#debconf-video Meeting

Meeting started by RichiH at 18:11:33 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. /q zack (RichiH, 18:11:47)
    2. IRILL equipment is still in storage, but needs someone reasonably local to pick it up & package. zack is away and can't help on site. (RichiH, 18:12:35)
    3. IRILL inventory at https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Videoteam/HardwareInventory (RichiH, 18:26:16)
    4. ACTION: mehdi will try to contect IRILL tomorrow or the day after to get access to the office where stuff is stored and give feedback about if it's all there & looks good this week (RichiH, 18:33:19)
    5. richih emailed the jugendherberge if we can have the video equipment arrive & stored next week (RichiH, 18:36:37)

  1. last topic was IRILL gear (RichiH, 18:37:13)
  2. audio (RichiH, 18:37:18)
    1. Tincho has some info on shipment prices & carriers and will email the list (RichiH, 18:39:22)
    2. https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf15/Videoteam/Help#Venue_installations (tumbleweed, 18:41:10)
    3. https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf15/Videoteam/Help#Venue_installations (tumbleweed, 18:41:21)
    4. http://pro.bose.com/pdf/pro/tech_data/controlspace_cc64/td_controlspace_cc64_eng.pdf (pollo, 18:44:09)
    5. richih poked woutersimons/FOSDEM about loaning twinpacts and wouter will also follow up (RichiH, 18:52:06)
    6. ACTION: tumbleweed to write a list of required audio hardware (tumbleweed, 18:53:29)
    7. ACTION: wouter, tumbleweed, tassia to bring spare laptops (tumbleweed, 18:53:58)
    8. if it's really urgent, richih can spare his x220 and reinstall it for debconf (RichiH, 18:54:31)
    9. ACTION: wouter to check whether he can still find the expresscard firewire modules (wouter, 18:56:08)

  3. FAI etc. (tumbleweed, 18:56:19)
    1. I found some offers between 30-50 EUR for a 80x30x30@30kg box; will mail the list with details (Tincho, 18:56:56)
    2. http://paste.debian.net/284590/ are my notes about the mail i wanted to send, when i was still thinkin' i might be doing video at dc15 (h01ger, 19:07:07)

  4. Any Other Business? (tumbleweed, 19:09:00)
    1. https://c3voc.de/wiki/softwareconfig (tvaz, 19:19:09)

Meeting ended at 19:24:03 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. mehdi will try to contect IRILL tomorrow or the day after to get access to the office where stuff is stored and give feedback about if it's all there & looks good this week
  2. tumbleweed to write a list of required audio hardware
  3. wouter, tumbleweed, tassia to bring spare laptops
  4. wouter to check whether he can still find the expresscard firewire modules

Action items, by person

  1. mehdi
    1. mehdi will try to contect IRILL tomorrow or the day after to get access to the office where stuff is stored and give feedback about if it's all there & looks good this week
  2. tassia
    1. wouter, tumbleweed, tassia to bring spare laptops
  3. tumbleweed
    1. tumbleweed to write a list of required audio hardware
    2. wouter, tumbleweed, tassia to bring spare laptops
  4. wouter
    1. wouter, tumbleweed, tassia to bring spare laptops
    2. wouter to check whether he can still find the expresscard firewire modules

People present (lines said)

  1. wouter (122)
  2. tumbleweed (88)
  3. RichiH (61)
  4. h01ger (54)
  5. tassia (36)
  6. mehdi (25)
  7. Tincho (21)
  8. nattie (14)
  9. DLange (9)
  10. tvaz (7)
  11. maxy (7)
  12. pollo (5)
  13. CarlFK (4)
  14. MeetBot (3)
  15. p2-mate (2)
  16. MadameZou (1)

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