + bursary recipient's confirmed stats + the number of single rooms requested 13:20:20 pwaring: from me nothing others for now o/ 13:21:53 #topic Sponsors & fundraising 13:23:15 ongoing 13:23:42 #topic Budgeting 13:24:08 Updated budget was approved by DPL on 23/05 13:24:33 do we need to say anything more about the budget at this point? 13:24:40 On the 2nd round, registration team's travel cost was not applied 13:24:46 Should we sent out the 3rd round now? 13:25:01 ^tumbleweed, Bursaries team 13:27:01 utkarsh2102 13:28:12 I'd wait for what the bursary team says reg. an increase of the travel budget 13:28:41 and then do a third round all together 13:28:45 back 13:29:23 yes, I agree with that 13:30:12 DLange: +1, then I will wait for it 13:30:30 the bursary team should be able to say very soon how much more they want 13:30:52 ack, likely tomorrow 13:31:19 anything else on budget? 13:35:28 (crickets) 13:35:57 Cricket jumpers! 13:36:32 #topic DebConf 25 13:37:14 no importan news on our side 13:38:09 DLange: one budget/sponsorship question. Should we revise down sponsorship income for budget round 3? we're currently 69k EUR short of the target 13:38:10 but maybe to mention that the accomodation at the IMTA ask us to request availability only on December 13:38:23 tumbleweed: yes, definitely 13:38:58 DLange: OK, let's figure out the details after the meeting 13:40:49 #topic Meeting schedule 13:41:05 I'm going to suggest that we switch to weekly meetings, as it's only 6-7 weeks until DebCamp 13:41:16 that would make the next meetings: 4th June, 11th June 13:41:33 pwaring: +1 13:41:35 * weepingclown[m]1 nods 13:41:39 Sounds good to me 13:41:44 4 june sounds perfect for the accomm numbers question, too 13:41:47 4th 13:42:12 #agreed meetings to be weekly from now until DebCamp 13:42:18 #topic AOB 13:42:20 anything else? 13:42:47 can we move some wiki pages to dc24.dc.org? 13:42:50 like DebConf/24/TouristGuide 13:43:07 much easier to find 13:43:09 utsweetyfish: absolutely. File MRs with content to add them 13:43:24 tumbleweed: Sure, i'll do that later 13:43:31 thanks for the confirmation 13:44:57 Oh, sounds good. 13:46:29 By the way, I am writer of DebConf/24/TouristGuide. 13:46:40 ok, thank you all for coming and see you in 1 week! 13:46:42 #endmeetingh 13:46:43 #endmeeting