17:00:07 #startmeeting DC25 orga team meeting. Agenda: https://deb.li/dc25meet 17:00:07 Meeting started Tue Sep 17 17:00:07 2024 UTC. The chair is pwaring. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:07 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:12 #topic Roll call 17:00:15 as always, say hi if you're here 17:00:28 Hi o/ 17:00:28 * highvoltage 17:00:32 heya! 17:00:36 hello o/ 17:00:39 Hi /o 17:00:45 \o/ Hello 17:01:04 Hoi 17:01:06 \o 17:01:11 hi 17:01:17 I'm not going to be at a computer much longer, though 17:01:17 i 17:01:19 *hi 17:02:09 hola 17:02:40 #topic DebConf 24 17:02:48 is there anything outstanding on DC24 we need to discuss / update? 17:03:00 o/ 17:03:07 * gwolf is in a RL meeting 17:03:32 Just have to say I haven't been able to put my mind in the "thank you" mail to the sponsors yet :-( 17:03:42 two mettings, twice productivity 17:03:47 yay! 17:03:53 Me neither for Korean sponsors yet 17:03:58 and we're about to begin DC25 fundraising efforts ;) 17:04:47 Finances are being wound up 17:04:56 Reimbursements are mostly in git 17:05:06 If you have any more, submit ASAP 17:05:17 I will be trying to join the meeting as soon as possible. Sorry 17:05:30 that does not include the normal travel-reimbursements, right? 17:06:00 o/ 17:06:11 tumblingweed: ^ 17:06:23 DLange: In git, no. Am I right, tumblingweed? 17:06:31 Get those in, too 17:06:47 smirk, I take that as a no rush still :) 17:07:28 the mail said last time to get those was december? 17:07:41 Yeah 17:08:34 anything else on DC24? 17:10:14 #topic DC25: Sponsors & Fundraising 17:10:47 Just got out of a quick sponsors team meeting 17:11:10 I put the #infos into the agenda 17:11:42 oh nice, so nothing to say I guess :P 17:12:08 but we’re working on it™, both local and global sponsors 17:12:13 does the brochure need to be proofread now, or is it still being worked on 17:12:19 still a little early 17:12:39 should be ready soon-ish 17:12:56 (local sponsors are already asking for it) 17:14:16 okay, sounds like it's all in-hand 17:14:19 which is good! 17:14:23 it is :) 17:14:26 #topic DC25: Accommodation 17:15:09 last time we were looking at more accommodation beyond the venue (which has ~150) 17:15:16 Accomodation on campus has been formally confirmed. Tariffs are still confidential, 150 rooms have been allocated, but we’ll know on Jan 25 if we can push it to 200 17:15:25 Still need to contact the other place 17:16:12 (I’ll try to it this week) 17:16:29 was it mentioned before what kind of rooms it was, like single, double ... ? 17:16:39 single 17:16:50 * gwolf is finally on only one meeting :-| 17:17:16 We have cheap rooms with shared toilets and showers on the landing and less-cheap rooms with a toilet and shower 17:17:18 all single 17:17:41 bensmrs: 150 rooms with single and single-only beds? (i.e. can a room be shared by a couple?) 17:18:18 I think the beds are a bit too small for a couple, that’s why we’d target the other place 17:18:50 OK 17:19:16 the other place was the remote homes or something? I can't remember the term 17:19:44 yup, small houses 17:19:46 camping ground with installed houses 17:20:10 And I still need to contact some hotels 17:20:36 anything else on accommodation? 17:20:38 (after I have a confirmation about the amount of houses we can book) 17:20:41 There is one at the same distance than the camping site 17:21:07 I think that’s all. WIP that will be dealt with very soon. 17:21:24 Yeap 17:21:50 #topic DC25: Website 17:21:52 https://debconf25.debconf.org/ 17:21:58 there is a website! 17:22:07 \o/ 17:22:10 woo yay! 17:22:11 Thanks terceiro! 17:22:25 Obviously, a lot of work is needed, but terceiro spun up the website :) 17:22:47 We need to fix up the important dates 17:24:03 send MRs and feel free to ping me 17:24:07 Nothing more to say about the website on my side, for nt 17:24:23 *now 17:24:36 terceiro: ACK 17:25:55 ok, we're nearly done then 17:25:59 #topic Meeting schedule 17:26:13 next meetings are 1st October and 15th October, 17:00 UTC 17:26:16 #topic AoB 17:26:20 anything else that we need to discuss? 17:26:59 Not here 17:27:08 I have a meeting tomorrow morning to book the rooms at the school 17:27:22 and to plan what local security will ask 17:28:35 local security will ask for organising the event? 17:29:25 disaster2life: need to explain to the local security, like every other place... 17:29:32 well, we’re a research institute with confidential research, and are subject to counterterrorism law 17:29:56 I’ll have to say that you’re mostly not terrorists 17:30:17 akashsanthosh[m]: hoped to confirm 17:30:17 but since a lot of foreigners are arriving... 17:30:33 bensmrs: you do not know my affiliations :) 17:30:35 We also need to work out how and when you can enter the buildings, and which buildings 17:30:46 disaster2life: that’s why I wrote “mostly” 17:31:11 also if we need to print special access cards, stuff like that 17:31:18 Mostly Harmless™ 17:31:46 my espionage plans are spoiled 17:31:53 but yes good concerns to clear out then 17:32:08 well, spying there is pretty hard 17:32:22 * weepingclown[m]1 joins *a bit* late 17:32:24 if you fly a drone, it’s taken down in 15 minutes by the military 17:32:45 oh my my. no fly zone. 17:32:52 yup 17:32:59 so 14 minutes is the upper limit? 17:33:02 the campus should be fine, but the beaches are a big no no 17:33:08 I wanted to get a drone shot around the lighthouse 17:33:22 that should be fine 17:33:31 it’s far enough from the military base 17:33:44 there is a military base nearby? 17:33:50 open Google Maps 17:33:57 no? OSM 17:33:58 Brest is blurred 17:34:02 nope, Google Maps 17:34:29 {insert comical censoring "brest" joke} 17:34:40 but yes, think this is offtopic enough 17:35:00 ok, thank you all for coming and see you in 2 weeks! 17:35:01 The meeting is over right ? 17:35:02 #endmeeting