====================== #debconf-video Meeting ====================== Meeting started by pollo at 17:01:11 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-video/2017/debconf-video.2017-09-14-17.01.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Roll Call (pollo, 17:01:20) * DebConf17 post-mortem (pollo, 17:03:48) * voctomix: we need some solution for monitoring disk space (pollo, 17:04:58) * voctomix: we need some easier way to shut down recording for the evenings (pollo, 17:05:19) * voctomix: tally lights should be part of our kit from the start (pollo, 17:05:57) * voctomix: we should keep an eye on a/v desync (pollo, 17:08:57) * cameras: we are happy with our purchase (pollo, 17:11:29) * cameras: we should check if we can disable shut down on lid closure (pollo, 17:12:10) * look for spot / matrix auto focus settings (RattusRattus, 17:12:38) * cameras: we should include batteries and cameras setup in the morning check (pollo, 17:14:15) * audio: using in house tech is generally a bad idea (pollo, 17:14:51) * audio: having some audio monitoring for the stream monitoring would be nice (pollo, 17:16:03) * audio: morning check should include a check of the sound desks (pollo, 17:16:23) * re venu sound - we need room mix and seporate video stream mix (a foldback mix or similar) (RattusRattus, 17:16:31) * review: we should try to have separate machines for network and review (pollo, 17:22:46) * : ansible is nice but slow (pollo, 17:25:07) * ansible: we still have cleanup to do (pollo, 17:25:28) * ansible: when alioth will be replaced, we will need to setup a PR and review workflow (pollo, 17:26:31) * ansible: we should try to have DSA members hang out more in the NOC (pollo, 17:27:36) * talks: we should try to continue making clear that videod talks need to be scheduled in advance (pollo, 17:28:42) * talks: we should try to clarify the videoed/not videoed status more (pollo, 17:29:06) * talks: the video reviewer field in wafer wasn't used (pollo, 17:30:10) * we should try to have a more coherent approach to volunteering (pollo, 17:33:06) * the way we do the video loop in vocto is wasteful for no reason (pollo, 17:33:27) * we should source a new laptop for judith (pollo, 17:33:58) * Planned sprints for the next year (pollo, 17:36:11) * action RattusRattus find space for 4 days before mini dc cambs? (is after ok?) (RattusRattus, 17:40:52) * AGREED: we will try to sprint 4 days before the Cambridge mini-conf (Thursday November 23rd - Sunday November 26th) (pollo, 17:41:21) * ACTION: pollo to flesh out the sprint details on a wiki page (pollo, 17:42:06) * AGREED: a sprint before FOSDEM seems to be the prefered winter sprint option (pollo, 17:46:38) * DC17 recordings (pollo, 17:47:59) * ACTION: tumbleweed to replace the webplayer links to VP9 and try to make dual source with lq happen (pollo, 17:53:09) * Training videos project (pollo, 17:53:46) * Next Meeting (pollo, 17:56:43) * AGREED: next meeting will be on October 12th, from 17:00 to 18:00 UTC (pollo, 17:58:00) * AOB (pollo, 17:58:06) Meeting ended at 17:59:22 UTC. Action Items ------------ * pollo to flesh out the sprint details on a wiki page * tumbleweed to replace the webplayer links to VP9 and try to make dual source with lq happen Action Items, by person ----------------------- * pollo * pollo to flesh out the sprint details on a wiki page * tumbleweed * tumbleweed to replace the webplayer links to VP9 and try to make dual source with lq happen * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * pollo (114) * wouter (76) * olasd (65) * RattusRattus (57) * tumbleweed (42) * paddatrapper (23) * highvoltage (10) * nattie (7) * MeetBot (2) * jathan (1) * tobi_ (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot