13:00:19 <pwaring> #startmeeting DC24 orga team meeting. Agenda: https://deb.li/dc24meet
13:00:19 <MeetBot> Meeting started Tue Jun 18 13:00:19 2024 UTC.  The chair is pwaring. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
13:00:19 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
13:00:21 <pwaring> #topic Roll call
13:00:25 <pwaring> as always, say hi if you're here
13:00:53 <jmkim> o/
13:01:35 <youngbin[m]> o/
13:01:58 <Giyeonbang[m]> o/
13:01:58 <DLange> hi if you're here, didn't do that too long
13:02:51 <changwoo[m]> o/
13:02:55 <EnkelenaH[m]> hello
13:04:01 <pwaring> #topic Registration
13:04:04 <pwaring> https://debconf24.debconf.org/register/statistics/
13:04:46 <pwaring> last time we agreed a deadline of 19 June for confirming bursaries and swag
13:05:03 <pwaring> is there anything else we need to say on registration at this point (numbers haven't moved much
13:08:16 <DLange> pre-meeting there was the message from WooheeYang about what number of swag to plan with
13:09:53 <jmkim> 206 people confirmed their registration, so with buffer, 250 for swag quantities
13:11:20 <DLange> we have 9 bursary requests still pending and confirmation deadline is tomorrow iirc
13:14:12 <DLange> tumbleweed: around? Can we send a final reminder for bursaries and re-confirmation?
13:17:31 <pwaring> I'm guessing not, maybe we can pick that up post-meeting
13:17:44 <highvoltage> o/
13:17:47 <pwaring> #topic Accommodation
13:19:24 <jmkim> I discussed with registration team for hotel room quantities, 15 rooms for now
13:19:57 <jmkim> I am getting those quotations again because our last quotations were outdated  - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1s5wG9qCKFuCMYbNpcqUVSffrNi9K3XplwveA5mlbOuI
13:21:03 <jmkim> So we will get 15 rooms for couples and families (the number can be changed with furthur discussion)
13:22:03 <pwaring> ok, sounds like that's all in-hand then
13:22:10 <pwaring> #topic Day trip
13:22:39 <jmkim> Last time we discussed about the expensive pricings,
13:24:10 <jmkim> I discussed to the travel agency, and they told me they can provide cheaper options
13:25:44 <jmkim> This week, local team will get new lists for the daytrip options, both using the agency or not
13:27:06 <DLange> sounds good, thank you
13:27:10 <jmkim> Budget per person could be: Cheapest option A, B (25,000 KRW), Middle price option C (40,000 KRW), High price option D (80,000 KRW)
13:27:54 <pwaring> okay let's review the lists next week then?
13:27:58 <jmkim> ^We may make this self-paid
13:28:01 <DLange> we can also make people pay for their day trip as we did many years before
13:28:05 <pwaring> we don't need day trips confirmed today
13:28:06 <jmkim> pwaring: Yep
13:28:20 <pwaring> #topic Sponsors & fundraising
13:28:31 <pwaring> is there anything to update on sponsors?
13:29:38 <DLange> we seem to be complete as in the logos are all up and we need swag samples / designs to review
13:29:56 <DLange> Wind River has not been announced yet but is confirmed
13:30:11 <akashsanthosh[m]> late hi o/
13:30:12 <DLange> an3as had a meeting with them, may be he can share info?
13:31:03 <DLange> (we need to announce Wind River on social media in the next weeks because this is a perk of the Platinum sponsorship package)
13:32:31 <jmkim> T-shirt designs with the logos are drafted: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-kr-team/DebConf/issues/-/issues/79
13:35:15 <jmkim> ^still in draft, no colours yet
13:35:21 <pwaring> ok, it sounds like that's all in hand?
13:35:58 <pwaring> #topic Budgeting
13:36:11 <pwaring> is there anything to say on budgeting? I don't think there's been a new budget since last time
13:37:29 <jmkim> there are some budgets which should be added, but not listed yet
13:38:36 <jmkim> For C&W we have none approved for now, and increase to 900,000 KRW is suggested during the local team meeting yesterday
13:39:18 <DLange> that's 650 USD
13:39:44 <pwaring> C&W = cheese & wine?
13:39:48 <Giyeonbang[m]> jmkim: Some logos will be fixed for mono colours refer there own design guides.
13:40:06 <Giyeonbang[m]> pwaring: Yes.
13:40:09 <DLange> all logos should be either B/W _or_ their colors
13:40:16 <DLange> do not mix and match that!
13:41:26 <Giyeonbang[m]> Yes, I mean:
13:41:27 <Giyeonbang[m]> The above draft simply changes the color logo to black and white. Some companies may choose to adopt a slightly different design for their black and white logos as opposed to their color logos.
13:41:36 <DLange> aah, ok
13:41:45 <DLange> thank you for the clarification
13:41:58 <Giyeonbang[m]> :)
13:43:11 <pwaring> ok I think that's everything on DC24 then (for today)
13:43:19 <pwaring> #topic DebConf 25
13:43:31 <santiago> o/
13:43:34 <santiago> no news for now
13:43:50 <santiago> we should have them for the end of the month
13:44:57 <pwaring> #topic Meeting schedule
13:45:11 <pwaring> next meetings will be 25 June, 2 July, 13:00 UTC as always
13:45:14 <pwaring> #topic AOB
13:45:16 <pwaring> anything ele?
13:47:19 <pwaring> ok, thanks for coming everyone, see you next week!
13:47:20 <pwaring> #endmeeting