19:01:33 #startmeeting 19:01:33 Meeting started Wed Aug 3 19:01:33 2016 UTC. The chair is h01ger. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:33 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:01:41 * h01ger spoils pollo's party :-D 19:01:46 #chair pollo 19:01:46 Current chairs: h01ger pollo 19:02:11 proposed agenda can be found here: https://storm.debian.net/shared/5y52jLfrvvhJY5eONWqVsZahTU8r6fuIYDCOg16WPll 19:02:22 everyone agrees with it? 19:02:39 looks fine 19:02:44 * h01ger sees nothing 19:03:03 enable Javascript 19:03:08 role call? 19:03:15 #topic role call 19:03:19 0/ 19:03:21 :-) 19:03:28 \o/ 19:03:44 o/ just lurking 19:03:50 * h01ger likes the agenda 19:03:56 \o/ 19:04:08 though the current topic is not in it ;) 19:04:24 o/ 19:04:26 o/ 19:04:53 #topic Looking back on DC16 19:05:27 #info if things are missing, they should be added to https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/FinalReport#Video_team 19:05:52 but \0/, we had video at DC16, great work everyone 19:06:38 can you please also mark on https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Videoteam#Operation_and_post_DebConf who did what.... 19:07:04 #info who did what should be added on https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Videoteam#Operation_and_post_DebConf 19:07:05 My memory was fuzzy at the end of DC16 when I started that list 19:07:27 Sorry I'm a little late 19:07:45 * RattusRattus hugs paddatrapper not too late :-) 19:08:07 don't hug too hard, I heard he was squishy 19:08:12 #topic Meeting schedule 19:08:23 Should we do fixed meetings? 19:08:28 pollo: according to nattie, very! 19:08:33 * pollo likes fixed meetings 19:08:34 yes please 19:08:45 Fixed generally ensures they happen 19:08:55 that 19:09:17 next topic? :) /me also agrees… 19:09:18 #agreed fixed meetings are better 19:09:20 Is bi-monthly meetings too frequent? 19:09:23 and bi-monthly is about right too. we can always add a specific meeting if we need it 19:09:38 and reduce the rate if not 19:09:49 Bi-monthly is good 19:09:52 * h01ger is split on this: more freqent: less chances to forget/miss. but then its still so long… 19:10:23 h01ger: suspect that when we split to do specific tasks the Task may require its own meeting 19:10:29 should we try already to settle on a specific e.g weekday? 19:10:43 we could, or we could also have a poll 19:10:47 well presuambly we use this meeting as a base 19:10:56 but I'd prefer simply keeping this date from now on 19:10:58 if this time worked well, is there any reason not to continue with it? 19:11:11 * tobi_ agrees 19:11:29 +1 19:11:31 anyone against fixed meetings each 2 weeks starting from now on at this time? 19:11:43 I would suggest that its either always on the same date of month or always a fixed day of the month i.e. 1st Wednesday 19:11:48 * h01ger hopes more frequent meetings will mean shorter meetings 19:12:26 so next meeting wednesday, the 17th? so 1st and 3rd wednesday of the month? 19:12:27 I'd think fixed day of the week works better because most schedules revolve around that 19:12:32 I'd prefer the fixed weekday, (but I do not know about the others)D 19:12:34 RattusRattus: well it'd be the first and 3rd wednesdays of the month 19:12:49 so bi-monthly --> bi-weekly! 19:13:07 alternate with the #debconf-team meeting 19:13:34 cate: it actually is 19:13:53 but only if we stick to bi-weekly, not Xth wednesday of the month 19:14:19 I'm confused then 19:14:22 we really need bi-weekly? /me will accept if that is the case but the proposal was every 8 weeks approx 19:14:30 * pollo is in the middle of a long workday 19:14:51 RattusRattus: bi-monthly meant 2 times a month in my head 19:15:04 I guess it's a French thing 19:15:15 wow 19:15:16 ok 19:15:38 bi-weekly is way worse than 1st and 3rd wednesday of the months 19:15:48 h01ger: why? 19:15:51 (duckduckgo says: it means both) 19:16:04 tumbleweed: because one cannot look it up without internet access 19:16:13 * pollo shakes his fist at language angrily 19:16:20 or remembering / knowing when the last meeting was 19:16:33 h01ger: didn't you just describe bi-weekly as being easy to remember, for #dc-team? :) 19:16:34 it = the date 19:17:07 h01ger: every week you have a meeting. Easy to remember ;-) 19:20:49 well, if people though 1 times each 2 months, I guess we could compromise on 1 time each month 19:20:49 I think we need at least one meeting a month 19:20:49 I would be happier on 1st wednesday of each month (otherwise I am likly to miss too many meetings) 19:20:49 but will roll with the group 19:20:49 yeah 1st wednesday is easy to remember 19:20:50 anyone against doing meetings on 1st wednesday from 19:00 to 20:00 until further notice? 19:20:50 #agreed meetings will be on 1st wednesday from 19:00 to 20:00 until further notice 19:20:51 #topic rss or metadata file for every event in video.debian.net? 19:20:52 tumbleweed: if you agreed on "bi weekly" only, i agree its *impossible* to remember 19:20:52 cate: thats easier indeed. but often too frequent :-D 19:20:52 "1st and 3rd wednesday of the month" aint that hard to remember, or? 19:20:53 everybody ran away? 19:21:23 hmm, seems there was quite a network lag 19:21:29 indeed 19:21:32 :) 19:21:35 certainly seems like it 19:21:56 * h01ger suggests to switch to media.ccc.de software which nicely generates rss and metadata 19:22:21 and it has a nice web interface where you can watch videos directly 19:22:46 I don't think there'd be much objection to that. But is anyone going to do it? 19:22:57 pollo: we do have that on the dc16 site 19:23:12 tumbleweed: that is indeed true 19:24:06 as for regular static rss, wouter seemed to be working on that 19:24:09 what software is under media.ccc? 19:25:09 their own thing 19:25:12 it'd need some adaptation 19:25:17 cate: https://github.com/voc/media.ccc.de 19:25:29 We need a better interface than video.debconf.net, so I'm in favour of it 19:25:57 I think tumbleweed was right about no one being against it per say 19:26:03 but I know I won't have time to do this 19:26:05 hang on... 19:26:11 It certainly makes it more friendly to casual passers-by 19:26:33 are we talking about how to present the archive or are we talking about a larger change to workflow here? 19:27:12 RattusRattus: how to present the archive. afaik, media.ccc is just a web app frontend 19:27:24 yeah 19:27:25 pollo: ok 19:27:34 It would require some change in workflow though to accomodate it, I'm sure 19:27:41 although it also some streaming bits integrated, I think? 19:27:58 it is written in ruby... so 19:28:03 so lets just take stock a moment 19:29:14 back in cambs15 we taled about ending up with a vide.debian.net website that would end up as the streaming point for all debconfs and archive / stream on demand. is this that system? 19:29:23 that's the thing 19:29:37 ok 19:29:40 is anyone interested in looking into this? If not I guess we should move on 19:29:52 I also hear rumours that the pyvideo site may be revived 19:29:55 and move that discussion to the ML 19:30:46 right now I am NOT interested in this but can be pwesuaded to look at this in a years time or so.... 19:30:57 moving on sounds good 19:31:02 #topic Planning for the year 19:31:15 We need to set up a list of clear (and reasonable) goals for the year 19:31:18 so there list was.... 19:31:23 we could keep it a reoccuring topic until its done (mving to media.ccc.de) 19:31:26 Replace twinpact (slide capture) 19:31:26 Replace DVswitch 19:31:26 Clean up Streaming 19:31:26 Replace / expand AV equipment (& set up per room flight cases) 19:31:26 BoF rooms 19:31:28 Improve Logistics 19:31:55 Build mic/talkback/tally system 19:31:56 Radio Mics then got added 19:32:04 paddatrapper: +1 19:32:11 replace twinpact (in progress) 19:32:11 replace DVswtich (nearly done) 19:32:32 what about BoF rooms? 19:32:42 can we take 1 at a time? 19:32:47 HD streaming? 19:32:52 let's start from the top, then 19:32:55 :D 19:32:58 twinpact -> opsis? 19:33:01 yes 19:33:10 tasks still to do. 19:33:14 we still need to get some support packages into the archive 19:33:27 and figure out the problems with this opsis 19:33:52 (it seems to work, but not as reliably - not all the firmware versions that work on other opsis boards work on it) 19:34:06 and we need VGA for it 19:34:09 shall we use kanban too? 19:34:10 I think that is something we can resonably work on this year 19:34:12 and work on our control 19:34:17 I need to get the bbb's in the same box and we need to agree final cable config (I was planning on one of the inputs being from the bbb but there was scripting going on to look at the input for VGA iirc) 19:34:25 h01ger: probably a separate kanban? 19:34:34 no idea 19:34:37 :) 19:34:48 tumbleweed: we can make a videoteam project on our Kanboard if needed 19:35:31 RattusRattus: the bbb have an ethernet port, right? 19:35:34 RattusRattus: just got back from pyohio, where CarlFK had his atlys + odroid c2 in a case together, on the back of a confidence monitor 19:35:35 yes 19:35:43 * h01ger also wonders how to plan this year as we discuss it now. RattusRattus, do you have a pad? (/me would also like to add "migration to media.ccc.de software" to the topics for this year) 19:35:54 tumbleweed: yep I heard about that 19:36:01 it worked reasonably 19:36:04 and or use subtopics now, so meetbot creates a list for us 19:36:11 * RattusRattus has no pad open 19:36:34 h01ger: open the pad you prefer :D 19:37:09 http://whiteboard.debian.net/videoyear2016_a513a8.wb :-D 19:37:11 * RattusRattus is just begining to get his head around the tools available to him 19:37:12 you can probably action me for the packages, and opsis debugging 19:37:43 #action tumbleweed to look into opsis support packages and opsis debugging 19:37:50 next subtopic? 19:38:00 Replace DVSwitch 19:38:07 oh, VGA, I think we're still waiting on upstream 19:38:41 so people agree on this list? 19:38:48 I think it might be a little ambitious 19:38:53 I think it's way more than we're going to achieve in a year 19:38:54 or two 19:39:01 agreed. 19:39:17 then we should cut some things 19:39:17 we should prioritise 19:39:18 so, some prioritisation might be a good idea 19:39:25 It could work well as the start of a 2-3 yeaar plan 19:39:32 s/yeaar/year 19:39:40 yeeaaasss 19:39:56 Opsis, Voctomix and new HW sounds a lot for this comming 12 mointh 19:40:14 agreed, but I think it's doable 19:40:29 those are all things that aren't really optional 19:40:46 tumbleweed: agreed. 19:40:46 well, we can keep hiring hardware, rather than replacing 19:40:49 that's about it 19:41:13 so do we agree on these three things as our plan for the year? 19:41:14 We'll still need to hire hardware, just preferably not all of it 19:41:19 indeed 19:41:37 * h01ger has added prios to http://whiteboard.debian.net/videoyear2016_a513a8.wb 19:41:44 please load and edit :) 19:41:54 RattusRattus: do you have any idea where we are with a VGA board for the opsis? 19:42:19 none whatsoever - I was asked to take a look and then got told to 'butt out' 19:42:26 (and then put this in kanban after the meeting? can we have only video related kanban notifications here?) 19:42:29 heh 19:42:48 #action pollo to look into Kanboard for videoteam 19:43:03 whats missing for replacing dvswitch? the bof room worked nicely… 19:43:08 are we agreed that VoctoMix is the right solution to replace DV switch. if so then I can start speccing replacement HW 19:43:16 or are 1+2 the same topics? 19:43:23 h01ger: separate topics 19:43:24 RattusRattus: I think it is 19:43:31 RattusRattus: seems like it is 19:43:36 well there's also sesse's thing 19:43:56 but that would bring us back since we have not tested it 19:43:57 BoF room was automatic camera webcam conferance thinggy that Serbitar was going to trial at work 19:44:02 RattusRattus: 'butt out' is.. not the right something. and maybe that project needs taking over given the rate of proresss 19:44:02 how reproduceable was our vocto setup? 19:44:20 tumbleweed: FAI reproducible? 19:44:21 is it all in FAI? 19:44:24 yup 19:44:27 CarlFK: ok will chat after this meeting 19:44:32 :) 19:44:39 pollo: yay 19:44:42 tumbleweed: and I make a clear howto in MD too 19:44:49 s/make/made/ 19:44:56 pollo for DPL :-) 19:44:58 Though we did say there were a few things in Vocto that needed working - ui elements for example 19:45:07 pollo for DPL! 19:45:15 and pollito for second in charge! 19:45:18 * pollo is not even DM... 19:45:25 we can fix that 19:45:29 +1 19:45:32 paddatrapper: a few, but no deal breakers 19:45:43 pollo: wanna co-maintain voctomix? 19:46:02 the CCC people were really responsive on issues I raised on the tracker 19:46:24 pollo: ack-grep vocto in the FAI repo just turns up the package name. What am I missing? 19:47:01 ok so I think we are in agreement that VoctoMix is going to be worked on (mainly driven by) by pollo and h01ger with support from tumbleweed CarlFK amungst others?? 19:47:21 tumbleweed: git pull --rebase? 19:47:27 I am all in for vocto. 19:47:27 grep -R VOCTO 19:47:38 pollo: well yes, of course I pulled 19:47:53 #agreed voctomix will be replacing dvswitch 19:48:06 tumbleweed: I get 10-15 items with grep 19:48:39 oh, wheezy branch, idiot 19:48:48 * h01ger updated http://whiteboard.debian.net/videoyear2016_a513a8.wb - please check/fix 19:49:27 in that case I'll 'own' the replace HW task. anyone have any specific demands / desires? 19:49:58 what are BBBs? 19:50:06 beaglebone black 19:50:33 can we move to the next subtopic since the priority list seems to be ok? 19:51:16 I'll take that as a yes 19:51:20 yes 19:51:21 so, sprints! 19:51:24 RattusRattus: i'm happy to help fai-yfying those BBBs. its d-i and running a command via preseed… if you skip the d-i step with a prebuild image, its running one additional command… 19:51:56 someone proposed 2 sprints 19:51:58 pollo: sprints are not yet listed on http://whiteboard.debian.net/videoyear2016_a513a8.wb - leaving entering it there to you, so you can adjust priorities ;) 19:52:08 h01ger: great. I'll ping you when I get close to that point thanks 19:52:11 * h01ger likes the sprints idea 19:52:22 just FTR: the whiteboard has no history. So if somebody deletes the text, it's gone. The various pads are a bit safer in this regard. 19:52:29 RattusRattus: np :) 19:52:45 DLange: I'll move that to a safer place after the meeting 19:52:51 grear 19:52:57 * RattusRattus was hopping to confirm Cambridge miniconhf in November (and a sprint adjacent to it) 19:52:58 great, too 19:52:59 DLange: afaik it has history, just not easily accessable 19:53:18 RattusRattus: derpeter still misses reimbusement from the last video sprint last november 19:53:22 RattusRattus: should we do a sprint+miniconf though? 19:53:41 I heard the miniconf part took a lot of time 19:53:42 h01ger: !!!! Maulkin was supposed to have paid that, 19:53:53 * h01ger likes the idea of sprint and miniconf though/as long as derpeters request will be solved until then ;p 19:54:07 indeed. will chat with medi now then 19:54:28 thank you! 19:55:01 pollo: I agree a sprint apart from a miniconf is prehaps better 19:55:37 I think olasd proposed Paris too 19:55:40 before/after pyconza in europe, would be convenient for me 19:55:46 since stuff is already there 19:55:47 Also means we can be a little more flexible for timing 19:56:00 tumbleweed: when is pyconza? 19:56:15 before pyconza is good for pyconza ;) 19:56:26 paris would be good. it has the kit if we can persuade IRLL to host even better 19:56:29 6/7th october this year 19:56:38 pollo: ^^ 19:56:41 any ccc event could also work for a sprint 19:56:49 as the ccc video team will be there 19:56:58 (eg mrmc or datenspuren) 19:57:03 (not suggesting congress :) 19:57:04 h01ger: that could be the 2nd one 19:57:23 h01ger: can you look for ccc event just before 6/7th october ? 19:57:33 will do 19:57:51 tumbleweed: I'd go with after pyconza though, since the beggining of october is arriving soon 19:58:10 thanks. I like the idea of working with them both the event and hacking on vocto 19:58:25 I'd suggest early November would be better. A little more time 19:58:41 paddatrapper: watch potential clash with cambs miniconf 19:58:55 Good point 19:59:26 do we want to set a date for the first sprint now? 19:59:42 although a sprint AFTER the miniconf could work 19:59:43 if not we will have to do this on the ML, since next meeting is too late for that 19:59:56 my other concern is varsity terms - only finish early November 20:00:53 paddatrapper: and the littel holiday in the middle? 20:01:22 what about, we give ourselves a week to come up with ideas+date for a sprint and the we poll on it? 20:01:25 tumbleweed: End of this month 20:01:36 So actually would work 20:01:49 if we're only meeting once a month, moving things to the list like that gets a bit tricky 20:02:04 we won't have an IRC meeting to decide on it, until a month's time 20:02:21 we could have a meeting just to work out a sprint date 20:02:22 tumbleweed: that's why I was proposing a poll to vote 20:03:09 OK, I'm just worried that only two people are going to fill out the poll 20:03:30 id' go with CarlFK suggestion then 20:03:37 special meeting for sprint 20:03:38 but yes, I don' tthink we can decide this now 20:04:43 so 2 options here: we move it to ML+wiki and make a poll online OR we do a special sprint meeting 20:04:49 set up a poll now, send invites to the list now? 20:05:04 poll would be a good basis for a meeting 20:05:05 do we have all the options for a poll? 20:05:13 h01ger: I don,t think so 20:05:25 for a special sprints meeting i'd suggest either next wednesday or the wednesday in two weeks ;) 20:05:33 (and not make a poll about that. KISS) 20:05:52 If we want it around pyconza then next week is better 20:06:06 next wednesday should be enough time to collect options and have some idea what is important 20:06:20 anyone disagrees on special sprints meeting i'd suggest either next wednesday? 20:06:33 arf, sorry that was a bad cp 20:06:36 next wednesday is fine 20:07:11 #agreed special sprint meeting next wednesday from 19:00 to 20:00 20:07:19 well I guess that,s all folks 20:07:30 a little more than an hour 20:07:42 anything else to add before we close? 20:07:47 wait a sec, please 20:08:00 is the prio order on http://whiteboard.debian.net/videoyear2016_a513a8.wb more or less correct? 20:08:19 #action pollo to publicize special meeting 20:08:26 h01ger: order is fine /me still updating detail 20:08:47 * h01ger didnt realize we discuss the 3 subtopics as one, now i do :) 20:09:06 h01ger: good for me 20:09:13 h01ger: are you still near Berlin? 20:09:16 * h01ger is fine with closing the meeting then and is also very happy about this fine meeting 20:09:23 CarlFK: <2h by train 20:09:28 hourly 20:09:34 #endmeeting