====================== #debconf-video Meeting ====================== Meeting started by pollo at 20:10:02 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-video/2016/debconf-video.2016-05-13-20.10.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Follow up on last meeting's actions (pollo, 20:12:49) * ACTION: tumbleweed to look into the PAs at UCT (pollo, 20:16:20) * Capture cards (pollo, 20:18:39) * ACTION: pollo to review the quotes from paddatrapper (pollo, 20:19:58) * DLange can use his company to ship cheaper with FedEx (pollo, 20:29:54) * ACTION: pollo to send FedEx rates to DLange (pollo, 20:30:08) * ACTION: pollo to buy the 2 bm capture cards (pollo, 20:32:16) * cableing (pollo, 20:34:26) * XLR cables are included in the rentals (pollo, 20:35:33) * we will have soldering iron(s) (pollo, 20:36:49) * HDMI can work (put the 2nd card in a 2nd box, put the box under the camera. cat5 like before) but it's a hassle and SDI should be prioritised (pollo, 20:40:43) * old nice Debian Cameras do SDI too, so we can use them if we fail to rent anything else than DV cameras (pollo, 20:42:55) * ACTION: paddatrapper to add SDI cables to the rental quotes (pollo, 20:45:47) * IRILL Hardware & shipping review (pollo, 20:47:55) * ACTION: pollo to add to the IRILL shipping list: tally lights, multiplugs, cards the talkmeister use (pollo, 20:54:11) * Next meeting (pollo, 21:05:02) * ACTION: pollo to call next meeting on Friday 20th from 18:00 to 20:00 UTC on the ML to see if it's reasonnable (pollo, 21:08:49) Meeting ended at 21:08:54 UTC. Action Items ------------ * tumbleweed to look into the PAs at UCT * pollo to review the quotes from paddatrapper * pollo to send FedEx rates to DLange * pollo to buy the 2 bm capture cards * paddatrapper to add SDI cables to the rental quotes * pollo to add to the IRILL shipping list: tally lights, multiplugs, cards the talkmeister use * pollo to call next meeting on Friday 20th from 18:00 to 20:00 UTC on the ML to see if it's reasonnable Action Items, by person ----------------------- * DLange * pollo to send FedEx rates to DLange * paddatrapper * pollo to review the quotes from paddatrapper * paddatrapper to add SDI cables to the rental quotes * pollo * pollo to review the quotes from paddatrapper * pollo to send FedEx rates to DLange * pollo to buy the 2 bm capture cards * pollo to add to the IRILL shipping list: tally lights, multiplugs, cards the talkmeister use * pollo to call next meeting on Friday 20th from 18:00 to 20:00 UTC on the ML to see if it's reasonnable * tumbleweed * tumbleweed to look into the PAs at UCT * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * pollo (102) * tumbleweed (58) * olasd (58) * paddatrapper (21) * CarlFK (21) * DLange (15) * p2-mate (5) * highvoltage (4) * nattie (3) * MeetBot (2) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot