13:00:08 #startmeeting DC24 orga team meeting. Agenda: https://deb.li/dc24meet 13:00:08 Meeting started Tue Jul 9 13:00:08 2024 UTC. The chair is pwaring. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:08 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:00:14 #topic Roll call 13:00:19 as always, say hi if you're here 13:00:23 o/ 13:00:25 hi if you're here 13:00:28 o/ 13:00:30 aww, damn nattie 13:00:34 hi o/ 13:00:54 hello 13:01:00 hello 13:01:00 Hi, sorry double booked again 13:01:27 o/ 13:01:35 * DLange cancels tumbleweed's other appointment :o) 13:02:28 o/ 13:03:14 o/ 13:03:32 #topic Registration 13:03:32 Hoi 13:03:50 not much to report on that front 13:05:12 people exist, and they're coming? 13:05:18 I read is as 'so much' and got confused for a sec :p 13:05:22 #topic Accommodation 13:05:39 room assignments are underway 13:06:16 once they're ready, we will inform people 13:06:32 tmr i have a meeting with the dorm, we will decide the curfew time's action 13:07:07 #topic Swag 13:07:19 last time we asked if the SVG designs were print safe? 13:07:37 and local team were going to ask nattie about volunteer t-shirts 13:07:48 we are having volunteer shirts 13:09:08 and I have reviewed the T-Shirt logos for print safety 13:09:26 are they good to go? 13:09:36 they have been submitted to production 13:09:42 OK, great 13:09:45 I have no idea about the bags though 13:10:11 I have certainly seen some talk about the bags 13:10:19 jmkim: has the bag order been placed? 13:10:46 Yes, we ordered 13:11:01 \o/ 13:11:06 ok, sounds like everything is in hand for swag then? 13:11:10 did you use the same logo-sheet as the T-Shirts? 13:11:25 Yes, we used coloured-version of the t-shirts logo pane 13:11:42 ok, I have not seen that before :/ 13:11:44 It will be on ivory background 13:12:26 oh, will share to you asap, we can change the design for now 13:13:00 for other swags, local team ordered: tumbler, towel, handheld fan, steinless mug 13:13:20 we'll definitely be well hydrated and well dried! 13:13:24 ok, please do 13:13:31 better safe than sorry 13:13:39 * jmkim[m] uploaded an image: (267KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/cyNmDDBPoorzZOHVRWDrcPVz/image.png > 13:14:04 #topic Day trip 13:14:14 jmkim[m]: svg please or some other vector format 13:14:15 last time there was a query about insurance on the day trip 13:14:34 https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/24/DayTrip 13:15:29 We will have 3 options, all are "group tour"-type day trip for this year 13:16:10 Shall we register for them already? 13:16:54 ^Yup 13:17:17 great 13:17:27 https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-team/public/websites/wafer-debconf/-/issues/48#note_504064 13:17:39 quick question, how long will the tours be? just approximately 13:17:44 Can this be implemented in wafer in-time? 13:17:53 (for the benefit of those with limited energy, etc.) 13:18:05 nattie: lemme seee the quotes 13:19:13 and does "Hanbok Experience" mean getting to try one on? 13:19:15 0830-1800 (lunch 1300-1400) 13:19:25 or just watching other people wearing them? 13:19:38 we can try one 13:19:43 can we add the times to the wiki please? as that may affect who wants to come 13:19:45 nice :) 13:19:53 pwaring: surely, will do 13:19:57 great thanks 13:20:03 #action local team to add day trip times to wiki 13:20:09 anything else on the day trips? 13:20:27 will add to the wiki some more information when we gather more 13:21:20 #topic Budgeting 13:21:29 latest budget was signed off by the DPL on 5th July 13:21:47 do we need to say anything else on the budget? presumably it's pretty much firmed up now 13:23:14 i will decrease and increase slightly more next week, but not very much thing 13:23:33 nothing more for now 🫡 13:23:56 #topic DebConf 25 13:24:38 santiago-: do you want to say anything about DC25? 13:26:18 we'd really like to know 13:28:01 okay, looks like they're not here so hopefully we can have an update next time 13:28:05 #topic Meeting schedule 13:28:21 next IRC meeting will be 16th July, then after that it's DebCamp so there will be in-person meetings on-site 13:28:37 frequency TBC 13:28:56 #topic AoB 13:29:01 anything else that we need to discuss now? 13:31:13 ok, thank you all for coming and see you next week! 13:31:16 #endmeeting