13:00:20 #startmeeting DC24 orga team meeting. Agenda: https://deb.li/dc24meet 13:00:20 Meeting started Tue Jul 16 13:00:20 2024 UTC. The chair is pwaring. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:20 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:00:24 #topic Roll call 13:00:28 as always, say hi if you're here 13:00:57 say hi if you're here 13:01:01 come here, bread products! 13:01:05 Hi 13:01:17 you're not Akash! you didn't say "hoi" 13:01:34 o/ 13:01:38 o/ 13:02:10 Sorry. I was hoi'ing someone else 13:02:40 o/ 13:02:43 hello 13:03:07 o/ 13:03:19 o/ 13:03:27 #topic Registration 13:04:37 \o 13:05:01 is there anything we need to say about registration? presumably the numbers are more or less finalised now 13:05:12 Seems we have 300 (re-)confirmed attendees \o/ 13:05:41 https://debconf24.debconf.org/register/statistics/ 13:07:15 o/ 13:07:15 ok, let's move on to accommodation 13:07:19 #topic Accommodation 13:07:39 nattie: do you want to say anytthing about room assignments? 13:07:45 We still have a lot of unconfirmed attendees. I suspect numbers will be lower than expected 13:08:02 But we have had a spike in (local) registration recently 13:08:16 (sorry, on the past topic) 13:08:31 room assignments are effectively done now 13:08:54 great 13:09:05 someone has asked what is the after curfew process 13:09:21 some local team members will be delegated to let people in 13:09:35 Let me express, 13:09:50 As requested by the dorm, reg team is finalizing the list of attendees who will be staying in the dorm 13:10:04 In this list, there is a column for "Arrival time during curfew" 13:10:23 Only the people who have this information provided will be allowed to receive a dorm card 13:10:40 During the curfew, the dorm guard officer will distribute the cards to the guests 13:12:08 Local team people can assist them with translation, as they cannot speak or understand English 13:12:10 ok, thank you for the explanation 13:12:44 #topic Swag 13:12:48 However, unfortunately, the local team couldn't be delegated :( 13:13:33 Local team ordered all the swags yesterday 13:14:04 by WooheeYang's hard work in short days 13:14:06 https://salsa.debian.org/debian-kr-team/DebConf/issues/-/issues/69#note_506732 13:15:06 #topic Day trip 13:15:09 Tumbler, Mug, 2x Towels, Electronic handheld fan, Fan, Bookmark, Keyring 13:15:21 https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/24/DayTrip 13:15:31 o/ 13:15:38 looks like the day trip start times have been added, so there's nothing to do now? 13:15:57 I still need to do the day trip booking UI 13:16:19 tumblingweed: thanks, 🫡 13:16:53 tumblingweed: so registration won't be done via the wiki? 13:17:20 It's interesting to locals because the trip A and B are known to be more popular places than the trip C... 13:17:50 all the outdoorsy types are going for trip C 13:17:56 * nattie is emphatically not one of those 13:18:06 I mean, if registration won't be done via the wiki, I think the registration pages should be removed 13:18:06 Santiago: we are doing some payment collection 13:19:02 Typically we don't post day trip options until the conference gas started 13:20:09 How about bulk import them when the system ready? 13:20:12 probably just generating wafer invoices for the day trips will suffice? Just like a one-off script job? 13:20:38 ^^(cont') And mail them for the self-payment .. 13:20:44 We need to get the data to do that 13:21:06 Which is easier if signup is on the site 13:21:34 it's ~100 records, don't over-engineer :) 13:21:47 I'm all for doing as little work as possible. But turning wiki page lists into invoices is horrible work 13:21:54 looks like DLange is volunteering to collate the wiki and website data 13:22:16 ok, shall we leave this with tumblingweed for now then? as it doesn't sound like there's anything we can decide/do immediately 13:22:31 olasd: I'll happily send you my rate sheet 13:22:36 Yeah, there's no urgency yet 13:22:57 Hmm... OK. Let it go~ 13:23:07 #topic Content team 13:23:16 o/ 13:23:34 a preliminary version of the schedule is already visible 13:23:44 https://debconf24.debconf.org/schedule/ 13:23:54 thanks kanashiro for his hard work 13:24:16 we have a couple of questions: 13:24:43 1) is it OK to schedule the group photo during the after lunch break on Tuesday? 13:25:15 2) who are the people from the local team to be added to the opening and closing ceremonies? 13:26:36 2) At least changwoo should be added as we discussed yesterday. Let me discuss with him and will reply in #debconf-content 13:27:02 jmkim: thanks! 13:28:43 while you wait for your answers, how full is the schedule? is there still some space for late submissions? 13:29:05 1) Any thoughts, group photo experts? o/ (I personally feel it will be OK) 13:29:46 highvoltage: the schedule is well-packed, especially during the week, but we could find a slot for you, for sure :-) 13:30:41 jmkim: I have a LK-Samyang, Korean optical company 10mm Lens. 13:30:43 Santiago: We have 4 more adhoc rooms in Hyangpa bldg, will it be used formally? 13:31:03 * nattie just asked Paparazzo on the other channel 13:31:21 nattie: thanks! 13:32:06 most attendees should already be there by tuesday 13:32:14 jmkim: that adhoc events could be handled during the conference 13:32:16 "1) is it OK to schedule the..." <- LGTM. 13:32:39 OK, so for 2), you could answer later on #debconf-content 13:33:57 🫡 13:35:06 I think we can move on, if no other comments/questions regarding the schedule 13:36:05 #topic DebConf 25 13:36:16 Santiago[m]: still you :) 13:36:22 any news? 13:36:58 o/ (again) 13:37:07 no news for now 13:38:14 OK. we'll be delighted to meet and talk to Team Brest very soon! 13:38:26 #topic Meeting schedule 13:38:31 So will Team Brest be :) 13:38:35 no more IRC meetings, as the next one will be on site 13:38:57 (hello, part of Team Brest!) 13:39:01 so I will leave you all in the capable hands of whoever organises those 13:39:11 #topic AoB 13:39:15 anything else we need to discuss? 13:39:16 yes! i have other business! 13:39:26 * pwaring gives nattie the floor 13:39:28 the arrival PDF 13:39:41 I will be write some Welcome PDF, how can I get some needs? 13:39:49 there is a VAST amount of information on the wiki, and we'd like to condense that into something smaller 13:39:51 Yes, thank you nattie ;). 13:40:10 Giyeonbang[m]: talk to me after? might as well share the work 13:40:13 I was thinking it would be nice to go to once you arrive at the university (like, is there signs? a visitor center where you have to sign in?) 13:40:14 In local team, we have an salsa issue: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-kr-team/DebConf/issues/-/issues/11 13:40:24 ^Giyeonbang assigned 13:40:33 nattie: OK, I see. 13:40:34 (bah I lost some words in that sentence) 13:41:15 well, having established contact i guess that's all for that topic 13:41:34 Giyeonbang[m]: I would look at some of the previous ones 13:41:42 anything else before we close? 13:41:45 and at the questions people are asking on IRC and to the registration email by email 13:42:08 they're not on the registration alias, but i can give them a sample of the kinds of questions we get 13:42:14 https://jonathancarter.org/files/debian/debconf/pollito-dc16-guide.pdf :p 13:42:42 pollito not trust banks, keep all moneys in nest 13:42:44 ok, thank you all for coming and have fun at DebCamp/DebConf! 13:42:46 #endmeeting