18:17:40 #startmeeting 18:17:45 Meeting started Tue May 24 18:17:40 2016 UTC. The chair is nattie. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:17:45 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:17:52 #topic roll call 18:18:00 0/ 18:18:02 * nattie waves 18:18:02 highvoltage is present and ready 18:18:05 meh 18:18:22 RattusRattus: a little more enthusiasm please 18:18:22 \o 18:18:49 * RattusRattus stannds and jumps to attention 18:18:52 "meh" 18:18:55 good lad 18:18:56 * RattusRattus sits 18:19:03 *wave* 18:19:56 * highvoltage glares at RattusRattus 18:20:03 gentlemen. 18:20:13 you can't fight here, this is the war room 18:20:27 #topic last week's actions 18:20:39 pollo: can you talk about your bits? 18:20:42 well, I did not have time to do anything 18:20:51 I had to work like crazy for the past 3 days 18:21:09 pauvre poulet 18:21:17 I'll try to got through all this today 18:21:28 highvoltage: can you supply information about an audio quote? 18:21:58 nattie: I have a quote for a bunch of micsand mixers. tumbleweed put it in git 18:22:03 cheers 18:22:14 do you also know the camera model? 18:22:25 one moment please 18:22:43 #info quote for mics and mixers is in git 18:23:00 Sony PD150 18:23:20 #info highvoltage's camera is a Sony PD150 18:23:25 thank you :) 18:23:32 some more info here: http://www.amazon.com/Sony-SR-PD150-Camcorder-Optical-Digital/dp/B00006I5T6 18:24:12 highvoltage: do we now know whether it's NTSC or not? 18:24:16 iirc paddatrapper confirmed that they are PAL and come with a Black Magix hdmi to SDI converter 18:24:21 cool 18:24:30 RattusRattus: that's another bid 18:24:33 /s/bid/quote/ 18:24:34 ahh my bad 18:24:49 PAL!? that's so 1990s :) 18:24:59 :) 18:25:01 highvoltage: hey, the 90s were best decade 18:25:08 how so not 4k? :) 18:25:17 highvoltage: your choice for DV is PAL or NTSC 18:25:18 nattie: no argument from me 18:25:19 p2-mate: distracting. 18:25:50 so do we know? 18:26:33 nattie: assume PAL (that is standard for SA) 18:26:50 #info highvoltage's camera is presumed to be PAL 18:27:01 paddatrapper: any info on video camera extra days? 18:27:31 nattie: we've got one for an extra day, which we can choose 18:27:41 ok 18:27:47 DLange: any news on a FedEx quote? 18:27:53 heh 18:27:58 no since I did not do my apr 18:28:01 part 18:28:06 fair enough :) 18:28:22 #action pollo to give the fedex quote some attention 18:28:29 paddatrapper: so we get one from 30 june to 9 july? 18:29:29 pollo: we get at from 1-9 June, but we also get 1 for 1 extra day that we can choose, so if that's the 30th then we use it then 18:29:44 30th seems sane, for sake of set-up testing? 18:29:46 so we could get it on the 27th if we wanted? 18:29:57 Yes 18:30:00 neat 18:30:15 #info we can get one camera for one extra day. day to be determined 18:30:52 tumbleweed: sorry to bring up an annoying topic but any news on insurance? 18:31:11 * pollo not sure why we need insurances 18:31:17 nattie: no news on insurance, as I need to pull some replacement values for hardware out of my hat 18:31:23 nattie: see the agenda 18:31:24 I kinda skipped over that on the channel 18:31:26 pollo: we need insurance, to be able to borrow the computers 18:31:41 olasd, tumbleweed: ah yeah 18:31:46 they won't lend them to us, uninsured 18:31:57 :( 18:32:10 olasd: for shipping? 18:32:13 (sorry, i'm literally just going along with what it says on the agenda) 18:32:22 Also waiting for equipment replacement values 18:32:35 pollo: both shipping and insurance 18:32:38 olasd: why not use the ones we gave to UPS for DC17? 18:32:45 s/17/15/ 18:32:55 because we didn't insure that shipment 18:32:59 it didn't go through customs 18:33:00 pollo: time-travelling again? 18:33:07 but there was a declared value for each boxers 18:33:19 * pollo has problem typing 18:33:26 are you sure about that? 18:33:43 I'll poke mehdi 18:33:44 olasd: well each boxes had a declared value 18:33:48 intra-EU the value would be irrelevant except for replacement 18:33:51 olasd: I can send it to you 18:33:56 ok, cool 18:34:07 nattie: can you action me this? 18:34:08 * olasd declared 0 for Vienna 18:34:14 PCs $500 USD each, big cameras $1000 each, camcorders $200 each, tripods $300 large $50 small, cables $10 each.... moving on 18:34:19 RattusRattus: sounds right 18:34:28 #action pollo to send olasd values of equipment from DC15 18:34:31 olasd: its what I used for miniconf cambridge 18:34:42 cool 18:34:43 ok 18:34:58 #info PCs $500 USD each, big cameras $1000 each, camcorders $200 each, tripods $300 large $50 small, cables $10 each according to RattusRattus 18:35:20 RattusRattus: kit lists? i see you have diagrams and stuff, so presumably there's a list that goes with them? 18:35:31 mostly 18:35:36 cool 18:35:45 #info kit lists by RattusRattus mostly complete 18:36:00 https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Videoteam/EquipmentList#Room_planning 18:36:02 and i think paddatrapper's actions have already been addressed above 18:36:13 but will change depending on exactly what kit we hire 18:36:18 Seems like it 18:36:25 #info see https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Videoteam/EquipmentList#Room_planning for current state of kit lists 18:36:30 next! 18:36:37 #topic reviewing cable diagrams 18:36:55 a lot of this happened just before meeting start, but would anyone like to give a summary of the current state? 18:37:21 video looks sensible to me, we need to make sure audio is conform with what's in the rooms 18:37:23 i'll try to keep us proceeding in a timely fashion 18:37:26 3 diagrams showing my current understanding of room setup 18:37:43 rooms 1&2 are almost identical and use debconf camars 18:37:49 #link http://koipond.org.uk/Debconf/Debconf%20Room%20[1-3].svg 18:37:58 room 3 is voctomix and use hired cameras 18:38:08 assumptions made: 18:38:11 RattusRattus: that's wrong though, we use DC cams for vocto 18:38:12 that's the experimental room, right? 18:38:15 last time we talked about using the big debconf cameras (that have SDI out) in room 3 and hired in 1/2 18:38:23 and hired as DV cams in 1 and 2 18:38:41 1) room PA is connected via 3.5mm jack on lectern ( tumbleweed is checking if we can have a differant feed) 18:39:20 2) paddatrapper suggested that cameras hired also came with HDMI to SDI boxes so they are in room 3 18:39:37 pollo: hence the change 18:39:52 RattusRattus: but we get the hired cams not long before the conf starts 18:40:14 wereas we'll have the Debian cams from the start of debcamp 18:40:26 ok. will move cams around 18:40:39 does HDMI for hired cams output what is recorded, or what is shown on screen? 18:40:45 RattusRattus: The hired will effectively have SDI out as the conversation would need to happen near the camera 18:40:48 so, Debconf cams in room 3, hired cams in 1 and 2? 18:41:15 * nattie is trying to disambiguate for sake of #info 18:41:24 paddatrapper: ack 18:41:36 olasd: what is recorded, but doesn't respond to record button 18:41:41 my cheesecake is done and you have my undivided attention again. 18:41:44 also, still dvswitch in 1 and 2, voctomix in 3? 18:41:52 nattie: yes and yes 18:42:01 olasd: ie it won't show settings, etc on HUD 18:42:14 paddatrapper: thats good 18:42:15 paddatrapper: ok, cool (our tiny camcorders' hdmi outputs what's on the screen, with HUD) 18:42:21 #info debconf-provided cameras in room 3, hired cameras in rooms 1 and 2 18:42:26 (hence the Q) 18:42:38 #info voctomix in room 3, dvswitch in rooms 1 and 2 18:42:40 olasd: ah. Annoying 18:42:48 nattie debconf camcorders in rooms 1 & 2 as well 18:42:57 RattusRattus: additionally? 18:43:05 ye 18:43:05 s 18:43:05 ok, sorry 18:43:06 2 cams per room 18:43:16 #info additionally debconf-provided cameras in rooms 1 and 2 18:43:30 1 hired camera + 1 dc camcorder for rooms 1/2; 2 big DC cameras in room 3 18:43:39 olasd: +1 18:43:48 good 18:44:40 data from rooms to NOC.... can we patch or am I running cables? 18:44:56 RattusRattus: NOC != server room 18:45:11 ok Video team's magic room 18:45:22 if there is on 18:45:23 and we're split over 3 buildings 18:45:25 e 18:45:33 #info 1 hired camera + 1 dc camcorder for rooms 1/2; 2 big DC cameras in room 3 18:45:41 sorry for the noise! 18:45:59 RattusRattus: that will presumably be using venue backhaul between all rooms 18:46:14 ok can we garentee bandwidth? 18:46:26 so voctomix is happening for dc16? 18:46:30 within the building, certainly 18:46:35 /win 33 18:46:37 highvoltage: if we make it work during camp 18:46:44 but we also don't need significant bandwidth outside rooms 18:46:51 * nattie wonders who is behind door number 33 18:46:56 anyway 18:46:57 highvoltage: we'll try our best, if it does not work we'll fallback on dvswtich 18:47:06 RattusRattus: too erlay to say, anyway 18:47:15 tumbleweed: ok 18:47:59 sorry to keep on at this 18:48:10 should we put off this bit of discussion until after the meeting? 18:48:18 we have 3 buildings with talk rooms in each? /me thaught it was 2 18:48:33 RattusRattus: two buildings wit htalks 18:48:34 server room will be in a different building 18:48:40 ahhh 18:49:05 should we be disambiguating between NOC, video team war room, and server room? 18:49:18 nattie: there isn't a NOC as such, yet 18:49:20 do we feed from each talk room to the server room or do we feed into a VT room and then the server room? 18:49:33 nattie: thats what I am trying to do 18:49:35 those terms appear to be farely disambiguated already afaict 18:49:38 RattusRattus: *nods* 18:50:08 RattusRattus: I was assuming the video team room would be like dc15 - just a place for the video team o gather, hack, and respond to emergencies 18:50:21 +1 18:50:22 the terms aren't ambiguous but which rooms contain which isn't set in stone afaict 18:50:30 or set 18:51:11 we may have to share the video team room with the NOC 18:51:32 tumbleweed: yeah, a war room 18:51:59 sharing should be OK - the network team don't smell *that* bad 18:52:09 tumbleweed: ok that seems fine, I am just concerned we get enough BW out of each room to the transcoder box (in the server room) and so we can also monitor feeds from video team hack room 18:52:37 RattusRattus: I am not too concerned about that. There should be at least 10Gbps between buildings 18:53:03 and the last bw test I've seen from the venue maxed out the 1Gbps NIC 18:53:08 eep, maybe only 2Gbps 18:53:16 ok - /me is used to unis that have that sort of BW and allocate it all to a physics experement out of term time :-) 18:53:36 physics dept is on the other end of campus :P 18:53:43 lol 18:53:54 ok lets move on it will be what it is I suppose 18:54:25 worst case we'll just steal some fiber from the badgers 18:54:29 ...wait, wrong year 18:54:37 I guess that means that we are NOT allocating fixed IPs to videoteam kit? 18:54:41 steal 10Gbps trasncievers. The fibre is there. 18:54:51 RattusRattus: network isn't nailed down yet 18:55:35 thats my feer..... /me likes nice nailed down dark network and a router / nat box to issolate ourselves 18:55:52 that's what we're hoping for 18:56:08 but between buildings may be messier than that 18:56:12 see teh current discussion in -infra 18:56:20 plugging switches into other peoples LANs can be *fun* 18:56:40 ok as long as its being covered 18:56:52 they have port security blocking that (and IP pools that are too small). Of course we'll need exceptions... 18:58:59 this is kinda blocked on the network team reestablishing contact, for now, isn't it? 18:59:06 yep 18:59:23 yep 18:59:53 let's make our chair make us move on :P 18:59:57 * olasd pokes nattie 19:00:00 oi! get on with it! 19:00:11 #topic IRILL hardware list 19:00:14 worst case we change the setup to use highvoltage blaged PCs with a 2nd network card in each room and use them as nat routers 19:00:19 https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Videoteam/EquipmentList#Things_we_will_need_to_ship_from_IRILL 19:00:34 olasd: that's your monkey - you have the list? 19:00:37 imho that list is final 19:00:37 the equipment is on its way back from Vienna (thanks chrysn!) 19:00:47 and the replacement values are as info'ed above? 19:00:51 should be here at the end of the week 19:00:54 yes 19:01:09 olasd: can you estimate the number of boxes and their weight? 19:01:17 #info IRILL kit is on its way back from Vienna, and the values are as info'ed above 19:01:24 I've been asking for quotes based on DC15 atm 19:02:00 3 boxes (maybe 2) plus 2 large tripod bags should do it 19:02:05 chrysn: do you have info about the shipment? 19:02:31 nattie: UPS tracking 19:02:33 1ZD9T6V06890026813 19:02:34 dang. 19:03:11 7 packages, 25kg total? 19:03:43 pollo: 1 * 25kg (cameras), 2 * 5kg (tripods), 2 * 15kg (3 laptops; 1 laptop + cables) 19:03:53 \0/ 19:04:07 #info 1 * 25kg (cameras), 2 * 5kg (tripods), 2 * 15kg (3 laptops; 1 laptop + cables) 19:04:21 #action pollo to use this information for fedex quote :) 19:04:43 it's a bit thumbsucky for the cables part, but should be about right 19:05:04 ok, do we need anything else on this topic? 19:05:09 #topic choosing a rental company 19:05:34 IMHO we should go with Solid 19:05:49 it's more complete, we know cameras work 19:05:50 you can action me to repack the boxes and prepare the proforma invoices, as well as finalize the weights / sizes 19:06:11 #action olasd to repack boxes and prepare pro forma invoices 19:06:16 as for the price, well, we'll bust the budget 19:06:23 but that's OK with -team 19:06:42 we'll bust by the shipping cost 19:07:59 anyone else got any opinions? 19:08:19 bust by the shipping cost? 19:08:26 (if we're good and quick we can make this meeting sub-1hr) 19:08:32 solid quote == 100% of our current budget 19:08:38 ouch 19:08:39 ah, I see 19:08:47 perhaps that phrase should be disambiguated by application of the french language? 19:08:50 or not 19:08:55 or math! 19:08:58 math is good 19:08:59 maffs?! 19:09:40 well, shipping shouldn't be too bad 19:09:45 ZA VAT is only 14%? 19:09:51 * olasd coughs. 19:09:58 correct 19:10:06 yeah, less 1000 eur should do it 19:10:46 with room to spare. we're not shipping a 30kg grey box this time :P 19:12:01 so, does everyone agree on Solid Events quote? 19:12:26 ack 19:13:17 #agreed the hire company will be Solid Events 19:13:29 o/ nattie 19:13:30 paddatrapper: can you make this official? 19:13:30 :) 19:13:33 Cool. I'll let them know 19:13:36 ok, so 19:13:40 #topic next meeting 19:13:56 everyone OK with tuesday evenings (or afternoons for the montrealers) for vidteam meetings? 19:14:05 speak now or forever hold your peace 19:14:43 tuesday generally works better than friday for me; next week both are bad anyway 19:14:49 mee too 19:14:54 I can't make next week. Writing exams most nights 19:15:10 poor paddatrapper 19:15:20 * pollo has a free calendar for next week 19:15:23 we'll think of you - can you delegate to someone to present your info? 19:15:28 paddatrapper: ^^ 19:15:37 or send a mail to the ML 19:15:45 I blame KiBi for missing next week; I'll make sure to report on my actions by mail or on the agenda 19:15:56 * DLange notes he has not seen a shipping list or something else for FedEc 19:15:59 Will probably compile everything into an email 19:15:59 FedEx 19:16:10 DLange: we'll deal with that in a bit 19:16:15 oki 19:16:23 DLange: I had a crazy weekend, I should send you this today 19:16:40 ok, so is Tuesday OK despite the various absences, should we skip a week, or find a different day or go ahead anyway? 19:17:07 nattie: IMHO it's better to have a meeting with less ppl 19:17:14 than no meeting at all 19:17:17 what more needs to happen between now an debcamp? 19:17:24 shipping 19:17:31 ok, so same bat time, same bat channel, with absences hopefully filled in by mail 19:17:33 networking 19:17:36 I need to build the freaking CCC review software 19:17:41 Too close to DebConf for there to be no meeting 19:17:43 :-) 19:17:49 ok so meeting next week then 19:17:52 #agreed next meeting 31 May 1800-2000 UTC 19:18:01 i think that's us done! 19:18:02 paddatrapper: +1 19:18:07 #endmeeting