17:00:05 <pwaring> #startmeeting DC25 orga team meeting. Agenda: https://deb.li/dc25meet
17:00:05 <MeetBot> Meeting started Tue Feb  4 17:00:05 2025 UTC.  The chair is pwaring. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
17:00:05 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
17:00:09 <pwaring> #topic Roll call
17:00:14 <pwaring> as always, say hi if you're here
17:00:23 <disaster2life> hihi
17:00:27 <Lenharo[m]1> Hi.. i'm here o/
17:00:31 <akashsanthosh[m]> Hoi. (Back after few meetings)
17:01:01 <sahilister> hello
17:01:02 <santiago> hola
17:01:02 <EnkelenaHaxhiu[m]> Hello
17:01:08 <terceiro> hi
17:01:14 <disaster2life> akashsanthosh[m] yeah I don't think the debian social rooms have done whatever caching stuff needs to be set up for element x (whatever matrix version it is)
17:01:17 <bhe[m]> Hello
17:01:23 <DLange> hi if you're here as nobody made the joke yet today
17:02:15 <akashsanthosh[m]> crickets**
17:03:14 <pwaring> #topic DC25: Sponsors & Fundraising
17:03:16 <weepingclown[m][m]> o/
17:03:24 <bensmrs> o/
17:03:29 * weepingclown[m][m] is off to board the flight now :p
17:03:30 <pwaring> https://debconf25.debconf.org/sponsors/
17:03:45 <disaster2life> o/ weepingclown[m][m]
17:03:53 <disaster2life> I believe we got more sponsors now?
17:03:57 <sahilister> +3 from last meeting
17:03:57 <DLange> safe flights weepingclown[m][m]
17:04:04 <sahilister> *after
17:04:14 <pwaring> Pexip was added today according to the IRC chat
17:04:15 <disaster2life> \o/?
17:04:33 <weepingclown[m][m]> more sponsors is lovely :)
17:04:37 <bensmrs> This FOSDEM has been busy for me; I contacted several people and some of them promised they’d come back to sponsors@
17:04:49 <santiago> bensmrs, awesome!
17:05:01 <weepingclown[m][m]> nice work, bensmrs!
17:05:01 <sahilister> that is great!
17:05:07 <bensmrs> We distributed flyers and brochures, along with some Chouchen to ease social relations :)
17:05:14 <akashsanthosh[m]> Nice bensmrs
17:05:32 <bensmrs> So I hope it’ll pay off
17:05:38 <disaster2life> Chouchen o.O?
17:05:53 <pwaring> anything else we need to say on sponsors?
17:06:31 <bensmrs> For now, a mix of contacting new people and waiting for others
17:06:43 <bensmrs> but local team is working to find local sponsors
17:07:09 <pwaring> #topic DC25: Budget
17:07:33 <pwaring> last time we discussed firming up the figures (cost estimates etc.)
17:07:37 <santiago> no news on this yet, sorry. still in my ToDo list
17:07:51 <bensmrs> We haven’t done a formal budget yet, we’re still working on catering and events with santiago
17:08:04 <pwaring> ok
17:08:08 <bensmrs> Also, we’re waiting for a few quotes
17:08:21 <pwaring> #topic DC25: Organization
17:08:43 <pwaring> registration team were going to test Zammad, but I don't think nattie or tumbleweed are here
17:09:02 <pwaring> so unless anyone else has an update, we can probably skip this
17:09:15 <nattie> we have looked at it a bit
17:09:18 <akashsanthosh[m]> [@irc_weepingclown[m][m]:matrix.debian.social](https://matrix.to/#/@irc_weepingclown[m][m]:matrix.debian.social) was also testing i guess. But he went offline
17:09:21 <nattie> and will continue to look at it
17:09:29 <bensmrs> I’m still not sure after a few meetings what “Organization” means in this case ^^
17:09:59 <pwaring> bensmrs: I'll tweak it for the next agenda
17:10:03 <bensmrs> thanks :)
17:10:04 <pwaring> I think it was added by someone else
17:10:40 <pwaring> #topic DC25: Website / Logo / Artwork
17:10:46 <disaster2life> neither of them are here and weepingclown is off, and I haven't really done any testing so nothing to be said I think
17:10:48 <pwaring> is there anything specific to update on the website
17:11:13 <bensmrs> Local team is working on it; we really need to put more time on it
17:11:23 <terceiro> the logo author was going to propose a new color palette for the website, but that didn't happen yet
17:11:27 <pwaring> also please login if you're editing the agenda so we know who has done it :)
17:12:02 <pwaring> ok, we can leave website as work in progress
17:12:07 <pwaring> #topic DC25: Food
17:12:22 <bensmrs> I think we have identified good candidates for catering
17:12:24 <santiago> we got an initial quote from one of the caterer
17:12:28 <bensmrs> We need to refine with them
17:13:42 <santiago> yeap, we need to define some details. So working on it
17:13:57 <pwaring> ok, that more or less wraps it up for DC25
17:14:03 <pwaring> #topic DC26: Bids
17:14:17 <pwaring> gwolf may be able to say more, but I'm not sure if a DC26 host has been chosen yet
17:14:34 <gwolf> I am not in a position to say more, as I'm representing one of the bidding teams
17:14:36 <gwolf> :-)
17:14:42 <terceiro> it hasn't been chosen yet
17:14:52 <terceiro> we need to finish that up Soon(TM)
17:14:59 <gwolf> For the decision, I'm not working as part of the Committee.
17:15:36 <pwaring> #topic Meeting schedule
17:15:41 <akashsanthosh[m]> So how does that tally the decision meeting
17:16:05 <pwaring> next meeting will be 18th February, tzafrir has kindly agreed to replace me as chair as I will not be here
17:16:13 <pwaring> then 4th March, 17:00 UTC as always
17:16:19 <pwaring> #topic AOB
17:16:20 <disaster2life> tzaf meeting!
17:16:21 <pwaring> anything else?
17:16:25 <bensmrs> For the rest regarding DC25, we’re finishing booking rooms; there’s been some delay in construction works, so we’ve got a reduced availability for now and we’ll know in April the actual number of rooms we’ll be able to book. I got a meeting with the school’s security and we’ll get a quote on security agents very soon.
17:16:42 <bensmrs> s/rooms/bedrooms/
17:17:08 <bensmrs> And I *really* want the registrations to open soon
17:17:33 <bensmrs> Visas can be long to get, and the more we wait, the more expensive train tickets get
17:17:33 <akashsanthosh[m]> That's great news.
17:17:33 <gwolf> bensmrs: I'll add "and the CfP as well" to your statement
17:17:39 <DLange> do you have prices for self-payers?
17:17:42 <bensmrs> yup gwolf
17:18:22 <bensmrs> DLange: we can work this out for the next meeting I think
17:18:28 <bensmrs> right santiago?
17:18:36 <bensmrs> :)
17:18:45 <DLange> you need to, registering in wafer means getting an invoice generated
17:18:51 <santiago> bensmrs, we can do that
17:18:53 <bensmrs> yeah you’re right
17:19:02 <DLange> and that'll create a lot of work if wrong
17:19:07 <bensmrs> we have the tarifs for housing, we’ll need to have a precise quote on food
17:19:20 <DLange> or estimate well
17:19:32 <bensmrs> Day trip will wait a bit, but that’s not important for now
17:19:33 <DLange> honestly all this is a bit dodgy without an approved budget anyways
17:19:45 <DLange> but bensmrs' pockets are deep, so we have a backup plan :D
17:19:49 <bensmrs> is conference dinner to be included now?
17:19:56 <bensmrs> or can we wait a bit?
17:19:59 <santiago> one of the issues with the food, is the difference in prices for the different caterers. And probably we want to uniform them on the self-payers' side, right?
17:20:20 <gwolf> DLange: deep pockets make it hard to find the lost cent at the very bottom...
17:20:33 <DLange> you can make people pay what they eat, if you want to
17:20:44 <bensmrs> DLange: my pockets are unfortunately not that deep, but I’ll be very insistent on potential sponsors :)
17:20:47 <DLange> just if it needs wafer code changes, you'll be later
17:20:56 <DLange> 'cause that needs coding and testing
17:21:15 <pwaring> anything else that we need to discuss before we finish?
17:21:47 <tumbleweed> sorry, managed to just miss the meeting
17:22:12 <tumbleweed> my main thing to raise is that we need to open registration soon or we'll be late processing bursaries
17:22:17 <pwaring> ok, thank you all for coming and see you in 2 weeks (or 4 weeks for me)
17:22:18 <bensmrs> exactly
17:22:20 <pwaring> #endmeeting