====================================================================== #debconf-team: DC24 orga team meeting. Agenda: https://deb.li/dc24meet ====================================================================== Meeting started by pwaring at 13:00:12 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2024/debconf-team.2024-06-11-13.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Roll call (pwaring, 13:00:15) * Registration (pwaring, 13:03:49) * LINK: https://debconf24.debconf.org/register/statistics/ (pwaring, 13:03:53) * AGREED: 19th June set as deadline for confirmation and guarantee of swag (pwaring, 13:11:40) * Accommodation (pwaring, 13:13:45) * Day trip (pwaring, 13:29:58) * Conference dinner (pwaring, 13:37:44) * Sponsors & fundraising (pwaring, 13:45:51) * Budgeting (pwaring, 13:55:05) * ACTION: nattie and tumbleweed to send previous swag calculations (pwaring, 13:58:00) * DebConf 25 (pwaring, 13:58:48) * Meeting Schedule (pwaring, 14:09:13) * AOB (pwaring, 14:09:26) Meeting ended at 14:14:07 UTC. Action Items ------------ * nattie and tumbleweed to send previous swag calculations Action Items, by person ----------------------- * nattie * nattie and tumbleweed to send previous swag calculations * tumbleweed * nattie and tumbleweed to send previous swag calculations * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * jmkim (46) * pwaring (42) * tumblingweed (26) * DLange (25) * nattie (22) * tumbleweed (22) * Giyeonbang[m] (11) * santiago (8) * weepingclown[m]1 (5) * changwoo[m] (3) * MeetBot (2) * nattiemh[m] (2) * jmkim[m] (2) * bensmrs (2) * akashsanthosh[m] (1) * EnkelenaH[m] (1) * srud (1) * youngbin[m] (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot